• 제목/요약/키워드: Education Participation Motive

검색결과 41건 처리시간 0.02초

이민자의 법무부 사회통합프로그램 참여경험에 관한 연구 (A Study on Participation Experience of Immigrants in Korea Immigration & Integration Program of the Ministry of Justice)

  • 최배영;한은주
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.83-103
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    • 2012
  • This thesis is based on an in-depth interview on participation experience of ten immigrants who reside in S Multi-cultural Family Support Center that is located in Gyeonggi-do in Korea Immigration & Integration Program(KIIP). The purpose of this research is to present through it's basic data for improvement in the operation of KIIP in the future by grasping participation process in KIIP that the immigrants have experienced, problems involved in their operation, and related requirements. Major results of the research are as follows: First, the motive for the immigrants' participation in KIIP was to acquire Korean nationality, learn Korean, and prepare for their future in Korea. Second, as a difficulty in participation in KIIP, access to educational institutions loomed large. Third, regarding improvements in the operation of KIIP, marriage immigrants needed to continue Korean language education, whereas other immigrants revealed a demand for opening evening classes or weekend classes. In the final analysis, it seems that for KIIP to provide an opportunity for the immigrants to have a vision for their life in the future, as well as for its realization in Korean society, policy-oriented institutional support that pays attention to their life situation and demands is badly needed.

제주지역 여성사회교육에 관한 연구 (A Study on Cheju Women's Social Education)

  • 고보선
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.61-84
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate Cheju Women\`s Social Education to improve social education. The data were collected by means of Questionnaire distributed to a stratified sample of 1,447 women in Cheju. Frequency, percentile, mean, x$^2$, t-test, one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The study resulted in five major findings. The majority of respondents had a experience of social education. The motive of participation was to adapt oneself to new social circumstances. The respondents satisfied with social education. But, the discontented person pointed out level of lecturer. The respondents required foci educational institutions to teach social education for licences. They preferred teaching practice to theory. This study will be a primary material for development of programs which are aimed at enhancing women's abilities and roles in accordance with the changes in social structure and the circumstances of the times.

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"환경"과 부전공 자격연수의 문제점과 개선방향 (The problems and improvement directions of certificate in-service training for "Environment" subjects)

  • 김인호;이선경
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.138-150
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    • 1995
  • The quality of environmental education in school depends on the quality of environment teacher, who develops his/her ability through avalible courses such as in-service training and communication et al. This study was performed with the questionnaire to 179 teachers who participated in certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects on winter of '95 and summer of '96. The questionnaire included 28 items, which could be categorized 5 parts : the environmental consciousness of teachers, their awareness of environmental education in schools, the reason of participation, the limits and requirements of learning field, avalible teaching and learning methods. The improvements and suggestions derived from this study are summarized as follows: First, it is necessary to differentiate in-service training concerning environment, because the motive of teacher's participation is diverse and is not always suitable to the purpose of certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects. Second, the teaching contents and programs of certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects have to be various according to the characteristics and major subjects of teachers. Third, it deserves special emphasis that the field trips and survey for the experiential study in field is supplemented in the teaching contents and programs of certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects. Also, it is necessary to strengthen the environmental ethics and philosophy in the teaching contents and programs.

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자원봉사자의 참여동기 및 대인관계가 자원봉사활동 만족도에 미치는 영향 - 충북 ○군을 중심으로 - (Study on the impact of volunteers' participation motives and interpersonal relationship on the volunteer satisfaction - Fucusing on ○-gun in Chungcheongbuk-do -)

  • 강희진;조성제
    • 한국정보전자통신기술학회논문지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 자원봉사자의 참여동기 및 대인관계가 자원봉사활동 만족도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한다. 연구대상은 중부권 ${\bigcirc}$군에 소재한 자원봉사단체 회원 313명이며, 2014년 4월2일부터 8월31일까지 설문조사를 실시하였다. 자료 분석은 SPSSWIN 18.0프로그램을 이용하여 t-test, 상관분석, 다중회귀분석을 실시하였고 실증분석은 유의수준 5%에서 검증하였다. 분석결과는 첫째, 일반적 특성에서는 여성, 고학력, 기혼자의 봉사활동만족도가 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 지역특성에 따른 봉사활동 만족도는 장기거주자, 봉사활동이 지역발전에 기여한다는 인식이 높은 봉사자의 만족도가 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 자원봉사 활동 참여동기가 높은 자원봉사자는 자원봉사활동 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 자원봉사자들의 대인관계가 원만할수록 봉사활동만족도가 높은 것을 알 수 있다. 본 연구의 시사점은 봉사활동 참여동기와 대인관계가 자원봉사활동 만족도에 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로, 향후 자원봉사자의 만족도 향상을 위한 개선정책의 기초자료가 될 것으로 사료된다.

