The Korean Society of Visualization (KSV)
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How is the flow in a rotating impeller. About 35 years have passed since one experimentalist rotating with the impeller. of a huge centrifugal blower made the flow measurements using a hot-wire anemometer (Fowler 1968). Optical measurement methods have great advantages over the intrusive methods especially for the flow measurement in a rotating impeller. One is the optical flow visualization (FV) technique (Senoo, et al., 1968) and the other is the application of laser velocimetry (LV) (Hah and Krain, 1990). Particle image velocimetries (PIVs) combine major features of both FV and LV, and are very attractive due to the feasibility of simultaneous and multi-points measurements (Hayami and Aramaki, 1999). A high-pressure-ratio transonic centrifugal compressor with a low-solidity cascade diffuser was tested in a closed loop with HFC134a gas at 18,000rpm (Hayami, 2000). Two kinds of measurement techniques by image processing were applied to visualize a flow in the compressor. One is a velocity field measurement at the inducer of the impeller using a PIV and the other is a pressure field measurement on the side wall of the cascade diffuser using a pressure sensitive paint (PSP) measurement technique. The PIV was successfully applied for visualization of an unsteady behavior of a shock wave based on the instantaneous velocity field measurement (Hayami, et al., 2002b) as well as a phase-averaged velocity vector field with a shock wave over one blade pitch (Hayami, et al., 2002a. b). A violent change in pressure was successfully visualized using a PSP measurement during a surge condition even though there are still some problems to be overcome (Hayami, et al., 2002c). Both PIV and PSP results are discussed in comparison with those of laser-2-focus (L2F) velocimetry and those of semiconductor pressure sensors. Experimental fluid dynamics (EFDs) are still growing up more and more both in hardware and in software. On the other hand, computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) are very attractive to understand the details of flow. A secondary flow on the side wall of the cascade diffuser was visualized based either steady or unsteady CFD calculations (Bonaiuti, et al.,2002). EFD and CFD methods will be combined to a hybrid method being complementary to each other. Measurement techniques by image processing as well as CFD calculations give a huge amount of data. Then, data mining technique will become more important to understand the flow mechanism both for EFD and CFD.
A novel two-phase PIV algorithm using a single camera has been proposed, which introduces a method of image-separation into respective phase images, and is applied to freely rising single bubble. Gas bubble, tracer particle and background each have different gray intensity ranges on the same image frame when reflection and dispersion in the phase interface are intrinsically eliminated by optical filters and fluorescent material. Further, the signals of the two phases do not interfere with each other. Gas phase velocities are obtained from the separated bubble image by applying the two-frame PTV. On the other hand, liquid phase velocities are obtained from the tracer particle image by applying the cross-correlation algorithm. Moreover, in order to increase the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of the cross-correlation of tracer particle image, image enhancement is employed.
A new high-definition stereoscopic PTV was constructed using two CCD cameras, stereoscopic photogrammetry based on a 30-PTV principle. The arrangement of the two cameras was based on angular position. The calibration of cameras and the pair-matching of the three-dimensional velocity vectors were based on Genetic Algorithm based 30-PTV technique. The constructed Stereoscopic PTV technique was tested on the standard images of the Impinging jet proposed by VSJ. The results on the turbulent properties of the jet obtained by the constructed system showed a good agreement with the original LES data.
We propose an image based three-dimensional shape determination system. The shape, and thus the three-dimensional coordinate information of the 3-D object, is determined solely from captured images of the 3-D object from a prescribed set of viewpoints. The approach is based on the shape from silhouette (SFS) technique and the efficacy of the SFS method is tested using a sample data set. This system may be used to visualize the 3-D object efficiently, or to quickly generate initial CAD data for reverse engineering purposes. The proposed system potentially may be used in three dimensional design applications such as 3-D animation and 3-D games.
A process of 3-D particle image velocimetry, called here, as '3-D stereo PIV' was developed for the measurement of a section field of 3-D complex flows. The present method includes modeling of camera by a calibrator based on the homogeneous coordinate system, transfromation of oblique-angled image to transformed image, identification of 2-D velocity vectors by 2-D cross-correlation equation, stereo matching of 2-D velocity vectors of two cameras, accurate calculation of 3-D velocity vectors by homogeneous coordinate system and finally 3-D animation as the post processing. In principle, as two frame images only are necessary for the single instantaneous analysis of a section field of 3-D flow, more effective vectors are obtainable contrary to the previous multi-frame vector algorithm. An experimental system was also used for the application of the proposed method. Three analog CCD cameras and an Argon-Ion Laser(300mW) for illumination were adopted to capture the wake flow behind a bluff obstacle.
