• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제도적 지원방안

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A Study on the Development of Helicopter Accident Prevention Program by Spatial Disorientation (비행착각에 의한 헬리콥터 사고 예방 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Young-jin Cho
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2023
  • According to the results of a survey of pilots, 92% or 230 out of 252 respondents said they had experienced flight errors during flight. As so many pilots are experiencing Spatial Disorientation, and this is one of the main causes of aircraft accidents and loss of life, so it is important to understand accurately. However, in Korea, training equipment for fixed-wing pilots has already been developed and trained, or recently developed, and some equipment for helicopter pilots is available in the Korea Air Force, but there is no environment for helicopter pilots to receive training in Spatial Disorientation prevention. Therefore, we intend to produce a helicopter-only simulator, present a program to prevent possible Spatial Disorientation during flights for helicopter pilots, and propose legal and institutional measures based on future training data.

A Study on the compensation regime and response cost for oil pollution in Korea and advanced country (선진국과 우리나라의 유류오염 방제비용 및 피해보상제도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Du-Ho;Im, Taek-Soo;Na, Eun-Young;Kim, Han-Gyu
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 2006
  • With the rapid development of oil and chemical industry in the late 20C, massive transportation of oil by oil tanker vessel has grown and it caused the big oil pollution accidents. When oil spill from the oil tanker, damages reach into the astronomical figures in economically and damages affect wide area and many people with break the balance of ecosystem. Recently in Korea, the oil pollution accidents has occurred frequently as growing of oil consumption and it caused large-scale damages to the victim. Oil pollution in Korean offshore takes not only korean fishermen from their life ground and break the ecosystem but it takes too much time and money to recover. To minimize oil pollution damages, it is necessary to make pre-caution effort as a ship owner and relevant government bodies should endeavor to prevent from more damages. But once oil pollution accidents occurs in territorial sea, compensation for victim fishermen is very important. But it is true that compensation is not paid to victim smoothly. So this study aims at the problems of oil pollution compensation to the Korean victim and find the best way to get reasonable compensation.

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A Study on the Establishment of Economic Activity Participation for the Elderly through Work for the Elderly (노인 일자리사업을 통한 노인경제 활동 참여의 구축 방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Kyoung-Ja
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2020
  • This study is to find ways to build economic participation for the elderly through job projects to help the elderly live a pleasant life. The results of this study are as follows. First, the relevant laws must be overhauled. To this end, jobs targeting the elderly should be selected first, and legal procedures should be prepared in the government. Second, they should extend the retirement age and support senior employment businesses. The extension of the retirement age believes that a resumption of the wage structure is inevitable in order to increase employment for senior citizens. It is also desirable to implement policies such as giving tax benefits to companies that employ older people more than a certain percentage of them. Third, there should be self-help efforts by the elderly. Three factors are essential to keep the work of old age pleasant and faithful. In other words, it is important to always learn new knowledge and hone one's ability in order to do a rewarding job of living without health and some economic stability. In conclusion, measures to establish economic participation for the elderly through the work-seeker project will require, among other things, a sufficient extension of the retirement age to allow the elderly to engage in their jobs, while overhauling the system, including legal maintenance.

Management and Recycling of the Animal Fat Residue (동물성 지방의 재활용 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Cheon;Lee, Si-Jin;Shin, Hang-Sik;Song, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.287-298
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    • 1993
  • In this study, generation characteristics and distribution situation of the animal fat residue were investigated to identify it's management problems and to propose alternatives for the recycling and final disposal. Generation sources were the meat distribution net-work including about 170 slaughterhouses, 280 meat-packing plants, thousands of meat shops and restaurants etc. The daily total amount of the animal fat residue is about 700 ton/day. More than 60% of the generation sources were concentrated in Seoul metropolitan area. The residue was collected by about 300 men using old-fashioned devices like handcarts, bike and auto bike, transported to the recycling plants by about 60 collection agencies. The residue was processed to produce by-products such as grease, tallow, animal feed ingredient in the recycling plants. At present, however, a great number of unlicensed, and mostly small rendering processors without having pollution control facilities do the unlawful business. These small, old fashioned and unorganized businesses are creating environmental problems by disposing the waste in improper ways such as open burning and dump. Improvement of the distribution network, the large-scale plants, and the estabilishing proper infrastructures were suggested to overcome the problems for the sound fat residues reprocessing industry.

