• Title/Summary/Keyword: task planning

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ZoomISEG: Interactive Multi-Scale Fusion for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Segmentation (ZoomISEG: 조직 병리학 전체 슬라이드 영상 분할을 위한 대화형 다중스케일 융합)

  • Seonghui Min;Won-Ki Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2023
  • Accurate segmentation of histopathology whole slide images (WSIs) is a crucial task for disease diagnosis and treatment planning. However, conventional automated segmentation algorithms may not always be applicable to WSI segmentation due to their large size and variations in tissue appearance, staining, and imaging conditions. Recent advances in interactive segmentation, which combines human expertise with algorithms, have shown promise to improve efficiency and accuracy in WSI segmentation but also presented us with challenging issues. In this paper, we propose a novel interactive segmentation method, ZoomISEG, that leverages multi-resolution WSIs. We demonstrate the efficacy and performance of the proposed method via comparison with conventional single-scale methods and an ablation study. The results confirm that the proposed method can reduce human interaction while achieving accuracy comparable to that of the brute-force approach using the highest-resolution data.

Analysis of the Prediction of Operation Processes based on Mode of Operation for Ships: Applying Delphi method

  • HyeRi Park;JeongMin Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2023
  • The digital transformation of the shipbuilding, shipping, and logistics sectors is predicted to lead to the introduction of autonomous ships and changes in the way ships are operated. The co-existence of various operation forms, such as autonomous operation and remote operation, with the existing operation methods is expected to lead to the transformation of the ship operation process and the emergence of new stakeholders. This paper studies the future ship operation process according to the change in ship operation method, predicts the change in the operating environment of future ships, and derives functional requirements by major tasks and stakeholders. The Delphi technique is applied to construct a ship operation scenario from the planning stage of voyage and cargo transport to the stage of arrival at the final destination port and discharge of cargo, and to predict future work changes by task and actor. Seafarers' activities are expected to be minimised by remote and autonomous operation, and experts in each field are expected to have responsibilities and tasks in different aspects of ship operation.

Exploring the Analysis of Domestic ERP Process using Process Mining: A Case Study in a Korean Cosmetics Manufacturing Company (프로세스 마이닝을 활용한 국내 중소기업 ERP 프로세스 분석에 관한 연구: 국내 화장품 제조기업의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jin Woo Jung;Yeong Shin Lee;Bo Kyoung Lee;Jung Yeon Kim;Young Sik Kang
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2018
  • ERP supports the automation and integration of business processes of enterprises and records voluminous data about the business activities of enterprises. The academe and business enterprises are focusing on process mining, which improves the performance of business processes and strengthens compliance. However, these studies focused on analysis of the business process of large companies, which adopts foreign ERP, such as SAP ERP or Oracle ERP. In comparison with foreign ERP, domestic ERP lags behind in terms of logging and managing of event data. Therefore, the application of process mining to domestic ERP is a challenging task. The present study aims to analyze domestic ERP based on process mining to overcome this challenge. This study discusses the lessons learned from a case study in a Korean cosmetics manufacturing company. Our results are expected to strengthen the competitiveness of Korean small and medium-sized enterprises that adopt domestic ERP and realize the outcomes of the large investment of the Korean government on the ERP implementation of enterprises.

An Auto Obstacle Collision Avoidance System using Reinforcement Learning and Motion VAE (강화학습과 Motion VAE 를 이용한 자동 장애물 충돌 회피 시스템 구현)

  • Zheng Si;Taehong Gu;Taesoo Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2024
  • In the fields of computer animation and robotics, reaching a destination while avoiding obstacles has always been a difficult task. Moreover, generating appropriate motions while planning a route is even more challenging. Recently, academic circles are actively conducting research to generate character motions by modifying and utilizing VAE (Variational Auto-Encoder), a data-based generation model. Based on this, in this study, the latent space of the MVAE model is learned using a reinforcement learning method[1]. With the policy learned in this way, the character can arrive its destination while avoiding both static and dynamic obstacles with natural motions. The character can easily avoid obstacles moving in random directions, and it is experimentally shown that the performance is improved, and the learning time is greatly reduced compared to existing approach.

