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Phytoplankton Community Change of Lake Paldang by Increasing $CO_2$ and Temperature during Spring Cold Water Season ($CO_2$와 수온 증가에 대한 봄철 저수온기 팔당호 식물플랑크톤군집 변화)

  • Lee, Ka-Ram;Sung, Eun-Ju;Park, Hye-Jin;Park, Chae-Hong;Park, Myung-Hwan;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.588-595
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the influence of temperature and $CO_2$ increase on phytoplankton growth and community structure during cold water season (spring) in Lake Paldang, Korea. Four experimental treatments of temperature and $CO_2$ manipulation were prepared in the laboratory batch culture: (1) Control; ambient low temperature ($6{\pm}2^{\circ}C$) and low $CO_2$ (air level, $400mgL^{-1}$), (2) T1; low temperature and high $CO_2$ ($800mgL^{-1}$), (3) T2; high temperature ($20{\pm}2^{\circ}C$) and low $CO_2$, (4) T3; high temperature and high $CO_2$. Algal growth experiment was carried out for 10 days under the light intensity of $70{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}s^{-1}$ (L :D=24 : 0). The level of pH decreased in both T1 and T3, due to dissolution of added $CO_2$. The dominant phytoplankton species of ambient water, Cyclotella meneghiniana succeeded to Fragilaria capucina var. gracilis in high-temperature treatment groups (T2 and T3). Cyanobacteria were very rare at the beginning of the experiment, while Oscillatoria limnetica appeared in only high-temperature groups (T2 and T3) at $6{\sim}7^{th}$ day. $CO_2$ addition in ambient temperature (T1) induced the highest phytoplankton growth, and thereby producing the highest average cell density of $3.27{\pm}0.33\;10^4\;cells\;mL^{-1}$, followed by T2 ($2.65{\pm}0.26\;10^4\;cells\;mL^{-1}$), T3 ($2.09{\pm}0.16\;10^4\;cells\;mL^{-1}$), and Control ($1.86{\pm}0.13\;10^4\;cells\;mL^{-1}$) (F=7.167, p=0.000). In summary, temperature increase changed the phytoplankton community structure and $CO_2$ increase promoted the phytoplankton growth during the cold spring season in Lake Paldang, suggesting a potential effect of climate change on freshwater phytoplankton.

