• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상호매체성 관계

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The Intermedial Relationship between the Animations, and (애니메이션 <인사이드 아웃>과 <센과 치히로의 행방불명>에서 나타난 상호매체성 관계)

  • Lim, Yong-Seob
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.43
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2016
  • Inside Out(2015) and The Spiriting Away of Sen And Chihiro(2001) have similar narrative structures and scenes. This paper aimed to compare and analyze the intermedial relationship between the two animations. The result of the study showed intermedial relationship between Inside Out and The Spiriting Away of Sen And Chihiro, which was produced and released about 14 years before. However, it was hard to say the former referred to the system of the latter and adopted it. When seen from the narrative structure of exposition, development, crisis, climax, resolution, in Inside Out, various motifs of The Spiriting Away of Sen And Chihiro were restructured, creating a new feeling. This study considered intermediality as something that a single medium overcomes limitations and is transformed through materials, or media, and an important way to provide consumers with contents of better quality, and using Rajewsky's frame of analyzing intermediality, compared and analyzed the relationship of the two animations.

Outlook of the game acceptance and application in the animation, Wreck-It Ralph - Focusing on Intermediality relation - (애니메이션<주먹왕 랄프>에서 게임의 수용과 적용양상 -상호매체성 관계를 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.419-424
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    • 2016
  • Wreck-it Ralph is the new genre of animation combining with totally different media, games. Hence, how the game, Fix it Felix, Jr. was digested in the animation to interact each other was reviewed in this article. Upon the review, Wreck-it Ralph did not refer to the images and narration structure of Fix it Felix, Jr. but to the specific motives of the game, which is referring to Intermedial individuals in making Intermedial relations. Wreck-it Ralph is the first animation to refer to the motives of the game and have the Intermedial relation with animation. In addition, it has the meanings enough to be analyzed, so we reviewed its Intermedial relation with Rajewsky's analysis frame in this article.

Painting, a direction expression study on time and space in the visual media - Focusing on Gilles Deleuze theory- (회화, 영상미디어에 나타난 시·공간 연출표현 연구 - 질 들뢰즈 이론 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.441-446
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    • 2017
  • As mentioned on the paper, this study does not tackle the issue of contention about different media mix. It rather analyzes the capability and intensity of new media created through the correlation of different media, and researches the intermediality relationship among media to create new type of fine quality media. Along with the development of digital technology, the intermediality relationship among painting, video media such as movie and animation has become active. Also, as the study examined, the mix of 'painting and movie', 'movie, animation, game' has blurred the boundary, and formed a mutual inevitable relationship. Thus, this study examined the transfer of media and correlation based on intermediality relationship insisted by Rajewski and Deleuze's theory. Deleuze's theory explains the relationship of being which analyzed the variation of media. As for the intermediality relationship of media, the study examined process of media combining and converting based on 3 types of category of Rajewski, "media combination, media conversion, intermedial relationship matching".

A Study of Effects of ICT Media Characteristics and Personal Innovativeness on Communication Interaction (ICT 매체특성과 개인혁신특성이 커뮤니케이션 상호작용성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jung-Hyeon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.193-212
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    • 2013
  • Despite widespread availability of communication media supported ICT(Information & Communication Technology), the influence factors and its role to the communication interaction is not clear. The main objective of this research is to examine the factors that affect to the efficient and effective means of communication interaction. The investigation focuses on the effect of four different factors such as ICT communication media characteristics, personal innovativeness, and ICT media attitude. The hypotheses have been tested with the survey of 159 smart phone users. The research summarized in this paper decomposes the influence of the characteristics of ICT media, IT personal innovativeness, and the attitude of ICT usage to the efficient and effective communication interaction.

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Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interation Method Using the Porous Media (다공질 매체를 이용한 유체-구조물 상호작용(FSI) 해석)

  • Tak, Moon-Ho;Park, Tae-Hyo;Jang, Min-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.300-303
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문에서는 유체-구조물 상호작용(Fluid-Structure interaction;FSI)에 관한 새로운 수치적 접근 방법의 제안과 타당성 검토가 목적이다. 기존의 유체 관내 유동에서는 유체-구조물 상호작용방법을 이용하여 해석하였으나 해석과정과 수치적 효율성에 문제점이 있다. 본 논문은 다공질 매체 거동을 이용하여 관내 유체 유동해석이 제안된다. 제안된 기법은 기존의 방법이 갖는 모델링의 어려움을 개선하고, 비교적 복잡한 과정이 수행되어 많은 계산 시간이 요구되어지는 수치적 효율성이 개선되었다. 또한 다공질 매체 거동에서 중요요소인 침투성과 유체-구조물 상호작용의 중요요소인 유체와 구조물경계의 마찰사이의 관계가 도출되었다.

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Network analysis of issue diffusion on the sanitary pad cancer-causing agent via Twitter and Youtube (트위터와 유튜브를 통해 확산된 생리대 발암물질 이슈에 대한 네트워크 분석)

  • Hong, Juhyun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2018
  • This study focused on the difference of the volume of sanitory pad issue and The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between the characteristics of SNS and the diffusion of issue in the process of crisis issue. SNS is categorized into communication diffusion, communication restriction,, diffusion, restriction base on the media interactivity and the user interactivity, In case of Twitter, media interactivity is low and user interactivity is low. In case of Youtube, media interactivity and user interactivity are all high. Crisiss issue is interactively diffused via Youtube compared to via Twitter. There was a negative public opinion in social media even if the government and the manufacturer said that there was no harm in the sanitary goods. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of social media environment in the diffusion of information. The government prepared for the use of SNS in crisis because there was a negative opinion on the government and the manufacturer via SNS.

