• Title/Summary/Keyword: 핵심교과목

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Improvement of basic Academic Skills for Junior College Students : Based on a Case Study of D College (전문대학 기초학습능력 향상 방안: D 대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Kil-Sung;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.468-476
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    • 2011
  • A lack of basic academic skills of junior college students has negatively impacted on the quality of vacational education and student dropout prevention, and yet it is true that there still are unclear alternatives or solutions to come up with that concern. As a way to find out the actual levels of basic academic skills of junior college students and educational efforts to improve these skills, the study investigated prior studies and benchmarked strengths and weaknesses of the related educational programs and supporting systems operated by ten junior colleges around the nation. Further, the study addressed emerging issues and challenges related to basic academic skills, based on the case study of D college. Major research methodologies included literature review, surveys for students and faculty members and focus-group interviews of faculty members in order to examine the states of students' basic academic skills in the area of language, in particular. Accordingly, the study proposed several suggestions with which educational practitioners could assist in supporting students to acquire improved basic academic skills(such as the development of a competence-based curriculum, implementation of reliable diagnosis tools and supporting educational systems for evaluating students' basic academic skills and upgrading of diverse teaching and learning resources and methods).

A study on Developing Competency-based Curriculum of International Social Welfare (국제사회복지 역량중심 교육과정개발에 관한 연구)

  • Un, Sun Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.508-518
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for international social workers. Due to the changed circumstances of social welfare agencies, the demand for international social welfare and the need for suitable training for social welfare education agencies has increased. This study explored the job competency of international social welfare and suggested a competency-based curriculum for international social welfare. Researchers analyzed the social welfare NCS, social welfare curriculum and job of international development cooperation agencies and presented a combined curriculum for international development cooperation and social welfare. The findings are as follows: the core subjects of international social welfare are "Human Rights and Social Welfare", "International Social Welfare", NGOs and International Development Cooperation", "the North Korea Development Project", "International Development Cooperation and ODA", "PCM (Project Cycle Management)", "Evaluation and Monitoring", "Seminars in International Social Welfare", "International Social Welfare Practicum", "International Social Welfare Internship", "Community Welfare and Practice", "Program Planning and Evaluation for Social Welfare", "Social Welfare Ethics and Philosophy", "Skills and Techniques for Social Work Practice", "Multicultural Social Welfare", "Poverty and Social Welfare", "Social Enterprise and the Third Sector", "Social Problems", etc.

A Study on comparing competency of college students and construction company workers (건축전공 대학생과 건설회사 노동자의 역량 비교 분석)

  • Hwang, Tae-hong
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the non-cognitive domains (self-management competency, interpersonal relations competency) and cognitive domains (physical communication competency, comprehensive reasoning ability) among K-CESA for college students in the Division of Architecture at 𐩒𐩒 University and construction company workers, after which a training program for college students was designed. A K-CESA diagnostic evaluation was conducted on 25 construction company workers and 36 students in the senior and junior years of the division of Architecture. To identify the discrepancies among the two groups, "One-way ANOVA", a mean difference test, was performed and the Scheffe verification system was conducted as an after-measure. The empirical analysis of this study was verified at the significance level p <.05, and statistical processing was analyzed utilizing the SPSS WIN. 23.0 program. The major findings are as follows: first, the significant point of difference between the college students and construction company workers were located in five skills (goal-oriented planning and execution skills, cooperative skills, intervention skills, leadership skills, speaking skills, analytical reasoning skills); second, the education program was developed to improve the goal-oriented planning, execution ability and analytical reasoning ability through the expert-required analysis and study research. Through follow-up studies, I suggested that there is a need to develop courses that compare the competencies of various majors and workers in public institutions, corporations and other organizations.

