The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among calcium intake, blood parameters related with bone metabolism, and serum lipids in healthy adults on self-selected diet. Subjects were consisted of 40 female college students residing in Chungnam. Anthropometric measurements, dietary intake measurements and blood collection were conducted. Serum concentrations of total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphates, leucine amino peptidase, BUN, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, and lipids were measured by biochemical analyzer and ICP spectrometer. The results were as follows. The mean age of subjects was 22.34 years and weight, height and BMI were 52.89kg, 161.29cm and 20.34, respectively. The daily mean energy and calcium intakes were 81.75% and 64.38% of RDA. The mean animal 1:2. The mean serum concentrations were 6.54g/dl(total protein), 4.12g/dl(albumin), 123.24U/(alkaline phosphates), 36.59U/l(leucine amino peptidase), 8.26mg/dl(calcium), 3.29mg/dl(inorganic phosphorus), 60.73mg/dl(triglyceride), 138.49mg/dl(total cholesterol), 65.95mg/dl(HDL-cholesterol), and 60.39mg/dl(LDL-cholesterol). There were no significant differences among calcium intake, bone metabolism parameters, and serum lipids when analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient. More systematic studies are required to investigate the roles of calcium in healthy persons on self-selected diets containing different levels of calcium.