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Construction for the Design Project Management System(DPMS) (디자인 프로젝트 관리 시스템(DPMS)의 구성)

  • 우흥룡
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 1999
  • We paid attention to the fact that a project will always tend to increase in size even if its scope is narrowing. The complexities and multidisciplinary aspects of projects require that the many parts should be put together so that the prime objectives- performance, time, and cost- are met. These aspects lead to the use of teams to solve problems that used to be solved by individuals. Firstly, We surveyed the design companies and their clients on the design projects, and categorized the design task into 5 phases, that are marketing, planning, idea development, presentation, and follow-up. Among the phases, the presentation has the most difficult task, longest processing time, and highest cost, whereas idea development phase has relatively low cost, longer processing time, and more difficult task. Most of the companies used to be faced several bottlenecks on their design projects - time control, budget control, and resource control. Secondly, for improving the project managing process, we adopted that dividing and analyzing the sub critical paths may help in the effective managing.(Badiru, Adedeji B., 1995) Some critical paths require almost as much attention as the critical path since they have a high potential of becoming critical when changes occur in the network. Therefrom we suggest the Total task weight(Gt) as a management formula for the design project management.${Gt=\mathrm{T}\ast\leftthreetimes\ast1/100}$<\TEX> ( Gt = Total task weight, mathrm{T} = Task Weight, \leftthreetimes= Criticality ) Thirdly, In order to support to managing for the design projects, we set up an application system, which is graphically planning and implementing a complex undertaking. It is helpful to make the control of a project easy. The DPMS(Design Project Management System), which has two sub system. One is Project Screening System(PSS), and another Project Managing System(PMS). In PMS, we divided the design project into three modules; Project Planning, Project Implementation, and Project Evaluation. As a result, the DPMS will contribute to supply the control of a project easily and effectively. Also teams are used for making decisions and taking action with the DPMS. But we need to get further studies on the relationships between the whole project and its tasks.

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A Development of Career Aptitude Scale for Design Majoring University Students (디자인 진로적성검사의 개발)

  • Gil, Im-Joo;Yang, Sung-Yong
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2006
  • This study developed 'Design Career Aptitude Scale' to help design majoring college students who are seeking their career goals or conflicting to decide their majors. The subscales of the 'Design Career Aptitude Scale' are 'basic job competency', 'basic design competency' and' advanced design competency'. This study further classified the 'basic job competency' and 'basic design competency' into several subareas and defined each concepts. Based upon the classification of each subareas, tentative test items were developed through the verification of validity three times by seven design professionals. A pilot study of the developed scale was administered to 506 design majoring college students. The results by exploratory factor analysis were that the basic job competency was composed of four factors; ability of interpersonal relations, goal-driven ability, problem solving ability and self-developing ability. The basic design competency was composed of five factor, grounding in design, computer skills, material sensitivity, formative ability and color sensitivity. The results can be seen as an adequate, delicate factor structure to represent design aptitude, and also the scale can be a useful tool to the students who are conflicting to decide their majors and careers. The further study needed to validate the scale through the investigation of the relationship with related scales measuring designing ability, and with other criteria-referenced group.

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Holistic Hierarchical Approach to Integrated Water Resources Management in the Tumen International River (두만강 국제하천 통합수자원 관리를 위한 포괄적·단계별 접근방안)

  • Kang, Boo-Sik;Lee, Gwang-Man
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.4 s.153
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2005
  • The Tumen River basin is relatively small(${\approx}33,000km^2$), it has many potential conflicts between the riparian countries. Especially, until recently, it could have not drawn the socio-potitical attention from its central governments because of the geopolitical unique characteristics as edges of mainlands. since 1990's the various plans have been suggested for resolving the problems in this area as an international attention from, e.g UNDP, began to be given. However, the international cooperative structure has not been established in systematic way which has paramount importance. In the research, based on the problems identified in the previous paper, the necessities for independent unit, so called 'Tumen River Watershed Management Commission' were suggested for holistic and hierarchical resolution in accordance with integrated management and international river based on 'limited territory sovereignty' which is a general principle in international river management. For this purposes, hierarchical problem solving approach which consists of 3 phases were developed. They include major objectives and behavioral guidelines for achieving equity between riparian countries based on international cooperation and integrated watershed management as fundamental concept. In conclusion, rational plan for future water use, management and primary framework of Tumen River for international cooperation were composed and strategic approach for the North-East Asian community foundation was suggested.