A Study on the Presence of Post-Miesianism and Its Future (Post-Miesianism의 실체와 미래에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.10 no.4 s.28
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2001
  • 현대의 건축시기는 다원성의 시기 또는 복합성의 시기라고 불리운다. 모더니즘과 포스트모더니즘의 시기를 거치며 다양한 형태적 실험의 과정을 겪었고 수많은 이데올로기와 이론들로 무장된 논쟁의 역사도 갖게 되었다. 이러한 현대건축의 다양성은 건축디자인이라는 전문직의 사회에 기여하는 역할을 반추(反芻)함과 동시에 다변하는 인간사고의 역동성을 반영하고 있다. 건축관련 책자나 저널 등에서 흔히 발견할 수 있는 Neo-Classicism, Deconstructivism, Minimalism, High-Tech, New Moderns 등등의 건축양식들은 스타일을 지칭하는 언어라기보다는 건축적 사고를 지칭하는 언어라고 할 수 있다. 결국 건축디자인이라는 작업은 인간을 둘러 싼 건조환경의 생성에서 출발하는 것이므로 건축적 사고방식은 그 시기의 사회현상과 밀접한 관계를 맺게 된다. 20세기 말부터 불어닥친 디지털 문화의 사회변혁은 전 세계를 하나의 채널로 엮게 되었고, 이러한 영향들은 지역과 민족, 그리고 종교적인 요소들까지도 혼합하여 국경을 초월한 미래의 새로운 이상들을 꿈꾸게 되었다. 19세기 산업혁명과 함께 급속히 벨라진 인류문명의 진보는 필수적으로 세계화를 동반하는 것이고, 세계화와 지역성사이의 괴리를 통해 나타나는 문화적 비판과 충돌은 아직도 진행상태인 것이다. 세계화라는 통염은 문명의 보편성을 기반으로 하며 전통문화의 파괴가 뒤따를 수밖에 없는데, 현재와 같이 IT혁명을 통해 급속도로 빨라진 세계문화의 교류는 한 국가가 뿌리를 내리고 있는 문화적 유산이라는 토양을 포기하여야 할 단계에 와 있다고 논평할 정도이다. 여기서 건축은 문화적 상징으로 작용하게 되는데, 그것이 심미적이든 관습적이든 또는, 경제적이든 건축가는 해답의 제시라는 임무에 직면하게 된다. 20세기에 진행된 모더니즘의 건축은 구조와 공간에 대한 고전건축의 숙원을 고덕건축이 이룬 것처럼 15세기 르네상스 시대로부터 진행된 형태와 공간, 기능, 그리고 아름다움과 기술(technology) 또는 경제성 등에 대한 건축적 의문과 탐구를 일단락지었다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 모더니즘의 한복판에 Mies van der Rohe라는 거장이 깊은 발자국을 남기며 한 시대를 이루었고 그가 남긴 시대정신의 이념과 가치를 Miesianism이라고 부른다. 실용성과 도덕성을 근본으로 하는 Miesianism은 대중에 호소하는 미적 표현주의를 부정하고 지역정서를 중시하는 문맥적 접근방식을 경시함으로써 보편화라는 현상을 불러일으킨 국제주의 양식의 한 부류로 비판을 받아왔다. 즉, Miesianism의 단순하고 강렬한 외형적 요소는 그것이 내포하는 기술적 합리성이나 공간적 완결성을 무시한 채 전 세계에 영향을 미쳤고 동시에 지역적 저항을 받게 되었다. 시카고 및 전 세계의 Miesian들, 즉 Mies van der Rohe의 제자들이나 그로부터 영향을 받은 수많은 건축가들은 이러한 저항과 비판에 직면하게 되며 새로운 사고의 시대적 요구 앞에 고뇌하게 된다. 한국에서는 1978년 Mies van der Rohe의 제자인 김종성이 미국에서 서울로 돌아와 '서울건축컨설탄트'를 설립하며 본격적으로 Miesianism의 규범적 건축론을 설파하기 시작하였다. 이른바 시카고 국제주의학파의 건축전수라고 할 수 있는데 '서울건축컨설탄트'를 통하여 배출된 김종성의 제자들은 명쾌하고도 간결한 건축해법의 경험을 토대름대로의 정체성을 갖고자 노력하였으나 결국 다원적 가치를 요구하는 시대적 흐름 속에 혼란을 겪고 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 본 연구는 Miesianism의 기원을 밝히고 그것의 실수와 오류를 밝힘과 동시에 현대의 여러 가지 건축유형들과 비교하여 봄으로써 Post-Miesianism의 실체와 그 미래에 대하여 고찰하여 보고자 한다. 미스의 유산이라고 할 수 있는 Miesianism의 요체는 첫째, Schinkel로부터 이어받은 시대정신의 사명감, 둘째, Berlage가 전해준 전문가로서의 도덕성을 바탕으로 하여 이루어진 기술적 합리성의 실현, 그리고 마지막으로 그 당시의 추상예술에 대한 이해로써 받아들인 nee-Suprematism의 아방 가르데적인 자세라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 이것들을 전파하고 수용하는 과정에서 미스적인 단순하고 명쾌한 외관이 더욱 강한 인상을 남기게 되었고 또한 미스가 현대성의 본질이라고 믿는 기술의 전수는 모든 외관을 동일하게 만드는 International Style로서의 보편적 획일성을 초래하였다. Mies van der Rohe의 강력하고 규범적인 dogma는 그의 제자들에게는 강렬한 카리스마로 각인되었고, Mies가 원한 것이 아닐지라도 그들을 하나의 틀 속에 가두는 영향력을 행사하였다. 2세대이든 3세대이든 기술적 합리성과 추상적 단순미라는 믿음을 맹목적으로 추종할 때 그들은 Miesian으로 남아있게 되며, 거기서 벗어났을 때 non-Miesian, 또는 배신자로 취급하기까지 하였다. 이것은 미스의 제자들에게 강한 족쇄가 되어 형태적 또는 개념적 변화의 시도를 어렵게 하였고 시대적 요구에 부응하지 못한다는 평가에 이르게 되었다. 문화의 다양성과 역동성을 인정함과 동시에 Miesianism에 대한 새롭고 시대에 적합한 해석을 기대하게 되는데, 이러한 기대 속에서 우리는 Post-Miesianism이라는 새로운 유형을 엿볼 수 있게 된다. Post-Miesianism의 징후를 현대의 다양한 건축유형에서 발견할 수 있는데, High-Tech의 구축적이고 정밀한 건축 기술적 해법과 Minimalism의 반복성을 통한 추상미의 표현 등에서 뿐만이 아니라 Post-Modernism의 인간성의 추구나 문맥적 고려, 또는 해체주의의 형이상학적이고 아방가르데적인 실험주의 정신까지조차 Post-Miesianism이 공유할 수 있는 부분이 있다고 보여진다. 또한, 미스의 영향이 2세대, 3세대의 건축가들에게 미치면서 여러 방향으로 변질되어 가는 것을 우리는 발견할 수 있으며 그러한 시대성에 적응하는 시도들이야말로 새로운 미래를 향한 Post-Miesianism의 실체인 것이다. Mies가 말하였듯이 한 시대의 끝은 그 시대가 완전히 이해되었을 때이며, 모더니즘의 숙제는 아직 해결되지 않았으므로 Miesianism의 탐구는 Post-Miesianism이라는 새로운 주제로 계속될 것이다. 이를 통하여 21세기 디지털 문명의 시대 속에서 현대건축이 안을 수밖에 없는 보편성과 지역성의 충돌이라는 문제의 해결에 한 발걸음 다가갈 수 있기를 기대하여 본다.

