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Gene Expression as Related to Ripening in High Temperature during Different Coloration Stages of 'Haryejosaeng' and 'Shiranuhi' Mandarin Fruits (온주밀감 '하례조생'과 '부지화' 과실의 착색 단계별 고온에 의한 성숙 관련 유전자의 발현 변화)

  • Ahn, Soon Young;Kim, Seon Ae;Moon, Young-Eel;Yun, Hae Keun
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.665-676
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    • 2016
  • As high temperature during citrus growing season has caused a serious problems including inferior coloration in production of mandarins in Korea, we were to investigate the expression pattern of several genes related with coloration during the ripening in high temperature condition of citrus fruits. The expression of genes related with sugar metabolism, cell wall degradation, and flavonoid synthesis in high temperature conditions was investigated in fruits of 'Haryejosaeng' (Citrus unshiu) and 'Shiranuhi' mandarin (C. reticulata). While the expression of beta-amylase (BMY), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), chalcone synthase (CHS), and flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H) was differently induced, expression of polygalacturonase (PG) decreased dependently on temperature conditions. In 'Haryejosaeng' mandarin, while the expression of genes related to the skin coloration, such as CHS and F3H genes increased at 25C, the expression of PAL and stilbene synthase (STS) genes were induced at 3035C in all ripening stages. In 'Shiranuhi' mandarin, the expression of the BMY gene decreased at early time point in all temperature condition and then increased at 3035C than at 25C in the ripening stage 2 to 3 of fruits. F3H and STS genes also showed the tendency to decrease at 3035C. Although the expression levels of genes in ripening stage 1 and stage 2 of fruits showed similar patterns in both 'Haryejosaeng' and 'Shiranuhi', the expression levels of genes were down-regulated in late ripening stage of 'Shiranuhi' fruits compared to 'Haryejosaeng'. In general, the mRNA levels of seven tested genes were higher in 'Haryejosaeng' than in 'Shiranuhi' mandarin, and expression of genes by high temperature was regulated sensitively in 'Haryejosaeng' compared to 'Shiranuhi' mandarin. Further investigations of expression of various genes based on transcriptome analysis in early ripening stage can provide valuable information about the responses to climatic changes in ripening citrus fruits.

The Development and Validation Study of the Entrepreneurial Mentoring Scale (창업 멘토링 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구)

  • Cho, Jang Hyun;Park, Cheong Yeul
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the entrepreneurial mentoring scale on start-up mentoring situation. In recent years, as the needs for entrepreneurship have grown from domestic to foreign, entrepreneurship education is actively being carried out. The entrepreneurial mentoring is strengthening its weight and contents in entrepreneurship education. However, research on the mentoring function scale designed to reflect the characteristics of entrepreneurial mentoring is rarely performed in Korea. In this study, we conducted a qualitative and quantitative research to achieve the research goal. First, we derive the entrepreneurial mentoring scales through literature review and expert group discussions, and we conducted the empirical analysis to draw conclusions. The results of this study are as follows. In the first step, literature review was conducted. In the second step, four major factors and questionnaires were derived through expert group discussion. In the third step, the doctoral level specialists developed 16 questionnaire items to measure the four factors of entrepreneurial mentoring derived from the second step and verified the content validity and the facial validity in fourth step. As a result of this survey, we conducted questionnaires on founding mentors who belonged to 17 Creation Economic Innovation Centers nationwide (153) and analyzed the problem solving, networking, communication, and motivation formation through exploratory factor analysis. This questionnaire was used to survey the entrepreneurial mentors who belonged to the 17 Center for Creative Economy and Innovation under the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning of South Korea(153). In fifth step, as the results of factor analysis such as EFA and CFA, we could confirm four factors including problem solving, networking, communication, and motivation. The significance of this study is as follows. First, academic significance was the first study of the entrepreneurial mentoring function scale reflecting the characteristics of entrepreneur mentoring as a qualitative and quantitative approach in Korea. Second, it is hoped that practitioners will be able to better measure the mentoring function of entrepreneurial mentors and contribute to improving the quality of future entrepreneurial mentoring programs.

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Watt, Who is he? (와트, 그는 누구인가?)

