• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비즈니스 프로세스 수행자

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Construction Process Modelling Method Improving the Traceability of ICT Applications (ICT 적용 추적성 개선을 위한 시공관리 프로세스 모델링)

  • Go, Taeyong;Lim, Taekyung;Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.114-123
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    • 2019
  • Tracking ICT applications on construction business processes is critical to the success of ICT-applied construction projects. Existing IDEF0 is a representative modeling method for visualizing and analyzing business processes. It defines a construction production process into a visual information model, hence, encouraging the project participant to understand the activities, their deliverable, and control flow of the process. However, IDEF0 dose not lend itself to ICT-applied construction processes, because it does not provide a mean to define how, in what order, by which each and every activity that ICT applied implements. This paper presents a new business modeling method that improves the traceability of ICT application (IAMB: ICT Application tracking Model for Business process) for construction management. The IAMB contributes to handle the sophisticated features of construction management processes to which ICT are applied. The method categorizes the process into three types: management, construction, and information exchange. The validity of IAMB was confirmed by analyzing the performance when it is used for tracking each modeling step of lift reservation process which making use of ICT. The test case provides an admissible evidence that the method encourage to define who, what, how, which order, and by which ICT tools the construction process exchanges production information.

A Study on e-SCM Framework in Small and Medium Enterprises with Agent (에이전트를 이용한 중소기업의 e-SCM 프레임워크에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong-Hun;Im, Sang-Hwan;Eom, Wan-Seop
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.237-240
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    • 2004
  • 공급망관리(SCM:Supply Chain Management)는 자신의 비즈니스를 개선하고자 노력하는 대부분의 기업들에게 있어서 핵심 목표가 되고 있다. 공급망최적화(SCO:Supply Chain Optimization)는 이러한 개선 노력의 중심 목표로서 등장했으며, 보다 높은 수준의 고객 만족을 제공하기 위해, 공급망 구성원들이 최상의 업무 수행 사례를 공유하여 공급망 상호작용의 최저 원가와 최고 효율 시스템을 개발하기 위한 조직화 된 노력을 의미한다. 이러한 공급망에서 성과를 내기 위해서는 각 구성 요소들 사이의 조정과 협력이 필요하다. 그러나 기업내부와 기업외부의 환경의 동적인 면으로 인해 이러한 조정에 어려움이 있다. 예를 들면 공급업체로부터 원자재 도착시간의 지연, 생산 설비의 고장, 작업자의 질병, 고객의 주문에 대한 취소 및 변경을 계획의 변화를 유발시킨다. 몇 가지의 경우에는 지엽적으로 다루어 질 수 있지만 대부분의 경우는 공급망의 여러 기능들 사이에서 다루어져야만 한다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 중소기업의 각 프로세스를 최적화시키기 위해 에이전트를 이용한 e-SCM 프레임워크를 구축하고, 시뮬레이션 기법을 통해 그에 따른 성과를 제시한다.

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A Web Services Scheduling Strategy using Quality Information on Web Server (웹 서버에서의 품질 정보를 이용한 웹 서비스 스케줄링 기법)

  • 김동준;이상규;한상용
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.10c
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    • pp.409-411
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    • 2004
  • 최근에 많은 기업들은 XML 메시지 기반의 분산 환경에서 이기종 간의 표준으로 자리잡고 있는 웹 서비스를 도입하여 B2C 뿐만 아니라 B2B에 거쳐서 기업과 기업간 동적인 비즈니스를 수행하고 있다. 하지만, 웹 서비스의 도입이 성공적으로 이루어지기 위해서는 차별화된 서비스 품질을 보장해 주어야 한다. 현재 대부분의 웹 서비스에서는 메시지에 대하여 차별화를 두고 있지 않으며, 기존의 웹 서버들은 웹 서비스 제공자와 사용자간에 체결된 서비스 수준 계약에 대한 품질 요소들을 적절하게 반영하지 못하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 차별화 서비스에 사용되는 응용 수준에서의 적합한 품질 요소를 분석하고, 이러한 품질 요소를 이용하여 웹 서비스 메시지를 처리하는 프로세스에 대하여 서비스 수준 계약을 최대한으로 만족시키기 위하여 동적으로 우선순위를 할당할 수 있는 스케줄링 기법을 제안한다.

