• Title/Summary/Keyword: teacher concept

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Exploring Secondary Earth Science Preservice Teachers' Competency in Understanding Democratic Citizenship

  • Young-Shin Park
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.342-358
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice teachers' understanding of democratic citizenship. This study utilized the democratic citizenship frame to assess 17 participants' comprehension of this concept. The researcher designed a method course where participants in groups analyzed science activities to identify democratic citizenship components. Through the analysis of two science activities-one on energy and the other on climate change-and the development of science panels addressing various global issues, preservice teachers' understanding of democratic citizenship was enhanced. Preservice teachers showed a good understanding of critical thinking, communication and collaboration, and STS (science, technology, and society); and the most enhanced understanding of empathy, which was the least perceived in pre-survey, component of democratic citizenship. The democratic citizenship frame proved to be a valuable tool for teaching and learning this topic, particularly when applied to socioscientific issues in the classroom. More research-based revisions of the science curriculum are necessary, and more systematic practices with reflections are essential in teacher education.

Study on Teachers' Perception on Child's Personality Education Using Concept Mapping (개념도를 통한 유아 인성교육에 대한 교사 인식 연구)

  • Park, Jin Hee;Son, Won Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.191-209
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    • 2014
  • This study aims at figuring out perception of teachers on the education of a child's personality development using concept mapping and demonstrating its importance. To recognize concept mapping of teacher's perception on the education of a child's personality development, the procedure of the research are as follows. The specific research results are as follows: First, based on the categorization, using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, the results were concept mapping with 2-dimensions and five clusters. Second, dimensions of perception of teachers on the education of a child's personality development in concept mapping, showed virtue in left and performance in right, respectively, in X-axis, while environmental factor was in the upper area and personal factor was in the lower area, in Y-axis. Third, teachers' perception on the importance on education of child's personality development was evaluated in 5 categories as follows: 'Emphasizing adult's role'(M=4.45) was perceived as the most important among categories related to the education of a child's personality development. These results can be used for developing teacher's training program or an institutional supporting plan to raise performance of the education of a child's personality development in the future.

An Exploration of Discrepancies between Text and Content Knowledge of Pre-service Elementary Teachers through an Analysis of Questions and Answers Created in the Interactive Reading of a Teacher's Guide: Focusing on a 'Shadow and Mirror' Unit (상호작용적 독해 과정에서 생성된 질문과 답변의 분석을 통한 교사용 지도서와 초등예비교사의 내용지식 사이의 불일치 탐색 -'그림자와 거울' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Arla Go;Jiwon Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.253-263
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    • 2023
  • This study explored the discrepancy between the text of a teacher's guide about straight and reflective light and the content knowledge of pre-service elementary teachers. A total of 455 questions and 543 answers generated by 279 pre-service elementary teachers after reading a 'Shadow and Mirror' unit in the teacher's guide were analyzed. The questions were classified according to the types of concepts and discrepancies, and the answers were analyzed for accuracy. The results of analyzing the concepts of questions revealed that the pre-service elementary teachers were most curious about the shadow in the straight concept, the mirror image in the reflection concept, and the light source in other concepts. The questions with a low correct answer rate due to incorrect- or non-answers, such as those concerning the superposition principle of light by reflection, the principle of experimental tools, and images by lenses, were only partially or not included in the teacher's guide. When the questions were classified according to the type of discrepancy, the frequency of questions due to knowledge deficit was higher than that due to knowledge clash. This demonstrates that the concepts that teachers need to know must be supplemented with the contents of the teacher's guide. Discrepancies due to knowledge clashes are often caused by conflicts between what is experienced in everyday life and what is presented in textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the discrepancy between the texts of the teacher's guide and the knowledge of pre-service elementary teachers by including the differences between the actual context of everyday life and the context of the textbook in the teacher's guide.

The Changes of Analogies Generated by Elementary Science-gifted Students about Electric Circuit using Algodoo Program (알고두 프로그램을 이용한 전기회로 비유 생성 활동에서 나타난 초등과학영재 학생들의 비유물의 변화 과정)

  • Kim, Ji Seon;Kim, Jung Bog
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the changes in representation on analogies that elementary science-gifted students generated by using Algodoo program to explain the electric current. After the students were taught about the 'components in circuit and their function' and 'electric current' with teacher centered analogy and PhET program for 4 class hours, they generated analogies to the electric circuit. Then they compared the similarity between generated analogy and target concept and matched it to the target concept. The result revealed that the battery, light bulb, and electric wire were changed according to the change of representations on free electrons. And they generated more proper analogies reflected the target concept when represented the free electrons by the circular particles than the water. From these results, we can say that generating analogy using Algodoo program is the effective education activity to help students understand abstract concept by visualizing it more easily and simply.

