• Title/Summary/Keyword: 요구조사 도구

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Effect of Probiotics on Risk Factors for Human Disease: A Review (인간 질병의 위험 요인에 대한 Probiotics의 효과: 총설)

  • Chon, Jung-Whan;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Kim, Hong-Seok;Hwang, Dae-Geun;Song, Kwang-Young;Yim, Jin-Hyuk;Choi, Dasom;Lim, Jong-Soo;Seo, Kun-Ho
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2014
  • GRAS probiotics can be used to modulate intestinal microbiota and to alleviate various gastrointestinal disorders. In several recent studies, researchers have explored the potential expansion and usability of probiotics to reduce the risk factors associated with diseases, including obesity, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, hyperhomocysteinemia, and oxidative stress. In this review, our aim was to clarify the mechanism underlying interactions between hosts (animal or human) and probiotics and the beneficial effects of probiotics on human health.

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Development of Self-Managed Food Sanitation Check-List and On-Site Monitoring of Food Sanitation Management Practices in Restaurants for Control of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors (식중독 발생 위험요인 관리를 위한 외식업체 자가위생관리점검표 개발 및 현장모니터링)

  • Chung, Min-Jae;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Ryu, Kyung;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.603-616
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    • 2010
  • Based on recent dramatic increases in foodborne outbreaks in restaurants, self-managed sanitation systems are now recommended to control contributing risk factors. This study aimed to improve sanitation management practices in restaurants and had two objectives. First, we tried to develop a self-managed sanitation check-list, including risk factors contributing to foodborne illness and Korean food hygiene regulation articles. We also tried to evaluate current sanitation management practices in restaurants according to operation and restaurant type. Thirty restaurants were evaluated by on-the-spot inspectors using an auditing tool consisting of four dimensions, seventeen categories, and forty-one items. Total compliance rate categorized by operation type significantly differed between chain restaurants and self-managed restaurants, with values of 85.5% and 51.6%, respectively. Therefore, self-managed restaurants, which showed the lowest compliance rate of below 30.0%, need more strict control to improve current unsanitary management practices, specifically relating to 'sterilization of knives, chopping boards, and wiping cloths', 'sanitation training', 'not allowing access into the kitchen to outsiders', 'handling of food or utensils on shelves at a 15 cm distance away from floor', 'prevention of cross-contamination of cooked foods or vegetables', and 'records of kitchen access or inspection'. Thus, an effective food sanitation system is essential and should be implemented to improve the existing sanitary conditions in restaurants. However, the most important factor to achieving food sanitation management objectives is food handlers' self-motivation.

Preliminary Study on the Standardization of Korean Version of Type D Personality Scale 14 : Internal Consistency and Construct Validity (D형 인격 척도의 표준화 예비연구 : 내적일치도 및 구성타당도)

  • Lee, Moon-Soo;Park, Young-Min;Lim, Hong-Euy;Song, Woo-Hyuk;Ahn, Jung-Chun;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Lee, Bun-Hee;Han, Chang-Su;Kim, Yong-Ku;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Ko, Young-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : The distressed personality (type-D) pattern, consisting of negative affectivity and social inhibition, has been shown by Denollet et al. For measuring the Type D characteristics, Denollet has devised the 14 item Type D scale (DS14). In the present study, this instrument was translated into Korean. The reliability and validity of the Korean DS14 was pilot tested. Methods : Preliminary version of the total 17-item DS14 scale was translated into Korean. 372 controls that did not have any coronary heart diseases (CHD) were randomly sampled in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. Preliminary Korean version was applied to controls and 14 items were finally selected to maximize reliability of the scale. We compared the distribution of type-D personality among the normal controls, hypertensive patients, and the CHD patients. Results : 7 of 10 items in social inhibition were selected and final 14-item version was made. The internal consistency of negative affectivity (0.817) and social inhibition (0.797) were high. In addition, the prevalence of type-D personality in the CHD patients group was significantly higher than normal controls. Conclusion : These findings suggest that Korean version of DS14 is a valid tool for measuring the type D characteristics. Type-D characteristics can be suggested to predict adverse prognosis in patients with CHD.

