The Korean Society of Visualization (KSV)
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The PIV measurements are performed to get the quantitative flow visualization around a road vehicle. The model scaled with 1/48 is located in the middle test section of the closed-loop water tunnel and the measuring system consists of CCD camera, diode laser, synchronizer, and computer. The experimental data are obtained at two Reynolds numbers of 50,000 and 100,000 based on the model length. The quasi-three-dimensional isovorticity surfaces, based on two-dimensional velocity field data, are generated. There is little difference between the results in part of the recirculation region and the vorticity contour according to the Reynolds number. Also a little bit complicated three dimensional flows are predicted behind the road vehicle.
An experimental study is performed turbulent swirling flow behind a crcular cylinder using 2-D PIV technique. The Reynolds number investigated is 15,000. The mean velocity vector, time mean axial velocity, turbulence intensity, kinetic energy and Reynolds shear stress behind the cylinder are measured before and behind the cylinder along the test tube.
The PSP(pressure sensitive paint) technique has recently received a large attention as a new revolutionary optical method to measure absolute pressure distribution on a model surface. The PSP technique can be applied to quantitatively investigate flow structure using a CCD camera and image processing technique. In the static calibration, the luminescent intensity of PSP coatings was measured from 0kPa to 11kPa with 0.5, 1, 2kPa increments. In this study, the low-pressure PSP technique was applied to an oblique impinging jet to measure pressure field variations on the impingement plate with varying angle of an oblique jet. The flow structure over the impingement plate was visualized using a surface tracing method. As a result, the detail pressure field distributions of the oblique low-speed impinging jet were visualized effectively using the PSP technique.
A purpose of this visual experiment is to investigate the effect of reduced frequency qualitatively by examining wake pattern change for insect flying motion. Insect is composed of two pair wing with forewing and hindwing, flying motion of insect is performed pitching and plunging so it makes a separation over the wings. The separation affects at the wake pattern and changed wake pattern has an influence on lift, drag and propulsion. This experiment is conducted by using a smoke wire technique and a camera is fixed at hindwing to take a photograph of wake. An electronic device is mounted below test section to find exact the mean positional angle of wing. The reduced frequency in experiment is 0.15, 0.3 and 0.45. We obtained the result which that reduced frequency is closely related to wake pattern that determines flight efficiency.
Lock-on characteristics of the flow around a circular cylinder performing a rotationally oscillation with a relatively high forcing frequency have been investigated experimentally using flow visualization and hot-wire measurements. Dominant parameters are Reynolds number (Re), amplitude of oscillation
$(\theta_A)$ , and frequency ratio$F_R=f_f\;/\;f_n$ , where$f_f$ is the forcing frequency and if is the natural frequency of vortex shedding. Experiments were carried out under the conditions of$Re=4.14\times10^3,\;\pi/15\leq\theta_A\leq\pi/3$ , and$F_R=1.0$ . The effects of this active control technique on the lock-on flow regime of the cylinder wake were evaluated through wake velocity measurements and spectral analysis of hot-wire signals. The rotary oscillation modified the flow structure of near wake significantly. The lock-on phenomenon was found to occur in the range of frequency encompassing the natural vortex shedding frequency. In addition, when the amplitude of oscillation is less than a certain value, the lock-on phenomenon was occurred only at$F_R=1.0$ . The lock-on range expanded and vortex formation length decreased as the amplitude of oscillation increases. The rotary oscillation generated small-scale vortex structure just near the cylinder surface. -
The present paper investigated the correlation between acoustic pressure and heat transfer augmentation in acoustic fields. The acoustic pressure predicted by numerical work and compared with the augmentation ratio of heat transfer coefficient was experimentally measured. Also, particle image velocimetry(PIV) was used for the visualization of velocity vectors and kinetic energy distribution inside liquid region. For the numerical work, SVS programed with Fortran language and based on a coupled FE-BEM was used. Results of the present study, the acoustic pressure is increased by
$60\%$ and the largest augmentation of heat transfer about$28\%$ was measured. Finally, the profiles of acoustic pressure is consistent with that of augmentation of heat transfer. It is concluded that a correlation exists between the acoustic pressure and the heat transfer augmentation. -
In this paper, we report the numerical and experimental solutions of the dynamic characteristics of a vortex ring in a circular cylinder generated by impinging a fluid blob from a hole on the bottom wall of the cylinder. We managed to visualize successfully the flow pattern shown on the vertical and horizontal planes by using a specially designed optical apparatus. Results of three-dimensional computation for the flow are shown to be in a satisfactory agreement with the experimental ones. We also report the experimental results which show a breaking of the axi-symmetric pattern after the vortex touches the free surface.