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Study on the Legal Establishment of u-City Management Center ; Focusing on its Function and Location (u-City 통합운영센터의 제도적 정착방안에 관한 연구 ; 기능 및 입지를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Chun-Man;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2009
  • For the development and management of u-City(ubiquitous city), Ubiquitous City Construction Law was enacted(March 3, 2008) to form the legal basis of u-City plan, construction and managements afterwards. Among u-City elements, the u-City Management Center has its own meaning and importance in roles which are crucial to the u-City developments, and its legal establishment is one of the core u-City realization factors. The purpose of this study is to analyse its overall problem issues regarding the function and location of u-City Management Center and then to suggest the basic direction and enforcement strategies to form its legal basis. As a result, in order to enhance the possibility of successful realization of u-City Management Center, the classification and standardization of function type, allocation of detailed functions based on u-City project hierarchy, and practical definition and relationships among basic u-City components such as u-City Service and Infrastructure were suggested. Also, practical execution devices on revenue sources and private sector participation, as well as the legal basis stipulating the mandatory inclusion of u-City Management Center development for u-City projects, were suggested.

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Necessity and Implementation Strategies for Transitioning to All-Volunteer Force in South Korea (대한민국 모병제 전환의 필요성과 도입 방안)

  • Seung-Bae Seon;Sang-Hyuk Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.405-411
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to address the sustainability of South Korea's conscription system, which is being questioned due to issues like low birth rates and societal changes, and to explore the necessity and implementation strategies for transitioning to an all-volunteer force (AVF). South Korea has long maintained national security through conscription, but it now faces challenges such as a decrease in military resources and the advancement of high-tech military technologies. To address these challenges, the study analyzes domestic and international cases of AVF and assesses the current state and issues of South Korea's military service system. The findings indicate that an AVF can enhance military professionalism and efficiency, respect individual choice, and contribute to reducing gender imbalance and promoting social equity. A phased roadmap for the implementation of the AVF is proposed, along with the need for legal and institutional frameworks and measures to foster public consensus. The study also discusses the potential positive economic impacts and long-term cost savings of the AVF. This research aims to provide concrete strategies and policy recommendations for adopting a Korean-style AVF, thereby proactively responding to changes in the future security environment and establishing a sustainable national defense posture.

Human Resource Management Policy for University Faculty enhancing University-Industry Cooperation (산업현장친화형 대학교원 인사제도의 방향)

  • Jang, Seungkwon;Choi, Jong-In;Hong, Kilpyo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 2013
  • The practices and processes of HRM (Human Resource Management) for university faculty in Korea depend heavily on assessment of research and teaching rather than the UIC (University-Industry Cooperation) performance. In this regard, HRM of Korean universities is said to be far distant from UIC. Although policy initiatives by the Korean government, notably the MoE (Ministry of Education) have implemented in most universities, the desirable level of UIC could not be achieved yet. Moreover, the very notion of 'university' in Korea is much more to do with 'pure' education and research institution than with 'applied' and 'vocational' purpose. Considering upon HRM practices and organizational culture, for enhancing UIC in Korea, the government's policy should be linked to alter deep-rooted university culture. So the aims of the research are to describe the current state of HRM in Korean and foreign universities; to find out the critical factors of UIC in Korean universities; to analyze the gaps between university research and industrial commercialization based on a conceptual framework, the 'valley of the death'; and to recommend HRM policies fostering UIC for the MoE. For achieving these objectives, we deploy multiple methodologies, namely, in-depth interview, literature survey, and statistical data analysis with regard to UIC. Analyzing the data we have collected, the present research sheds light on all aspects of HRM processes and UICs. And the main policy implication is restricted to the Korean universities, even if we have collected and analyzed foreign universities, notably universities in the USA. The research findings are mainly two folds. Firstly, the HRM practices among Korean universities are very similar due to the legally institutionalized framework and the government's regulations. Secondly, the difficulties of UIC can be explained by notion of the 'valley of death' ways in which both parties of university and industry are looking for different purposes and directions. In order to overcome the gap in the valley of death, the HRM policy is better to be considered as leverage. Finally, the policy recommendations are as follows. Firstly, various kinds of UIC programs are able to enhance the performances of not only UIC, but also education and research outcome. Secondly, fostering organizational climate and culture for UIC, employing various UIC programs, and hiring industry-experienced faculty are all very important for enhancing the high performance of university. We recommend the HRM policies fostering UIC by means of indirect way rather than funding directly for university. The HRM policy of indirect support is more likely to have long-term effectiveness while the government's direct intervention to UIC will have likely short-term effectiveness as the previous policy initiatives have shown. The MEST's policy means of indirect support might vary from financial incentives to the universities practicing HRM for UIC voluntarily, to information disclosure for UIC. The benefits of the present research can be found in suggesting HRM policy for UIC, highlighting the significance of industry-experienced faculty for UIC, and providing statistical analysis and evidences of UIC in Korean universities.