The phase-averaged velocity fields of 3 dimensional turbulent wake behind a marine propeller measured by 2D PIV and stereoscopic PIV(SPIV) were compared directly. In-plane velocity fields obtained from the consecutive particle images captured by one camera in 2D PIV have perspective errors due to out-of-plane motion. However, the perspective errors can be removed by measuring three component velocity fields using SPIV method with two cameras. It is also necessary to measure three components velocity fields for the investigation of complicated near-wake behind the propeller for the suitable propeller design. 400 instantaneous velocity fields were measured for each of four different blade phases of
$0^{\circ},\;18^{\circ},\;36^{\circ}C\;and\;54^{\circ}$ . They were ensemble averaged to investigate the spatial evolution of the propeller wake in the downstream region. The phase-averaged velocity fields show the viscous wake developed along the blade surfaces and tip vortices were formed periodically. The perspective errors caused by the out-of-plane motion was estimated by the comparison of 2D PIV and SPIV results. The difference in the axial mean velocity fields measured by both techniques are nearly proportional to the mean out-of-plane velocity component which has large values in the regions of the tip and trailing vortices. The axial turbulence intensity measured by 2D PIV was overestimated since the out-of-plane velocity fluctuations influence the in-plane velocity vectors and increase the in-plane turbulence intensities. -
An experimental study is performed to investigate the characteristics of near wake behind a circular cylinder with serrated fins using the constant temperature anemometer and through flow visualization. Previous report(Boo at al., 2001) shows that there are three different modes in vortex shedding behavior. This paper is focused on the identification of the physical reasons why the difference is occured in vortex shedding. The through flow velocity crossing fins decreases as increasing fin height and decreasing fin pitch mainly due to the flow resistence. Vortex shedding is affected strongly by velocity distribution around fin tube, especially by the velocity gradient. The velocity distribution at X/d=0.0 has lower gradient with increasing freestream velocity and fin height and decreasing fin pitch. Those differences in velocity gradients generate different vortex shedding mechanism.
Imaging techniques using x-ray beam at high energies (>6KeV) such as contact radiography, projection microscopy, and tomography have been used to nondestructively discern internal structure of objects in material science, biology, and medicine. This paper introduces the x-ray micro-imaging method using 1B2 micro-probe line of PAL (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory). Cross-sectional information on low electron density materials can be obtained by probing a sample with coherent synchrotron x-ray beam in an in-line holography setup. Living organism such as plants, insects are practically transparent to high energy x-rays and create phase shift images of x-ray wave front. X-ray micro-images of micro-bubbles of
$20\~120\;{\mu}m$ diameter in an opaque tube were recorded. Clear phase contrast images were obtained at Interfaces between bubbles and surrounding liquid due to different decrements of refractive index. -
Variations of temperature and velocity fields in a Hele-Shaw Convection Cell (HSC) were measured using a holographic interferometry and PIV technique with varying Rayleigh number. Experimental results show a steady flow pattern at low Rayleigh numbers and a time-dependent periodic flow at high Rayleigh numbers. Two different measurement methods of holographic interferometry, double-exposure method and real-time method, were employed to measure the temperature field variations of HSC convective flow. In the double-exposure method, unwanted waves can be eliminated and reconstruction images are clear, but transient flow structure cannot be observed clearly. On the other hand, transient flow can be observed and reconstructed well using the real-time method. PIV results show that flow inside the HSC is periodic and the oscillating state is well matched with the temperature field results. The holographic interferometry and PIV techniques employed in this study are useful for analyzing the unsteady convective thermal fluid flows.