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Effect of Continuous Cultivation Years on Soil Properties, Weed Occurrence, and Rice Yield in No-tillage Machine Transplanting and Direct Dry-seeding Culture of Rice (벼 무경운 기계이앙 및 건답직파 연속재배년수가 토양특성, 잡초발생 및 벼 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hong-Kyu;Kim, Sang-Su;Choi, Won-Yong;Lee, Ki-Sang;Lee, Jae-Kil
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2002
  • This experiment was conducted to figure out the change of soil physical properties, rice growth and yield with the years of continuous cultivation in direct dry-seeding and no-tillage machine transplanting. Experiments were conducted at NHAES(National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA, Iksan, Cheon Buk Province, South Korea) with a rice variety "Dongjinbyeo" from 1995 to 2000. In no-tillage machine transplanting cultivation, organic matter in soil was higher than that on direct dry-seeding and was significantly high in topsoil. Problematic weed species were E. crus-galli B., A. keisak H., and L. japonica M. Plant height and tiller number m-2 were higher in common-tillage during the total growth duration. The highest weedy rice occurrence of 27.5% was observed in live years' continuous direct dry-seeding and followed by 6.2%, in four years', and 3.7%, in three years'. The highest yield reduction of 38% was observed in five years' continuous direct dry-seeding. The reduction may resulted from the competition between weedy rice and cultivated rice.