A study on the Integrated Analysis of Multi-ministrial R&D Program: Focused on the Next Generation Growth Engine Program (범부처 대형공동연구개발사업의 성과분석 사례연구: 차세대 성장동력사업을 중심으로)

  • Ahn, Seung-Ku;Hwang, Doo-Hee;Chung, Sun-Yang
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.68-98
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to analyze the results of the implementation of next-generation growth engine program that was promoted across all government agencies for five years from 2004 as part of a range of initiatives aimed at expanding the nation's economic growth potential. The results were analyzed in this study using five indices: program purpose and design; strategic planning; program management; program results; and pan-governmental agency cooperation and coordination. The results of the study include the following. First, regarding program purpose and design, it was found that consistent leadership in the promotion of the programs was insufficient as the relevant program promotion systems and financial resources were dispersed among governmental agencies, even though the objectives and validity of the programs were recognized. Second, with regard to strategic planning, it was found that although the program objectives and technical development strategy had been established at the beginning of the program, they were biased toward the technical objectives and mainly implemented by the technology suppliers. Third, regarding program management, it was found that the responsibility for general administration, ranging from task planning to policy improvement, was given to the appointed program director but that the system of cooperation among the agencies was insufficient to carry out the relevant tasks. Fourth, regarding the results of the program, it was difficult to understand the results consistently as the economic objectives were not clearly presented, even though the technical objectives were achieved despite the short implementation period of the program. Fifth, with regard to pan-governmental agency cooperation and coordination, it was found that the coordination organization whose remit was to implement the program was established pursuant to the Basic Law on Science and Technology, but that no detailed regulations or guidelines on the operation of the organization were drawn up. To efficiently plan and execute future pan-governmental agency R&D programs that are similar to the next-generation new growth engine program, various requirements should be met, namely, 1) joint planning and consistent program design among governmental agencies, 2) clarification of the program objectives and budget allocation system, 3) establishment of a pan-governmental agency program operation and assessment system, 4) formulation of a strategy for linking R&D with standardization, and 5) enactment of pan-governmental agency joint operation rules.

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A Framework on 3D Object-Based Construction Information Management System for Work Productivity Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Work (철근콘크리트 공사의 작업 생산성 분석을 위한 3차원 객체 활용 정보관리 시스템 구축방안)

  • Kim, Jun;Cha, Heesung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2018
  • Despite the recognition of the need for productivity information and its importance, the feedback of productivity information is not well-established in the construction industry. Effective use of productivity information is required to improve the reliability of construction planning. However, in many cases, on-site productivity information is hardly management effectively, but rather it relies on the experience and/or intuition of project participants. Based on the literature review and expert interviews, the authors recognized that one of the possible solutions is to develop a systematic approach in dealing with productivity information of the construction job-sites. It is required that the new system should not be burdensome to users, purpose-oriented information management, easy-to follow information structure, real-time information feedback, and productivity-related factor recognition. Based on the preliminary investigations, this study proposed a framework for a novel system that facilitate the effective management of construction productivity information. This system has utilized Sketchup software which has good user accessibility by minimizing additional data input and related workload. The proposed system has been designed to input, process, and output the pertinent information through a four-stage process: preparation, input, processing, and output. The inputted construction information is classified into Task Breakdown Structure (TBS) and Material Breakdown Structure (MBS), which are constructed by referring to the contents of the standard specification of building construction, and converted into productivity information. In addition, the converted information is also graphically visualized on the screen, allowing the users to use the productivity information from the job-site. The productivity information management system proposed in this study has been pilot-tested in terms of practical applicability and information availability in the real construction project. Very positive results have been obtained from the usability and the applicability of the system and benefits are expected from the validity test of the system. If the proposed system is used in the planning stage in the construction, the productivity information and the continuous information is accumulated, the expected effectiveness of this study would be conceivably further enhanced.

