• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜도

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A Study on the Insertion Loss of Noise Barrier with the Variation of Top Shape (방음벽 상단부 형상에 따른 삽입손실 연구)

  • 정성수;김용태;이우섭
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.624-631
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    • 2002
  • The insertion loss of the noise barriers with several top shape is measured in an anechoic room by using a reduced scale model test. The insertion loss differences between a straight vertical barrier having 0.3 m height and several barriers with simple top shaped are compared. The results show that the latter is more effective than the former and absorptive barrier is more effective than the reflective one. Among the barrier types of 'T', 'Y', and '(equation omitted)', type 'Y' is the best one and the rest have similar effect. This result is well agree with Alfredson (PIOC. Inter-Noise 95, p. 381, 1995)'s but contradict to May (J. Sound Vb. 71, p. 73, 1980)'s. Therefore, it is difficult to determine which type is the best. In order to find out this discrepancy, boundary element method is adopted and the result shows one can have different result because each supposed different experimental conditions like height of noise barrier, positions of sound source and receiver, etc.

Effects of Pinching and Retardants on Growth and Flowering of Celosia argentea native to Korea (한국자생 개맨드라미의 적심 및 왜화제 처리가 생장 및 개화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Kyu-Sick;Song, Cheon-Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.573-579
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    • 2006
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate growth and flowering characteristics of Celosia argentea native to Korea treated by pinching and growth retardants, diniconazole, hexaconazole and daminozide. The more increased from one to three times of pinching, the more decreased in plant height and internode length but increased number of spadix and lateral branch. Spray application of diniconazole $50mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ and daminozide $6,800mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ decreased plant height, internode length and leaflength, but increased number of spadix, number of leaves and number of lateral branch.

Factors influenced Korean gifted girls and boys to become international Math and Science Olympians (남.여학생이 국제과학올림피아드 입상자가 되는데 영향을 미치는 요인들)

  • 조석희;최호경;김현지;윤혜원;권경림
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-60
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    • 2002
  • Several aspects seen to be related to the phenomenon of having few female Olympians. This study focused on the gender stereotypic parental belief in female child's talent area and lack of parental nurturing behavior on female children in math and science. Other aspects such as females dislike of competition, lack of network, dislike of extraordinary achievement are also included for discussion. The find out how girls and boys became Olympians, 23 male Olympians and 4 female Olympians and their parents were surveyed with questionnaire, on the parental belief, encouragement, and nurturing behaviors. Two Olympians and two non-Olympians were also interviewed to find out what made them to continue to participate in Olympiad or give up Olympiad.

On Identity Between Truth Bearer and Fact (진리담지자와 사실 사이의 동일성에 대하여)

  • Kim, Donghyun
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.207-231
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    • 2018
  • The identity theory of truth insists that a truth bearer is identical with a fact. First, I will consider how we can make the thesis intelligible. For this, I classify the identity relation which the identity theory discusses into two kind; trivial and non-trivial relation. And I show that the trivial one is not adequate to be qualified to be applied to the identity theory. The non-trivial relation can be adopted in robust or modest way. I argue that the robust kind of identity theory is incoherent itself. Then, I explain why we should compare the modest identity theory with the deflationism. From this comparing, I will draw the consequence that two choices are left to the modest theory. If they choose one way, there is no reason for us to prefer the identity theory to deflationism. On the other hand, in case that they choose the other way, I argue what kinds of interesting problem is left to be solved by the modest theorists. Finally, I will evaluate the limit and prospect of the result of the problem in case that the identity theorists achieve their goal.

The Early Wittgenstein on Propositional Attitude Statements (전기 비트겐슈타인과 명제적 태도 진술)

  • Park, Jeong-il
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.231-268
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    • 2018
  • Wittgenstein asserts in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 5.542 that "A believes that p" is of the form "'p' says p" and "here we have no co-ordination of a fact and an object, but a co-ordination of facts by means of a co-ordination of their objects." What does, then, it mean exactly that 'p' says p? What are "facts" and "a co-ordination" in the expression "a co-ordination of facts"? Are propositional attitude statements significant propositions or not? Furthermore, what is the point of Wittgenstein's criticism of Russell's theory of judgement? In this paper, I will answer these questions on the basis of Wittgenstein's explication of the concept of thought and Ramsey's relevant remark on propositional attitude. Meanwhile propositional attitude statements are bound up with solipsism of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and some of them have senses. Hence both of assertions that all the propositional attitude statements are significant and all of them are nonsense in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus are not correct.

A Study on the Theme Selection and Prototype Production for the LX Information Map Service (LX의 정보지도 서비스를 위한 주제선정 및 시범제작)

  • Jeong, Dong-Hoon;Bae, Sang-Keun;Lee, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2015
  • In order to satisfy the high expectations of consumers for a variety of consumer's desired subject area, information could be provided in the form of a map according to the analysis information. With the name change in 2015, LX would intend to play a role in building the information infrastructure that can be supported government policy as an intermediary between the government and private sector. Therefore, in this study, we would like to propose a plan that provide personalized information to the consumer. Through compositing a variety of time-series data(inner or outer of LX) based on public information, and analyzing spatially and temporally the rapidly changing land status. For these purpose, prior research and domestic or abroad thematic map service about thematic map making were reviewed. And the reason why the LX makes information map was presented. Also, themes of 3 field were selected, and depending on the data processing or analysis level and theme were subdivided, and then production and expression method were proposed.