The Effects of Self-concept, Attachment, and Relationship with Teacher and Peer on Korean, Korean-Chinese and Chinese Adolescents' Aggression (자아개념, 애착, 교사 및 또래 관계가 청소년의 공격성에 미치는 영향: 한국, 조선족 및 한족 청소년을 중심으로)

  • Park Min-Jung;Park Choi Hye-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.3 s.217
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the differences of aggression and its predictors among Korean, Korean-Chinese and Chinese adolescents. The subjects were 529(176 Korean, 168 Korean-Chinese, 185 Chinese) 9th graders from Yanji in China and Korea. Data on aggression, self-concept, attachment to mother, relationship with teachers, and victimization from peers were collected with questionnaires and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression. The results showed that Korean adolescents reported the highest and Chinese adolescents the lowest on aggression. There were gender differences in proactive aggression among Chinese adolescents, and on reactive aggression among Korean adolescents. Among Korean adolescents, no gender difference was revealed. The influences of self-concept, attachment to mother, relationship with teachers, and victimization from peers differed among the groups: While attachment to mother was a significant predictor for Chinese adolescents' aggression, relationship with teachers was a significant predictor for that of Korean-Chinese adolescents', and victimization from peer was a significant predictor for that of Korean adolescents'. The differential influence of race and culture to adolescents' aggression was discussed.

"A survey of Elementary School Children,s Concept of Temperature" (국민학교 아동의 온도개념 형성에 관한 조사)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jae;Kim, Han-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.95-118
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    • 1990
  • This students ideas in science are diverse and unique It is realized that children's preconceptions and misconceptions established before lessoning hgve a crucial in fluence on the following education. so it is meaningful to analyse the children's concept of temperature for the better teaching strategy in this study. This survey of the Elementary school children's concept is designed for the subtopics of temperature as the relation between heat and temperature, He relation between volume(size) and temperature, the temperature of change of state on water, the temperature of substances in the condition of thermal equilibrium. Using Clinical method, this research was executed to 306 children at elementary school. The network method or the analyse of questionnaires were used to analyse the children's response. Findings of this survey are as follow. Students are already familiar with such concept as this increase of temperature by geating, but they think every substance is not the case. Many students appears to believe that the temperature of an object(substance) is related to its size(vloume) Qualitative tasks are difficult than qualitative ones. This trend appear highly in the low grade students. Don't know the temperature of change of state on water and it's stability They think that the temperature is determined by the heating time(period) and the temperature of heating source. Students think, in general that temperature of substance in the condition of thermal equilibrium is different.

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The Effects of Dramatic Play on the Children's Self Concept and Their Hyperactivities (극화놀이가 유아의 자아개념 및 과잉행동에 미치는 영향)

  • 이정숙
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.139-154
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of dramatic play on the hyperactive-children's self concept and their hyperactivities. The subjects for this study were 144 five-year old children of Y kindergarten in Seoul. Through the Teacher-Questionary modified by Koung-ja OH(1986) 26 children were assigned to the experimental group and the control group 13 hyperactivity-children (boy:11 girl:2) in the experimental group had dramatic play of which the main themes were positive self concept formation. but the 13 children(boy:11 girl: 2) in the control group did not any dramatic activities. Experimental procedures for the self concept test and the hyperactivity test were pre-test experimental treatment and 2 times post-test by 2 months. Self concept test used for pre-test and post-test was The data was analysed using t-test and paired t-test. The result are as follows: 1. In the pre-test for self concept the scores of the control group showed higher than that of the expe imental group. But there were significantly increased difference between pre-test and the first post0-test in the experimental group. 2. In the second post-test for self concept of the experimental group after 2 months there were no significant differences between the first post-test and the second post-test. 3. In the hyperactivity test there were no significant differences in the control group,. But the experimental group showed decreased hyperactivities in the first post-test. 4. In the second post-test for the hyperactive-children's hyperactivities in the experimental group after 2 months there were no significant differences between the first post-test and the second post-test The dramatic play influenced on the hyperactive-children's self concept positively and the decrease of hyperactive-children's hyperacivities.

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The Conceptions of Homeostasis, Classification of Animals and Plants, and Food Production in Plants of Students and The Teacher Factor as a Possible Source of Students' Misconception (항상성, 동.식물 분류, 식물의 양분생산에 대한 학생의 개념 조사와 오개념 형성 원인으로써 교사 요인의 분석)