In the current study, characteristics of the laser-induced plasma were investigated in a gas filled chamber or in a gas jet by using a relatively low intensity laser
$(I\;\leq\;5\;\times\;10^{12}\;W/cm^2)$ . Temporal evolutions of the produced plasma were measured using the shadow visualization and the shock wave propagation as well as the electron density profiles in the plasma channel was measured using the Mach-Zehnder interferometry. Experimental results such as the structure of the produced plasma, shock propagation speed$(V_s)$ , electron density profiles$(n_e)$ , and the electron temperature$(T_e)$ are discussed in this study. Since the diagnostic laser pulse occurs over short time intervals compared to the hydrodynamic time scales of expanding plasma or a gas jet, all the transient motion occurring during the measurement is assumed to be essentially frozen. Therefore, temporally well-resolved quantitative measurements were possible in this study. -
A pulsed jet was measured with high-definition 3D-PTV technique. The measurement system consists of three CCD cameras, Ar-ion laser, an image grabber and a host computer. Two fitness functions were introduced in a genetic algorithm in order to enhance the correspondences of the particles. One was based on a concept of the continuum theory and the other one was based on a minimum distance error. The head vortex of the jet was visualized by LIF and was reconstructed by the constructed high-resolution 30-PTV system for comparisons.
To investigate the flow related to the mixing, micro PIV measurements were performed in the middle plane of the channel. A passive micro mixer analyzed in this work has been designed in the shape of a three-dimensional microchannel and fabricated with PDMS molding process by KAIST. The mixing performance was evaluated for different flow rates using phenolphthalein and sodium hydroxide solutions. Results show that mixing is enhanced by the increase of flow rate, which yields stronger secondary flows with helical streamlines.
In micro-channels, the electro-viscous effect is caused by the electrical double layer on pressure-driven liquid flow. Velocity fields of flow inside micro-channels were measured using micro-PIV system for investigating the electro-viscous effect. De-ionized water and aqueous NaCl solutions with four different concentrations were used as working fluid in a PDMS micro-channel of
$100{\mu}m$ width and$66{\mu}m$ height. The pressure gradient, dP/dx, was determined from the pre-determined input flow rate Q of syringe pump. The mean velocity$u_m$ used for calculating Reynolds number was obtained from the PIV velocity field data. These are used to plot the pressure gradient as a function of Reynolds numbers. The pressure gradient far lower concentration solution$(10^{-5}\;M)$ was higher than that for the higher concentration solution. The increase of flow resistance was about$30\%\;and\;37.5\%$ at Re=0.02 and 0.06, respectively. -
Electro-osmotic flow in a PDMS microchannel of
$66{\mu}m\;\times\;200{\mu}m\;\times\;3cm$ has been investigated using a micro PIV system. The field of view was$1056{\mu}m\;\times\;200{\mu}m$ and instantaneous velocity fields were obtained using two-frame cross-correlation method with$64\;\times\;64\;pixels^2$ interrogation window. In this study, we focused on the effect of applied electric field on the variation of internal flow with varying the electric field and seeding particles. The electro-osmotic flow shows a flat velocity profile and the mean velocity is proportional to the applied electric field. -
Plasma ignition method has been applied in various fields particularly to the rocket propulsion, pyrotechnics, explosives, and to the automotive air-bag system. Ignition method for those applications should be safe and also operate reliably in hostile environments such as; electromagnetic noise, drift voltage, electrostatic background and so on. In the present study, a semiconductor bridge (SCB) plasma ignition device was fabricated and its plasma characteristics including the propagation speed of the plasma, plasma size, and plasma temperature were investigated with the aid of the visualization of micro scale plasma
$(i.e.,\;\leq\;350\;{\mu}m)$ , which generated from a Micro-Electro-Mechanical poly-silicon semiconductor bridge (SCB). -
To control the frost formation, a temperature variation of the cooling plate and characteristics on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces was attempted. As a temperature variation of the cooling plate, being closely related to the frost layer density of frost layer is found to be affected by the melting process inside the frost layer during the heating period. At characteristics on surface, completely different structures of frost are appeared in the initial stage of frost formation due to the difference in surface conditions, while those effects are vanished with time. It is found that the frost thickness, density and heat flux characteristics are closely associated with the frost structure.
Numerical Visualization of Three-Dimensional Flow Past an Elliptic Disk using Vortex Filament MethodA study of three-dimensional unsteady incompressible flow past elliptic disk with aspect ratio 3 is presented. Numerical visualization using the vortex filament method was performed at Reynolds number of 20,000 on the basis of the minor diameter, the random walk method was used to calculate viscous diffusion effect. We suggest 3 stages about the wake development according to its structures, stability and motions and described the characteristics of each stages. The structure of the elliptic wake is more complicate and unstable than the wake behind a circular disk.