Exploring the Pre-service Science Teachers' Emotional Experience, Display Rules, and Controlling Strategies During Teaching Practice (교육실습과정에서 나타난 예비과학교사의 감정 경험과 감정 표현 규칙, 조절 전략의 탐색)

  • Kim, Heekyong;Lee, Narea
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.231-251
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    • 2016
  • The goal of the study was to examine pre-service teachers' emotional experiences, especially during student teaching. The following questions guided this study. First, during student teaching, what are the characteristics of emotional experiences of pre-service science teachers? Second, what are used as the emotional rules and strategies by student teacher? In this study, we tracked nine pre-service science teachers over a four-week period of the student teaching. The data sources were lesson observations, interviews, emotional journals, and video-recorded classroom lessons. Results showed that student teachers experienced various 25 different types of emotions which were reported as the primary emotions of Koreans. The main subjects for interaction for positive emotions were students. For negative emotions, students, teachers and student teachers themselves all resulted in such negative emotional experiences. When the student teachers experienced negative emotions, they followed the emotional rule that their emotions should not be expressed in front of the students. Because of this, they tried various strategies for controlling emotions, such as 'understanding students', 'finding the positive side', 'seeing good students', 'ignoring', 'holding back', 'evading', and 'giving up'. Finally, suggestions for teacher education were discussed.

The Patterns of Analogy Change and the Characteristics of Discussions in Collaborative Activity of Self-Generated Analogy (협력적 비유 생성 활동에서 나타나는 비유의 변화 유형과 토론의 특징)

  • Kwon, Hyeoksoon;Kim, Minhwan;Kim, Soohyun;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigated the processes of analogy change and the characteristics of discussions in collaborative activity of self-generated analogy. Twenty-four high school students in Seoul participated in this study. We implemented science instructions based on collaborative activity of self-generated analogy. We compared personal analogies, group analogies, and modified group analogies in order to analyze the processes of analogy change. We also analyzed the characteristics of group and classroom discussions in the science instructions. The analyses of the results indicated that the processes of analogy change were categorized into three patterns; adding shared attributes, recognizing unshared attributes, and revising mapping errors. They selected a group analogy from analogies of their group members by considering inclusiveness, originality, and familiarity. They perceived the activity of self-generated analogy as subjective and creative. Therefore, they felt little pressure of self-generated analogy and there were little conflicts in group discussions. On the other hand, various analogies were suggested in classroom discussions and the competitive atmosphere of classroom discussions led students to focus on unshared attributes. At the stage of modifying group analogies, they added unshared attributes as limitations of the group analogy and changed their group analogy not to have unshared attributes. There were no cases of generating a new analogy. Some suggestions to implement collaborative activity of self-generated analogy in science teaching effectively are discussed.

Changes and Challenges in the Concept of Industrial Accident Insurance in Korea (산업재해 인정 형태 변화와 보상체계 합리화 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Soo;Ra, Ji-Hun;Lee, Seong-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2007
  • The compensation system in industrial accident insurance is systemized with "either receiving all or no benefits at all" according to "admited or denied as an industrial accident". Therefore, they are centered on the decision as "industrial accident" or "non-industrial accident", but judging between the two is very complicated, and has inherent conflicting factors. In the early stage of industrialization, industrial accident compensation was based on the indemnity liability for employer's faults. In order to be compensated any damage, the injured worker should prove that the accident was not due to his or her faults. However it was very difficult for injured worker or his or her family to prove the employer's faults, so it was almost impossible to get compensation. Thereafter industrialization progress and improvement of workers' political status lead to conversion from principle of liability with employer's faults to principle of liability without employer's faults. In addition to that, coverage of industrial accident compensation was also expanded. This improvement strengthened the benefit payment principle of "All or Nothing". Even though the "All or Nothing" principle provokes tremendous criticism, the reason why it's difficult for industrialized countries to adopt partial compensation system, is that partial compensation system worsens the administrative hardship, therefore industrialized countries overcome the restrictions of the "All or Nothing" principle with making balance in provisions for any risk to some extent. However, in Korea because the general compensation system for covering medical cost and income loss from accidents, is not equipped, it could be possible to cause acute conflicts with regard to coverage of industrial accidents. Therefore it is required to improve the industrial accident insurance with the acceptance of the significance and logic of discriminated compensation, and create the integrated compensation system in the long run.