  • Choi, Jun-Seop;Yu, Jae-Young;Im, Mee-Ga
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.108-122
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    • 2017
  • This research paper is to examine James Watt who led the 1st industrial revolution successfully. His great work was called monumental achievement in the human history of civilization. Here, we looked over the Watts' educational environment during his infant, juvenile, and adolescence period and also, his learning attitude about his own field through literature review. The basic infra of soft and hard wares for the industrial revolution through the process of R & D on new developing steam engine resulted from the very industrial revolution and its R & D environment were to be investigated. The useful information and knowledge from this process of the research are able to give an appropriate educational guidance to bring up the development of creativity in schooling systems. And also a lesson from the past could be used to provide the desirable direction for the 4th industrial revolution which is just begun to start now. The main results from this study are as follows; First, Watts' parents positively guided him onto the technology of manual field because they recognized their son was interested in technology field. The parents' attitude stimulated and guided his sons' self-development, had been equal to the aims of education. Second, Watt made a chance of making friendships with professors of Glasgow University. He spontaneously had done self-directed learning for getting knowledge and technology, and thus he became an expert of practical engineer and theorist. Third, the Lunar society, which was jumping over one's social position in their society of the 18th century through new thinking way, leading new ages had been very good R & D social infra for Watt to open and connect new advanced level of science and technology in his age. This society provided a study environment fields for their members to exchange their ideas of scientific curiosity and freely inquiry, technology informations. They had discussed and understood the issues to be occurred in their own fields and accumulated necessary knowledge for problem-solving, respectively. Such as this R & D system environment will be also considered in the modern research group. Fourth, the entrepreneur such as Boulton, who understand technology and grasp its value in future, is needed. The system of 'grue of management' will support the researcher with financial support, which is necessary in R & D. And the researcher like Watt who takes pleasure in technology itself and study eagerly in his field without financial problems, that is, 'grue of technical expert' is essential when leading to success in the industrial revolution.

Survey on pesticide use by chinese cabbage growers in gangwon alpine farmland (강원도 고냉지대 배추 경작자들의 농약 사용 실태)

  • Kim, Song-Mun;Choi, Hae-Jin;Kim, Hee-Yeon;Lee, Dong-Kyung;Kim, Tae-Han;Ahn, Mun-Sub;Hur, Jang-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.250-256
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    • 2002
  • The objective was to know if chinese cabbage growers in Gangwon alpine farmland control agricultural pests including weeds effectively and use pesticide properly. Examiners visited 185 farmers at Taebaek, Pyongchang, and Jeongseon and surveyed 33 questions on pest control methods pesticide use. Chinese cabbage farmers have noxious plant diseases such as clubroot, bacterial soft rot, downy mildew, anthracnose, and mosaic disease, and also noxious insects such as diamondback moth, aphid, beet armyworm, common cabbage worm, and Japanese native slug. In addition, farmers have noxious weeds such as common chickweed, marsh pepper, hairy crabgrass, common purslane, and horseweed. To control diseases and insects, 51.3% of farmers used many chemical agents, while 20.7% of farmers used chemical agents with too much emphasis on paraquat and glyphosate to control weeds: 87.2% of the answered farmers have a preference of the both non-selective herbicides. Farmers in the survey area selected pesticides on the basis of their own experience and sales managers' recommendation (84.2%) which results in the use of inappropriate pesticides such diniconazole. Many farmers have experienced phytotoxicities (46.7%) and pesticide poisoning (51.2%). We conclude that a systematic educational program for the proper selection and use of pesticides should be conducted for chinese cabbage growers in Gangwon alpine farmland.

Matching Points Filtering Applied Panorama Image Processing Using SURF and RANSAC Algorithm (SURF와 RANSAC 알고리즘을 이용한 대응점 필터링 적용 파노라마 이미지 처리)

  • Kim, Jeongho;Kim, Daewon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.144-159
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    • 2014
  • Techniques for making a single panoramic image using multiple pictures are widely studied in many areas such as computer vision, computer graphics, etc. The panorama image can be applied to various fields like virtual reality, robot vision areas which require wide-angled shots as an useful way to overcome the limitations such as picture-angle, resolutions, and internal informations of an image taken from a single camera. It is so much meaningful in a point that a panoramic image usually provides better immersion feeling than a plain image. Although there are many ways to build a panoramic image, most of them are using the way of extracting feature points and matching points of each images for making a single panoramic image. In addition, those methods use the RANSAC(RANdom SAmple Consensus) algorithm with matching points and the Homography matrix to transform the image. The SURF(Speeded Up Robust Features) algorithm which is used in this paper to extract featuring points uses an image's black and white informations and local spatial informations. The SURF is widely being used since it is very much robust at detecting image's size, view-point changes, and additionally, faster than the SIFT(Scale Invariant Features Transform) algorithm. The SURF has a shortcoming of making an error which results in decreasing the RANSAC algorithm's performance speed when extracting image's feature points. As a result, this may increase the CPU usage occupation rate. The error of detecting matching points may role as a critical reason for disqualifying panoramic image's accuracy and lucidity. In this paper, in order to minimize errors of extracting matching points, we used 3×3 region's RGB pixel values around the matching points' coordinates to perform intermediate filtering process for removing wrong matching points. We have also presented analysis and evaluation results relating to enhanced working speed for producing a panorama image, CPU usage rate, extracted matching points' decreasing rate and accuracy.