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A Study on Outplacement Countermeasure and Retention Level Examination Analysis about Outplacement Competency of Special Security Government Official (특정직 경호공무원의 전직역량에 대한 보유수준 분석 및 전직지원방안 연구)

  • Kim, Beom-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.51-80
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    • 2012
  • This study is to summarize main contents which was mentioned by Beomseok Kim' doctoral dissertation. The purpose of this study focuses on presenting the outplacement countermeasure and retention level examination analysis about outplacement competency of special security government official through implement of questionnaire method. The questionnaire for retention level examination including four groups of outplacement competency and twenty subcategories was implemented in the object of six hundered persons relevant to outplacement more than forty age and five grade administration official of special security government officials, who have outplacement experiences as outplacement successors, outplacement losers, and outplacement expectants, in order to achieve this research purpose effectively. The questionnaire examination items are four groups of outplacement competency and twenty subcategories which are the group of knowledge competency & four subcategories including expert knowledge, outplacement knowledge, self comprehension, and organization comprehension, the group of skill competency & nine subcategories including job skill competency, job performance skill, problem-solving skill, reforming skill, communication skill, organization management skill, crisis management skill, career development skill, and human network application skill, the group of attitude-emotion competency & seven subcategories including positive attitude, active attitude, responsibility, professionalism, devoting-sacrificing attitude, affinity, and self-controlling ability, and the group of value-ethics competency & two subcategories including ethical consciousness and morality. The respondents highly regard twenty-two outplacement competency and they consider themselves well-qualified for the subcategories valued over 4.0 such as the professional knowledge, active attitude, responsibility, ethics and morality while they mark the other subcategories below average still need to be improved. Thus, the following is suggestions for successful outplacement. First, individual effort is essential to strengthen their capabilities based on accurate self evaluation, for which the awareness and concept need to be redefined to help them face up to the reality by readjusting career goal to a realistic level. Second, active career development plan to improve shortcoming in terms of outplacement competency is required. Third, it is necessary to establish the infrastructure related to outplacement training such as ON-OFF Line training system and facilities for learning to reinforce user-oriented outplacement training as a regular training course before during after the retirement.

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A Study on Factors Affecting ESG Management Intentions of Small and Medium Enterprises : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Attitude and the Moderating Effect of Employees' Innovation Resistance (중소기업 ESG 경영 도입의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 태도의 매개효과 및 종업원 혁신저항성의 조절효과)

  • Lee, Yun-hyo;Park, Koung-hi;Chung, Byoung-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.41-65
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to empirically analyse the factors that influence SMEs' intention to adopt ESG. For this purpose, we first derived the variables of usefulness of ESG and ease of adoption. In addition, we adopted CEO's will because of the importance of CEO's role in decision-making in SMEs. In addition, we added customer's request, government support, and credit evaluation reflection as institutional factors for ESG management. To examine the mediating role of attitudes and employees' innovation resistance in these relationships and how they affect ESG adoption, we set up a research model. These factors were used in the empirical analysis with 368 valid responses from the survey. Hierarchical regression analysis method using SPSS 24.0 was used for statistical analysis, and Process Macro 4.0 based on SPSS 24 was used for mediation and moderation effects. The results of the empirical analysis of this study showed that the usefulness of ESG adoption, ease of adoption, CEO's will, customer's request, government support, and credit evaluation reflection all had a positive and significant effect on the intention to adopt ESG management. In particular, among the variables affecting ESG adoption, CEO's will was found to be the most influential. Attitudes were also found to play a mediating role between the influencing factors and intention to adopt ESG management, as well as the mediating effect of employee' innovation resistance. The academic implications of this study include the identification and empirical testing of each of the influencing variables of ESG management adoption in the scarce literature on ESG in SMEs, and the prioritisation of the influence of these factors on adoption intention, which can be used to promote the adoption of ESG management. In terms of practical implications, it is important for SMEs to have a win-win relationship with large corporations, an ecosystem such as government support, in order to improve CEO awareness and motivate the CEO's will, and for smooth introduction of ESG management, it is necessary to find ways to reduce resistance through sufficient communication with organizational members to make them aware of the need.

The Influence of a Local Social Welfare Service Delivery System on Service Satisfaction and Quality of Life for the Elderly : Mainly Focused on Hope Care Center of Namyangju City (지역사회복지서비스 전달체계가 노인의 서비스 만족 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 : 경기도 남양주시 '희망케어센터'를 중심으로)

  • Song, Ki-Beom;Heo, Chul-Moo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the social welfare service delivery system of Namyangju City on the satisfaction degree of the elderly with welfare services and on their quality of life. This study conducted a survey of the elderly aged 65 and over who were either service users or nonusers of the public-private partnership welfare service delivery system called Hope Care Center. A total of 324 copies including 205 copies of Hope Care Center users and 119 copies of nonusers were analyzed. The analysis shows that the four key elements of welfare service delivery system are statistically significant to the service users of Hope Care Center than the nonusers with the users' higher level of satisfaction with the services. However, in terms of quality of life, there was no meaningful distinction between the two groups. This indicates that services of Hope Care Center increased the satisfaction with welfare services, thereby improving users' quality of life to the level of nonusers. Further studies for the same subjects are expected to be deeper if they compare and analyze the before and after of using Hope Care Center with more comprehensive independent variables.