  • Kim, Soo-Mi;Chung, Young-Lan
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 1997
  • This study evaluates on students' understanding and misunderstanding of homeostasis, classification of animals and plants, and food production in plants, and analyzes the teacher factor as a possible source of students' misconception. A total number of 863 students and 47 biology teachers at the middle and high school were randomly selected. Students' conceptions and misconceptions were measured with concept evaluation statements (CES) which was translated into Korean by author. The CES was developed and validated by Simson and Marek (1988). Teacher's misconceptions were investigated the way in which teachers marked students' work. The supposed answer given to the teachers to mark was based on misconceptions held by students tested in concept evaluation statements. The results of this study are as follows : 1. 0% of 7th Grade students, 4.5% of 9th Grade students and 5.4% of 11th Grade students understood homeostasis. There was a significant difference at the level of students' understanding of homeostasis according to schools and gender(P<0.05). Many students had a tendency of understanding the conception of the homeostasis by experiences and unscientific use of everyday language rather than a scientific concept. 2. 0.4% of 7th Grade students, 3.1% of 9th Grade students and 2.9% of 11th Grade students understood classification of animals and plants. There was a significant difference at the level of students' understanding of classification of animals and plants according to schools and gender(P<0.05). Students classified animals and plants through personal experiences and observations instead of trying to classify through microscopic analysis of animals and plants cell. 3. 1.2% of 7th Grade students, 10.3% of 9th Grade students and 19.4% of 11th Grade students understood food production in plants. There was a significant difference at the level of students' understanding of food production in plants according to schools and gender(P<0.05). Students had a misconception that food production in plants was done by an absorption of nutrients from soil not by photosynthesis. 4. A large proportion of teachers surveyed in this study appear to have misconceptions about homeostasis (38.1%), classification of animals and plants (34.1%), food production in plants (40.4%). The male teachers had. more misconceptions than female teachers(P<0.05). However, they didn't show any significant differences according to schools and teaching experience(P<0.05). 5. According to the investigation of teachers' perception, 29.8% of the teachers acknowledged that they might be a cause for students' misconceptions. This study shows that 38.3% of teachers did not understand the analyzed biological concepts precisely. By comparing the data of students and teachers, it turned out that teachers participate in the students' misconceptions. And teachers themselves acknowledged that students' misconceptions could be caused by them. Therefore. teachers' right understanding of fundamental biological concepts should precede to students' biology education. New training programs for biology teachers seem to be urgent.

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A Study of Forest Education Concept Mapping of Pre-Service Teachers and In-Service Teachers' for Young Children (숲교육(숲활동)에 대한 유아교사와 예비유아교사의 지식개념 연구)

  • Lee, Youn Sun;Kyun, Ju Youn;Lee, Si Eun;Lee, So Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.29-49
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    • 2014
  • This study focused on how early childhood in-service teachers and pre-service teachers understood the concept of Forest Education. By applying the analysis of conceptual maps, introduced by Novak and Gowin's (1983, 1984), this study examined the number of upper category and subcategories, characteristics, hierarchy, and density of teachers' knowledge of Forest Education. 39 early childhood teachers and 60 pre-service teachers participated in this study. First, in-service teachers put 'nature(forest)' and 'living creatures' in the highest level of knowledge of Forest Education. On the other hands, pre-service teachers put 'the effect of Forest Education' and 'program' as well as 'nature(forest)' in the highest level of knowledge. In-service teachers seemed to construct their knowledge by understanding Forest Education as curriculum or activities such as math, language, music or multicultural education. Therefore they had a tendency to talk more about specific concepts including four seasons, insects, air, or climate change. However, pre-service teachers described 'the interconnectedness between human and nature', 'deep relationship with nature' and 'provision of nature.' This tendency might relate to their prior educational experiences of Eco-centered Early Childhood Education. With regards to the density and hierarchy of knowledge on Forest Education, both groups revealed the relatively low degree of density with average of around 2.00. This result can be interpreted that both groups of teachers might not have strong hierarchical and organizational knowledge of Forest Education. For the teacher education, philosophical background and practical knowledge of Forest Education should be included more.

An Analytical Study on the Mathematical Belief of the Elementary School Pre-Service Teachers (초등 예비교사의 수학적 신념 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Yunmin;Ryu, Hyunah
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.691-709
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    • 2016
  • Understanding the belief of mathematics pre-service teachers is essential in conducting and designing the effective teacher education program. This study analyzed the mathematical belief of the elementary school pre-service teachers. The results of the study are as follows. First, persistence factor, which is the belief about solving mathematical problems, following teacher direction factor, which is the belief about mathematical studies, activity involvement factor, and interest factor, which is the belief about self-concept, showed much connection with other mathematical belief factors. Second, the stereotype factor, which is the belief about mathematics, are affecting the following teacher direction factor. The process factor, which is the belief about solving mathematical problems, are affecting the activity involvement factor. Third, as for the comparison of the mathematical beliefs according to grades, only the stereotype and usefulness factors, which are the beliefs about mathematics, and the benefit factor, which is the belief about self-concept, had statistically significant differences. Fourth, as for the comparison of the mathematical beliefs according to majors, all the mathematical beliefs except for the confidence factor and benefit factor, which is the belief about self-concept, had significant differences. Based on the results of this study, we need to establish the mathematical beliefs that the elementary school pre-service teachers should have, and prepare various measures such as education program for pre-service teachers and instruction-learning methods.