• Title/Summary/Keyword: welfare rights

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The Construction and Characters of the Welfare Rights (복지권의 구성과 성격)

  • Ahn, Chi-Min
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.55
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2003
  • This study analysed the components and characters of welfare rights through discussions of the concepts and types of universal rights, and discussions of human rights and citizenship rights. Welfare rights is claims rights which requires somewhat, and it is positive rights. And it is generally passive rights, but it contains collective participation rights which is active rights. The result of total discussions of rights, human rights, and citizenship rights led us to know the components and characters of welfare rights. Welfare rights contains social rights, economic rights, and cultural environmental rights. Social rights are composed of the right of social security, social welfare service, health, education, and residency. Economic rights are composed of the right of labor, intervension of labor market, job security, and capital control. cultural environmental rights are composed of the right of culture and environment. And welfare rights has several characters. First, it is natural rights which is bestowed on the citizens or people in modern civil societies. it is samely characterised as liberties and political rights. second, it has the same values like other rights such as lberties and political rights. Or it is more important, because it is necessary for other rights. Third, it is not the objective being which is constant, but it is changed, formed and constructed as total rights with human rights and citizenship rights. Fourth, it is truely rights, but is simultaniously accompanied by obligations. But the obligations is unconditional like as other rights. Endly, levels of welfare on the welfare rights must be modicum rather than minimum. The meaning of modicum level is uncertain, but it aims to the entire participation of peoples as citizen and social integration. And it has to aim to the prevention of heridity and continuity of inequality.

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A Comparative Study on UN Convention on the Rights of the Children and the Korean Child Welfare Law (아동권리에 관한 국제협약과 국내 아동복지법 비교)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.44
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    • pp.262-287
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to monitor the implementation of UN Convention on the Rights of the Children (CRC) and to find out new directions for the promotion on the children's rights in Korea. Based on the module of International Save the Children Alliance (1993) about the children's rights and the Indicators of Korean Children's Wellbeing (Korean Council for Children's Rights, 1999), the revised Korean child welfare law (2000) as a related domestic law has compared with the 54 articles of CRC (1989). The results of this study are analyzed as follows: The Korean child welfare law has only 2 articles on the civil and political rights of the children in special need and neglects the economic, social and cultural rights of the general children at home. In consequence the Korean law has few survival rights of the general children for securing their adequate living standards and supplementing their parents' role. And it limits only to the development rights of the children in special need, therefore, it neglects the genera: children's rights to information, play and leisure, cultural activities. Above all, it has only 2 articles on the participation rights of the children in special circumstances. On the other hand, based on the indicators of Korean Children's Wellbeing, the collected data say that the budget for the child welfare is only 1.12% of the total budget of the ministry of the health and welfare and its 96.28% is for the children in substitutional care. Based on the results, implications for practice and future research are discussed, and new directions for the promotion of the children's rights are also suggested.

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Human Rights Sensitivity of Undergraduates in Social Welfare Classes : Focused on Adult Learner in On-line University (사회복지과목 이수 대학생의 인권감수성에 대한 탐색적 연구 : 원격대학 성인학습자를 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyungwon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.191-200
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    • 2013
  • This study set out to explore the human rights sensitivity of undergraduates who were in the social welfare classes with regards to socio-demographic factors, education experiences in human rights. 251 students' data were collected and analyzed with frequency, ANOVA. Analysis revealed that students' human rights sensitivity level was 2.70(moderate) and the respondents showed high level of sensitivity in work rights of emigration workers and education rights of handicapped children. Among demographic variables, human rights sensitivity was significantly different from major and experiences of attending a social welfare ethics. The students who majored social welfare and who had attended a social welfare ethics showed high human rights sensitivity. There were differences in human rights sensitivity level according to each episode. These findings highlight that in the education of social worker as a human rights professionals it would be necessary to respect students' rights in the classes and to provide student customized human rights education. It was suggested that learning human rights dilemma cases and self reflection processes in classes would be necessary to effective human rights education.

