This study was undertaken to provide basic data for revitalizing the school meal support centers and improving school meals, by analyzing the purchase conditions and satisfaction of food according to an adoption of a school meal service support center. Comparing the purchasing efficiency, convenience to purchase, and higher overall satisfaction was achieved when a school meal service support center was adopted by the local government, as compared to non-adopted school meal service support centers. Therefore, it is considered that the adaption of a school meal service support center is urgently required by non-adoption local governments. Moreover, the stability of food material supplies was also higher in the adopted rather than the non-adopted centers. Satisfaction with the quality of food ingredients was also found to be significantly higher in the adopted centers. These results indicate that if the local government adopts and introduces the school meal support center, inconsistencies observed in the return and exchange processes experienced by the non-adopted centers can be resolved, and food quality satisfaction can be improved. We, therefore, propose the necessity to implement a system for determining reasonable pricing by establishing systematic cooperation among schools, manufacturing entities (suppliers), and the School Meal Service Support Center.