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The Warsaw System: Developing Instruments (바르샤바체제(体制)의 개정문제(改正問題))

  • Shin, Sung-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.5
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    • pp.265-301
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    • 1993
  • 지난 6월 3일 동경에서 있었던, 아시아 항공/우주법 학술대회 제 3분과에서 영국 Bin Cheng교수의 "The Warsaw System: Mess up, Tear up, or Shore up?"이라는 주제의 논문발표가 있었다. Bin Cheng교수는 특히 유럽의 EC Consultant Paper 와 일본항공사들의 1992년의 무한책임보상주의 채택에 대하여, 마치 무한 책임보상주의의 이론이 승리하였으며, 위의 상황들이 그 시작이라고 단정하였는데 이러한 견해는 아직까지 시기상조라고 생각한다. 본 글에서는 동경회의에서의 Bin Cheng교수의 논문중 특히 10항의 결론 부분을 중점으로 반대되는 의견을 제시하고자 한다. 국제항공사법인 와르소체제가 과연 발전하고 있는 것인가? 퇴보하고 있는 것인가? 와르소체제의 반대론자들은 미국의 소송변호사들, 일본항공사들과 일부 순수이론을 고수하는 학자들로써 이들은 와르소체제로부터의 탈퇴와 무한책임보상주의를 고수하고 있다. EC Consultation Paper (각주 122 참조)에서 보듯이, 비록 항공운송시의 손해배상액이 타 운송시의 손해배상액보다 적기는 하지만 이것이 곧 '무한책임보상주의'를 의미하는 것은 아니다. 미국의 판례중 불법행위로 인한 소송 (Nichole Fortman v. Hemeo Inc.)에서 보면, 작은 창자의 대부분을 병원의 과실때문에 잃은 Brooklin의 한 여인에게 500억 정도의 손해배상이 주어진 것을 보면, 과연 완전 보상에 맞는 무한책임이 과연 항공소송에 적용될 수 있는 것인가를 알아야 한다. 무한책임보상주의는 특히 개발도상국의 항공사들에게 보험료가 너무 과중하고, 와르소협약의 근본목적인 국제항공법의 통일성에 반하고 있기 때문에 국제사회 전반에 적용하기에는 비현실적이다. 와르소체제의 통일 성에 대한 거부는 만약 와르소체제에 버금가는 다른 보상체제가 있는 경우에는 다르지만, 현실적으로는 결국 국제적 혼란만을 야기사킬 것이다. 또한 와르소체제 반대자들은 항공운송인과 승객들의 관계를 갈등관계로 보고 있지만, 근본적으로 와프소협약에서의 항공운송인파 승객들의 관제는 공동이악관계로 보아야 한다. 항공운송사업의 목적도 또한 이윤추구인 바, 승객들이 항공운송인에게 과다한 손해배상을 요구하면, 결국 항공운송인은 승객들의 주머니에서 그 댓가를 찾으려고 할 것이다. 절국 양자의 이익을 보는 것은 소송변호사들 뿐이라고 볼 수 있다. 또한 'Unlimited Liability' 에서 'Unlimited' 란 'Full-Compensation' 을 의미하는 것으로, 'Wilful-Misconduct' 의 경우에는, 'Full-Compensation' 의 개념과 다르게, 그 보상액이 Warsaw협약 제 22조 1항에 적용되지 않는 'No-limited' 의 개념으로 해석하여야 한다. 항공소송의 경우에 통상 'Wilful-Misconduct' 의 경우에 손해배상액이 약 $700,000 인 것을 보더라도 'Full-Compensation'의 의미로 해석할 수 없다. 몬트리올 제 3추가의정서에서 'WilfulMisconduct' 의 개념을 삭제하고자 하는 것은, 이에 대비하여 추가보상제도, 임액수의 종액, 영격책임추의 등의 요소들을 전제로 하고 있기 때문이다. 몬트리올 제 3추가의정서가 최근의 발전적인 손해배상제도인가에 대하여, Bin Cheng 교수는 반대를 하고 있지만, 최선의 제도를 찾는 입장에서 몬트리올 추가 의정서는 여러가지로 부족하다. 그러나, 유한책임제도의 개선, 엄격책임주의의 도입, 빠른 소송타결의 제도, 재판관할권의 확대 그리고, SDR 화폐단위의 채택 등은 헤이그 의정서 이후의 보다 나은 제도적 장치를 하고 있다고 해석하여야 할 것이다. 시대의 변화에 따라 점진적으로 발전된 보상제도를 채택하였다면, 오늘날과 같이 시대에 뒤떨어진 보상체제로 혼란을 겪고 있지 않았을 것이다.

