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An analysis of strand map for instructional objectives on the 7th curriculum in elementary and secondary biology (제 7차 교육과정의 초.중등 생물 수업 목표의 연계성 지도 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Shin;Kim, Hu-Ja;Sonn, Jong-Kyung;Jeng, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.693-711
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    • 2009
  • One of the most important objectives in science education is to develop students' science literacy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relevance between biology instructional objectives in the 7th curriculum taught in elementary and secondary schools. For this study, 7 major parts in each grade were analyzed including cell, the form and function of plants, the form and function of animals, genetics, diversity, evolution, ecology, and environment. The strand map of instructional objectives is completed that represents the relation between the objectives. The summary of the results from this study is as follows. First, the concept about cells is not fully covered in lower grades including elementary schools. While the concept of energy metabolism is repeatedly covered, there is no concept of energy covered in learning the concept of energy metabolism in elementary schools. Second, the textbooks in elementary and middle schools have main concepts about the form and function of plants while those in high schools don't. The concept related to the part of the form and function of animals is repeatedly involved in the curriculum throughout the elementary, middle, and high schools. Third, the concepts such as genetics and evolution are involved in higher grades since these concepts are abstract ones. The part of genetics and evolution as well as diversity has no connection between grades in schools, so the development of "notion between" is necessary to relate these concepts with each other. Fourth, the 4 parts of diversity, ecology and environment, evolution, and the form and function of plants are covered in limited grade levels. The results of the relevance of gene in lesson goals will play an important rein as the primary material in developing the connection between textbooks in which lesson goals are closely related to each other throughout all grade levels in elementary, middle and high schools.

Change and Characteristics of Interactions in a Homogeneous Group on Scientific Inquiry Experiments (동질모둠이 수행한 과학탐구실험에서 실험 진행에 따른 상호작용의 변화와 특성)

  • Seong, Suk-Kyoung;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the factors affecting interactions as well as the students' learning process in small group activities. For this purpose, the changes and characteristics of students' interactions in scientific inquiry experiments were analyzed. This study focused on 2 homogeneous small groups of eighth graders. Students were involved in 13 inquiry experiments for one year and students' interactions in each experiments were observed and recorded using video/audio and the data recorded were transcribed. The analysis of data was based on the method of making a note by looking on and listening to the data repeatedly. Changes in the interactions of the two homogeneous groups differ remarkably. In small group A, owing to the conflicts of students' emotions, learning through social interactions became to be impossible. On the other hand, the interactions in small group B became more active. It seems that this changes are affected largely by the existence of peers who are able to mediate different opinions or feelings among group members. In general, middle school students were poor at receiving peers' opinion, cared a lot about writing reports. The less able students tended to be placed at a disadvantageous position in experiment lessons emphasizing social interactions. Four factors that affected the change of interactions were identified: Is the aim of experiments the understanding or completion of report? Is there any attitude towards peers' suggestions? Is there a disposition to care about peers? Is there any peer to mediate on peers' opinions or feelings? Educational implications of the progression of activities emphasizing interactions and the organization of grouping were drawn.

Trends and Issues of the Korean National Curriculum Documents' Subject-Matter Content System Table: Focusing on the Science Subject Case (우리나라 국가 교육과정 문서상 교과 내용 체계표의 변천과 쟁점 -과학과 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Gyeong-Geon, Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2024
  • The content system table of the subject-matter curriculum is considered important in the Korean national curriculum, textbook writing, and teaching and learning in the classroom. However, studies that comprehensively organize the issues concerning the format of the subject-matter curriculum content system have been scarce. This study scrutinized the evolution of the content system from its inception in The 6th Curriculum to the most recent 2022 Revised National Curriculum, focusing on science curricular. The following issues and suggestions were derived for the format of the subject content system. First, caution should be exercised in using terms such as "domain," "field," and "category," and it should be clarified whether these terms are intended simply for logical differentiation or to serve as a content organizer with a specific emphasis. Second, the nature of components such as "core ideas," which can serve as innovative content organizers, should be strictly defined. Third, while the introduction of three-dimensional content elements such as "knowledge and understanding," "process and skill," and "value and attitude" is viewed positively, it is suggested that a further delineation be made, elaborating how each can be utilized to form core competencies. Fourth, the construction of the subject-specific content system in national curriculum needs caution because whether it will resolve or exacerbate the 'disparity between general curriculum and subject-matter curriculums' is uncertain. Finally, as an apparent pendulum motion of the subject-matter content system is observed in national curriculum documents, efforts should be made to ensure that it does not result in meaningless repetition, but instead achieves meaningful dialectical progress.