Operation of a 3-Year Training Program for Elementary and Secondary Administrators to Foster Creative Convergence Talent (창의융합 인재 양성을 위한 3년간의 초·중등 관리자 연수 프로그램 운영)

  • Jung, Yujin;Park, Namje
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2021
  • The 2015 revised curriculum is structured around the core competencies of the 21st century, this is in line with the world's flow of education, such as OECD Education 2030. A future practical leading model was studied to provide a variety of creative teaching and learning experiences to elementary and Secondary students using intelligent information technology to cultivate core competencies such as ICT and computing thinking. In order for this practical model to stably settle the school field, the training was planned and operated to strengthen the creative convergence education capacity required by the teachers at the unit school through various types of the training. In particular, a nationwide administrators training program was operated for three years, reflecting the new curriculum, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation that can lead to future convergence talent training. In this paper, the perception of creative convergence education was investigated and analyzed considering the influence that administrators may have on the school field. Based on this, through the three-year operation results of the training, it was intended to establish a new training method for stable access to future creative convergence education under the post-corona era's social issues.

Exploration of Contents Composition of High School Earth Science for the 2022 Revised Curriculum: Focus on the Area of Astronomy (2022 개정 교육과정 고등학교 지구과학 내용 구성 방안 탐색 -천문 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyunjong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.441-454
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we propose the composition of contents on the area of astronomy for high school Earth Science elective courses for the 2022 revised curriculum based on high school students' perceptions of changes in Earth Science core concepts over the curriculum revisions, and analysis of learning elements in the area of astronomy for domestic and foreign Earth Science curriculum. Four Earth Science education experts compared and analyzed the astronomy contents presented in Korea, the US, British Columbia (BC) in Canada, Japan, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) curriculum. According to the survey results, high school students who answered that they were most interested in the core concepts of astronomy expressed a lot of regret that the contents related to astronomical observation were eliminated from the 2015 revised curriculum. As a result of comparing domestic and foreign curriculum, Korea and IBDP curriculum dealt with the largest amount of learning elements in astronomy. In the case of BC in Canada and IBDP, astronomy was offered as an independent subject, and the curriculums of Japan and Korea dealt with astronomy in the Earth Science subject. According to the results, it is necessary to develop general elective courses in Earth Science with astronomy-related contents with high discriminating power in order to strengthen astronomy education. Since astronomy requires background knowledge from various disciplines and inter-disciplinary learning was required, it is necessary to organize the career-related elective courses in Earth Science so that astronomy can be dealt with according to the knowledge structure of general Astronomy. Based on the research results, ways to organize astronomy contents for Earth Science elective courses were suggested.

Implications in UNESCO's Concept of 'Cultural Diversity' and Its Application to the 「World Geography」 Subject (유네스코 '문화 다양성' 개념의 함축과 「세계지리」 과목에서의 실천 방안)

  • Jeon, Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.559-576
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    • 2016
  • The concept of 'cultural diversity' has emerged as a key concept and the buzzword of the 21st century's international community in education, science and culture sectors since UNESCO's "World Declaration on Cultural Diversity"(2001). However, the appropriate and correct implementation in educational level and in a subject scale can not be pursued without special understanding of multilateral implications of UNESCO's 'cultural diversity' because the concept of cultural diversity has been distributed to various applications according to individual scholars and institutions before the "World Declaration on Cultural Diversity" was released. The ultimate orientation of 'cultural diversity', the concept presented in "World Declaration on Cultural Diversity" is 'world peace' and 'the coexistence of various cultures of mankind'. In this regard, 'cultural diversity' has special 'educational' meaning to the next generation as well as the current one. Also, it is meaningful to take educational practices on cultural diversity in case of the "World Geography" subject in view of that international society of geographical education came up with "International Declaration of Geographical Education for Cultural Diversity" in the IGU(International Geographical Union) 2000. From this point of view, the author proposes that the 'cultural diversity' concept implies four folds of meanings as an ideology, as a symbol, as a vision, and as a epistemological turn based on the analysis of literatures on 'cultural diversity' of UNESCO, then presents an educational practice centering around the examples and its usage of teaching materials of cultural diversity.

