• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수업 실연

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A study on Analyzing the Difference Factors Occurred in the Pre-service Secondary Teachers on the Mathematical Noticing (수학적 주목하기에 관한 예비 중등교사들 간의 차이 발생 요인 분석 및 실천적 지식 함양 방안)

  • Hwang, Hye Jeang;Yu, Ji Won
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2021
  • Recently, in the field of mathematics education, mathematical noticing has been considered as an important element of teacher expertise. The meaning of mathematical noticing is the ability of teachers to notice and interpret significant events among various events that occur in mathematics class. This study attempts to analyze the differences of pre-service secondary teachers' mathematical noticing and confirm the factors that cause the differences between them. To accomplish this, the items on class critiques were established to identify pre-service secondary school teachers' mathematical noticing, and each of 18 pre-service secondary mathematics teachers were required to write a class critique by watching a video in which their micro-teaching was recorded. It was that the teachers' mathematical noticing can be identified by analyzing their critiques in three dimensions such as actor, topic, and stance. As a result, there were differences in mathematical noticing between pre-service secondary mathematical teachers in terms of topic and stance dimensions. The result suggests that teachers' mathematicl noticing can be differentiated by subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, curricular knowledge, beliefs, experiences, goals, and practical knowledge.

Awareness Activation of Dance Copyrights and Research of Effectiveness Plans (무용의 저작권 인식 활성화와 실효성 방안 연구)

  • LEE, Seoeun
    • Trans-
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    • v.2
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2017
  • Dance, as an art which expresses thoughts and emotions by movement human, is included in work that its copyright has to be protected, choreographers who are creators and dancers who are performing can exercise their rights included in copyright laws. However, artists who work in the dancing scene have lack of awareness about copyrights and the application level is low. The purpose of this thesis is to look into the current status and issues about dance copyright and to discuss activation plans and effectiveness plans for dance copyrights. The main point is to check into the level of awareness for dance copyrights with choreographers, dancers and students majoring in dance who are in charge of the art of dancing, to present issues about the necessity of the dance copyrights protection plans by analyzing interviews-in-depth and to prepare the dance copyrights protection plans which are concretely realistic. For the research methods, first, I looked into ideas and contents about copyrights through a document research and then, wanted to prepare theoretical background by reviewing actual cases of performing art copyrights related to dance. Next, I carried out surveys about awareness of copyrights with students majoring in dance, choreographers and dancers then carried out analysis of actual proof. Also, I chose three famous dancers who are actively performing in the current dancing scene and did interviews-in-depth about dance copyrights then carried out a recording analysis. I tried to complement the analysis by discussing deeper which I couldn't deal with in the previous surveys and to contemplate awareness activation of dance copyrights and plans. As a result of the research, the level of the awareness about dance copyrights through age, major, education and career was very low. The level of awareness was almost same compared to the previous research 10 years ago. 'Music', which can be an element of copyright issue in dance, was the highest in rate, and dance was recognized as an art which is combined with various elements as a combination work. The way of protection for works of choreography and performance only used data preservation and contracts and didn't register copyrights or record in dace notation. Majority of responders answered that they couldn't have any education about copyrights while they were recognizing the necessity of education and management for copyrights. The analysis of interviews-in-depth was also matched to the result of the previous surveys and a deeper discussion about the status of dance copyrights and issues was carried out. The plans of effectiveness for dance copyrights through the result of previous research are as followings. First, an advanced education is necessary above all to increase the awareness and application of copyrights in dancing scene. Long-term education like study curriculums and short-term education like special courses and seminars should be combined, and education about copyrights for dance groups, choreographers, dancers and students majoring in dance should keep on going. Second, revision of performing art works is necessary for the activation of dance copyrights, and establishing a dance copyright association to manage copyrights systematically and training dance copyright experts are necessary as well. Third, as the way of copyright protection for choreographers and dancers, an establishment for relation gain and loss about copyrights is necessary when creating dance works and performing, and registration of dance works should be activated. Also, the dancing scene should sign contracts for choreography and performance and this contract culture should be activated, and it should systematically preserve and manage choreography and performance records through basic ways. Hereby, it is considered to prepare a foundation to foster the awareness of dance copyrights and activate dance copyrights.

