• Title/Summary/Keyword: Member utilization

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Member Utilization Concept Design for Hollow Circular Section Multi-column Tower Subjected to 10MW Level Wind Turbines (10MW급 풍력발전용 원형강관 멀티기둥타워의 부재유용도 개념설계)

  • Kim, Kyungsik;Kim, Mi Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2017
  • This study presents an example of conceptual design for hollow circular section multi-column tower system subjected to 10MW level wind load by introducing a method based on member utilization that examine both structural stability and economical efficiency. The basic assumptions for the proto type of a multi-column tower that can replace a single-cylinder tower were suggested and structural models were constructed following the assumptions and analyzed for identifying member forces. Based on the calculated member strengths and acting loads, the member utilization of the proposed multi-column tower structures were calculated for axial force, shear, bending and torsion and evaluaed for suitability as a wind tower. Design parameters such as steel tube dimensions, slenderness ratio, and number of floors for braces was proposed in the acceptable range of member utilization for conceptual design of multi-column wind towers.

LFG Utilization in Hong Kong (Case study of the Shuen Wan and Urban Landfills)

  • Lloyd, Bryce;Chan, Louis;Nardelli, Ray;Sullivan, Kevin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling Conference
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    • 2001.05b
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2001
  • This paper provides a case study of landfill gas (LFG) utilization fer direct use as process fuel, and for electrical power generation at restored landfills in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China (HKSAR). The paper specifically covers the LFG utilization schemes, which are required under landfill restoration contracts at the Shuen Wan and Urban Landfills. These contracts provide for the restoration and aftercare of six landfills, and are administered by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) of the Hong Kong Government. The LFG utilization scheme at the Shuen Wan Landfill incorporates the direct use of LFG by compressing and dehumidifying the LFG prior to conveyance through a 1.6-kilometer (1-mile) pipeline. The pipeline provides an alternate fuel source to naphtha during process heating for gas production at the Tai Po Gas Production Plant of the Hong Kong and China Gas Limited (HKCC). The LFG utilization scheme at the Jordan Valley Landfill (one of the Urban Landfills) beneficially uses the LFG as fuel for electrical power generation with reciprocating internal combustion engines. The LFG is compressed, cooled, and filtered prior to delivery to two engine/generator sets. This system provides power to operate the leachate pre-treatment plant, which processes leachate from all of the Urban Landfill sites. The case study will examine the technical and non-technical considerations, including harriers, for developing, designing and implementing the LFG utilization projects in Hong Kong. Specific regulatory considerations and external governmental agency approvals are discussed, including the requirement to register as a gas-producing utility. While the paper focuses on LFG utilization applications in Hong Kong, many of the considerations discussed are also applicable to development of LFG utilization in other regions of Asia.

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Study on mechanical behavioral characteristics of the curved FRP-concrete composite member for utilization as a tunnel lining structure (터널 라이닝 구조체로서 활용을 위한 곡면 FRP-콘크리트 복합부재의 역학적 거동특성 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Gyu-Phil;Shin, Hyu-Soung;Kim, Seung-Han
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2011
  • Utilization of the fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) material has been increased as an alternative in a bid to supplement the problems with general construction materials such as long-term problems corrosion, etc. However, there are still many problems in using a linear-shaped FRP material for a tunnel lining structure which has arch-shape in general. In this study, the loading tests for the FRP-concrete composite member was carried out to evaluate their applicability as a tunnel reinforcement material, which are based on the results from preliminary numerical studies for identifying the behavioral characteristics of FRP-concrete composite member. Moreover, numerical analysis under the same condition as applied in the loading tests was again conducted for analysis of mechanical behavior of the composite member. As a result of the load test and numerical analysis, it appears that the FRP-concrete composite member is greatly subject to shear movement caused by bending tension acting on the interface between two constituent members.