Effects of Cyanobacterial Bloom on Zooplankton Community Dynamics in Several Eutrophic Lakes (부영양호수에서 남조류 bloom이 동물플랑크톤 군집변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Bom-Chul;Choi, Eun-Mi;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Kim, Ho-Sub
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.4 s.92
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2000
  • Toxin production and low digestibility of cyanobacteria are known to cause low exploitability of cyanobacteria by zooplankton. In this study, we compared relative tolerance and compatibility of zooplankton taxa in eight eutrophic lakes, exposed to frequent cyanobacterial blooms, uring the summer season of 1999. Microcystis, Anabaena, Oscillatoria and Phormidium were common cyanobacteria in all lakes. with relatively lower $NO_3-N$ concentration (<0.2 mgN/l) and TN/TP ratio (<20), compared with other lakes where colonial cyanobacteria dominated. Rotifers were dominant zooplankton in most lakes, and among them, Keratella, Polyarthra and Hexathra were common. The laboratory feeding experiment showed that relative copepods that greatly decreased (90%) after 4 day when cyanobacteria were used as the food source of zooplankton, while rotifers gradually increased with the change of dominant taxa from Keratella through Pompholyx to Monostyla. These results suggest that rotifers may be capable of coexisting with cyanobacteria by exploiting them for the food source.

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High School Students' Perception of the Curriculum & Contents in Technology. Home Economics Education (고등학교 『기술.가정』교파 운영과 내용에 대한 학습자의 인식)

  • 김운주;유재희;곽노선;최은희
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to grasp the instruction type and the school hours allocations for the$\ulcorner$Technology and Home Economics$\lrcorner$united on the Korean education course revised seventhly and to offer the basic materials for the efficient curriculum implementation type through proving that how are the degree of studying load of students, interest, necessity, and satisfaction and whether those are affected or not. The subject of this survey were 297 students at first grade in boys high school, girls high school, and coeducational school located in the Chungnam-Province, Taejeon Megalopolis City. The period of this survey was from 30th Sep. 2002 to 5th Oct. 2002. The results were as follows; 1. In the implementation type of the curriculum. whole charge teaching was twice times as much as alloted teaching. 2. About half of the students(54.2%) recognized that the burden of study was less than before. More two third of students(72.4%) were satisfied with implementation of subject. The coeducational school and girls high school students were being more satisfied than the boys high school students, and students educated by alloted teaching were more satisfied. 3. The field of Home Economics was higher than the field of Technology in the degree of interest and necessity for$\ulcorner$Technology and Home Economics$\lrcorner$curriculum contents. 70.8% of the respondents was satisfied for the content materials. The coeducational school and the girls high school students were more satisfied with the course content than boys high school students.

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The Impact of O4O Selection Attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Focusing on the Case of Fresh Hema in China (O4O 선택속성이 고객만족도 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향: 중국 허마셴셩 사례를 중심으로)

  • Cui, Chengguo;Yang, Sung-Byung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.249-269
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as the online market has matured, it is facing many problems to prevent the growth. The most common problem is the homogenization of online products, which fails to increase the number of customers any more. Moreover, although the portion of the online market has increased significantly, it now becomes essential to expand offline for further development. In response, many online firms have recently sought to expand their businesses and marketing channels by securing offline spaces that can complement the limitations of online platforms, on top of their existing advantages of online channels. Based on their competitive advantage in terms of analyzing large volumes of customer data utilizing information technologies (e.g., big data and artificial intelligence), they are reinforcing their offline influence as well through this online for offline (O4O) business model. On the other hand, most of the existing research has primarily focused on online to offline (O2O) business model, and there is still a lack of research on O4O business models, which have been actively attempted in various industrial fields in recent years. Since a few of O4O-related studies have been conducted only in an experience marketing setting following a case study method, it is critical to conduct an empirical study on O4O selection attributes and their impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, focusing on China's representative O4O business model, 'Fresh Hema,' this study attempts to identify some key selection attributes specialized for O4O services from the customers' viewpoint and examine the impact of these attributes on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) with 300 O4O (Fresh Hema) experienced customers, reveal that, out of seven O4O selection attributes, four (mobile app quality, mobile payment, product quality, and store facilities) have an impact on customer satisfaction, which also leads to customer loyalty (reuse intention, recommendation intention, and brand attachment). This study would help managers in an O4O area well adapt to rapidly changing customer needs and provide them with some guidelines for enhancing both customer satisfaction and loyalty by allocating more resources to more significant selection attributes, rather than less significant ones.

