The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between nutrient intakes and bone mineral density in female university students. A total 27 female university students were measured the anthropometric characteristics, dietary intake and the bone mineral density of carpus using DEXA. The average age, height, weight, % body fat, WHR, and BMI of the subjects were 22.7 years, 161.5 cm, 57.0 kg, 29.9%, 0.8, 21.8 kg/$m^2$, respectively. Bone mineral density of ultradis and distal carpus as T-value were -1.5 and -0.4, respectively. The daily energy intake of the subjects was 1589.0kcal. And the intakes of energy, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin $B_2$, and folic acid did not meet the Korean RDAs. The daily total food intake of the subjects was 1011.0g and food intake from cereals and vegetables was high. The major food groups of mineral intake were vegetables/cereals/milks/fishes for calcium, cereals/meat/vegetables/fishes for phosphorus, cereals/vegetables/meats for iron, seasonings/vegetables/cereals for sodium, vegetables/cereals/seasonings for potassium, and cereals/meats for zinc. The body weight and body mass index were significantly positive correlated to the bone mineral density of average carpus, respectively. The intakes of animal calcium and vitamin $B_2$ were significantly negative correlated to the bone mineral density of average carpus, respectively. In conclusion, bone mineral density in carpus and nutrient intakes of some female university students were low. Therefore, health management and the study on relation between bone mineral density in various site and long-term intakes of nutrients in many subjects are required.