A Study on the Utilization of Health Subcenter in a Rural Area (일부 농촌지역주민의 보건지소 이용에 관한 조사 -이화여자대학교 농촌지역사회 보건시범지역을 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Dong-Sun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 1984
  • In order to know about the utilization of health subcenter in a Korean rural community, a study was carried out through analyzing the records on the outpatients in Su-Dong Health Subcenter during 5 years from 1978 to 1982, and the following results were obtained. 1. The annual utilization rate of health subcenter of Su-Dong Myun showed decreasing tendency such as 946.6 in 1978, 886.4 in 1979, 736.5 in 1980, 708.3 in 1981 and 609.1 in 1982 per 1,000 people. 2. In terms of annual utilization rate of health subcenter by sex, utilization rate of female was higher than that of male such as in 1978 (male 908.6, female 986.3), 1979 (male 819.2, female 956.7) and 1981 (male 686.0, female 731.5) except 1980(male 790.0, female 683.3) and 1982(male 632.7, female 585.0). 3. Every year the 5 major diseases of the new patients cared in health subcenter were the same as follows; Diseases of the Respiratory System, Diseases of the Digestive System, Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Accident Poisoning and Violence, and Diseases of the Nervous System and Sensory Organ. 4. In terms of annual utilization rate of health subcenter by age, utilization rate of $0{\sim}4$ year group was highest every year such as 3,666.0 in 1978, 3,232.5 in 1979, 2,819.0 in 1980, 2,361.4 in 1981 and 2408.7 in 1982 per 1,000 people. 5. The average visiting times per case to health subcenter were not much different every year such as 1.75 times in 1978, 1.79 times in 1979, 1.69 times in 1980, 1.79 times in 1981, and 1.80 times in 1982. 6. The monthly utilization rates per 1,000 people of health subcenter had two peaks in February(40.9 in 1980 and 86.4 in 1981) and July(84.6 in 1980 and 72.1 in 1981) except 1982. 7. The distribution of new patients by the source of medical fee payment was follows; community health organization member 86.9%, medicaid program 6.5%, and medical insurance 6.6% in 1980 and community health organization member 76.8%, medicaid program 11.4%, and medical insurance 11.8% in 1981 and community health organization member 78.2%, medicaid program 14.8% and medical insurance 13.2% in 1982.

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Analysis of factors affecting Korean Medicine utilization of multicultural family members (다문화가정의 한의의료이용에 미치는 요인 분석 연구)

  • Song, Minsun;Choi, Chanhun;Kim, Dongsu
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.60-72
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the Korean medical utilization and Korean medical expenses by characteristics of multicultural family members to investigate whether it affects Korean medical utilization. Methods: This study utilized The Korea Health Panel data in 2018, with 238 final participants. We performed a t-test and ANOVA on the difference between Korean medical utilization and Korean medical expenses according to Anderson's Model of Health Service Utilization variables. Logistic regression analysis and generalized linear model analysis were conducted to analyze Korean medical utilization factors. Results: The Korean Medical utilization was 12.61% among the multicultural family members. As a result of regression analysis, the female had high Korean medical utilization(p=.008), and rural area residents had low utilization(p=.017). Korean medical expenses were high when they were female or married. Including the utilization of western medical services by outpatients, Korean medical expenses were high when they were female or outpatients who received western medical services. Conclusions: As a result of this study, the factors influencing Korean medical utilization were gender and residence area. There were differences in Korean medical expenses depending on western medical services use or gender. Therefore, it is necessary to use these factors to expand the Korean Medical utilization by multicultural family members, and research of the Korean medical utilization by disease is needed.

Bending Characteristic Evaluations Circular Cross-section Carbon Composite and Hybrid Structural Material (원통단면 탄소복합재와 혼성 구조부재의 굽힘 특성 평가)

  • Kim, Jung-Ho;Jeong, Jong-An;Kim, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.421-424
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    • 2012
  • Carbon Fiber reinforced composite material can be designed for the optimized performances of structural member that have achieve appropriate mechanical properties with cross-sectional shape, fiber direction, stacking sequence and thickness. So there are needed extensive databases each optimal design of CFRP structural member by impact through the preparation of different shape, interface number, thickness and stacking angle. When pressure is applied to structural member, compression, bending and torsion is shown on the corresponding member. For the effective utilization of fiber reinforced composite material as main structural member, optimized design technology should be established to maximize mechanical properties for compression, bending and torsion. In this paper, CFRP prepreg sheet with different stacking angle is manufactured in CFRP and hybrid(Al+CFRP) with circular cross-section. Strength and stiffness is gotten respectively by flexure test. CFRP structure and hybrid structure can be compared with each other. The best design guideline can be analyzed by use of this study result.