Development and Application of an Informal Elementary Science Education Program Emphasizing 'Participation and Action' ('참여와 실천' 차원을 강조한 비형식 초등 과학교육 프로그램의 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Hyunguk;Shin, Chaeyeon;Park, Jiwon;Song, Jinwoong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.337-352
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    • 2024
  • This study develops an informal science education program based on a creative design for the promotion of participation and action and explores the validity and effectiveness of the program. The program consists of three mini-projects, namely, The Martian: Surviving from the Mars, So Good to Have Seonjeongneung, and Designing a Sunshine Restaurant, with distinct topics focusing on the localization and contextualization of the region in which the program was implemented to encourage students' participation and action. The researchers selected three topics for each mini-project through discussions and revisions. The program is designed for 42 lessons across the three mini-projects and offers a presentation session in which students present their learnings from the program, constructed to facilitate personal contextualization. Participants included 15 elementary school students from Grades 5 and 6 who took surveys before and after the program. The pre-post surveys comprised two dimensions, 'Participation and Action' and 'Positive Experience about Science,' to examine the effectiveness of the program. At the end of the survey, we added a self-descriptive question that allows students to freely write down their feelings and thoughts. We checked the students' thoughts. The effectiveness of the program was illustrated by the largest increase in the "safe society" category, whereas there was little increase in other categories under the 'participation and Action' dimension in the Korean Science Education Standards. 'Science-related Self-concept' exhibited the largest increase, whereas the other categories displayed little increase from the 'Positive Experience about Science' dimension category.

An Investigation of Science Teachers' Questioning Considering the Context of Discourse and Exploring Factors Influencing Their Questioning (담화맥락을 고려한 과학교사의 발문 활용에서 나타나는 특징과 발문 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색)

  • Sunghoon Kim;Junbeen Lim;Taehee Noh
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.473-485
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    • 2024
  • In this study, three secondary science teachers' questioning considering the context of discourse were investigated, and the factors influencing their questioning were explored. The questions were categorized into questions that elicit students' opinions or probe their thinking, questions in response to student utterances, questions for classroom management, and rhetorical questions. The results showed that questions related to scientific concepts were classified differently depending on the teachers' intent. Only one teacher frequently used questions that related to students' everyday life experiences. Two teachers, when using "questions asking for students' thoughts," mostly led students to give short or limited option answers. These teachers primarily considered the interactive aspect of questioning but did not account for the cognitive aspect. Teachers often used "questions utilizing student utterances" when students provided answers aligned with scientific concepts. Teachers also used "questions that simply repeated student utterances" with varying intonation to indicate whether the students' responses were correct or incorrect. "Affective questions" were rarely used by the teachers. One teacher did not use "management questions" to check students' understanding or progress, failing to confirm students' comprehension. Characteristics of students, the teachers' teaching and learning beliefs, knowledge about questioning, and subject matter knowledge collectively influenced the teachers' questioning strategies. Based on the results, practical implications for improving science teachers' questioning skills were discussed.