도시공원 자원봉사행동의 지속성 연구 -서울시 자원봉사단체를 사례로- (A Study on the Continuity of Volunteering in Urban Park)

  • 이준미;이규목
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • Urban parks provide good services to the community, and they are enhanced by citizen participation. For that especially, organizational and continued volunteering can be a key strategy. The purpose of this study is to establish factors on promoting the continuity of volunteering in voulatary associations of urban parks. Variables of continuity are continual will, continual time, and psychological continuance motive. To add to this, this study is intended to inquiry about recognition and compensation that volunteers want to receive. The major findings are as follows: First, The main participantes were housewives with high education. Second, Continual will was influenced by gender, profession, the satisfactory degree for individual pursuit an ideal, and the degree of confidence with members. Third, Continual time was influenced by profession and individual network in community. Forth, Continual motive was influenced by individual network in community, the result-analysis behavior of related government organ, the degree of confidence and the degree of ties with members. Finally, Volunteers wanted to receive the volunteering expenses, the compensation about accident, and emotional recognitions. In sum : to ensure the continuity of volunteering, first, recruiting of volunteers is demanded to select a major target group in the community. Second, a voulatary association helps to make confidence and ties with members. Third, the related government organ strives for volunteers to have a positive recognition of the organ's attitudes, for the volunteer association to have a clearly distinguished area of action from the organ's one, and a co-operative system. Finally, an institution needs to be established to give emotional recognitions as well as volunteering expenses and acompensation for accidents.

환경교육 교수.학습 능력 함양을 위한 교수연수의 실시 및 평가 연구 (Implementation and Evaluation of In-Service Teacher Training Program for Teaching-Learning in Environmental Education)

  • 최돈형;이미옥;윤성현
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.183-199
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an in-service teacher training program for professional development in environmental education. In order to achieve the goal, the in- service teacher training program for professional development in environmental education development / implement team is formed to deal with the development and the implementation of the program. The team is composed of environmental education professionals and environmental education teachers. After the development of the program, 20 teachers were selected to implement the program. Then, through various researches such as interview, monitoring, and survey, the evaluation of the program was done. After the evaluation, the feedback on the program was collected in order to apply the final adjustments and changes to the developed training program for professional development in environmental education. The training program is designed to include the wide range of theories and real life cases. It focuses on certain topic, and is implemented through workshop type training method to increase the participation rate. The major motive of the participants was to develop their professionality in environmental education. Based on the analysis of the training program and the workshop, 69.1% of the program is focused on the environmental education/learning theory, and 71.4% is focused on the environmental education teaching method. The environmental education teaching method is focused on the real life teaching method that could be used in many schools. However, the parts on environmental education philosophy, psychology, and evaluation was not included as a part of the program. Also, the evaluation method of the students learning the environmental education was not introduced as a part of the program as well. It is due to the limited time frame of the training program, as well as its focus on the training method of environmental program. Based on the analysis of the evaluation results obtained through monitoring, the training program for professional development in environmental education is successful in terms of focusing the goal of the program around the environmental education/learning theory and environmental education teaching method, which was the motive of the participants. However, the effectiveness of the program differed from participants to participants based on their majors in environmental education, and it did not last long enough. The future training program for professional development in environmental education should consider the backgrounds of the program participants to have various programs prepared for various groups of people. We suggest that the results of this developed program will be applied to "environmental education teacher licence training" in the future.

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건강가정지원센터 아이 돌봄 활동가의 '돌봄 노동' 방향성 연구 (A Study on 'Care Work' Directionality of Child Care Helper in Healthy Family Support Centers)

  • 이은주;전미경
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the motive of participating in the care work, the overall cognition survey for the care work and the infant care practice areas required in the care work for the child care helpers who activate in the care work, and search for methods of specializing infant care and care experiences on the results. Results of study showed that firstly, middle- or the late middle-age women participated in the care worker recognized care work as productive labor to create economic value and that secondly, the child care helpers' recognition degree of self-development and job satisfaction through performance of care work was wholly high level and that there was will of participation in training for self-development but actual participation rate was low due to restrictions by general conditions. Thirdly, the infant care practice areas and their particular contents that the child care helpers recognized in the care work necessary were highly shown in the whole. The requested level of education for safety management, play guidance, humanity guidance for infant and child was high. Point to discuss is that occupation stability and occupation image must be raised through the public job-hunting system for the child care helpers. In addition, a tailor-made education support suitable for the child care helpers' career stage is needed. Education support by the performance of infant care practice area and the educational requirements must be provided to major rearers to ensure that they can function as behavioral and emotional supporters. Finally, a support system for continuous self-management.