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The Development of Education Method and Model for Convergence Reading Education in School Library (학교도서관 융합독서교육을 위한 교육방법 및 모형개발)

  • Cho, Soo-Youn;Cho, Miah
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.5-33
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the direction and contents of public education to develop competencies that are in line with the 2022 revised curriculum and the paradigm of future education were sought, and a plan for reading education was prepared. A creative and cooperative problem-solving method and process as not only information literacy ability to read, select, and reconstruct information but also transformative competency to respond to uncertain future and diversified situations are important amid the complex, pluralistic and rapid development of information and communication technology It was intended to give an experience of exploring and communicating through reading in order to explore and derive it. Analyze the general outline and syllabus of the curriculum, international education project definitions and indicators, and organize academic theories and research to set the direction and goal of high school reading education, and organize creative and convergence class strategies and reading activities A library reading class model was developed. Accordingly, the class model was revised by applying the development research method, and the final model was developed by supplementing it through field application evaluation. In order to achieve the research purpose end, a two-round Delphi survey was conducted on 10 reading education and curriculum experts. The model modified through the Delphi survey was developed in the final school library convergence reading class model by demonstrating the class in the educational field and supplementing it through application evaluation.

A Study of Criteria for Self-Assessment of Lesson Planning and Teaching Performance (수업 설계 및 실연의 자기평가 기준에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Sohyung;Kim, Yongseok;Han, Sunyoung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.171-192
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    • 2016
  • As teachers' competency is evaluated based on their teaching performance. pre-service teachers need to have an opportunity to reflect on themselves by systematically analyzing and evaluating their own lesson planning and teaching performance through self-assessment. In this study, we aimed to examine what evaluation criteria for lesson planning and teaching performance pre-service mathematics teachers consider in the process of self-assessment. This study used a mixed-methods research design. To draw the self-evaluation criteria for lesson planning and teaching performance, pre-service self-reported assessments were analyzed using qualitative analyses. In addition, descriptive statistics were used to investigate the pre-service teachers' distribution across the criteria and check the ratio of pre-service mathematics teachers for each element. As a result, it was disclosed that pre-service mathematics teachers considered eight elements in self evaluating their own lesson planning and teaching performance. In addition, we found that pre-service mathematics teachers tended to consider Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) more than Subject-Matter Knowledge (SMK). Moreover, the results of this study provide educational implications for the curriculum in the pre-service teacher's education program.

Development of Elementary Record Education Program to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Records : Focusing on UNESCO Memory of the World In Korea (기록 중요성 인식 제고를 위한 초등 기록교육 프로그램 개발 국내 유네스코 세계기록유산을 중심으로)

  • Bae, Na-yun;Lee, Suhyeon;Oh, Hyo-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.78
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    • pp.251-283
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    • 2023
  • Compared to the word "memory" in general, the word "record" can be unfamiliar. This study addressed the problem that elementary school students do not have enough learning opportunities due to the lack of content on records in the curriculum. An educational program using Korea's UNESCO Memory of the world was conducted for three classes of 6th graders at J Elementary School, and the effect of the program was analyzed by administering pre- and post-surveys to students and in-depth interviews to teachers. The results of the student survey showed a significant improvement in their understanding, knowledge, satisfaction with the lessons, and need for records and Korean UNESCO Memory of the world. Teacher interviews confirmed the effect of the program, but suggested that it should be adjusted to fit the limited time available. Based on this, we verified the effect of the developed program and suggested directions for improvement of future record education programs.

A Study on Reformation of the Teacher Certification Examination in the field of Construction Engineering Education (건설공학 교육분야 중등임용시험 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Min-Jeong;Park, Wan-Shin;Jang, Young-Il
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.257-272
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    • 2011
  • The field of Construction Engineering leads 1970's industry of the Korea. As a result of development of construction technology, It secure national competitiveness winning overseas contracts many kinds of plant, building and so on. In this situation, it is the most important task to cultivate and select construction teacher to train construction education and to foster construction skilled workers be going into the field of construction. This Study attempts to offer useful implications about the improvement of the Teacher Certification Examination through analyzing that will have a strong influence and be a standard in educational direction to cultivate construction teacher.

Development and Evaluation of Family Life Culture Education Program in Preparation for the Reunification of Korea aimed at Pre-Service Home Economics Teachers (예비 가정과교사를 위한 통일대비 가정생활문화교육 프로그램의 개발과 평가)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Yookyung;Song, Jieun;An, Soon-Hee;Lee, Yonsuk;Lee, Yhe-Young;Lee, Hana;Lim, Jung Ha;Chung, Soon Hwa;Jung, Min-Young;Han, Youngsun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2017
  • This program aimed at preparing the pre-service teachers to teach about North Korean family life culture to secondary school students, by promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between the two Koreas. Based on the literature review, the educational contents were developed to reflect general aspects of North Korean family life. The program was implemented with 35 undergraduate students in a home economics teacher education program. The program consists of 15 units of 150-minute instructional sessions. The first three introductory sessions dealt with the definitions of family life culture and multiculturalism, as well as a historical review of South-North relationship. The following nine sessions were devoted to North Korean family life culture in five different domains: consumption and leisure, family and child-caring, food and dietary life, housing and neighborhood life, and clothing/fashion. During the final two weeks, pre-service teachers conducted mock-teaching. For evaluation, pre- and post-session scores on general teaching efficacy and understanding of cultural differences were compared using paired t-tests. The pre-/post-test results confirmed that the program was successful in promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between two Koreas of pre-service teachers.