Analysis of Chemistry Teachers' Perceptions of AI Utilization in Education: Focusing on Participants in First-Grade Teacher Qualification Level Training (AI 활용 교육에 대한 화학 교사의 인식 분석 -1급 정교사 자격 연수 참여자를 중심으로-)

  • Sungki Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.511-518
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the perceptions of chemistry teachers regarding the use of AI in education, focusing on their stages of concern, expected effects, and factors impeding implementation. Data were collected through a survey of 79 chemistry teachers who participated in first-grade teacher qualification training in 2024. The stages of concern were analyzed both overall and individually, and differences in stages of concern based on background variables were examined using the Kruskal-Wallis H test. The expected effects were measured across seven aspects, with differences were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and the Bonferroni method. Factors impeding implementation were analyzed through keyword analysis, focusing on internal and external factors. The results showed that overall concern was relatively low, with informational concern (Stage 1) and unconcerned (Stage 0) being high at 35.4% and 34.2%, respectively. Among active teachers, significant differences in stages of concern were observed depending on whether they had training experience (p<.05). The expected effects of AI in education showed significant statistical differences across the seven aspects (p<.05). Teachers rated 'providing diverse learning experiences' as the highest effect, while 'enhancing understanding of scientific concepts', 'improving scientific inquiry skills', and 'cultivating scientific literacy' were rated relatively low (p<.05). Internal factors were found to impede implementation more than external factors, with key internal factors including 'resistance to change', 'lack of capability', and 'teachers' negative perceptions of AI in education'. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to enhance the implementation of AI in educational settings.

Exploration of Features of Korean Eighth Grade Students' Achievement and Curriculum Matching in TIMSS 2015 Earth Science (TIMSS 2015 중학교 2학년 지구과학 영역에 대한 우리나라 학생들의 성취 특성 및 교육과정 연계성 탐색)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2017
  • The result of TIMSS 2015 was announced at the end of 2016. In this research, we conducted test-curriculum matching analysis for 8th grade earth science and analyzed Korean students' percentage of correct answers and responses for TIMSS earth science test items. According to the results, Korean students showed high percentage of correct answers when the item topics are covered in the 2009 revised science curriculum, and Korean students revealed their weakness in constructed response items since the percentage for correct answers on constructed response items is half that of multiple choice items. Depending on the earth science topic, for 'solid earth' area, which includes earth's structure and physical features, as well as earth's processes and history, students showed high percentage of correct answers for multiple choice items. Students, however, showed low percentage of correct answers for items that require applying knowledge to everyday situations and connecting with other areas of science such as biology. For 'atmosphere and ocean' areas, which include earth's processes and cycles, students showed low percentage of scores for climate comparison between regions, features of global warming, etc. For the area of 'universe', students showed high percentage of scores for the earth's rotation and revolution, the moon's gravity, and so on because they have learned these topics since primary school. Discussed in the conclusion are ways to secure content connection between the primary and middle school earth science curriculums, ways to develop students' science-inquiry related competencies, and so on to improve middle school earth science curriculum as well as teaching and learning.

Differences in Eye Movement during the Observing of Spiders by University Students' Cognitive Style - Heat map and Gaze plot analysis - (대학생의 인지양식에 따라 거미 관찰에서 나타나는 안구 운동의 차이 - Heat map과 Gaze plot 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Il-Ho;Choi, Hyun-Dong;Jeong, Mi-Yeon;Lim, Sung-Man
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.142-156
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze observation characteristics through eye movement according to cognitive style. For this, developed observation task that can be shown the difference between wholistic cognitive style group and analytic cognitive style group, measured eye movement of university students who has different cognitive style, as given observation task. It is confirmed the difference between two cognitive style groups by analysing gathered statistics and visualization data. The findings of this study were as follows; First, Compared observation sequence and pattern by cognitive style, analytic cognitive style group is concerned with spider first and moving on surrounding environment, whereas wholistic cognitive style group had not fixed pattern as observing spider itself and surrounding area of spider alternately or looking closely on particular part at first. When observing entire feature and partial feature, wholistic cognitive style group was moving on Fixation from outstanding factor without fixed pattern, analytic cognitive style had certain directivity and repetitive investigation. Second, compared the ratio of observation, analytic cognitive style group gave a large part to spider the very thing, wholistic cognitive style group gave weight to surrounding area of spider, and analytic group shown higher concentration on observing partial feature, wholistic cognitive style group shown higher concentration on observing wholistic feature. Wholistic cognitive style group gave importance to partial features in surrounding area, and wholistic feature of spider than analytic cognitive style group, analytic cognitive style group was focus on partial features of spider than wholistic cognitive style group. Through the result of this study, there are differences of observing time, frequency, object, area, sequence, pattern and ratio from cognitive styles. It is shown the reason why each student has varied outcome, from the difference of information following their cognitive style, and the result of this study help to figure out and give direction to what observation fulfillment is suitable for each student.

