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Watt, Who is he?  

Choi, Jun-Seop (Korea National University of Education)
Yu, Jae-Young (Daeho Middle School)
Im, Mee-Ga (Korea National University of Education)
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대한공업교육학회지 / v.42, no.2, 2017 , pp. 108-122 More about this Journal
This research paper is to examine James Watt who led the 1st industrial revolution successfully. His great work was called monumental achievement in the human history of civilization. Here, we looked over the Watts' educational environment during his infant, juvenile, and adolescence period and also, his learning attitude about his own field through literature review. The basic infra of soft and hard wares for the industrial revolution through the process of R & D on new developing steam engine resulted from the very industrial revolution and its R & D environment were to be investigated. The useful information and knowledge from this process of the research are able to give an appropriate educational guidance to bring up the development of creativity in schooling systems. And also a lesson from the past could be used to provide the desirable direction for the 4th industrial revolution which is just begun to start now. The main results from this study are as follows; First, Watts' parents positively guided him onto the technology of manual field because they recognized their son was interested in technology field. The parents' attitude stimulated and guided his sons' self-development, had been equal to the aims of education. Second, Watt made a chance of making friendships with professors of Glasgow University. He spontaneously had done self-directed learning for getting knowledge and technology, and thus he became an expert of practical engineer and theorist. Third, the Lunar society, which was jumping over one's social position in their society of the 18th century through new thinking way, leading new ages had been very good R & D social infra for Watt to open and connect new advanced level of science and technology in his age. This society provided a study environment fields for their members to exchange their ideas of scientific curiosity and freely inquiry, technology informations. They had discussed and understood the issues to be occurred in their own fields and accumulated necessary knowledge for problem-solving, respectively. Such as this R & D system environment will be also considered in the modern research group. Fourth, the entrepreneur such as Boulton, who understand technology and grasp its value in future, is needed. The system of 'grue of management' will support the researcher with financial support, which is necessary in R & D. And the researcher like Watt who takes pleasure in technology itself and study eagerly in his field without financial problems, that is, 'grue of technical expert' is essential when leading to success in the industrial revolution.
Watt; career guidance; R & D; industrial revolution;
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  • Reference
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