A Mixed Study on the Improvement of Human Rights Education for Workers in Welfare Facilities for the Disabled (장애인복지시설 종사자 인권교육 개선에 관한 통합연구)

  • Lee, Jun-Woo;Lee, Jin-Young;Kim, Hyun-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.345-360
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    • 2022
  • This study is to explore the awareness of human rights and human rights education of workers in welfare facilities for the disabled from various aspects by using Creswell's mixed methodology. Although 10 years have passed since the statutory compulsory human rights education in welfare facilities for the disabled was implemented, there is still a limit to containing practical contents that can be applied to the welfare field for the disabled. Based on this reality, this study intends to examine in depth what human rights education is perceived by workers in welfare facilities for the disabled. As a result of the study, in the qualitative analysis, human rights in the field of social welfare practice, the perception of human rights education and human rights instructors, the direction of effective human rights education development, and the creation of a human rights-friendly community were presented as major issues. In the quantitative analysis, a survey was conducted targeting the welfare facilities of the disabled in Seongnam City to understand the general status of human rights education and the specific conditions of human rights education including the educational environment. Based on the results, including the results of qualitative analysis, a development direction for statutory compulsory human rights education for workers in welfare facilities for the disabled was proposed.

An Exploratory Study on the Legislation of the Right for Cultural Welfare (문화복지의 법적 권리화에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Hyun, Taik-Soo;Yoon, Dong-Eun;Kim, Kwang-Byung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2008
  • Cultural welfare is the cultural activity provided and supported by state, a local autonomous entity, and private organizations to improve the quality of people's life. And as a basic concept as well as a premise of discussion on cultural welfare, cultural right is a social right, a right which can make cultural express, gain access to cultural activities. A statue concerning cultural activities contributed to the promotion of our people's cultural welfare interwoven with cultural right. But laws were made for the purpose of enforcing national policy and supporting regime rather than promoting fundamental human rights, and they became effective and were understood as a mere part of national government, not as perspective of their execution, security of right or realization of them. On the other hand, based on laws concerning social welfare, cultural life means human life consisting of minimum welfare system, and minimum level of life which guarantees least cultural life is becoming an objective standard. This means the standard level of cultural right, and for the handicapped cultural rights are concretely guaranteed as a right in that they will not be discriminated for their approaching to cultural activities. However, laws concerning cultural activities have limitation in that there are ambiguous concept and limitation of cultural life, and there are no concrete and active laws about cultural rights to guarantee cultural life. In a constitution and laws concerning social welfare, cultural welfare must have concrete contents about the range and the level of cultural rights. In order cultural rights to be turned into complete ones which can assert its rights, as seen in the Supreme Court, a court has to try to understand the violation of cultural rights as the violation of legal rights.

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A Study on Practical Recognition about Rights Advocacy of Social Workers in Disabled Welfare Centers (장애인복지관 사회복지사의 권리옹호에 관한 실천적 인식연구)

  • Lee, Se-Hee;Choi, Yun-young
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2018
  • Recently, rights advocacy in disabled welfare centers is one of the most important estimation and also transition of paradigm. However it is difficult to define rights advocacy specifically, so each disabled welfare center goes to conceptualize rights advocacy based on practical experiences. Study of practical recognition of the advocacy rights of social workers in disabled welfare centers provides greater foundation to establishing specific concept and direction of rights advocacy. Method of this research is analysis of metaphors, figuring out concepts and perception of social workers through survey. Analysis of metaphors is a method of analyzing a person's perception in specific context and situation by providing a concrete explanation of new thing, that is, basis of metaphor and analyzing it later. As a result of this research, it is shown that ideological type(necessary thing) and practical type(being together) are the perceptions about rights advocacy of social workers, and rights advocacy is recognized as 'practical concept' which plan and provide direct service at fields. According to these results, policy and environment should be constructed to provide advocacy services at welfare fields, reflecting these perceptions of social workers. Also this should be reflected on practical fields for them to learn appropriately and practice rights advocacy.