Neighborhood Park Design for Railroad Station in Uijeongbu City (의정부 역전 근린공원 설계)

  • Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 2010
  • The study is based on an urban park design that is designed in consideration of the characteristics of Uijeongbu City, applied with adequate functions for the environment and showcasing the unique scenery in relation to the relocation of the US Air Force Camp Falling Water. The bases of the design are: the reasonable convergence of the square and park in consideration of the site characteristics; the application of an urban context as the park is located near a station; and the realization of an eco-friendly space. This study is based on foundation research regarding a review of urban square patterns, particular items in planning in relation to modern urban parks and the adaptability of the park in the future. Regarding space usage, the design is applied with notable ideas that allow the space to make its own characteristics through voluntary user activity in conjunction with the environment that will allow the park to cope with changes in the future, as opposed to a space that users experience through pre-determined programs. Below are the focal points of the design. First, the park is designed as an empty space which may accommodate the urban structural context of and usage patterns for being a field of the city ecology that changes and develops, beyond a passively-created square pattern. Such open spaces have a continuity which allows it to adapt to the development of the city. In addition, the design facilitates spontaneous processes through changes in usage pattern and time. Second, the design includes the message that the park and the city, natural things and artificial things, must communicate and network with each other. Hence the park shall not be an isolated green island within the city, but is an open space accommodating the demands for open area from nearby commercial, public and residential facilities; the park shall include a field that can accommodate a variety of programs. Third, the park is designed to encourage the effect of direct and indirect practical education by reflecting a physical plan as well as interesting experience design methods to lower carbon emissions and to create and maintain an eco-friendly space, the basis of a zero-emissions city.

A Design and Implementation of Multimedia Retrieval System based on MAF(Multimedia Application File Format) (MAF(Multimedia Application File Format) 기반 멀티미디어 검색 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Gang Young-Mo;Park Joo-Hyoun;Bang Hyung-Gin;Nang Jong-Ho;Kim Hyung-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.574-584
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    • 2006
  • Recently, ISO/IEC 23000 (also known as 'MPEG-A') has proposed a new file format called 'MAF(Multimedia Application File Format)[1]' which provides a capability of integrating/storing the widely-used compression standards for audio and video and the metadata in MPEG-7 form into a single file format. However, it is still very hard to verify the usefulness of MPEG-A in the real applications because there is still no real system that fully implements this standard. In this thesis, a design and implementation of a multimedia retrieval system based on MPEG-A standard on PC and mobile device is presented. Furthermore, an extension of MPEG-A for describing the metadata for video is also proposed. It is selected and defined as a subset of MPEG-7 MDS[4] and TV-anytime[5] for video that is useful and manageable in the mobile environments. In order to design the multimedia retrieval system based on MPEG-A, we define the system requirements in terms of portability, extensibility, compatibility, adaptability, efficiency. Based on these requirements, we design the system which composed of 3 layers: Application Layer, Middleware Layer, Platform Layer. The proposed system consists of two sub-parts, client-part and server-part. The client-part consists of MAF authoring tool, MAP player tool and MAF searching tool which allow users to create, play and search the MAF files, respectively. The server-part is composed of modules to store and manage the MAF files and metadata extracted from MAF files. We show the usefulness of the proposed system by implementing the client system both on MS-Windows platform on desk-top computer and WIPI platform on mobile phone, and validate whether it to satisfy all the system requirements. The proposed system can be used to verify the specification in the MPEG-A, and to proves the usefulness of MPEG-A in the real application.

