Objectives: This study sought to provide basic data for the establishment of a desirable sense of ethics in medical service by analyzing the consciousness of biomedical ethics of nursing students. Methods: Subjects were nursing students selected from four-year and three-year nursing colleges (n=355 and 360, respectively) in D city and G buk-Do region. The Data was analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. Results: The average point of the consciousness of biomedical ethics was 2.99. As result of analyzing general and specific aspects of the consciousness of biomedical ethics, statistically significant differences were found in age, religion, participation in religious activity, kinds of student group activity in subjects, ethical values, experience of hearing for biomedical ethics, quantity and quality of biomedical ethics in the current curriculum, the experience of conflict for biomedical ethical problem in subjects. The predicting variables that influence the consciousness of biomedical ethics, ethical values, quantity and quality of biomedical ethics in the current curriculum, religion, age, and experience of hearing for biomedical ethics. Conclusions: An arbitration program that could promote either changeable or controllable ethical values must be considered with attention to the significant variables that can promote the consciousness of biomedical ethics of nursing students.