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영어 발음 교육

  • 이영길
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1997.07a
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    • pp.258-259
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    • 1997
  • 1. 외국어로서의 영어 교육에 있어서 발음 지도는 어느 정도의 영어 수준에 도달하기를 기다릴 필요없이 가능한 한 저학년에서부터 직접 지도되어야 한다. 즉 영어 교육은 영어 발음 교육부터 시작되는 것이 가장 바람직하다. 어느 정도의 수준 높은 문법 이론을 알고 있는 (대)학생들이라도 발음에 관한 한 많은 연습이 요구되는 경우가 흔히 있다. 바꿔 말하면 이러한 학생들은 그들이 갖고 있는 문법 지식만큼 발음에 대한 적극적인 구사력도 당연히 발휘할 수 있어야할 것이다. 영어 교육을 강조할 때 문장 구조와 어휘 교육이 중요시된다면 발음 또한 조기 교육 단계부터 영어 교육 프로그램의 필수불가결한 요소로 인식되어야 한다. 그렇다면 제일 처음 무엇을 어떻게 시작 해야할 것인가\ulcorner 흔히 음소(phoneme)라는 말의 최소 단위부터 시작하여 자음군(consonant cluster)과 같은 음 결합체를 가르친 다음 단어 강세(word stress)를 다루며, 마지막으로 문장 강세(sentence stress), 리듬(rhythm), 억양(intonation) 등을 포함함 이음말(connected speech)을 가르치는 순서가 될 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 이러한 방법이 이론상 논리적이긴 하지만 실제로 영어를 외국어로 배우는 우리 학생들에게는 얼마나 효과를 거둘 수 있는지 매우 의심스렵다. 오히려 가장 유익한 순서는 기본 억양 과 같은 적절한 표현과 함께 주어진 화맥 속에서의 의미 있는 문장 강세를 가르치고 그 다음에 그에 수반되는 중요한 소리의 발음을 지적해 주는 것이다. 예를 들면 Give it to him과 같은 구조를 교사가 구두로 제시할 때 단어 하나 하나를 강조한 나머지 너무 천천히 말하게 되면 전체 문장의 발음을 오히려 어렵게 만들어버린다. 중요한 것 은 기본 의사소통에 필요한 부분에 초점을 맞추는 일이다. 개별 단어에 부수되는 문제점은 '보충 지도'(remedial teaching)로 교정이 가능하다. 2. 우리의 초등학교 영어 교육의 현황을 고려할 때 비록 발음 지도가 쉬운 일은 아니지만 미래 지향적 결과를 기대할 때 우선 두 가지를 생각할 수 있다. 첫째로 현재의 교육대학교의 교사양성에 있어서 영어교육의 교과과정을 염두에 두지 않을 수 없다. 1981년도부터 교육대학교가 4년제가 명실공히 영어과로 운영되기는 수년밖에 되지 않는 실정이다. 현재의 교과과정도 현장에서 영어교육을 담당하기에는 불충분할 뿐만 아니라 영어발음에 관한 뚜렷한 과정이 없는 실정이다. 혼히 외국인 강사가 담당하는 이른바 영어회화 시간이 곧 발음 시간도 될 수 있다고 생각하기 쉬우나 이것은 전적으로 별개의 문제이다. 따라서 체계적인 발음 교육을 할 수 있는 교과과정이 되기를 바란다. 3. 앞에서 언급했듯이 4년제 이전에 졸업한 현직 교사들은 재학 중 영어 발음에 관한 지도를 받아본 적이 없다. 여기서 중요한 것은 이들 교사들에게 적절하고도 충분한 발음 교육을 시켜야 하는 연수 과정이다. 소리로 듣고 말해야 하는 초둥 영어 교육에 서 교사의 발음에 관한 지식은 그 중요성을 아무리 과대평가해도 지나치지 않을 것이다. 문제는 연수 내용이다. 적어도 현재까지 실시되어 온 초둥영어교육 담당자 연수 교과목 내용은 핵심을 찾기 힘들 정도로 교파목이 다양하고 산만하다. 따라서 예를 들면 영어발음 지도에 관한 과목도 마지못해 끼워 넣는 식의 과목 배정이다. 여기에 고작 할당된 시간은 많아야 4시간 정도이다. 대학에서 한 학기에도 부족한 영어 발음을 아 무런 배경 지식도 없는 초등 교사들에게 4시간 동안 무엇을 어떻게 가르칠 것인가\ulcorner