Analysis of the Present Condition and Demand for the Assistant Workforce in Korean Childcare Center (어린이집 보조인력의 노동실태 및 요구분석: 보조교사, 대체교사, 부담임 교사를 중심으로)

  • Park, Chang Hyun;Kim, Sang Lim
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.85-102
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the working conditions and demands of the assistant workforce at childcare centers, and to provide suggestions on policies for childcare teachers. To achieve the purpose of the study, a total of 190 assistant teachers, nursing helpers, alternative teachers and others were surveyed online during the month of August 2017. The survey examined the employment route and working motives, working conditions and environment, job and educational difficulties for analyzing the work conditions and demands of ancillary staff. For the analysis method, SPSS 12.0 was used to analyze frequency and difference. The main findings are as follows. First, childcare center assistants were able to work at their respective times, making it mandatory for them to enter the workforce, and making job openings for ancillary teachers. Second, 73.7% said the daily working hours were '4 hours to 8 hours' under the conditions and 57.9% said 'More than 510,000 won to less than 1 million won.' Average amount of rest time per day was about 30 minutes, and 17% had no rest periods. Third, based on the job and education status, ancillary personnel performed "infant and child guidance and interaction", "Cleaning and cleanliness related tasks" most actively, and "care for cleaning and cleanliness" and "care for morning and night care". Fourth, in the job trouble and difficulty, ancillary staff found it difficult to satisfy with wage related complaints and job insecurity, and the reason for agreeing to the non-regular workforce becoming a regular worker was found to be due to the stability of employment. Lastly, the most urgent tasks to solve the problem of non-regular workers were to fill the wage gap between regular and irregular workers, shorten the working hours and improve the working conditions. The policy implications are presented based on the above findings.

A Lower Bound Estimation on the Number of Micro-Registers in Time-Multiplexed FPGA Synthesis (시분할 FPGA 합성에서 마이크로 레지스터 개수에 대한 하한 추정 기법)

  • 엄성용
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.30 no.9
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    • pp.512-522
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    • 2003
  • For a time-multiplexed FPGA, a circuit is partitioned into several subcircuits, so that they temporally share the same physical FPGA device by hardware reconfiguration. In these architectures, all the hardware reconfiguration information called contexts are generated and downloaded into the chip, and then the pre-scheduled context switches occur properly and timely. Typically, the size of the chip required to implement the circuit depends on both the maximum number of the LUT blocks required to implement the function of each subcircuit and the maximum number of micro-registers to store results over context switches in the same time. Therefore, many partitioning or synthesis methods try to minimize these two factors. In this paper, we present a new estimation technique to find the lower bound on the number of micro-registers which can be obtained by any synthesis methods, respectively, without performing any actual synthesis and/or design space exploration. The lower bound estimation is very important in sense that it greatly helps to evaluate the results of the previous work and even the future work. If the estimated lower bound exactly matches the actual number in the actual design result, we can say that the result is guaranteed to be optimal. In contrast, if they do not match, the following two cases are expected: we might estimate a better (more exact) lower bound or we find a new synthesis result better than those of the previous work. Our experimental results show that there are some differences between the numbers of micro-registers and our estimated lower bounds. One reason for these differences seems that our estimation tries to estimate the result with the minimum micro-registers among all the possible candidates, regardless of usage of other resources such as LUTs, while the previous work takes into account both LUTs and micro-registers. In addition, it implies that our method may have some limitation on exact estimation due to the complexity of the problem itself in sense that it is much more complicated than LUT estimation and thus needs more improvement, and/or there may exist some other synthesis results better than those of the previous work.