A Study on the Structural Analysis on Multicultural Competence Relating to Spiritual Intelligence and Human Rights Attitudes of University Students Majoring in Social Welfare (사회복지전공 대학생의 다문화 역량에 관한 영성지능과 인권태도의 구조분석)

  • Park, Sun Hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.69 no.1
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    • pp.79-101
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the multicultural competence of university students majoring in social welfare studies and to verify the influence of human rights attitude and spiritual intelligence that affect multicultural competence using structural equation model. Spiritual intelligence was set as an independent variable and multicultural competence was set as a dependent variable. Human rights attitude was established as a mediating variable. Study subjects were 259 university students majoring in social welfare studies at 5 universities in the Daegu, Gyoungbuk area. Spiritual intelligence and human rights attitude appeared to have a significant effect on multicultural competence, indicating that a higher level of spiritual intelligence and human rights attitude were correlated with a higher level of human rights attitude. Also in the pathway of spiritual intelligence on multicultural competence, human rights attitude had a significant mediating effect. When the university student majoring in social welfare studies had a high level of spiritual intelligence including transcendence and meaning and purpose of life, their perspective on human rights which is important in the practice of social welfare affected the multicultural competence required to assist immigrants of various identities. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended for the university students majoring in social welfare to have the "three-multi-sensitivities" including sensitivity of multicultural competence, sensitivity of spiritual intelligence, and sensitivity of human right attitude.

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The Factors Affecting Clients Rights Advocacy : Focused on Adult Learners in Social Welfare Classes (클라이언트 권리옹호에 미치는 영향 요인 연구: 사회복지 과목 이수 성인학습자를 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyungwon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2015
  • The present study set out to explore the factors affecting rights advocacy for clients. The sample consisted of 251 adult learners who were in the classes of social welfare in S cyber university. Analysis revealed that students' rights advocacy level was 4.19(high) and the respondents showed higher level of class/case advocacy than policy advocacy. The group which had higher human rights sensitivity and had experience of human rights education showed higher level of rights advocacy. Regression analysis revealed that the experiences of human rights education in university curriculum were found to have a significant explanatory power in rights advocacy. These findings highlight that in the education of social worker as a human rights professionals it would be necessary to enhance the human rights and rights advocacy contents. It was suggested that multidisciplinary teaching method including direct experience and participation would be necessary to effective human rights education.

A comparative study on child rights through the application of a child rights index ('아동권리지수' 적용을 통한 아동권리 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Bong Joo;Shin, Won Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.58
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    • pp.171-203
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    • 2017
  • There has been a growing number of research about children's development indicators and child well-being indicators. After the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and concluding observations on the second report of Korea, the effort to monitor and measure children's rights and the use of child rights indicators has increased within policy and academic research. However, few indicators provide a realization of children's rights. The purpose of this paper was to analyze children's own perceptions of their rights and to develop a children's rights index to measure children's rights. In this study, a children's rights index was developed from 38 indicators categorized into nine components and four domains (survival rights, development rights, protection rights, and participation rights) to measure children's rights. Data were gathered from 17,000 elementary and middle school children and their parents in 16 cities. The survey revealed significant differences in the children's rights index by region and age group. There was also a correlation between the economic circumstances of both households and communities and the children's rights index. In the light of the findings, it is suggested that there is a need to increase public investment on children and to raise awareness of children's rights in order to improve children's rights and to decrease disparity.

Path analysis on child abuse and neglect, self-esteem, and consciousness of human rights among children at community children centers (지역아동센터 아동이 인식한 방임과 학대, 자아존중감, 그리고 인권의식의 경로분석연구)

  • Kim, Yong Hoi;Han, Chang-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.58
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    • pp.141-170
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    • 2017
  • As child neglect and abuse have emerged as social problems deteriorating human rights of children, this study aimed to examine the impacts of child neglect and abuse at community children centers on consciousness of human rights. In addition, this study examined whether self-esteem mediated the relationship between child neglect and abuse and consciousness of human rights. From the community children center panel data, 630 fifth-year children at elementary schools were included as a sample. Key findings of structural equation modeling can be summarized as follows: (1) Child neglect and abuse were found to have negative impacts on children's self-esteem and consciousness of human rights, respectively; (2) self-esteem was positively related to consciousness; (3) self-esteem partially mediated the relationship between child neglect and consciousness; (4) the impact of child abuse on consciousness of human rights was found to be perfectly mediated by self-esteem. We conclude by suggesting policy and practice implications to promote human right-friendly environments.