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A Study on comparing competency of college students and construction company workers  

Hwang, Tae-hong (Woosong University)
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Industry Promotion Research / v.6, no.4, 2021 , pp. 31-38 More about this Journal
This study analyzed the non-cognitive domains (self-management competency, interpersonal relations competency) and cognitive domains (physical communication competency, comprehensive reasoning ability) among K-CESA for college students in the Division of Architecture at 𐩒𐩒 University and construction company workers, after which a training program for college students was designed. A K-CESA diagnostic evaluation was conducted on 25 construction company workers and 36 students in the senior and junior years of the division of Architecture. To identify the discrepancies among the two groups, "One-way ANOVA", a mean difference test, was performed and the Scheffe verification system was conducted as an after-measure. The empirical analysis of this study was verified at the significance level p <.05, and statistical processing was analyzed utilizing the SPSS WIN. 23.0 program. The major findings are as follows: first, the significant point of difference between the college students and construction company workers were located in five skills (goal-oriented planning and execution skills, cooperative skills, intervention skills, leadership skills, speaking skills, analytical reasoning skills); second, the education program was developed to improve the goal-oriented planning, execution ability and analytical reasoning ability through the expert-required analysis and study research. Through follow-up studies, I suggested that there is a need to develop courses that compare the competencies of various majors and workers in public institutions, corporations and other organizations.
K-CESA; Architectural engineering Core Competency; Construction Company Core Competency; Core competency; Curriculum;
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