Analysis of activities task using multiple intelligence in middle school 「Technology·Home Economics」 textbooks - Focusing on the 'Dietary Life' unit according to the curriculum of the 2015 revised Practical Arts(Technology·Home Economics) curriculum - (중학교 기술·가정 교과서 다중지능 활용 활동과제 분석 - 2015 개정 실과(기술·가정) 교육과정에 따른 '식생활' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Seong-Youn;Lee, Young-Sun;Choi, Ye-Ji;Joo, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Seung-Hee;Park, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the tasks of 'dietary life' in the textbook developed according to the 2015 revised middle school 「Technology·Home economics」 education curriculum based on the multiple intelligence teaching and learning methods. To accomplish this purpose, 12 textbooks of middle school 「Technology·Home economics」 textbooks were titled "Nutrition and Dietary Behavior of Adolescents", "Planning and Choosing Meals", "Choosing Foods and Safe Cooking" except the questions, the tasks that the students can perform are analyzed based on the teaching and learning methods using multiple intelligences. Analysis methods were analyzed by using contents analysis method, focusing on learning activities, and sub-questions of activities were all included in each activity, and the process of preparing activities on a continuous line was grouped into one. Three people analyzed the activities and proceeded to revise and supplement the analysis standard through consultation. The other three researchers confirmed it. As a result of analyzing 12 kinds of textbooks, the number of activity tasks was 25~74 for each kind of textbooks, and the total number of activities was 527. According to the ratio of multiple intelligences, 35% of the tasks were using logical-mathematical intelligence, and 26.8% of linguistic intelligence, 23% of intrapersonal intelligence, 7.2% of interpersonal intelligence, 3.8% of spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic(2.7%) and musical intelligence(1.5%). On the other hand, it was analyzed that there is no activity task using naturalist intelligence. Except to the naturalist intelligence, general intelligence was utilized. This indicates that the home economics curriculum is a convergence of the home economics curriculum in that it is a reorganization by extracting the contents and methods of other curriculum related to dietary life, is interpreted. This study is expected to provide a framework for various teaching and learning methods to activate students' participation classes and to provide an alternative to realize convergence education in home economics curriculum.

Design Strategies and Processes through the Concept of Resilience (리질리언스 개념을 통해서 본 설계 전략과 과정)

  • Choi, Hyeyoung;Seo, Young-Ai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.44-58
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    • 2018
  • Cities face new challenges not only in natural disasters by climate change but also in social and economic fluctuations. With the existing simple reconstruction method, it is difficult to solve the overall problems that a city or region may face. As a new approach to cope with various changes, the concept of resilience is emerging. Resilience is also one of the themes of recent major urban design projects. Design with the concept of resilience is a new strategy that can deal with various changes of urban space, rather than a temporary trend. The purpose of this paper is to explore the design method by analyzing cases where the concept of resilience is employed. We aim to examine what kind of design strategies are needed for the resilience design and how this design process differ in character, as compared to general design projects. Cases for this study include the "Rebuild by Design" competition held in 2013 and the "Resilient by Design/Bay Area Challenge" competition held in 2017. This paper consists of literature reviews and case studies. The latter is divided into two aspects: content analysis based on the theory of resilience and characteristics of the design process. Cases are analyzed through literature reviews and process characteristics of resilience design in response to the general design process. The main categories for urban resilience used as the framework for analysis include: Urban Infrastructure, Social Dynamics, Economic Dynamics, Health and Wellbeing, Governance Networks, and Planning and Institutions. As a result, the aspects of resilience concepts considered and design strategies undertaken by each team were identified. Each team tried to connect all 6 categories to their design strategies, placing special value on the role of governance, a system that enables collaborative design and project persistency. In terms of the design process, the following characteristics were found: planning the whole project process in the pre-project phase, analyzing predictable socioeconomic risk factors in addition to physical vulnerabilities, aiming for landscape-oriented integrated design, and sustainable implementation strategies with specific operations and budget plans. This paper is meaningful to connect the concept of resilience, which has been discussed in various articles, to design strategy, and to explore the possibility of constructing a practical methodology by deriving the characteristics of the resilience design process. It remains a future task to research design strategies that apply the concept of resilience to various types of urban spaces, in addition to areas that are vulnerable to disasters.