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Management of Critical Control Points to Improve Microbiological Quality of Potentially Hazardous Foods Prepared by Restaurant Operations (외식업체에서 제공하는 잠재적 위험 식품의 미생물적 품질향상을 위한 중점관리점 관리방안)

  • Chun, Hae-Yeon;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.774-784
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to present management guidelines for critical control points by analyzing microbiological hazardous elements through screening Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHF) menus in an effort improve the microbiological quality of foods prepared by restaurant operations. Steamed spinach with seasoning left at room temperature presents a range of risk temperatures which microorganisms could flourish, and it exceeded all microbiological safety limits in our study. On the other hand, steamed spinach with seasoning stored in a refrigerator had Aerobic Plate Counts of $2.86{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$ and all other microbiological tests showed that their levels were below the limit. The standard plate counts of raw materials of lettuce and tomato were $4.66{\pm}0.4{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $3.08{\pm}0.4{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. Upon washing, the standard plate counts were $3.12{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $2.10{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively, but upon washing after chlorination, those were $2.23{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $0.72{\pm}0.7{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. The standard plate counts of baby greens, radicchio and leek were $6.02{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, $5.76{\pm}0.1{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $6.83{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. After 5 minutes of chlorination, the standard plate counts were $4.10{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$, $5.14{\pm}0.1{\log}\;CFU/g$ and $5.30{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. After 10 minutes of chlorination treatment, the standard plate counts were $2.58{\pm}0.3{\log}\;CFU/g$, $4.27{\pm}0.6{\log}\;CFU/g$, and $4.18{\pm}0.5{\log}\;CFU/g$, respectively. The microbial levels decreased as the time of chlorination increased. This study showed that the microbiological quality of foods was improved with the proper practices of time-temperature control, sanitization control, seasoning control, and personal and surface sanitization control. It also presents management guidelines for the control of potentially hazardous foods at the critical control points in the process of restaurant operations.

Bereavement Care of Hospice Services in Korea (국내 호스피스 기관의 사별 관리 실태)

  • Ro, You-Ja;An, Young-Lan
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.126-135
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : To evaluate the present status of bereavement care in Korean hospice service as a basic database for the effective bereavement care. Method : The data were collected two sets from September to October, 1999 and from November to December, 2000, 55 hospice institutions identified by the Hospice Education Institution, College of Nursing, Catholic University were contacted for a telephone survey. The researchers conducted telephone interviews with hospice administrators for 10 to 30 minutes. Result : 1) Among the 55 Korean Hospice institutions, 38 institutions(69.1%) provided bereavement services. 2) The contents of bereavement services consisted of telephone call 28 institutions(74.5%), bereaved family meeting 26 institutions(69.4%), home visiting 22 institutions(57.9%), mail 16 institutions(42.1%), personal counselling 7 institutions(18.4%). 3) The 26 hospice institutions(68.4%) which provided meetings for bereaved families met with the following frequency : Annually is 11 institutions(42.3%), biannually 6 institutions(23.1%), monthly 6 institutions(23.1%) and bimonthly 3 institutions(11.5%). 4) Only 4 hospice institutions(10.5%) used the assessment tool to screen for high risk of bereaved. 5) The major difficulties of current bereavement services were low attendance for the bereaved family meeting, shortage of professional managers and volunteers, limited accessibility to hospice institutions, little social awareness for the bereaved, and financial difficulties. 6) The hospice administrators expressed the need for the development of bereavement program, the education program for the bereavement services, trained professionals, the sufficient provision of human resource and financial support for more effective bereavement services. Conclusion : Although many hospice institutions(69.1%) provided bereavement services, they generally lacked capable bereavement professionals and various individualized bereavement services. In conclusion, it is required to develop the specified bereavement program and the training program for the staff and volunteers, so as to provide customized bereavement services based on individual needs. Further research will be necessary to evaluate the effects of customized bereavement services in Korea before applying to practice.

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A Study on the Operation of Technology. Home Economics Curriculum of Middle and High Schools in Kyungnam Area (기술ㆍ가정교과 운영실태와 평가 -경남지역 소재 중.고등학교를 중심으로 -)

  • 김상희
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2003
  • This study aimed to evaluate the subject matters and goals, and to know the operation of Technology·Home Economics of middle and high schools in Kyungnam area. Data were collected from 235 teachers with the questionnaire by mail. The results were following; 1. The major of teachers was Technology·Industry 30.6%, Home Economics 67.2%. The teaching style was the team-teaching 51.1%, one's responsible teaching 41.3%. The team-teaching was operated more frequently in high schools than middle schools. The most difficulties were the shortage of subject's hours, the shortage of practice hours, etc. 2. The overall evaluation of subject's matters and goals were about middle levels. but the items of the job-course education and the interrelatedness of Technology and Home Economics were a little low levels. 3. The speciality and the utility of the subject's matters were evaluated highly oneself for one's major, but those of different major were lowly so. The sector of Computer was shared commonly with Technology and Home Economics' teachers. 4. The attitudes toward the separation or integration of Technology·Home Economics in the 8th curriculum revision were half and half. If Technology·Home Economics will be separated, each subject need 2 hours per week.