The Flow patterns around two cylinders in various arrangements were studied by a discrete vortex method. The flow for the surface of each cylinder was represented by arranging bound vortices at adequate intervals. The viscous diffusion of fluid was represented by the random walk method. The vortex distributions, streaklines, timelines and velocity vectors around two cylinders were calculated for centre-to-centre pitch rations of P/D=1.5 and 2.5, attack angles of
$\alpha=0^{\circ},\;30^{\circ},\;60^{\circ},\;and\;90^{\circ}$ , correspond to the photographs by flow visualization and the flow intereference between two cylinders in var ious arrangements was clearly visualized by a numerical simulation. -
Today, the research to examine a fact that interaction between the air and the fluid free surface affects the steady state flow and air. We proved the interaction between vortex pairs and free surface on each condition that is created by the end of delta wings. another purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of surface active material which can change the surface tension and we must consider when we refer to turbulent flow on surface tension. therefore, this research examined the growth process of vortex pairs on condition of clean, contaminated free surface and wall after we made vortex pairs through counter rotating flaps. The results of this study suggest that vortex pairs in clean free surface rise safely but the vortex pairs in contaminated free surface and rigid, no slip is made secondary vortex or rebounding. However the secondary vortex in rigid, no slip is stronger than before, and we can find the vortex shape which roll up more completely. However, these will disappear by the effect of wall.
A one-dimensional fluid model has been established for Raman amplification of a short laser pulse in a plasma by a counter-propagating pump. The laser pulse is amplified with a large gain and also may be compressed by nonlinear three-wave Interactions. The spatiotemporal evolutions of the seed and the pump pulses were visualized for linear and nonlinear regimes, and the transition from regular to chaotic behavior of subsidiary pulses was investigated with variation of pump intensity.
The recent 3D visualization such as volume rendering, iso-surface rendering or stream line visualization gives more understanding about structures or distribution of data in a space and, moreover, the real-time rendering of a scene enables the animation of time-series data. Because the meteorological data is frequently formed as multi-variables, 3-dimensional and time-series data, the spatial analysis, time-series analysis, vector display, and animation techniques can do important roles to get more understanding about data. In this research, our aim is to develop the 3-dimensional visualization techniques for meteorological data in the PC environment by using IDL. The visualization technology from :his research will be used as basic technology not only for the deeper understanding and the more exact prediction about meteorological environments but also for the scientific and spatial data visualization research in any field from which three-dimensional data comes out such as oceanography, earth science, or aeronautical engineering.
Dispersion of coolant jets in a film cooling flow field is the result of a highly complex interaction between the film cooling jets and the mainstream. In order to investigate the effect of blowing ratios on the film cooling of turbine blade, cylindrical body model was used. Mainstream Reynolds number based on the cylinder diameter was
$7.1\;\times\;10^4$ . The free-stream turbulence intensity kept at$5.0\%$ by using turbulence grid. The effect of coolant flow rates was studied for blowing ratios of 0.9, 1.3 and 1.6, respectively. The temperature distribution of the cylindrical model surface is visualized by infrared thermography (IRT). Results show that the film-cooling performance may be significantly improved by controlling the blowing ratio. As blowing ratio increases, the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness is more broadly distributed and the area protected by coolant increases. The mass flow rate of the coolant through the first-row holes is less than that through the second-row holes due to the pressure variation around the cylinder surface. -
In order to visually analyze the flow characteristics, gas was injected into the liquid bath through nozzle installed at the center of bottom of the bath. When gas was injected into the liquid bath, several flow patterns were observed bubble-liquid plumb, the spout flow that occurred at the free surface, liquid circulation flow by bubble's behavior, etc. Various bubbles, from small bubbles to Taylor bubbles, consisted of the bubble-liquid plumb. In the pure liquid region, the large and small several vortices were formed and irregularly circulated. These irregular repetition and circulation play a important role of mixing in the bath. The vortices were developed in the upper and the side wall regions and the movement of flow in the low region was very small. It is known as 'dead zone'.
An experimental investigation was performed to study the characteristics of turbulent swirling flow in an axisymmetric annuli. The swirl angle measurements were performed by flow visualization technique using smoke and dye liquid. Using the Particle Image Velocimetry method, this study found the time-mean velocity distribution and turbulent intensity with swirl for Re = 20,000, 30,000, 50,000, and 70,000 along longitudinal sections and the results appear to be physically reasonable.