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The Study of Security System for Candidates for the 17th President (제17대 대통령선거후보자 경호제도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Doo-Hyun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.43-67
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    • 2007
  • This is the study of efficient security system for candidates for the 17th President. The president election will be held in 20 countries this year. As conflicts between interest groups are expected to emerge, they are afraid of accidental raid in the campaign tour in addition to revival of regionalism and possibility of confrontation between interest groups with issues of anti-FTA In our country. The purpose of this study is to suggest appropriate method through study of security system for president candidate as just 6 months are left for the 17th president election. Also this study covers security environment for the president election, principle of security, and theoretical study for cause of terror, security system domestic and abroad and its analysis and how to provide the efficient security for president candidate. Therefore first, for desirable security the security should be provided by professional org like president security department. Second, combined security for target by current rules should be done. Fourth, total security is necessary to prevent security threats in advance. Third, the public security should be provided for every president candidates. Fifth, example of secret service in America should be studied and economical security should be considered Sixth, we should increase the use of Security Company and martial artists.

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A Theoretical Construction for the Cultural-Political Study on the Place Names in Korea (한국 지명의 문화정치적 연구를 위한 이론의 구성)

  • Kim, Sun-Bae;Ryu, Je-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.599-619
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    • 2008
  • Korean peninsula has a long history and a geopolitical location as a buffer tone, which has provided the conditions for cultural dynamism and diversity across space and time. The changing processes of place names in Korea is considered to be better suited to the study on cultural politics that is interested in the culture wars over the meaning of culture among different social subjects. In order to ensure the legitimacy of cultural politics for the study of place names in Korea, this study attempts to make a theoretical construction based on the concepts of place identity, territorial contestation, and the politics of scale. Cultural and linguistic theories to be best applied to the study of place names in Korea are the theories on Angehm's and Castells' identity, $P{\hat{e}}cheux's$ identification, Hall's decoding, and Voloshinov's ideological sign. Power relations involved in the inclusion and exclusion are necessarily concerned with the process of constructing a place identity or territorial identity by means of a place name, which represents identity and ideology of a social subject. In the examination of this process, it is necessary to take the elements of identity, ideology and power relations into consideration. In this study, therefore, the politics of scale is experimented for its applicability in the study of place name in Korea, which is expected to accommodate concepts of boundary, territory, territoriality and territorialization. In the end, it is suggested in this study that a series of basic and interdisciplinary studies on the cultural politics of place names in a range of area should be undertaken along with the enough theoretical knowledge of cultural politics.

Analyses of Subject Competencies of the Units Related to Core Concept 'Relation' in Middle School Technology-Home Economics Textbooks based on 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정 중학교 기술·가정 교과서의 핵심개념 '관계' 단원에 구현된 교과역량 분석)

  • Kim, Soo Min;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2019
  • The purposes of this study were to develop analysis criteria and analyze the two subject competencies of units dealing with the core concept 'Relation' of the middle school Technology-Home Economics textbook in accordance with the 2015 revised curriculum: 'practical-problem-solving-ability' and 'relationship ability'. The subject of analysis of the current study was the activity assignment of Chapter 1 related to the core concept 'Relation', from the twelve middle school 'Technology-Home Economics II' textbooks. The results of this study were as follows: First, some textbooks showed differences in highlighting or downplaying the components of certain subject competencies. The analysis results for 'practical-problem-solving-ability' in textbook A, E, and G were shown in the high frequency, while in textbook D in the lowest frequency. The analysis results for 'relationship ability' in textbook K and A were shown in the high frequency, while in textbook J in the lowest frequency. Second, Value Judgement was the most frequent component of 'practical-problem-solving-ability' followed by Logical Thinking, Practical Reasoning, and Decision-Making. Family Relation and Sense of Community was the component of 'relationship ability' most frequently dealt with followed by Communication, Conflict Management, and Respecting Others, however Environmental and Ecological Awareness was not shown at all. The two subject competencies were mostly reflected in the Technology-Home Economics textbooks from all the twelve publishers.