Controlling Agent Government in Contract with State (국가와의 계약에서 대리인 정부에 대한 통제)

  • Lee, Hyukwoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.168-178
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    • 2015
  • Besides the imposition of taxes and mandatory actions, why in a special rules needed in the contract between state and civilians. The contract between the state and civilian are unlike with civilian's contract in the comparable effect, even if the effect of the agreement and the parties bear the structural nature of the self-other agreement between private economic actors and there are a variety of different specificity. In other words, the agents of the contract with the state government for control of opportunistic behavior are very specific rules exist. Through this, even if it is the relationship between state and non-mandatory private realms of the contract, even if the area forced me to the fact that the difference can be confirmed. Representative of the government of the country to understand the delegate decisions and judgments and other opportunistic behavior always seem to exist on the possibility of such devices for the pre-control needed.

The Flora of Forest Wetland in the Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도 일대 산림습원의 관속식물)

  • Shin, Jae-Kwon;Byun, Jun-Gi;Kim, Ju-Yeong;Choi, Seung-ho;Kim, Dong-Kap
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2018.04a
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    • pp.48-48
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 우리나라 산림습원의 식물종 다양성을 보존하기 위한 일환으로 충북지역 산림습원 34개소에 분포하는 관속식물 현황을 파악하고자 수행하였다. 현지조사는 2017년 4월부터 10월까지 7개월 동안 수행하였다. 조사 결과 충북지역 산림습원에 분포하는 관속식물은 총 98과 312속 502종 5아종 71변종 587분류군으로 충북지역 전체 식물상 약 1,241분류군의(국립수목원 한국관속식물분포도, 2016) 47.3%로 나타났다. 습지에 출현하는 빈도에(수생태사업단 우리나라습지생태계 관속식물의 유형분류, 2012) 따라 구분한 결과 절대습지식물은 물꽈리아재비, 큰고양이수염, 통발, 벗풀, 올챙이고랭이, 택사 등 27분류군, 임의습지식물은 버드나무, 쉽싸리, 물억새, 이삭사초, 부처꽃, 비녀골풀, 솔발울고랭이, 양뿔사초, 진퍼리새 등 51분류군이다. 또한 습원과 육지에서 동시 출현하는 양생식물은 모시물통이, 왕미꾸리광이, 물양지꽃, 좀고추나물, 감자개발나물, 참삿갓사초 등 29분류군, 임의육상식물은 쇠뜨기, 고비, 고추나물, 방동사니, 강계큰물통이, 오리새, 처녀바디 등 25분류군, 절대육상식물은 애기탑꽃, 좀진고사리, 옥잠난초, 물들메나무, 뻐국나리, 진범, 범꼬리 등 88분류군으로 확인되었다. 특히 절대습지식물 중 애기물꽈리아재비, 큰고양이수염, 개쉽싸리, 통발, 송이고랭이, 올방개아재비, 흰고양이수염 등 11분류군은 충북내에서 새롭게 분포가 확인되었다. 산림청 지정 희귀식물은 양뿔사초(CR), 애기물꽈리아재비(VU), 통발(VU) 등 16분류군, 한국특산식물은 키버들, 강계큰물통이, 물들메나무, 넓은잎각시붓꽃 등 19분류군이다. 식물구계학적 특정식물로는 V등급 통발 등 3분류군, IV등급 왜방풍 등 9분류군, III등급 음양고비 등 18분류군, II등급 12분류군, I등급 30분류군이 확인되었다. 외래식물은 큰닭의덩굴, 미국자리공, 붉은서나물 등 27분류군으로 나타났다.

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Estimation of confidence interval in exponential distribution for the greenhouse gas inventory uncertainty by the simulation study (모의실험에 의한 온실가스 인벤토리 불확도 산정을 위한 지수분포 신뢰구간 추정방법)

  • Lee, Yung-Seop;Kim, Hee-Kyung;Son, Duck Kyu;Lee, Jong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.825-833
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    • 2013
  • An estimation of confidence intervals is essential to calculate uncertainty for greenhouse gases inventory. It is generally assumed that the population has a normal distribution for the confidence interval of parameters. However, in case data distribution is asymmetric, like nonnormal distribution or positively skewness distribution, the traditional estimation method of confidence intervals is not adequate. This study compares two estimation methods of confidence interval; parametric and non-parametric method for exponential distribution as an asymmetric distribution. In simulation study, coverage probability, confidence interval length, and relative bias for the evaluation of the computed confidence intervals. As a result, the chi-square method and the standardized t-bootstrap method are better methods in parametric methods and non-parametric methods respectively.

Institutional Ethnography: Why Another Methodology? -Usefullness and Implications of Institutional Ethnography in Social Welfare Knowledge- (제도적 문화기술지: 왜 또 다른 연구방법인가? -사회복지 지식형성에 주는 유용성과 함의-)

  • Kim, In Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.299-324
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    • 2013
  • Institutional Ethnography, a methodology, developed by Dorothy Smith in Canada. Institutional Ethnography is different from traditional ethnography. Also it differs from various kinds of ethnographies such as interpretive ethnography, political ethnography, organizational ethnography, feminist ethnography, auto ethnohraphy. Institutional Ethnography explores social organization of everyday's actualities in institutional settings. This study introduces the outlines of institutional ethnography and examines the usefullness and implications in social welfare knowledge. Usefulness and implications of institutional ethnography follows: 1) expansion and specification of knowledges of 'organized actualities' in social welfare practice and policy fields 2) discovery of specific points for institutional changes in social welfare fields 3) production of social welfare knowledge from the standpoint of ruled, oppressed peoples.

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