In order to analyze the heat transfer phenomena in the plasma flames, a mathematical model describing heat and fluid How in an electric arc has been developed and used to predict heat transfer from the arc to the steel bath in a DC Electric Arc Furnace. The arc model takes the separate contributions to the heat transfer from each involved mechanism into account, i.e. radiation, convection and energy transported by electrons. The finite volume method and a SIMPLE algorithm are used for solving the governing MHD equations, i.e., conservation equations of mass, momentum, and energy together with the equations describing a standard
$k-\varepsilon$ model for turbulence. The model predicts heat transfer for different currents and arc lengths. Finally these calculation results can be used as a useful insight into plasma phenomena of the industrial-scale electric arc furnace. from these results, it can be concluded that higher arc current and longer arc length give high heat transfer. -
Three dimensional density distributions of impinging and eccentric flames have been investigated by digital speckle tomography. The flames have been ignited by a mixture of butane and air from a circular nozzle and impinged against a plate located at the upper side of the burner exit. For comparison with experimental data, computer synthesized phantoms of impinging and eccentric flames have been reconstructed by a developed three-dimensional multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (MART). The advanced reconstruction in the stagnation flow region involved the sharp change of the flow direction and pressure gradient has been developed using a cross-correlation method and new scanning technique for the speckle displacement.
In this study, we present the theoretical, numerical and experimental results of the sink flow from a rotating, circular tank Strikingly enough, when the upper free surface was set with no-slip boundary conditions, the Ekman boundary-layer develops not only above the bottom surface but under the free surface. The sink fluid is coming from the two Ekman layers, and the mass transfer from the bulk, inviscid region is dependent on the rotational speed. It is also remarkable to see that all the fluid gathered along the axis flows through a rapidly rotating fluid column with almost the same size as the hole.
The effects of free surface on wake behind a rotating propeller were investigated experimentally in a circulating water channel with the variation of water depth. Instantaneous velocity fields were measured using two-frame PIV technique at tow different blade phases and ensemble-averaged to investigate the phase-averaged flow structure in the wake region. For an isolated propeller, the flow behind the propeller is influenced by the propeller rotation and the free surface. The phase-averaged mean velocity fields show that the potential wake and the viscous wake are formed by the boundary layers developed on the blade surfaces. The interaction between the tip vortices and the slipstream causes the oscillating trajectory of tip vortices. Tip vortices are generated periodically and the slipstream contracts in the near-wake region. The presence of free surface affects the wake structure largely, when the water depth is less than 0.6D. The free surface modifies the vortex structure, especially the tip and trailing vortices and flow structure in slipstreams of the propeller wake behind X/D = 0.3.
Vortexing might occur during draining from tanks which reduces the rate of outflow. This phenomenon has practical relevance in the fuel feed system in space vehicles and rockets. Due to environmental disturbances rotational motion can be generated in the liquid-propellant tank, which in turn can affect the rate of outflow to the engines. The phenomenon is initialized by rotating the fluid In the experimental tank. The dip quickly develops into a vortex with an air core, which extends to the bottom port, reducing the effective cross-sectional area of the drain outlet and consequently the flow rate. Flow characteristics are investigated using SPIV(Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry) method.
Chemical Mechanical Polishing(CMP) is popularly used in production of semiconductor because of large area polishing ability probability of improvement for more integrated circuit. However, present CMP processing causes some non-uniformity errors which can be critical for highly integrated circuit. Previous studies predict that flow-field of slurry during CMP can create non-uniformity, but no quantitative measurement has conducted. In this study, using PIV, slurry velocity flow-field during CMP is measured by changing the ratio of RPM of pad and carrier with tuned PIV system adequate for small room in CMP machine and Cabot's non-groove pad Epad-A100. The result show that velocity of slurry is majorly determined by pad-rpm and the ratio of between carrier and pad rpm make some changes in streamlines.
Thermo-chromic Liquid Crystal(TLC) particles were used as temperature sensor for thermal fluid flow.