Nursing Delivery System Improvement Plan in A Hospital (간호전달 체계 개선 방안 - 일 병동을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-Hi;Lee, Sung-Ae;Ham, Yong-Hee;Yang, Myong-Ju;Kim, Ok-Sohn
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 1997
  • Background : In many Nursing Delivery System, Nursing Department at D Hospital had used to traditional nursing practice model what is called functional activities based system. It has a lot of merit that carried out specialized and rapid works but tend to ignore indivisual professional responsibility and task-based work assignments. In addition this system showed high turnover rates due to heavy workload, timesum of handing over duties, lack of support from peers and interstaff communication. So we performed conversion of Nursing Delivery System to My Patients Nursing Care System for providing comprehensive nursing to patient and reducing turnover rates and increasing job satisfaction to nurse. Method : 1. 1st step(96.4.9): Detected the problem of Nursing delivery System and estabilished improving planning 2. 2nd step(96.4.26): Visited other hospital on job training 3. 3th step(96.4.29): Discussed to premonitoring problem after conversion Nursing Delivery System and prepared structure 4. 4th step(96.5.6): My Patients Nursing Care System practical application 5. 5th step(96.7.20): Held complementary meeting 6. 6th step(96. 7): The other ward application 7. 7th step(96. 10): Extended application to whole wards Results: 1. Workload: (1) reduction(55.6%) (2) addition(44.4%) 2. Strong points after conversion: (1) decreased timesum of handing overduties (35.2%) (2) increased responsibility(33%) (3) broaden nurse's outlook to duties(14.8%) 3. Shortcoming after conversion: (1) understanding difficulties except my patient(57.8%) (2) weak teamwork(23.3%) (3) intensive stress to low grade nurse(12.2%) 4. Effective complemental way: (1) manpower(76.7%) (2) conversion of though (8.9%) (3) education(14.4%) 5. Patient's satisfaction: (1) satisfaction(64%) (2) no effect(36%) 6. Physician and peer's satisfaction: (1) satisfaction(12.5%) (2) dissatisfaction(21.6%) (3) no interest(44.3%) 7. Nurse's satisfaction: (1) satisfaction(74.7%) (2) dissatisfaction(5.5%) (3) unknown(20.5%) 8. Want to continued: (1) want(76.4%) (2) try to any other system(18%) Conclusion : Even though Nursing Delivery System conversion still has many problem, we gained more merits than traditional nursing delivery system. So we suggest that My Patients Nursing Care System should be encouraged for comprehensive nursing care and satisfaction to nurses.

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A Study on Integrated Information System for Marine Leisure Industry (해양레저 산업의 통합 정보 시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Y.S.;Kim, D.J.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2013
  • In order to have market competitiveness in local and global areas, Domestic Marine Leisure Industry business, which is a latecomer in the Marine Leisure industry, should retain a strong market adaptability by reducing time and cost that are required for work of planning, designing, and preparation for product development. To meet above requirements, it is essential that integrated system control extensive marine leisure industry. After ensuring integrated information by figuring out the systematic link between related-industries, the core of this research is to secure information classifications that are not just in the flow of simple serial order, but in that of integration and object-oriented information classifications. For this end, we examine other similar cases in industries using real information system applied to industrial production and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Product Data Management (PDM), Digital Manufacturing (DM) and applying the same methodology to review practical application in order to construct the information system, and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), compared with the case studies. Through this basic task for the marine leisure industry classification system configuration (Work Breakdown Structure, WBS) and utilizing information of driving real companies of marine leisure industry, a unique area of MLWBS (Marine Leisure Work Breakdown Structure, MLWBS) is configured. This Marine Leisure Work Breakdown Structure can be used in various areas of applications like products, design information, engineering, production, purchasing, sales, marketing, AS, utilizing various forms of customer support.