This study analyzed the intake of calories and nutrients based on the consumption of black beans. The survey was conducted on 124 college students (male: 42, female: 82), of whom 63.7% (79 students) were consumers of black beans. The calorie intake of the black bean intake group (1599.81±555.48 kcal) was significantly higher than that of the non-black bean intake group (1259.99±507.58 kcal) (P<0.01). The black bean intake group also showed a significantly higher intake of crude protein (P<0.05), plant protein (P<0.01), animal protein (P<0.05), crude fiber (P<0.001), plant calcium (P<0.001), plant iron (P<0.001), zinc (P<0.01), vitamin B2 (P<0.01), vitamin C (P<0.01), vitamin E (P<0.01) and folic acid (P<0.001) compared to the non-black bean intake group. There was a positive correlation between the frequency of black bean intake and crude fiber (P<0.05), plant calcium (P<0.05), plant iron (P<0.05), and folic acid (P<0.05). Overall, the black bean intake group was more likely to eat black sesame 13.82 times (95% CI=5.37, 35.55), white beans 10.79 times (95% CI=3.53, 33.02), mung beans 7.22 times (95% CI=2.58, 20.23), and brown rice 4.72 times (95% CI=1.88, 11.84), than the non-black bean intake group. In conclusion, we believe that black beans constitute a vital food ingredient that is necessary to provide Korean college students with a well-balanced diet.