• Title/Summary/Keyword: 예비수학교사

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Preservice Elementary Teachers' Perceived Preparedness of High-Leverage Practices in Mathematics Teaching (수학교수 관행에 대하여 예비교사들이 자각하는 준비도)

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Dumitrascu, Gabriela
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2017
  • This study examined elementary pre-service teachers' (PSTs') perceived preparedness of high-leverage practices (HLPs) in mathematics teaching. Eighty-one elementary PSTs who enrolled in four sections of an elementary mathematics methods course at a Midwestern University in the United States participated in a survey that inquired their self-reported confidence and competence levels on HLPs. This study specifically investigated the comparison between PSTs' perceptions of HLPs and the mathematics teacher educators' expectations. Findings show several glaring differences between the PSTs' perceptions and experts' perceptions in regards to the complexity of some HLPs. This study suggests that initial teacher training programs should include more specific investment in PSTs' insights into details of each teaching practice in mathematics by deliberate decompositions.

Inductive Analysis Approach on Middle Grade Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers' Teaching Philosophies (중등 예비 수학 교사의 교육철학에 대한 귀납적 분석)

  • Han, Sunyoung
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.599-615
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    • 2015
  • Teachers' philosophies have not been emphasized enough in the current teacher education curriculum even though teacher's philosophy palys a critical role in schools and classrooms. The examination on pre-service teachers' teaching philosophies is necessary to improve teacher education curriculum so that teaching philosophies are often discussed in the courses of 'pedagogical content knowledge' as well as 'general education.' Therefore, the current study investigated 44 pre-service teachers' teaching philosophies, their sub domains, and relationships among the sub domains. The previous studies regarding mathematics teacher's teaching philosophy were more about 'teacher's belief' and employed deductive inference approach using surveys or questionnaires. These studies commonly pointed out that there were three major domains of 'belief on mathematics itself,' 'belief on teaching mathematics,' and 'belief on learning mathematics.' As these three domains of teacher's philosophy has been strengthened, there were very few studies examining the other potential domains of teacher's teaching philosophy. According to the findings of the present study, which employed inductive inference approach and pre-service teachers' free essay writing assignment, 'belief on teacher's role in mathematics classroom,' 'belief on the purpose of mathematics education,' and 'motivation to be a mathematics teacher' were additionally illuminated as sub domains of teacher's teaching philosophy. Moreover, the interrelationship among the sub-areas of teacher's teaching philosophy was disclosed. Specifically, 'belief on the purpose of mathematics education' and 'motivation to be a mathematics teacher' influenced the other sub domains. This implies that the relationships among the sub domains of teacher's teaching philosophy were more likely to be causal and vertical relationships rather than independent and parallel relationships. Finally, the findings from the current study provide implications indicating how pre-service teachers' teaching philosophies might be established in mathematics education courses for future research and education.

An analysis on the in-service and pre-service teachers' perception of teaching and learning mathematics based on storytelling in elementary schools (스토리텔링 수학 교수·학습에 대한 초등 현직교사와 예비교사의 인식 분석)

  • Kwon, JongKyum;Lee, BongJu
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.283-299
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    • 2013
  • Mathematics textbooks based on storytelling in elementary schools started to apply a new method of teaching math to the first and second grade students from this year. By surveying the actual responses of both in-service and pre-service teachers, this study aimed to find out critical opinions to assist future math teachers. The survey was conducted among 124 in-service teachers and 112 pre-service teachers, asking what they needed for the understanding of the storytelling theory and for the preparation of actual lessons. After analyzing data, we concluded that in-service teachers have more positive opinion about the efficiency of teaching and learning mathematics based on storytelling, but more negative opinion about the appropriateness of storytelling as a means for teaching and learning mathematics than the pre-service teachers in elementary school. The in-service elementary teachers also want to have well-organized teaching resources for storytelling and development. Through a lot of training, more and more creative ways of applying the storytelling method can be learned and concrete presentations of real lessons need to be shared. Approximately 87% of pre-service teachers believe the storytelling method is a necessity in teaching math.

Educational Using A Technology In The Education Of Future Mathematics Teachers (예비 수학 교사 교육에서 공학적 도구의 교육적 활용)

  • Kim, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.345-359
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    • 2011
  • In this research, we designed an educational activities of exploring mathematics programs in a course of mathematics education in teacher's college. We divided future mathematics teachers into 8 groups and suggested 8 mathematics programs to them. Each group explored one mathematics program. We asked to future mathematics teachers exploring some cases that use effectively a mathematics program in the teaching of school mathematics. In the process of an exploring, we designed some activities of teaching and learning. We provided opportunities of long-term exploration, group learning, presentations, exercises, reflections to mathematics teachers. As a result, future mathematics teachers acquired basic knowledge on the usage of mathematics programs in school mathematics textbook. In addition, their capabilities that are needed to explore mathematics programs have been enhanced. Also they had learned the teacher's positive attitude through the activities of teaching and learning.

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Case Study of Mathematical Pedagogy for Prospective Elementary Teachers in the US (미국의 초등 예비교사를 위한 수학 교수법에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Pang, Jeong-Suk
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.487-507
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    • 2011
  • Despite the recent increased attention to mathematics teacher education there have been lack of empirical studies on how to teach teachers. A study of mathematics instruction for prospective teachers can be conducted either by a teacher educator's critical reflection on her teaching or by observation of others' teaching practices. This paper was from the author's observation of a mathematics instruction course for future elementary teachers at the University of California at Irvine. As such this paper described in detail how the course was implemented throughout the quarter and drew implications for a teacher preparation program in Korea. As the course had a specific purpose of promoting future teachers' expertise in mathematics instruction and employed various strategies that were different from a typical university course, this paper is expected to provide teacher educators with the insight of an alternative teaching style and to provoke discussion of how to connect theory to practice for effective teacher education.