Modeling and prediction of buckling behavior of compression members with variability in material and/or section properties

  • Gadalla, M.A.;Abdalla, J.A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.631-645
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    • 2006
  • Buckling capacity of compression members may change due to inadvertent changes in the member section dimensions or material properties. This may be the result of repair, modification of section properties or degradation of the material properties. In some occasions, enhancement of buckling capacity of compression members may be achieved through splicing of plates or utilization of composite materials. It is very important for a designer to predict the buckling resistance of the compression member and the important parameters that affect its buckling strength once changes in section and/or material properties took place. This paper presents an analytical approach for determining the buckling capacity of a compression member whose geometric and/or material properties has been altered resulting in a multi-step non-uniform section. This analytical solution accommodates the changes and modifications to the material and/or section properties of the compression member due to the factors mentioned. The analytical solution provides adequate information and a methodology that is useful during the design stage as well as the repair stage of compression members. Three case studies are presented to show that the proposed analytical solution is an efficient method for predicting the buckling strength of compression members that their section and/or material properties have been altered due to splicing, coping, notching, ducting and corrosion.

TENDER WITH ACCORDANCE TO FIDIC $(F\acute{e}d\acute{e}ration Internationale des Ing\acute{e}nieurs-Conseils)$

  • Barbuzynski Stanislaw;Kim Soo-Yong;Lee Young-Dai
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2002
  • FIDIC $(F\acute{e}d\acute{e}ration Internationale des Ing\acute{e}nieurs-Conseils)$ is the worldwide federation of consulting engineering member associations dedicated to developing relationships between the consulting engineering profession and governments, funding agencies, banks, industry, commerce, contractors, suppliers and other construction industry professions. Today FIDIC membership numbers nearly 70 member associations from all parts of the globe. The members of each national association comply with FIDIC's code of ethics which calls for impartial advice, competence and fair competition. FIDIC acts as a forum for the exchange of views and information and actively encourages the discussion of matters of mutual concern among member associations. FIDIC prepared regulations concerning tenders, it is a method of choice of investment contractor, which serves to optimum of utilization of investment funds. FIDIC procedure is the most often used in international tenders.

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Analytical Model for CFTA Girder (CFTA 거더의 해석모델 개발)

  • Jeon, Jong-Su;Park, Seung-Jae;Kim, Yong-Jae;Park, Myoung-Gyun;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.169-170
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    • 2009
  • CFT structure has many advantages compared with the ordinary structural member made of steel or reinforced concrete. Because of increases in ductility, stiffness and load carrying capacity of overall structure owing to confinement effect of steel box and concrete, CFT structure is widely used to columns. Recently, the utilization of CFT member has been expanded to bridge structure as a girder member. The purpose of this study is to develop the analytical model and propose design method for CFTA girder bridge consisting of CFT structure, arch shape and tendons.

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Analysis of Member Information Collection in the National Level of Lifelong Education Information System (국가 수준 평생교육 정보시스템의 회원 정보 수집 현황 분석)

  • Beom, Sangyoon;Jeong, Youngsik
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2021
  • The quality growth of online education triggered by remote education platforms such as Coursera and edX has increased the demand for lifelong education through online platforms. In response, South Korea has also created various lifelong education support systems and sites in government agencies and local governments. Each support system and web sites created its own member information collection system. The systematic collection and utilization of learners' information requires an integrated member management system of each system. Therefore, the current status of member information collection of state-level lifelong education support systems was analyzed. Based on this, it distinguishes between member information that systems collect in common and information that they collect separately. It will help to bridge the items underlying the integrated membership framework.

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