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A Study on the Establishment of Economic Activity Participation for the Elderly through Work for the Elderly  

Jeong, Kyoung-Ja (Seoul Christian University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.1, 2020 , pp. 89-98 More about this Journal
This study is to find ways to build economic participation for the elderly through job projects to help the elderly live a pleasant life. The results of this study are as follows. First, the relevant laws must be overhauled. To this end, jobs targeting the elderly should be selected first, and legal procedures should be prepared in the government. Second, they should extend the retirement age and support senior employment businesses. The extension of the retirement age believes that a resumption of the wage structure is inevitable in order to increase employment for senior citizens. It is also desirable to implement policies such as giving tax benefits to companies that employ older people more than a certain percentage of them. Third, there should be self-help efforts by the elderly. Three factors are essential to keep the work of old age pleasant and faithful. In other words, it is important to always learn new knowledge and hone one's ability in order to do a rewarding job of living without health and some economic stability. In conclusion, measures to establish economic participation for the elderly through the work-seeker project will require, among other things, a sufficient extension of the retirement age to allow the elderly to engage in their jobs, while overhauling the system, including legal maintenance.
The Work for the Elderly; Economic Activity Participation for the Elderly; job business; social welfare;
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  • Reference
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