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Improving Mathematics Pre-service Teachers' Assessment Competence through Practice and Reflection (실습과 반성을 통한 수학 예비교사의 평가 전문성 신장)

  • Kim, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.277-292
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    • 2012
  • Teacher's competence in student assessment can be developed by the successive experiences that they choose assessment methods, develop assessment instrument, administer the assessment, score and grade students' responses, analyze, interpret, use, and communicate assessment results, and reflect the whole assessment processes. In this study I educated pre-service teachers in order for them to improve their assessment competence. Mathematics pre-service teachers practiced and reflected the assessment processes. In the aspects of reflections, I analyzed their journals about the knowledge of assessment, the dual situation as a student and a teacher, and their assessment practices. These areas are proved to interact each other, contribute pre-service teachers' assessment competence and construct the elements of assessment competence. And I identified the development of pre-service teachers' assessment competence quantitatively by the teacher's assessment competence test.

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Conceptions in Teaching and Learning of Secondary Pre-service Teachers (중등 수학 예비교사의 교수-학습 개념 연구)

  • Kwon, Na Young
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.321-335
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to investigate beliefs of secondary pre-service teachers in mathematics. In particular, conceptions of teaching and learning were examined, For the purpose of this study, using an instrument, Teaching and Learning Conceptions Questionnaire, developed by Chan & Elliot(2004), a survey was conducted for 86 secondary mathematics pre-service teachers in Incheon area. The results showed that the mathematics pre-service teachers strongly agreed with the constructivist perspectives. In addition, compared to the juniors, the seniors responded more positive in the questions relative to the traditionalist view and the male students agreed more with the traditional conceptions, as comparing to the female students in this study. This study had limitations on the extent of the research site and participant. However, it would provide foundational information about pre-service teachers for teacher educators.

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An Analysis on the Perceptions of Creativity in Mathematics of Preservice Elementary School Teachers (초등예비교사의 수학 창의성에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Park, Mangoo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.81-105
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions of creativity in mathematics of preservice elementary school teachers. Creativity in Mathematics is one of the most important components in mathematics teaching and learning, which has been emphasized in the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and the 2009 Revised Mathematics Curriculum. For this study, the researcher analyzed reports of creativity in mathematics in mathematics lessons from the perspectives of 55 preservice elementary school teachers. The preservice teachers observed 55 mathematics lessons focusing on creativity in mathematics during their two-week-student-teaching period. The results showed the followings. First, the preservice teachers had a narrow perceptions on creativity in mathematics. Second, observational experiences of mathematics lessons led the preservice teachers to reconsideration of creativity in mathematics. Third, the preservice teachers provided a various strategies to enhance students' creativity in mathematics. The researcher suggested the followings. First, definitions and practices of creativity in mathematics should be included in the teacher education programs. Second, mathematics textbooks should include creativity in mathematics in a sophisticated manner. Third, creativity-rich materials should be developed and distributed to teachers. Finally, well-designed teacher training programs should be necessary.

예비 초등교사의 덧셈과 뺄셈에 관한 교과 지식과 교수학적 지식

  • Lee, Jong-Uk
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.16
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구의 목적은 예비 초등교사의 덧셈과 뺄셈에 대한 교과 지식과 교수학적 지식이 어떠한가를 알아보는 것이었다. 29명의 예비 초등교사가 연구에 참여하였으며 자료는 개방형 답을 하는 질문지를 사용하여 수집하였다. 분석결과 예비 초등교사들은 문장제에서 의미론적 구성과 합병과 구차의 상황에 대한 이해에 어려움을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 교수학적 방법에서는 알고리즘에 의한 설명 방법을 주로 사용하였으며 뺄셈을 설명하는데 몇 가지 오개념을 보였다. 이 결과는 앞으로 초등교사양성대학의 프로그램 개발과 운영에 기초가 될 것이다.

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Investigating how the tasks' characteristics change according to modifying the textbook tasks and implementing the lesson by secondary preservice teachers: Focused on the mathematical modeling perspectives (중등 예비교사의 교과서 과제 변형 및 수업 실행 중 나타난 과제의 특징 변화: 수학적 모델링 관점을 중심으로)

  • Hye-Yun Jung;Jihyun Lee
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.527-547
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    • 2024
  • It is difficult for mathematics teachers to develop mathematical modeling tasks and implement mathematical modeling lessons for their students. These difficulties serve as a reason why mathematical modeling lessons are not implemented well in school mathematics. In this study, we aimed to examine how preservice mathematics teachers (PMTs) modify mathematical modeling tasks in mathematics textbooks as a way to develop mathematical modeling tasks and how they implement the mathematical modeling lesson. In particular, we focused on how the openness and reality reflected in the task and the mathematical modeling process change as PMTs modify the tasks. We collected data through PMTs' evaluation reports on analyzing textbook tasks, task modification, lesson plans and implementations, peer evaluation, and self-evaluation. Then, we analyzed these data according to the case analysis process. The findings revealed that when PMTs modified the textbook task, they focused on and improved the openness and the defining variables and the model stages of mathematical modeling process. However, when PMTs implemented lesson, the openness and the defining variables and the model stages of mathematical modeling process were restricted again. PMTs did not focus on other stages. Based on these results, the theoretical and practical implications of the study was discussed.