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Analysis on the Curriculums of the Specialized Vocational High Schools Aided by Small and Medium Business Administration (중소기업청 지원에 의한 공업 계열 특성화고 교육과정 편성 실태 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Deul;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.85-109
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the measures to improve the curriculums of the specialized vocational high schools aided by Small and Medium Business Administration through estimating whether they have satisfied the purpose of the aids and analyzing the related factors. Among specialized vocational high schools aided by Small and Medium Business Administration, 49 technical high schools which comprised the largest proportion were chosen as subjects for this study. Among the 49 subjects, 57.1%(28 schools) are reported to be suitable, 36.7%(18 schools) so-so, and 6.2%(3 schools) unsuitable for the curriculums. The curriculums of specialized vocational high schools aided by Small and Medium Business Administration were mostly associated with the local strategic business. However, many of them implemented the pre-existed curriculums because they didn't reflect the job analysis of the business properly. To establish more effective curriculums of the specialized vocational high schools aided by Small and Medium Business Administration, most of all, guides for them should be prepared in its level. Also, midium and long-term development plans of school departments should be made to reorganize the current departments which hinder the specialization in curriculums by government or offices of education. Finally, a conference of government departments on the curriculum establishment should be organized.

A Study on the Software Convergence Education for Non-Majors Computer Science using Creative Robot (창작로봇을 이용한 비전공자의 소프트웨어 융합 교육에 관한 연구)

  • Ku, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.631-638
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    • 2017
  • In the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, lifestyle and industrial structures are faced with evolution from IT-based automation to the intelligent stage, demanding talents with software capabilities in various fields. Reflecting these demands, the government has enhanced basic software education for non-majors in elementary and secondary schools as well as universities. In this study, the software convergence education of Non-Majors is proposed to improve the general problem solving ability based on computational thinking and the software convergence ability in the field of their own by developing robot activity. The subjects of this study were 91 students, who were composed of various majors. The class was designed with computing thinking, convergence elements, and creative robot activity. The study was conducted for 13 weeks. To examine the effects of software convergence education through the creative robot activity, this study observed changes in the students' learning outcomes, satisfaction with creative robot activities, and perceptions of other disciplines after class based on pre-diagnosis surveys. The survey asked 12 questions including an understanding of the learning contents, overall satisfaction with multidisciplinary collaborative learning, understanding of other disciplines, and self-evaluation of problem solving ability through creative robot activities, which were compared with that before the class. They answered that their ability was improved.

The Effects of Application of PBL(Problem-Based Learning) Class on Nursing Education (간호교육에서 PBL(Problem-Based Learning) 수업의 적용 효과)

  • Kang, Ji-Soon;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Joo-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1460-1471
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    • 2019
  • This study applied the PBL class to the 'Nursing Process and Critical Thinking' courses in the second semester of 2018, and is a primitive research that utilized a single-group, pretest-posttest experimental design in order to examine the effects of the class on Critical Thinking Disposition, Problem Solving Ability, and Professional Self-Concept. Self-report questionnaires were administered to 59 nursing college students in G province. The PBL class consisted of 8 weeks of traditional lectures and 4 weeks of PBL classes. The SPSS/WIN 23.0 program was used for data analysis. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze the general characteristics, and mean, standard deviation and paired t-test were used to analyze the difference between the two groups. As a result, the Critical thinking Disposition of nursing college students was significantly increased(t=4.39, p<.001) after PBL class(3.71±.36) than before PBL class(3.41±.40). The Problem Solving Ability was notably improved(t=3.97, p<.001) after PBL class(3.70±.59) than before PBL class(3.36±.38). The Professional Self-Concept was considerably increased(t=4.84, p<.001) after PBL class(3.22±.50) compared to before PBL class(2.92±.28). Therefore, applying Problem-Based Learning in nursing education to a greater extent is estimated to be effective in increasing the core competencies of nursing college students.