Competitive Analysis Among Interactive Broadcasting Media in Korea Affected by the Introduction of IPTV : Adopting the Niche Theory (IPTV 도입에 따른 국내 양방향 방송 매체간 경쟁 관계 비교 : 적소 이론의 적용)

  • Han, Eun-Jung;Suh, Bo-MIl
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.219-244
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    • 2010
  • The charged broadcasting market has been becoming very competitive to get the limited media consumers since IPTV was introduced to the market. This research analyzed the competition among interactive broadcasting media. We employed the niche theory for comparing IPTV with Cable TV and Satellite TV, which are two major existing broadcasting media. For employing the niche theory, we focused on the gratification-opportunity features of the media caused by the consumers' gratification sought: ease of use, interactivity, variety of content, and economic feasibility. The results showed the extent to which media are utilized, the extent to which each pair of media are perceived as similar, and the competitive superiority between each pair of media on each dimensions. Finally, we examined the competition structure of IPTV and other broadcasting media, and proposed the competitive strategy for IPTV to get an advantages.

Self-reflexivity in Animation Media -focusing on exposure of production process and intertexuality- (애니메이션의 매체적 자기반영성 -생산과정의 노출과 상호텍스트성을 중심으로-)

  • Suh., Yong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.34
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    • pp.81-104
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    • 2014
  • Self-reflexivity means consciousness turning back on itself and breaks with art as illusionism and exposes their own factitiousness as textual construct. Self-reflexivity in media deals with the media's condition and process itself and tends to pull viewers out of the reality represented on screen by reminding them that is a media's construction or illusion on the screen. Representation aesthetics has been recognized with an essential theory of the art since Ancient Greek, but it has encountered crisis with the invention of the photography and the cinema in the early 1900s. The supreme transparency of the new media induced a new perspective for the representation aesthetics, which had dominated the art world. The art derived from the representation stood on the crossroad of changing direction. Modernism aesthetics wanted to search for the self-referentiality in order to the replace the past principal. This essay focuses on self-reflexivity in animation and their methodology. First, the change of representation aesthetics in visual arts will be discussed. Second, animations exposing their process of production and components will be analyzed, and lastly, intertextuality in animation will be dealt. I hope to provide the vision of the expanded animation media with this study.

IT 활용이 지식 네트워크의 효과성에 미치는 영향: 사회 네트워크 분석을 중심으로

  • Seo, A-Yeong;Sin, Gyeong-Sik
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.312-325
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    • 2008
  • 지식 네트워크 (knowledge network) 구축은 지식의 재사용을 통하여 조식의 효율성을 개선시키고 지식 레버리지를 통하여 혁신을 촉진한다는 점에서 지식관리의 핵심적 요소이다. 본 연구는 (1) 개인이 집단 내 외에서 맺고 있는 지식 네트워크가 팀의 객관적, 주관적 성과에 미치는 영향을 고찰하고, (2) IT 활용이 지식 네트워크의 효과성을 어떻게 조절하는 가에 대해서 실증 함으로써, (3) 지식 네트워크 구축, IT 활용, 그리고 팀 성과 간의 관계에 대하여 학문적, 실무적 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 먼저 사회 네트워크 이론을 바탕으로 지식 네트워크의 집단 내부 결속과 외부 매개성을 통합하는 이론적 프레임워크를 개발하고 국내 5개 컨설팅 업체의 172명의 컨설턴트와 42개 프로젝트 팀을 대상으로 사회 네트워크 분석 (Social Network Analysis)을 실시하였다. 분석 결과는 지식 네트워크의 내부 결속(네트워크의 밀도)과 팀 성과의 선형적인 관계를 지지하였으며, 외부 매개성은 직접적으로 팀 성과에 영향을 미치지 않았으나 팀 수준의 IT 활용 (공동체적인 컴퓨터 매체의 활용)과 상호작용을 통해서 팀의 성과를 실질적으로 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다.

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IT 활용이 지식 네트워크의 효과성에 미치는 영향: 사회 네트워크 분석을 중심으로

  • Seo, A-Yeong;Sin, Gyeong-Sik
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.571-584
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    • 2008
  • 지식 네트워크 (knowledge network) 구축은 지식의 재사용을 통하여 조식의 효율성을 개선시키고 지식 레버리지를 통하여 혁신을 촉진한다는 점에서 지식관리의 핵심적 요소이다. 본 연구는 (1) 개인이 집단 내 외에서 맺고 있는 지식 네트워크가 팀의 객관적, 주관적 성과에 미치는 영향을 고찰하고, (2) IT 활용이 지식 네트워크의 효과성을 어떻게 조절하는 가에 대해서 실증함으로써, (3) 지식 네트워크 구축, IT 활용, 그리고 팀 성과 간의 관계에 대하여 학문적, 실무적 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 먼저 사회 네트워크 이론을 바탕으로 지식 네트워크의 집단 내부 결속과 외부 매개성을 통합하는 이론적 프레임워크를 개발하고 국내 5개 컨설팅 업체의 172명의 컨설턴트와 42개 프로젝트 팀을 대상으로 사회 네트워크 분석 (Social Network Analysis)을 실시하였다. 분석 결과는 지식 네트워크의 내부 결속(네트워크의 밀도)과 팀 성과의 선형적인 관계를 지지하였으며, 외부 매개성은 직접적으로 팀 성과에 영향을 미치지 않았으나 팀 수준의 IT 활용 (공동체적인 컴퓨터 매체의 활용)과 상호작용을 통해서 팀의 성과를 실질적으로 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다.

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