$1K\times1K$ CCD color camera and Xenon Lamp(500W) were used for the visualization of a Hele-Shaw cell. The characteristic between the reflected colors from the TLC and their corresponding temperature shows strong non-linearity. A neural network known as having strong mapping capability for non-linearity is adopted to quantify the temperature field using the image of the flow. Improvements of color-to-temperature mapping was attained by using the local color luminance (Y) and hue (H) information as the inputs for the constructed neural network. -
Kim Hyun Dong;Yoon Sang Youl;Jeong Eun Ho;Ryu Seung Gyu;Kim Kyung Chun;Kim Joongel;Yoo Dal Hyun;Yang Si Young 56
An experimental study has performed to identify the mixing characteristics of basket mill by using PIV and LIF techniques. The velocity fields were measured at three sectors for each two types of basket mill model and various impeller speed. To verify the results of velocity field measurement and the concentration field, LIF measurement also was performed for three cases. There was an inactive region and a descending flow to the bottom of basket mill at the original model. But when the impeller type and the guide shape were changed, internal flow structure was improved suitably for mixing and dispersion. The improvement result in increment of inflow flow rate at the basket entrance about$10\%$ . -
A new PIV technique was developed for decreasing optical error which was created during simultaneous measurements of velocity fields at a wall-normal plane and wall-parallel plane by a plane PIV and a Stereoscopic PIV system. The two Nd:Yag laser systems and three CCD cameras were. synchronized to obtain instantaneous velocity fields at the same time. To avoid optical noise at the crossing line by the two laser light sheets, a new optical arrangement using polarization was applied. The obtained velocity fields show the existence of hairpin packet structure vividly and the idealized hairpin vortex signature is confirmed by experiment.
The present study describes an experimental work to reduce supersonic jet noise using a control wire device that is placed into the supersonic jet stream. The jet pressure ratio is varied to obtain the supersonic jets which are operated in a wide range of over-expanded to moderately under-expanded conditions. The wire device is composed of long cylinders with a very small diameter. X-type wire device is applied to control the supersonic jet noise, and its location is varied to investigate the effect of the control wire device on supersonic jet noise. A high-quality Schlieren optical system is used to visualize the flow field of supersonic jet with and without the control wire device. Acoustic measurement is performed to obtain the overall sound pressure level and noise spectra. The results obtained show that the present wire device destroys the shock-cell structures, reduces the shock strength, and consequently leading to a substantial suppression of supersonic jet noise.
The experiments for NACA airfoils are conducted as the preliminary study for the aerodynamic characteristics of the transonic airfoil flow in the shock tube. The test section configurations were designed to use shock tube as simple and less costly experimental facility generating transonic flow at relatively high Reynolds numbers. Experiments at hot gas Mach numbers of 0.80, 0.82 and 0.84, Reynolds numbers of about
$1.2\times10^6$ on airfoil chord length and angle of attack of$0^{\circ}\;and\;2^{\circ}$ were carried out by means of shadowgraph visualization method and static pressure measurements. Visualization results were compared with the corresponding results from the conventional transonic wind tunnel tests. The results of study showed that present shock tube facility is useful to study the proper performance characteristics in transonic Mach number range. -
The present study describes a computational work to investigate detailed behaviors of the twin shock waves discharged from the exits of two-parallel ducts. In computations, the Yee-Roe-Davis's TVD scheme was used to solve the unsteady, three-dimensional, inviscid, compressible, Euler equations. The distance between two ducts is varied and the Mach number of the incident shock wave is changed below 2.0. The results obtained show that on the symmetric axis between two-parallel ducts, the maximum pressure achieved by the merge of twin shock waves and its location strongly depend upon the distance between two-parallel ducts and the Mach number of the incident shock wave. It is also found that the twin shock waves discharged from the exits of two-parallel ducts leads to the complicated flow fields, such as Mach stem, spherical waves, and vertical structures.
Dynamic oscillation motion of a pendant drop has been Investigated experimentally when acoustic wave is applied. This problem is of particular interest in the understanding of transport phenomena, accompanied by liquid drop. In this experiment, pendant drop was made to oscillate by inducing the acoustic wave and the subsequent drop motion was recorded by a high-speed camera. The results obtained indicate that liquid drop hanging on the flat surface has resonant frequencies on each shape oscillation modes. It is also found that exists the swing mode of oscillation on the pendant drop.