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A Study on the Effects of Convergence-type CRM on Relationship Quality and Customer Royalty in Kumdo Club (검도장 융복합형 고객관계가 관계품질과 고객충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Pum-Ho;Park, Chun-Woo;Lim, Jung-Il
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.277-289
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    • 2015
  • This study was designed to shed light on the influence of CRM strategies on relationship quality and customer loyalty in Convergence-type Kumdo training clubs. The survey tool used for this research are questionnaires. The lead-time was achieved over a period of 23 days from 7 July 2014 to July 30th. The resulting data were processed by means of frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis using SPSS 20.0 program. The findings acquired based on the aforementioned research methods and data analysis are as follows: First, CRM strategies had significant influences on satisfaction. Second, CRM strategies had significant influences on some of belief. Third, CRM strategies had not significant influences on commitment. Fourth, satisfaction and belief had significant influences on attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Fifth, Convergence-type CRM strategies had significant influences on attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty.

A Study on the Perceptions of Childcare Teachers on the Training Programs for Cooperating Teachers in Childcare Practicum (보육실습 지도교사 교육프로그램에 대한 보육교사의 인식조사)

  • Ra, Seung Seon;Lee, Choon Ja
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.25-49
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    • 2013
  • This study intends to identify the perceptions of childcare teachers in training programs for cooperating teachers in childcare practicum. The 368 childcare teachers who participated in the study lived in D City. The researchers modified the questionnaire from the study of Woon-Ju Cho (2001). In order to analyze the collected data, frequency and cross tab analyses were performed. The research results are as follows: Firstly, according to the examination of the purpose of the training programs for cooperating teachers in childcare practicum, they perceived the acquisition of the abilities to instruct effective teaching methods as the purpose of the training programs for cooperating teachers in childcare practicum. Secondly, there were no statistically significant differences as the researchers investigated the perceptions of childcare practicum, according to the level of participants' education and experiences. But, there was a statistically significant difference of feedback on the journal of the participants' experience level. Thirdly, according to an analysis on the formats of the training programs for cooperating teachers in childcare practicum according to education levels and experience levels, the participants' preferred short-term education during the semester (after returning to the workplace on weekdays). In specific, they preferred less than three hours of education for a three-day or shorter period. As for the characteristics of long-term training programs, three days or less weekly and one to two hours daily were preferred.

The Current State and Implementation of Music Therapy for Adults With Intellectual Disabilities (국내 성인지적장애인 음악치료 중재 현황)

  • Oh, Ji Eun
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to examine the current state of music therapy for adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) by conducting a survey of music therapists. Completed surveys from 32 certified music therapists were included for analysis. The questionnaire was composed of 38 items that asked about the participants' background, work environment and music therapy implementation experience (including assessment, goal establishment, intervention strategy and difficulties). The results of the study showed that music therapy for adults with ID was practiced in diverse facilities. Enhancing social interaction was the most frequently set goal by music therapists, whereas facilities mostly required the music therapy services for emotional stability. Also, instrument playing was used most among music activities, and musical structure was considered most when choosing music for therapy. Among the influential institutional factors, characteristics of the facility were considered most frequently, and the level of functioning was the most considered in terms of client-related factors. To advance the effective use of music therapy interventions with adults with ID, development of music therapy assessment tools and more active communication with facility staff were also suggested when working with this population.

Evaluating Rebuilding Priority to Improve Residential Environment Using Spatial Weighting: A Case Study on Shinchun-Dong of Daegu Metropolitan City (공간 가중치를 이용한 주거환경 개선지역 우선순위평가: 대구광역시 신천동을 사례로)

  • Son, Seung-Hooi;Park, Ki-Heon;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.961-980
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    • 2008
  • It is usual to prioritize the blocks to rearrange residential environment by the responsible officer's intuition or a few specialist's experienced knowledge. The aim of this research was to evaluate rebuilding priority in the context of spatially weighted framework integrating resident's view. The spatial weighting for the variables related to evaluation of dwelling environment was derived from AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) approach through the analysis of resident's view. An empirical study for a case study site has been conducted to confirm the validity for the spatial weighting. The spatial weighting has frequently influenced in changing the rebuilding priority and was identified as the important predictor for the improvement sites of dwelling environment. The spatially weighted analysis made it possible to identify area-wide patterns of rebuilding priority area subject to many different type of thematic variables, which cannot be acquired by traditional field sampling. The spatially weighting derived by integrating various formats of spatial data into a comprehensive GIS database in particular, was ideally suited to displaying the objective distribution patterns for rebuilding priority. The result of this study would play a crucial role in dealing with public complaints for rebuilding priority since it could provide objective evidences in accordance with spatial weighting.