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A fragment-Driven Workflow Modeling Methodology (Fragment-Driven 워크플로우 모델링 방법론)

  • Moon Ki-Dong;Kim Hyung-Mok;Kim Kwang-Hoon;Paik Su-Ki
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2005
  • Many organizations have been recognizing the necessity of workflow automation technologies according to the rapid expansion of business process oriented applications, such as enterprise resource pianning, customer relationship management, electronic approval management, and so on, Thus, they have started adopting workflow management systems as an essential technological solution for their workflow processes, However, we need some technological extensions and improvements on them in order to accommodate a new type of workflow processes, which is called cross-organizational global workflow processes that require a certain level of collaborations between the organizations engaged in the global workflow processes, Fragment-driven workflow modeling methodology is a Bottom-Up methodology composing a global workflow by defining each organization's own activities, which is called a fragment through a realtime cooperative system. The approach is able to not only simplify the modeling work but also keep each organization's independence in modeling a global workflow, In this paper, we describe the fragment-driven workflow modeling methodology and realize the methodology through the implementation of a cooperative swimlane workflow modeling system.

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Global Collaborative Commerce: Its Model and Procedure (글로벌 협업 전자상거래를 위한 모형 및 절차)

  • Choi, Sang-Hyun;Cho, Yoon-Ho
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2004
  • This paper suggests a business process between the collaborative companies that want to extend globally sales and delivery service with restricted physical branches in their own areas. The companies integrate their business processes for sales and delivery services using a shared product taxonomy table. In order to perform the collaborative processes, they need the algorithm to exchange their own products. We suggest a similar product finding algorithm to compose the product taxonomy table that defines product relationships to exchange them between the companies. The main idea of the proposed algorithm is using a multi-attribute decision making (MADM) to find the utility values of products in a same product class of the companies. Based on the values we determine what products are similar. It helps the product manager to register the similar products into a same product sub-category. The companies then allow consumer to shop and purchase the products at their own residence site and deliver them or similar products to another sites.

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Opportunity Tree Framework Design For Optimization of Software Development Project Performance (소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트 성능의 최적화를 위한 Opportunity Tree 모델 설계)

  • Song Ki-Won;Lee Kyung-Whan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.3 s.99
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2005
  • Today, IT organizations perform projects with vision related to marketing and financial profit. The objective of realizing the vision is to improve the project performing ability in terms of QCD. Organizations have made a lot of efforts to achieve this objective through process improvement. Large companies such as IBM, Ford, and GE have made over $80\%$ of success through business process re-engineering using information technology instead of business improvement effect by computers. It is important to collect, analyze and manage the data on performed projects to achieve the objective, but quantitative measurement is difficult as software is invisible and the effect and efficiency caused by process change are not visibly identified. Therefore, it is not easy to extract the strategy of improvement. This paper measures and analyzes the project performance, focusing on organizations' external effectiveness and internal efficiency (Qualify, Delivery, Cycle time, and Waste). Based on the measured project performance scores, an OT (Opportunity Tree) model was designed for optimizing the project performance. The process of design is as follows. First, meta data are derived from projects and analyzed by quantitative GQM(Goal-Question-Metric) questionnaire. Then, the project performance model is designed with the data obtained from the quantitative GQM questionnaire and organization's performance score for each area is calculated. The value is revised by integrating the measured scores by area vision weights from all stakeholders (CEO, middle-class managers, developer, investor, and custom). Through this, routes for improvement are presented and an optimized improvement method is suggested. Existing methods to improve software process have been highly effective in division of processes' but somewhat unsatisfactory in structural function to develop and systemically manage strategies by applying the processes to Projects. The proposed OT model provides a solution to this problem. The OT model is useful to provide an optimal improvement method in line with organization's goals and can reduce risks which may occur in the course of improving process if it is applied with proposed methods. In addition, satisfaction about the improvement strategy can be improved by obtaining input about vision weight from all stakeholders through the qualitative questionnaire and by reflecting it to the calculation. The OT is also useful to optimize the expansion of market and financial performance by controlling the ability of Quality, Delivery, Cycle time, and Waste.