This experiment has been carried out to measure the process of droplet formation between water phase fluid
$(PVA\;3\%)$ and organic phase fluid(oil), Internal and External flow fields measured by a Dynamic Micro-PIV method Water-in-oil(W/O) droplets successfully generated at a cross junction and Y junction. Internal and external flow fields were measured when the droplet grew up, stretched and separated. -
Experimental study was conducted to characterize shear-induced lateral migration of
$1.0-{\mu}m-diameter$ Brownian particles flowing through a rectangular microchannel which can be used to deliver small amount of liquids, drugs, biological agents and particles in microfluidic devices. Measurements were obtained by using a mercury lamp with a light of 532-nm wavelength, an inverted epi-fluorescence microscope, and a cooled CCD camera to record particle images. Peclet number was used as a parameter to assess the lateral distribution of the particles at a fixed volume fraction of$0.1\%$ . It was shown that as Pe increased, particles were moved toward the centerline of the channel, which is in good agreement with previous studies. -
One most feasible way to measure the concentration field in the micro-channel is using micro-LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence) method. However, an accurate concentration field at a given cross plane in a micro-channel has not been successfully achieved so far due to various limitations in the light illumination and fluorescence signal detection. The present study demonstrates a novel method to provide an ultra thin laser sheet beam having five(5) microns thickness by use of a micro focus laser line generator. The laser sheet beam illuminates an exact plane of concentration measurement field to increase the signal to noise ratio and considerably reduce the depth uncertainty. Nile Blue A was used as fluorescent dye for the present LIF measurement. The enhancement of the fluorescent intensity signals was performed by a solvent mixture of water
$(95\%)$ and ethanol (EtOH)/methanol (MeOH)$(5\%)$ mixture. To reduce the rms errors resulted from the CCD electronic noise and other sources, an expansion of grid size was attempted from$1\times1$ to 3(3 or 5(5 pixel data windows and the pertinent signal-to-noise level has been noticeably increased accordingly. -
Micro PIV was applied to measure velocity profiles of two-fluid flows in a microchannel. In this work, the two-fluid flow of two glycerol-water mixtures was measured for three cases
$(\phi=0\;and\;\phi=0.2;\;\phi=0.1\;and\;\phi=0.5;\;\phi=0\;and\;\phi=0.6)$ . The flow rates of two fluids were the same. The experimental velocity profiles agreed well with numerical simulations. However, a slight deviation was found in the fluid with low concentration. Rather than the effects of the varying refractive indices inside the channel, the high velocity gradient effect was thought as the main source of the deviation. -
Study of a micro chemical plant consisted with droplet generation, digital sorting and separation was conducted. The droplet generation was quantitatively characterized. The digital sorting brought effective reaction by shortening the droplet size and the pitch of droplet generation simultaneously. To prevent the unfavorable higher order reaction, perfect separation of droplets was visualized.
Experimental studies were reported on the characteristics of flows in a circular pipe in which ice slurry is flowing. This was mainly due to deficiency of conventional measurement techniques. In this report, the flow characteristics are quantitatively investigated by the use of PIV technique concerning the Ice Packing Factor(IPF) and the power changes of pump motor. It was experimentally verified that the power loss does not increase any more at a certain IPF value.
Simultaneous CH and OH planar laser induced fluorescence(PLIF) and stereoscopic particle image velocimetry(PIV) measurements have been developed to investigate the local flame structure of turbulent premixed flames. The developed simultaneous two radical concentrations and three component velocity measurements on a two-dimensional plane was applied for relatively high Renolds number turbulent premixed flames in a swirl stabilized combustor. All measurements were conducted for methane-air premixed flames in the corrugated flamelets regime. Strong three-dimensional fluctuation implies that misunderstanding of the flame/turbulent interactions would be caused by the analysis of two-component velocity distribution in a cross section. Furthermore, comparisons of CH-OH PLIF and three-component velocity field show that the burned gases not always have high-speed velocity in relatively high Renolds number turbulent premixed flame.
Most of the previous studies on natural convection were based on the numerical analysis, and some experimental studies considered the classic case of thermal convection. In this study, an adiabatic square body was located at the center of an enclosure between the bottom hot and top cold walls. And the measurement of the detailed temperature fields was conducted by the method of two-color Laser Induced Fluorescence using a Nd:Yag laser. As a result, heat transfer characteristics of natural convection with an adiabatic body was estimated as a function of time over a range of Rayleigh numbers.
Laser induced incandescence and laser induced fluorescence techniques have been investigated to measure the concentrations of soot and PAH, respectively. The Nd:YAG and dye lasers were used to form a sheet beam, and its wavelength were modulated to obtain a optimized signals of soot and PAH. Results showed that the relative size groups of soot and PAH can be measured by using our laser techniques.