• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2015 개정 과학과교육과정

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Development of Quest-Based Mobile STEAM Content for Scientific Experiments in Middle Schools (중학교 과학실험을 위한 퀘스트 기반 모바일 STEAM 콘텐츠 개발)

  • Lee, Hyunju;Kim, Yuri;Park, Chan Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.88-98
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    • 2019
  • As the 2015 revised curriculum is being implemented from 2018, efforts are being made to cultivate scientific literacy among students in the field of science. Scientific experiments help students to develop their interest in Science and their scientific attitudes. Learning through experimentation rather than learning scientific facts increases learners' understanding, and can be remembered longer. Therefore, experiments in Science subject are very important. However, in middle schools, scientific experiments are not performed due to the lack of time, budget and experimental material. In this research, we analyze middle school science textbooks, conduct questionnaires for students of science pre-service teachers, select the most important science experiments, and develop a mobile App to simulate and experience scientific experiments with the App. The proposed App is developed in a game format using quest-based learning methods to gain learning enhancement. It is also made using Unity. In this paper, after developing the app, we propose the direction of STEAM contents development through analyzing the difference from existing apps and the feedback from users.

Development of Citizenship Promoting Home Economics Education Curriculum through Critical Literacy: Focusing on Housing Area of Middle School (비판적 리터러시를 통한 시민성 함양 가정과 교육과정 개발: 중학교 주생활 영역을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Kyungseon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.57-80
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a Home Economics education curriculum that can promote citizenship through critical literacy. To this end, the 'housing' area in the 2015 revised curriculum of home economics and textbooks were analyzed from a critical literacy perspective. Using Laster(1986)'s critical science curriculum development course and "A Teacher's guideFamily, Food and Society"(Staaland & Storm, 1996), a 'Citizenship raising curriculum of home economics education in the housing area.' was developed. The results of this research are as follows. First, when the the curriculum was examined, the teaching objectives of the overall subject, or the achievement criteria, learning elements, and evluative methods of the housing area consisted of practical problem solving curriculum that can include critical literacy content. In addition, as a result of analyzing the text of the three textbooks' housing areas, it was found that most of them were described as adapting to and coping with the current culture, and few problems or social issues were mentioned that could lead to critical literacy. Second, the housing area curriculum for critical literacy learning was developed, with a total of 13 plan of 7 modules including continuous interests, valued ends, learning contents, and 26 learning materials including reading materials, and video materials. Based on the findings, the next curriculum and textbook should address social issues related to critical literacy and various classes of housing, and teachers' communities and training should be operated to support teachers who can be examplary for practical reasoning and critical thinking.

Sustainable Education Program for Middle School Students for the Global Environment (중학생 대상 지구환경을 위한 지속가능한 식생활교육 프로그램)

  • Lee, Young Eun;Yoo, Se Jong;Lee, Jung Woo;Koh, Jeewon;Kim, Yookyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a sustainable dietary education program using garden vegetables for middle school students. Textbook analysis and demand survey were conducted before developing the program. Ten textbooks of technology and home economics for middle and high school students were analyzed and the results showed that none of the textbooks covered food gardening. Two hundred and six middle school students participated in the demand survey and the results revealed that students lack an understanding of food gardening despite high interest. Therefore, six sessions of a sustainable dietary education program using garden vegetables were developed based on a six-step DESIGN procedure. Then, the content validity of the program was evaluated by three experts and the program was revised based on the results. This dietary education program will lead students to live a sustainable diet, eventually benefiting the health and wellness of individuals, communities and ecosystems.

Development of Lesson Plans in the Human Development & Family Domain of the Home Economics Curriculum to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (가정교과 내 인간발달과 가족 영역에서 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 달성을 위한 교수·학습과정안 개발)

  • Lim, Jungha;Kim, Kyungmin;Choi, Jungwon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to provide lesson plans that can simultaneously achieve both the learning goals of the 'Human Development & Family' domain of the 2015 revised Technology & Home Economics curriculum and the Sustainable Development Goals. Four steps including analysis, design, development, and evaluation and revision were followed. In the analysis step, the 'Changing Families and Healthy Families' unit was selected as it is relevant to the nine subgoals of the SDGs. In the design step, three sessions were planned with a problem-solving project approach. In the development step, three lesson plans for each session, individual and group activity worksheets for students, and guidelines for teachers were constructed. In the evaluation and revision step, criteria for evaluating the lesson plans were developed reflecting both the goals of the Home Economic curriculum and the SDGs. The validity of the lesson plans was reviewed by a panel of experts. Then, the revised lesson plans were finalized. This study provides an illustrative example of the lesson plans in the secondary education context that can be used to achieve the learning goals of the Home Economic curriculum and the Sustainable Development Goals at the same time.