Turbulent premixed flames were a subject of many researches for a number of decades. Especially, Borghi suggested a manificent diagram classifying turbulent combustion reasions and Lipatnikov and Chomiak modified this diagram. But this diagram has difficulties tn defining a flame thickness and velocity and measuring integral length scales In addition, recently experimental techniques are being developed, so we can accurately use PIV diagnostics measuring 2D velocity field instead of LDV and make good use of PLIF techniques for obtaining the flame information. In this study, according to developing techniques, suggest a new diagram replacing the existing Borghi diagram. Simultaneous PIV/OH PLIF measurements are used, which measure a shear strain rate and a location of flames, respectively. The shear strain rate represents turbulence and the OH signal indicates the flame information, but there is no geometric Information which is very important to flame quenching. Hence, to consider the geometric information, calculate fractal dimensions of the OH images. So the diagram suggested in this research has three axes which consist of strain rate, OH signal, and fractal dimension and can classify turbulent premixed flames.
Simultaneous measurement of turbulent velocity and concentration field in a stirred mixer tank is carried out by using PIV/LIF technique. Instantaneous velocity fields are measured by a
$1K\times1K$ CCD camera adopting the frame straddle method while the concentration fields are obtained by measuring the fluorescence intensity of Rhodamine B tracer excited by the second pulse of Nd:Yag laser light. Image distortion due to the camera view-angle is compensated by a mapping function. It is found that the general features of the mixing pattern are quite dependent on the local flow characteristics during the rapid decay of mean concentration. However, the small scale mixing seems to be independent on the local turbulent velocity fluctuation. -
Highly swept leading edge extension(LEX) applied to delta wings has greatly improved the subsonic maneuverability of contemporary fighters. In this study, systematic approach by PIV experimental method within a circulating water channel was adopted to study the fundamental characteristics of induced vortex generation, development and its breakdown appearing on a delta wing model with or without LEX in terms of four angles of attack
$(15^{\circ},\;20^{\circ},\;25^{\circ},\;30^{\circ})$ and six measuring sections$(30\%,\;40\%,\;50\%,\;60\%,\;70\%,\;80\%)$ of chord length. Distributions of time-averaged velocity vectors and vorticities over the delta wing model were compared along the chord length direction. High-speed CCD camera which made it possible to acquire serial images is able to get the detailed information about the flow characteristics occurred on the delta wing. Especially quantitative comparison of the maximum vorticity featuring the induced pressure distribution were also conducted to clarity the significance of the LEX existence. -
The supersonic jet discharging from a petal nozzle is known to enhance mixing effect with the surrounding gas because it produces strong longitudinal vortices due to the velocity difference from both the major and minor axes of petal nozzle. In the present study, the supersonic free jet discharging from the petal nozzle is investigated experimentally. The nozzles used are 4, 6, and 8 lobed petal nozzles with a design Mach number of 1.7, and the flow fields are compared with a circular nozzle with the same design Mach number. The pitot impact pressures are measured using a fine pilot probe. The flow fields are visualized using a Schlieren optical method. The results show that the petal nozzle has more increased supersonic length compared with the circular jet.
The shock wave discharged from an annular duct leads to very complicated flow features, such as Mach stem, spherical waves, and vortex rings. In the current study, the merging phenomenon and propagation characteristics of the shock wave are numerically investigated using a CFD method. The Harten-Yee's total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme is used to the unsteady, axisymmetric, two-dimensional, compressible Euler equations. The Mach number of incident shock wave
$M_s$ is varied in the range below 2.0. The computational results are visualized to observe the major features of the annular shock waves discharged from the tube. On the symmetric axis, the peak pressure produced by the shock wave and its location depend upon strongly the radius of the annular tubes. A Mach stem is generated along the symmetric axis of the annular tubes. -
An experimental research has been carried out for flow control of the shock wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction utilizing aeroelastic mesoflaps. Various shapes and thicknesses of the mesoflap are tested to achieve different deflections of the flap, and ail the results are compared to the solid-wall reference case without flow-control mechanism. Quantitative variation of skin friction has been measured downstream of the interactions using the laser interferometer skin friction meter, and qualitative skin friction distribution has been obtained by observing the interference fringe pattern on the oil-film surface. A strong spanwise variation in the fringe patterns with a narrow region of separation near the centerline is noticed to form behind the shock structure, which phenomenon is presumed partially related to three-dimensional flow structures associated with both the sidewalls and the bottom test surface. The effect of the shape of the cavity is also observed and it is noticed that the shape of the cavity is not negligible.