Selectively Partial Encryption of Images in Wavelet Domain (웨이블릿 영역에서의 선택적 부분 영상 암호화)

  • ;Dujit Dey
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.6C
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    • pp.648-658
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    • 2003
  • As the usage of image/video contents increase, a security problem for the payed image data or the ones requiring confidentiality is raised. This paper proposed an image encryption methodology to hide the image information. The target data of it is the result from quantization in wavelet domain. This method encrypts only part of the image data rather than the whole data of the original image, in which three types of data selection methodologies were involved. First, by using the fact that the wavelet transform decomposes the original image into frequency sub-bands, only some of the frequency sub-bands were included in encryption to make the resulting image unrecognizable. In the data to represent each pixel, only MSBs were taken for encryption. Finally, pixels to be encrypted in a specific sub-band were selected randomly by using LFSR(Linear Feedback Shift Register). Part of the key for encryption was used for the seed value of LFSR and in selecting the parallel output bits of the LFSR for random selection so that the strength of encryption algorithm increased. The experiments have been performed with the proposed methods implemented in software for about 500 images, from which the result showed that only about 1/1000 amount of data to the original image can obtain the encryption effect not to recognize the original image. Consequently, we are sure that the proposed are efficient image encryption methods to acquire the high encryption effect with small amount of encryption. Also, in this paper, several encryption scheme according to the selection of the sub-bands and the number of bits from LFSR outputs for pixel selection have been proposed, and it has been shown that there exits a relation of trade-off between the execution time and the effect of the encryption. It means that the proposed methods can be selectively used according to the application areas. Also, because the proposed methods are performed in the application layer, they are expected to be a good solution for the end-to-end security problem, which is appearing as one of the important problems in the networks with both wired and wireless sections.

Determination of Strategies for the Reduction of Plate Waste and Prevention of Plate Waste Reuse in Foodservice Operations (음식점 남은 음식물 저감화 및 재사용 근절 관리 방안)

  • Cha, Myeong-Hwa;Jeong, Hyun-Suk;Ryu, Kyung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to provide strategies for the reduction of plate waste and prevention of plate waste reuse in foodservice operations. To achieve these goals, we surveyed the entrepreneurs of foodservice operations, professionals in the field of foodservice management and food safety, and public officials working for food safety enforcement about their perceptions and strategies on plate waste management. The professionals' survey indicated that definition of plate waste needed to be clear for understanding. Also Korean food culture insisting on abundance and variety table settings, foodservice owners' demands for cost reduction, and foodservice workers' insufficient safety perceptions were indicated to bring forth the practice to reuse plate waste. The effective ways to control plate waste management were systematic educational supports for Korean food culture upgrade among consumers and improvements of safety perceptions among owners, as well as workers. Also small portion size was needed to reduce plate waste.

Direction of Arms Control to Establish Foundation for Peaceful Reunification in Korean Peninsula (한반도 평화통일 기반구축을 위한 군비통제 추진방향)

  • Kim, Jae Chul
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.6_1
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2015
  • It is required to expand area of inter-Korean economic cooperation, being limited to non-military field, to military field and then, to positively promote arms control in order to establish foundation for peaceful reunification in Korean peninsula. Reasons why arms control has not been promoted between South and North Korea in the meantime were such original factors as follows; (1) limit of confidence building between the South and the North, (2) functional limit of arms control itself, (3) institutional structural limit between the South and the North, (4) environmental limit at home and abroad. It is necessary to get out from existing frame and to seek a new paradigm in order to overcome above factors and to realize arms control between the South and the North. First, it is required to have prior political dialog at the South-North high-level talks in order to promote arms control and to exercise 'strategic flexibility' during negotiation and promotion process. For this, 'flexible reciprocity' has to be adopted in compliance with situation and conditions. Second, it is necessary to get out from existing principle of 'confidence building in advance and arms reduction later' but to seek the 'simultaneous driving principle of confidence building and arms reduction' as an eclectic approach. Namely, based on reasonable sufficiency, it is required to promote military confidence building and limited arms reduction in parallel, which is a lower level of arms control. Third, as an advisory body of Prime Minister's Office, it is necessary to install an organization exclusively responsible for arms control and to positively handle arms control issue from the standpoint of national policy strategy. If the South-North high-level talks take place, it is necessary to organize and operate 'South-North Joint Arms Control Promotion Board (tentative name)'. Fourth, it is required to exercise more active diplomatic competence in order to create national consensus on necessity of arms control for peaceful reunification and to form more favorable international environment. Especially, it is necessary to think about how to solve nuclear issue of North Korea together in collaboration with international society and how to maintain balance between ROK-US alliance and Sino-Korean cooperation relations.