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Self-reflexivity in Animation Media -focusing on exposure of production process and intertexuality-  

Suh., Yong
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2014 , pp. 81-104 More about this Journal
Self-reflexivity means consciousness turning back on itself and breaks with art as illusionism and exposes their own factitiousness as textual construct. Self-reflexivity in media deals with the media's condition and process itself and tends to pull viewers out of the reality represented on screen by reminding them that is a media's construction or illusion on the screen. Representation aesthetics has been recognized with an essential theory of the art since Ancient Greek, but it has encountered crisis with the invention of the photography and the cinema in the early 1900s. The supreme transparency of the new media induced a new perspective for the representation aesthetics, which had dominated the art world. The art derived from the representation stood on the crossroad of changing direction. Modernism aesthetics wanted to search for the self-referentiality in order to the replace the past principal. This essay focuses on self-reflexivity in animation and their methodology. First, the change of representation aesthetics in visual arts will be discussed. Second, animations exposing their process of production and components will be analyzed, and lastly, intertextuality in animation will be dealt. I hope to provide the vision of the expanded animation media with this study.
animation; self-reflexivity; intertextuality;
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  • Reference
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