Case Studies on Special Programs in Elementary School Media Centers in Texas, U. S. A. (미국의 초등학교 도서관 특별 프로그램에 관한 사례 연구: 텍사스 주를 중심으로)

  • 정연경
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.221-242
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    • 2002
  • This study is about special programs for elementary school library media centers in Texas in the United States, that can be used as a way of activating the school library media center programs. Various special programs of the seven elementary school library media centers in Texas were selected for case studies and the types, purposes. frameworks, effects of the programs and the subjects were analyzed. Special programs were provided for exhibits and displays, featured speakers or entertainers, learning centers, demonstrations, and media in conjunction with book fair and curriculum. And the purposes of the programs were to support and enhance the curriculum. to provide personal enrichment and to provide professional development for teachers. The frameworks for the program were the special target group, curriculum needs, special theme. interest and entertainment within available time periods. The benefits of the programs were the highlights of the media center and the media specialist, increasing of the school library media center usage. classroom support and enrichment, broadening students' and teachers' interests. encouragement of the development of lifelong learners and the establishment of the good public relations. Therefore, we have to consider the development of the special programs as a method of activating the school library in Korea and it should be brought with the concern and support from the principals, teachers, parents, and community members.

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A Study on Pedagogical Content Knowledge(PCK) and Teaching Efficacy of Prospective Home Economics Teachers (예비 가정과 교사의 교수내용지식(PCK)과 교수 효능감 관련 연구)

  • Kim, Eun Jeung;Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the pedagogical content knowledge(PCK) and teaching efficacy levels of prospective Home Economics teachers. Also of interest were the relationship between PCK and teaching efficacy, as well as the personal factors that influence PCK and teaching efficacy. A survey was administered to students majoring in Home Economics in colleges of education or graduate schools of education in South Korea, and a total of 202 complete responses were analyzed. The prospective Home Economics teachers showed moderately low levels of PCK and teaching efficacy. Among the PCK subcategories, the mean score for content knowledge was the highest, those for expression knowledge and environmental situation knowledge were the lowest. Expression knowledge and content knowledge showed significant effects on teaching self-efficacy, and expression knowledge and environmental situation knowledge on teaching result expectation. As for students' personal characteristics, years in college showed significant effect: Sophomores were the highest in PCK and teaching efficacy levels. Also, those who plan to become Home Economics teachers showed significantly lower levels of PCK and teaching efficacy perception than those who do not. Besides, the more basic required courses they took, the lower their perception of PCK or teaching efficacy. This study suggests that teacher education programs should develop a program that can enhance prospective teachers' teaching efficacy by providing advice and assistance to those students who plan to become teachers, and more hands-on opportunities to practice teaching.

The perception of undergraduates of the college of education on the importance of trainee teacher certification areas and sub-factors (사범대학 재학생의 예비 교사 인증 영역 및 하위 요소에 대한 중요도 인식 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Lee, Tae-Ho
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.164-188
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of undergraduates of the college of education on the importance of certification areas and factors suggested by the certification system at each department level as well as the college as a whole, in order to come up with measures for further improvement. The specific objectives of this study are first, verifying different perception on the importance of certification areas and factor per department, second, verifying different perception on the importance of certification areas and factor per grade. The population of this study is undergraduates of the college of education at A University, and the survey on the different perception on the importance was conducted on 758 students of 10 departments. Total 800 copies of survey were distributed, and 299 copies or 37.3% were retrieved. First, it was found that undergraduates of the college of education at A University highly recognize the necessity of a new system to produce excellent teachers. when it comes to different department, in the area of teaching personalities, there is difference in the importance of teaching aptitude test and completion of social intelligence development program. In the area of teaching expertise, there is different perception in the importance of completion of curriculum education subjects per major, completion of curriculum contents per major, and participation in teaching demonstration contest. In the area of student guidance expertise, there is difference by department in completion of creative character development related education programs and "teaching practice" course. In the area of communication skills in the information society, minimum score requirement for a second foreign language is considered less important than others. Second, as for grade, freshmen highly recognize the importance of validity of teaching training course, integrity of the course, validity of the teaching training course in producing excellent teachers, graduates' job performing ability development as a teacher, appropriacy of curriculum of the college of education in producing excellent teachers, compared to other grades. In particular, seniors consider the necessity of a new system to produce excellent teachers the most.