Science Teachers' Actual and Preferred Cases of Assessment in 'Scientific Inquiries in History' of Science Inquiry Experiment (과학탐구실험의 '역사 속의 과학 탐구'에서 과학교사의 평가 실태와 평가 지향 조사)

  • Minhwan, Kim;Dahae, Park;Taehee, Noh
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.597-610
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we investigated actual cases of assessment science teachers conducted and the cases they preferred in a typical situation based on the curriculum in the context of 'Scientific Inquiries in the History' of Scientific Inquiry Experiment. A questionnaire composed of descriptive questions was developed and a survey was conducted with 70 science teachers with experience in teaching 'Scientific Inquiries in History'. Interviews were conducted with eight of them. The assessment cases were analyzed in terms of the assessment areas and assessment methods, and the results were compared. The analyses of the results revealed that 'scientific inquiry ability' accounted for the highest ratio of the assessment areas in the actual cases of assessment. There were few cases that assessed the core concepts presented in the curriculum, 'the nature of science' and 'scientists' inquiry methods'. The assessment methods were greatly biased toward the report method and various assessment methods were not used. In preferred cases of assessment, the ratio of cases that assessed the core concept increased slightly, however the frequencies remained at a low. As for the assessment methods in preferred cases of assessment, the measurement methods decreased, the performance methods increased, and the informal methods which were not shown in the actual cases appeared. However various assessment methods were still not used. The causes of the survey results were analyzed based on the opinions of the teachers who participated in the interviews. Based on above results, plans to actively conduct NOS assessments in Scientific Inquiry Experiment are discussed.

The analysis of duplicated contents of 'Food and Nutrition unit' of Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students (중학교 가정교과와 타 교과 교과서의 '식생활 단원' 중복 내용 분석 - 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 가정, 과학, 도덕, 체육, 보건교과서를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Su Joeng;Chae, Jung Hyun;Yu, Nan Sook;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze duplicated contents of 'Food and Nutrition unit' of Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students. In order to achieve the purpose, the textbooks of "Home Economics I II", "Science I II III", "Ethics I II", "Physical education", and "Health education" were analyzed. The results of the analyses were as follows. According to the analyses of the common contents with other subjects related to the 'Food and Nutrition unit' in the "Home Economics I II" textbooks for the middle school students under the 2009 revised curriculum, the high percentages of the common contents were found in "Science" curriculum and "Health education" curriculum, followed by "Physical education" and "Ethics". It was observed that the Home Economics curriculum provided not only the theoretical basis about the dietary issues that the youth faces but also a plan to address those issues, as "Home Economics" textbooks were focused on 'dietary problems of the youth', 'balanced diet', 'green diet', and 'Korean-style diet'. The "Science" curriculum focused on scientific theories and principles, as the "Physical Education"and the "Health education" focused on health. In contrast, it was revealed that the "Ethics" curriculum considered 'Koreans' identity' and 'environment'. Overall as for the strength of 'Food and Nutrition unit' of "Home Economics"compared to those of other subjects, comprehensive contents for dietary life had been dealt with according to the development of the adolescent in "Home Economics", while other subjects focused on specific contents or examples concerned with 'Food and Nutrition unit'. In this regard, the dietary education for the middle school students will be more effectively conducted by "Home Economics", as compared with other subjects.

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The analyses of duplicated contents of 'Family life' unit of Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students - Focusing on the 2009 revised curriculum - (중학교 가정 교과 교과서와 타 교과 교과서 '가족생활' 영역의 중복성 분석 - 2009 개정 가정과 교육과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Elli;Yu, Nan Sook;Chae, Jung Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.85-109
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the duplicated contents of 'family life' unit of home economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students. It focused on the 'family life' area in the home economics textbook compiled following the 2009 revised curriculum, and textbooks of other subjects compiled in the same period. To achieve the purpose of this study, "Home economics I II", "Ethics I II", "Social studies I II", "Science I II III", and "Physical education"were analyzed. The results were as follows. The contents in 'family life' area of "Home economics I II" were overlapped most in the textbook on Ethics, and then Science, Physical education, and social studies in order. In Ethics textbook the contents in family life area and those throughout the whole chapters of home economics textbook are overlapped most. The contents of home economics textbook are overlapped at the content of 'Juvenile's sexual development' of 'Human development process' in science and physical education, and at the content of 'Juvenile's emotional and social development' of 'Understanding of human development' in social studies. Seen from this study the 'family life' area of home economics is overlapped in science, physical education, and social studies, but, home economics has comprehensive contents with the goal of managing healthy individual and family life compared with other subjects, and it induces students' moral practices in their real life on the basis of scientific knowledge different from morality, social studies, and physical education. Hence, the instruction of 'family life' area might be done more effectively by focusing on home economics and integrating the connections of duplicated contents in Ethics, Science, Physical education, and Social studies.