A Study on Negotiation Decision Functions for Software Agents (소프트웨어 에이전트를 위한 협상 결정함수에 관한 연구)

  • 김중한
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2003
  • Software agents reduce human involvement to a certain extent by automating routine tasks. However, most of agents have assisted with only a few steps in the multi-steps process of electronic transactions. In order to help users with the important steps in the electronic transactions, software agents need to persuade other parties to act in particular ways. While negotiations have many shapes and forms, this paper focuses on a particular class of negotiation, that is competitive business environment based negotiation. For negotiation with other parties in this contort, it is necessary for autonomous agents to consider environmental variables-the number of competitors, the number of negotiation parties, the maximum time by which they must finish their jobs, and user's preferences. Previous negotiation decision functions for the automated negotiation have used only time or the static numbs of negotiating parties as negotiation criteria, although competitive business environment should include potential competitors who can snatch negotiation parties away. This paper attempts to evaluate the performance of a negotiation decision function that considers the potential competitors in competitive market environment as well as that of a negotiation decision function that does not. For this evaluation, this study adopts the electronic marketplace as an application domain because many buyers and sellers compete for limited resources in the marketplace.

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Case Study of Applying Self-Checkup Preparation for the Successful Technology Based Startup (성공적 기술창업 촉진을 위한 사전자가진단 (Self-Checkup Preparation)항목 개발연구)

  • Yang, Young Seok;Kim, Myung Seuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2016
  • Technology based would-be entrepreneurs have constantly increased as coming with increasing demands for technology based startup. However, technology based startup need to go through throne field in the preparation and launching process. This paper help technology based would be entrepreneurs recognizing and pivoting all potential fatal flaws covering entrepreneurs to BM with strategies by providing self check-up lists. This paper have developed all check list based upon the previous literature reviews about technology commercialization with carrying Focused Group Interview with mentor and investor involved in the early stage of venture growth. In particular, this paper have applied these tools over 104 participants(would-be entrepreneur and entrepreneurs in the early startup) attending in Hanbat Startup Item Validation Program and Startup Leading University program. This paper developed the mega categories of list as follows: Entrepreneurship, technology and patent, target customer and market, product, BM and strategy. It also developed 17 different concept of components and 58 specific sub-lists under maga list. The research results of paper will provide solid foundation of communication with participants about checking up their state of preparation for startup as applying to mentoring for would-be entrepreneurs and to entrepreneurship education.

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Feature-Oriented Requirements Change Management with Value Analysis (가치분석을 통한 휘처 기반의 요구사항 변경 관리)

  • Ahn, Sang-Im;Chong, Ki-Won
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 2007
  • The requirements have been changed during development progresses, since it is impossible to define all of software requirements. These requirements change leads to mistakes because the developers cannot completely understand the software's structure and behavior, or they cannot discover all parts affected by a change. Requirement changes have to be managed and assessed to ensure that they are feasible, make economic sense and contribute to the business needs of the customer organization. We propose a feature-oriented requirements change management method to manage requirements change with value analysis and feature-oriented traceability links including intermediate catalysis using features. Our approach offers two contributions to the study of requirements change: (1) We define requirements change tree to make user requirements change request generalize by feature level. (2) We provide overall process such as change request normalization, change impact analysis, solution dealing with change request, change request implementation, change request evaluation. In addition, we especially present the results of a case study which is carried out in asset management portal system in details.

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A Study of Modeling and Utilization for Software Enhancement Process Based on Business scenarios (업무 시나리오를 기반으로 한 소프트웨어 개선 프로세스의 모델링 및 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Mok;Rhew, Sung-Yul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2013
  • As more than 80 percent of tasks within corporations are performed through information systems, they have become large in scale and complicated, which make the range of the system users diverse and specialized. and as recent corporate strategies focus on the real-time environment in businesses, the organizational structure within companies tend to show frequent changes. In order to ensure the business continuity in this environment, the most important aspect is to prevent incompleteness of business by narrowing the gap of understanding of business process between the system users and the maintenance managers. In order to address this problem, this study suggests a modeling method that utilizes business scenarios reflecting actual business rules and procedures which ultimately transforms the optimized and standardized form of business scenarios into the actual software maintenance activities. This modeling method improves reusability and usability through the repeated feedback mechanism for modified software by leading to gradual fine-grained process. The feasibility of this is to be proven by applying the modeling method to the real business environment.