Changes of Oxidative Enzymes and Fatty Acid Composition of Bifidobacterium adolescentis and B. longum under Anaerobic and Aerated Conditions. (산소의 Stress에 따른 Bifidobacterium adolescentis와 Bifidobacterium longum의 산화효소의 활성과 세포 지방산 조성의 변화)

  • 신순영;박종현
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 1998
  • To study the oxygen tolerance mechanism of bifidobacteria, we have studied the growth of cells, the activities of the enzymes which were related with oxygen, such as catalase, superoxide dismutase(SOD), NADH oxidase, and NADH peroxidase, and cellular fatty acid compositions of Bifidobacterium adolescentis and B. longum under anaerobic and aerated (microaerobic and aerobic) conditions. B. longum grew relatively well under the microaerobic conditions, whereas the growth of B. adolescentis was inhibited under the same aerated conditions. B. adolescentis had extremely low level of NADH oxidative enzymes while B. longum had the relatively high level of NADH oxidative enzymes, whose activities were dramatically increased from 3.7 to 11.4 times by microaerobic condition but not in B. adolescentis. The activity of SOD was unexpectedly high in B. adolescentis compared with in B. longum under anaerobic and aerated conditions. The activities of catalase were not detected in all samples tested in this study. We also found that normal $C_{l6:0}$ and $C_{18:1}$ were the major fatty acids in B. adolescentis and B. longum under anaerobic and aerated conditions. 2.2-14.1% $C_{l9:0}$ cyclo fatty acid was detected only in B. longum and the fatty acid was increased by the addition of the aeration. The $C_{l9:0}$ cyclic fatty acid was identified as a cis 9, 10-methylene octadecanoic acid, which was different from lactobacillic acid in the cyclized site. 6.6%-24.6% of dimethyl acetals (DMA) which came from plasmalogen were observed in the B. adolescentis and B. longum grown under anaerobic condition, and the components were notably decreased in the cells grown under the aerated conditions. It is believed that NADH oxidative enzymes play an important role to detoxify oxygen metabolites of Bifidobacteriurn spp. under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions. Independently from oxidative enzymes, it seems that oxygen stress may induce the change of the level of cellular fatty acids showing an increase of $C_{l9:0}$ cyclo in B. longum and a decrease of $C_{l8:1}$ of plasmalogen in B. longum and B. adolescentis to adapt in environment.

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Application of the Homogenization Analysis to Calculation of a Permeability Coefficient (투수계수 산정을 위한 균질화 해석법의 적응)

  • 채병곤
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2004
  • Hydraulic conductivity along rock fracture is mainly dependent on fracture geometries such as orientation, aperture, roughness and connectivity. Therefore, it needs to consider fracture geometries sufficiently on a fracture model for a numerical analysis to calculate permeability coefficient in a fracture. This study performed new type of numerical analysis using a homogenization analysis method to calculate permeability coefficient accurately along single fractures with several fracture models that were considered fracture geometries as much as possible. First of all, fracture roughness and aperture variation due to normal stress applied on a fracture were directly measured under a confocal laser scaning microscope (CLSM). The acquired geometric data were used as input data to construct fracture models for the homogenization analysis (HA). Using the constructed fracture models, the homogenization analysis method can compute permeability coefficient with consideration of material properties both in microscale and in macroscale. The HA is a new type of perturbation theory developed to characterize the behavior of a micro inhomogeneous material with a periodic microstructure. It calculates micro scale permeability coefficient at homogeneous microscale, and then, computes a homogenized permeability coefficient (C-permeability coefficient) at macro scale. Therefore, it is possible to analyze accurate characteristics of permeability reflected with local effect of facture geometry. Several computations of the HA were conducted to prove validity of the HA results compared with the empirical equations of permeability in the previous studies using the constructed 2-D fracture models. The model can be classified into a parallel plate model that has fracture roughness and identical aperture along a fracture. According to the computation results, the conventional C-permeability coefficients have values in the range of the same order or difference of one order from the permeability coefficients calculated by an empirical equation. It means that the HA result is valid to calculate permeability coefficient along a fracture. However, it should be noted that C-permeability coefficient is more accurate result than the preexisting equations of permeability calculation, because the HA considers permeability characteristics of locally inhomogeneous fracture geometries and material properties both in microscale and macroscale.