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The Development of an Astronomical Observing Education Program for High School Science Club Activities - Inquiring Distances of Open Clusters Using Small Telescopes - (고등학교 과학동아리 천체 관측 교육 프로그램 개발 - 소형 망원경을 활용한 산개성단의 거리 탐구 -)

  • Choi, Dong-Yeol;Yoon, Ma-Byong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.300-312
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an astronomical observing education program that enables high school students to inquire the distance of astronomical bodies based on the research methods (observing open clusters and exploring collected big data) using small telescopes and DSLR cameras. After analyzing the 2015 revised science curriculum, we developed science club activity materials and teacher-student learning contents suitable for high school earth science education. A panel of six teachers and researchers of earth science education and astronomy, participated in developing the educational materials. The validity of the program was verified through establishing the agreement among the panels after in-depth discussions and clarifications. The program, developed with 10 lessons in total, showed high satisfactory content validity (CVI, .89) and conformity of school class (Likert's 5 point scales, 4.17). The feedback of the panels and the Delphi analysis continued to improve the quality of the program. The pilot testing result with high school students (N=9) showed that the students' satisfaction rate was high as 4.48. Using the astronomical observational education program of this study is expected to contribute in improving the convergence educational activity, interest, curiosity, and inquiry ability of students in the universe and the astronomical bodies.

A Comparative Study of Illustration on the Grade 5 and 6 Science Textbook in Elementary School between the 2007 Curriculum and 2009 Revised Curriculum (2007과 2009 개정 교육과정의 초등학교 5, 6학년 과학 교과서 삽화 비교 연구)

  • KIM, Yong-Gwon
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to consider whether current science textbook is designed to let children properly obtain scientific knowledge through research study and at the same time provide an implication to help development of science textbook for the 2015 revised curriculum through comparing and analyzing of illustration in science textbooks of grade 5 and 6 published based on the 2007 curriculum and on the 2009 revised curriculum. The conclusion of comparison and analysis on illustration of the grade 5 and 6 science textbooks in the 2007 curriculum and the 2009 revised curriculum as follows. First, according to the comparison and analysis result on in the textbook, science textbook of year 2009 revised for grade 5 and 6 had 1.65 illustration per page and for the 2007 curriculum, it had 1.98 illustrations per page having 0.83 times more illustrations than that of the previous one. Second, the types of illustrations both textbooks had a higher ratio of pictures that are very detailed and objective which can identify scientific facts. In terms of role of illustration, illustrations providing various and realistic data related to the learning for students to have enough scientific experiences accounted for the most ratios.

Eighth Grade Students' Perception of the Science Core Competencies (중학교 2학년 학생들의 과학 교과 역량에 대한 인식)

  • Kim, Kab Young;Kim, Jae Hyun;Jang, Nak Han;Kim, Hyun Jung
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we analyzed the reflection degree of science core competencies, which is presented in second grade middle school science textbooks, and the perception of science core competencies of second year middle school students. To do this, we analyzed the frequency of presentation of science core competencies in middle school second grade textbooks, and surveyed 400 students from three schools in Chungnam area to find out their perception of science core competency. The survey consisted of 15 questions consisting of a five-step Likert scale and 5 ranking questions. The survey analyzed the responses of 327 people who responded faithfully and conducted a post-interview survey to interpret the survey results. The main findings are as follows: First, in the second grade middle school science textbook, the proportion of 'scientific thinking', 'scientific inquiry,' and 'scientific communication' is large, and the students are perceived to have a high proportion of 'scientific thinking,' 'scientific inquiry,' and 'scientific problem solving' in the textbook. Second, students recognize that the proportion of 'scientific inquiry' and 'scientific problem solving' in the evaluation conducted in school was high, and the proportion of 'scientific communication' and 'scientific participation and lifelong learning' was very low. Third, the most important competency in science that students perceive is the 'scientific problem solving,' the competency they wanted most from science is the 'scientific inquiry,' and the competency most needed to live in future society is the 'scientific communication.' Fourth, in the case of 'scientific participation and lifelong learning,' it is an important element of science literacy, but the proportion of consisting science textbooks is low, and students are not aware of the importance or necessity in science.