치과 디지털 활용에 관한 치과위생사의 인식 (Perceptions of dental hygienists toward digital dentistry)

  • 김영선;박현숙;구인영
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.909-916
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of dental hygienists toward digital dentistry. Methods : The subjects were 393 dental hygienists in Daegu Gyeongbuk. A total of 380 data were analyzed except the incomplete questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA using SPSS version 18.0. Results : 1. Difference of perception by general characteristics was affected by age, academic background, working career, and married. 2. Difference of perception by utilization of digital facilities was affected by digital camera, CAD/CAM system, oral scanner, and computer system. 3. Difference of perception by digital education experience and intention of participation was affected by stronger intention to participate in digital education and practical exercise. Digital X-ray system and CAD/CAM system were the must-be equipment in education. Conclusions : Utilization of digital dentistry is the motive for education experience in dental hygienists.

유튜브를 활용한 온라인 평생교육의 참여동기가 학습몰입에 미치는 영향에서 학업적 자기효능감의 매개효과 분석 (Analysis of the Mediating Effect of Academic Self-efficacy in the Effect of Motivation to Participate of Online Lifelong Education Using YouTube on Learning Flow)

  • 김태린
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.527-541
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 COVID-19 확산으로 학습자가 급증하고 있는 유튜브를 통한 온라인 평생교육의 참여동기, 학업적 자기효능감, 학습몰입 간의 구조적 관계를 분석하였다. 연구를 위해 수도권에 거주하는 성인 학습자를 대상으로 2021년 7월 16일부터 30일까지 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사 참여자는 총 428명이며, 불성실한 응답 19건을 제외하고 총 409부의 결과를 분석하였다. 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구모형의 적합도는 모두 분석에 적합한 것으로 검증되었다. 둘째, 연구모형의 각 경로 계수와 통계적 유의성을 확인한 결과, 유튜브 평생교육 참여동기는 학습몰입과 학업적 자기효능감에 정적 영향을 미치고, 학업적 자기효능감도 학습몰입에 정적 영향을 미치고 있다. 셋째, 유튜브 평생교육 참여동기가 학업적 자기효능감을 매개로 학습몰입에 미치는 영향은 통계적으로 유의미한 부분 매개로 확인되었다. 본 연구는 COVID-19에 의한 평생교육의 디지털 전환을 반영하여 유튜브를 활용한 온라인 평생교육의 참여동기, 학업적 자기효능감, 학습몰입 간의 구조적 관계분석을 검증하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 연구결과를 통해 COVID-19 이후에 형성된 평생교육 재규정 필요성 및 디지털 전환의 흐름을 반영하여 평생교육이 학습자의 참여동기를 제고하였다. 또한 학업적 자기효능감을 매개로 학습몰입을 강화할 수 있는 방법을 논의하였다.

노인의 자원봉사활동 참여 동기와 활동만족도 간의 영향관계 (The Relations between Participation Motive and Satisfaction Level of the Volunteer Activities of the Elderly People)

  • 김창석;최수일
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.315-326
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 노인들의 자원봉사활동 참여 동기를 알아보고, 그 동기가 자원봉사활동 만족에 미치는 영향관계를 분석하여 노인들이 자원봉사활동에 적극적으로 참여하는데 도움을 주고자 하였다. 설문지는 경기도 고양 및 파주지역의 노인복지관, 건강가정지원센터, 실버경찰대에서 활동 중인 60세 이상의 자원봉사자들로부터 297부를 수거하여 분석에 사용하였다. 수집된 자료는 빈도분석, 요인분석, 그리고 회귀분석 등을 사용하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자원봉사활동 참여 동기는 자아실현, 사회적 활동, 사회적 책임감, 그리고 개인성취의 네 가지 요인으로 분류되었고, 이들 모든 요인은 자원봉사활동 만족도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 자원봉사활동 참여 동기와 활동만족도는 연령, 학력, 소득, 종교 유무 그리고 건강상태 등 인구통계학적 특성에 따라 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다.