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A study on Analyzing the Difference Factors Occurred in the Pre-service Secondary Teachers on the Mathematical Noticing  

Hwang, Hye Jeang (Chosun University)
Yu, Ji Won (Chosun University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society / v.24, no.1, 2021 , pp. 127-150 More about this Journal
Recently, in the field of mathematics education, mathematical noticing has been considered as an important element of teacher expertise. The meaning of mathematical noticing is the ability of teachers to notice and interpret significant events among various events that occur in mathematics class. This study attempts to analyze the differences of pre-service secondary teachers' mathematical noticing and confirm the factors that cause the differences between them. To accomplish this, the items on class critiques were established to identify pre-service secondary school teachers' mathematical noticing, and each of 18 pre-service secondary mathematics teachers were required to write a class critique by watching a video in which their micro-teaching was recorded. It was that the teachers' mathematical noticing can be identified by analyzing their critiques in three dimensions such as actor, topic, and stance. As a result, there were differences in mathematical noticing between pre-service secondary mathematical teachers in terms of topic and stance dimensions. The result suggests that teachers' mathematicl noticing can be differentiated by subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, curricular knowledge, beliefs, experiences, goals, and practical knowledge.
Mathematical noticing; difference factors of mathematical noticing; Pre-service secondary teachers; class critiques;
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  • Reference
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