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The Correlation Between Sensory Integration Function and Scholar Achievement in the Lower Classes Children (저학령기 아동의 감각통합 기능과 학업성취도간의 상관관계)

  • Shin, Joong-Il;Choi, Yung-Gun;Jang, Woo-Heuk;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to provide reference to functional level of sensory integration of in the low-grads school age, based on the Clinical Observation of Motor and Postural Skills (COMPS) and to examine correlation between the function of sensory integration and academic achievement. Method : Two schools ("J" and "S") have been selected indiscriminately among 56 elementary schools located in Gimhae-si, GyeongNam and then one class from each school was voluntarily chosen among all second-grade classes of the schools. The total number of students in those two classes was 69 (34 boys and 35 girls). Subjects had no developmental problem and no history of referral regarding neurological conditions. Three skilled researchers administrated the COMPS together, and each researcher executed two sub-items of the COMPS. As result of the academic achievement, score data of midterm- and final-exam in the spring semester were collected. The scores of 'Korean language' and 'Math', common examination subjects in both schools, were utilized for data analysis in this study. Results : Statically, there was no significant correlation between the COMPS Weighted Scores and any academic achievements. In a dispersion graphic analysis, however, the total achievement showed significant negative-correlation with the area of 'Rapid Forearm Rotation' and significant positive-correlation with the area of 'Supine Flexion'. In terms of the Math achievement, there are significant negative-correlation with rapid forearm rotation and asymmetrical tonic neck reflex, and significant positive-correlation with the area of 'Supine Flexion'. Students with higher score of the Korean language showed a tendency to get higher Weighted Score and Minus Adjustment Score, and those with lower score of the Math showed a tendency to get higher COMPS scores in all area except the area of 'Supine Flexion'. There was a statically significant difference in the COMPS scores depend on the age among general characteristics. As student older, all COMPS scores, except those in the area of 'Slow Motion' and 'Supine Flexion, were higher. Conclusions : There is somehow reliable correlation between sensory integration function and academic achievement although no statistical significance found in this study. The information from this study may contribute to initiate developing a normative-reference to screen earlier and more alertly sensory integration dysfunctions for school-age children. Further study is recommended trying to find out more reliable matter regarding low grade- schooler's academic achievement.

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The Lean Startup: Korea's Case Study-Cardoc (린 스타트업 방법론의 적용: 한국 '카닥' 사례를 중심으로)

  • Na, Hee Kyung;Lee, Hee Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2016
  • The Lean Startup, a methodology for minimizing failure rate of startups, has been receiving attention since its publication in 2011. Although it has been receiving enormous attention as an effective methodology of startups' growth and the emergence of unicorn companies, it is undeniable that the theoretical research and cases on this topic have not been fully accumulated in Korea. Progress of management theory has been made when combining the theory and case studies. In this paper, we thus excavated the 'Cardoc' case, which has applied the lean startup concept to the entire process of service and customer development from the inception of its product design. The following are the findings of the case. First, for the successful application of lean startup, it is essential that all team members to understand the lean startup concept and are willing to apply it thoroughly to the business management. Second, the prompt launching of MVP(Minimum Viable Product) is more important than table discussion. Third, it is crucial to select the appropriate key metrics and analytic tools for effective learning. Fourth, startup must scale up promptly as soon as it verifies the product-market fit through the BML(Build-Measure-Learn) iteration cycle. Fifth, all new business expansion should be lean. Cardoc is currently testing new MVPs in order to move onto the next scale-up process with huge investments in newly added segments. This study is meaningful in that it elaborates the representative case of a Korean startup that has applied the lean startup strategy under the circumstance of insufficient discussion of Korean startup cases in comparison with growing attention both in concept development and case accumulation abroad. We hope that this paper can be a stepping stone for future relevant research on the implementation of lean startup methodology in Korea.

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