• Title/Summary/Keyword: supervision system

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A Research Study on the Education System for Radiological Technologists and the Public health policy (방사선사의 교육시스템과 보건정책에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Jung, Hong-Ryang;Kim, Myeong-Soo;Choi, Jin
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2004
  • In order to assess policies for training of radiological technologists and public health, this study was conducted from the mid July to the end of August 2003 to the subjects of 890 radiological technologists who work at 44 general hospitals in 16 cities and provinces of the country. For this purpose, an analysis of variance was performed by regions divided in Capital city, metropolitan areas and small- and medium-sized cities as well as by length of service. The outcomes look as follows : 1. From the analysis of replies to questions about the government health policy for radiological technologists, high scores were given to the items: "the Law of Medical Engineers should be revised from the pattern of supervision to assignment" and "the medical institutions should be legally obliged to secure certain number of radiological technologists". 2. From the analysis of variance by regions and groups, there was difference by regions in the items: "demand and supply of radiological technologists should be controlled" and "the license number of radiological technologists should be indicated in the medical insurance bill"(p<0.000). 3. From the analysis of variance as to training of radiological technologists, a significant difference was found by length of service in the items: "it is necessary to open a 4-year department of radiology and to revise curriculum" and "the legal system to indicate license number of radiological technologists in the medical insurance bill should be introduced". 4. The analysis of variance by length of service revealed that those who have served for more than 20 years favored "it is necessary to open a 4-year department of radiology and to revise curriculum" higher than those who have served for less than 5 years, showing a tendency the longer they work, the stronger they feel necessity".

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Recidivism Follow-Up Study on Sex offenders under Electronic Monitoring (성범죄 전자감독대상자들에 대한 재범추적 연구)

  • Lee, SeungWon;Lee, SueJung;Seo, HyeRan
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we analyzed the difference in survival rates of those subject to electronic supervision of sex crimes based on the tracking of the period of recidivism and whether they were recidivism, and wanted to confirm the ability of the criminal record to predict recidivism. The criteria for recidivism were defined as cases where a conviction was confirmed due to a criminal case that occurred during the execution of electronic monitoring, and the date of recidivism was the date of occurrence of a case that was confirmed guilty. A total of 122 re-offenders were used in the analysis, and all of them were charged with electronic supervision for committing sex crimes. Studies have confirmed that the subjects commit the most recidivism within three years. In addition, in this study, the difference in survival rate between groups was analyzed after classifying mixed and sex recidivism cases. The number of members was 88 for the mixed recidivism group and 34 for the sex recidivism group. The analysis confirmed that both groups had the most recidivism within three years. There was a slight difference between the survival rate of the mixed recidivism group and the survival rate of the sex recidivism group. So the Log Rank Test and the Generalized Wilcoxon Test were conducted, but no statistically significant differences were identified(Wilcoxon statistic = 2.326, df = 1, p = .13, Log Rank = 1.345, df = 1, p = .25). Next, a Cox Regression analysis was performed to confirm the ability of the criminal record to predict recidivism. As a result, the number of criminal records(sex offense, violent crime) have been confirmed to be a good predictor of recidivism(X2=27.33, df=1, p< .001). As a result, the recidivism rate is gradually decreasing due to the implementation of the electronic monitoring. However, the duration of recidivism required by sex offenders in high-risk groups was found to be rather short. Currently, security measures against felons are being strengthened, so it is necessary to select high-risk groups. Therefore, based on the related studies, the characteristics of high-risk groups and the results of recidivism studies will be used as a basis for disposal within the criminal justice system, which will play a major role in granting objectivity.

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Recent Reform of Chinese University and Yanbian University (최근 중국의 대학교 개혁과 연변대학교의 개혁)

  • Shizhu, Jin;Xuefeng, Nan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.488-499
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    • 2005
  • The trends of Chinese and Yanbian University's reform were studied in this work. Although the history of Chinese modem university education is short, and all Chinese Universities experienced same social problems, however, development of each university was different. Especially after 90's, with applying socialism market economy theory, Chinese university education have changed a lot. Main conclusions were summarized as follows. First, to exert university's self-determination, University management system was changed. More and more rights and freedoms of operating university were given to universities which were originally controlled by central and local government. With that, universities were cheered to develop extensively based on its ability. Second, efforts to fit market economy were observed. It reflects in all aspects, such as systems of university financing, operating, admission and graduation of students. Third, professor competition system was adopted to promote professors enthusiasm. Forth, to survival in hot competition among universities, differentiation policy was applied. In brief, it could be said that rapid developments of Chinese university education have achieved recently. However, problems such as universities are still under supervision of central and local government: expand of university scale rather than education quality was focused on: limit of investment to university: lack of legal protection for finical supporting: lack of university democratization were still remain. It was expected that these problems will be solved in future university reforms.

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A Legal and Systematic Study On Consumer Protection In Electronic Commerce (전자상거래에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법.제도적 연구)

  • Kwon, Sang-Ro
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.787-796
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    • 2009
  • The electronic commerce keeps going through a tremendous growth since the latter half of 1990's. But the consumer damages are being increased from characteristics such as non-confrontation, anonymity, internationality, unilaterality and possibility of temptation. Accordingly, this thesis has derived legal and systematic improvements for consumer protection in general as follows. First of all, it is necessary to extend the period to exercise the subscription withdrawal rights according to electronic commerce consumer protection law. Second, the electronic commerce has high possibility of causing errors by consumers because it is performed by non-confrontation and the accurate information must be provided to prevent errors in advance because it is not easy for consumers to prove their own errors. Third, a certification mark system on electronic agreement has to be adopted. Fourth, the legal, systematic and technological measures have to be adopted to prevent from having a sense of fear toward leaking or using personal information through a safe personal information management. Fifth, a strict supervision on internet trust mark is required. Finally, because the intervention or interference by a third party may take place through a hacking on messages or documents sent according to procedure in terms of online settlement, it is necessary to raise security on the system through a precise authentication between concerned parties.

Typeface Design 'Arita' for Typographic Identity (타이포그래픽 아이덴티티를 위한 글자꼴 '아리따')

  • Ahn, Sang-Soo;Lee, Yong-Je;Han, Jae-Joon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.6 s.68
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2006
  • The development of the typeface 'Arita' presents a method and its following results for a corporate typographic identity. Amore pacific established a strategy for a typographic identity as for their high quality corporate culture and as a first step for it was to develop their corporate typeface 'Arita'. The typeface 'Arita' which pursues sharing and accompanying was developed to be used in the body text to enhance the function of the typography. What was needed to develop this typeface for Amore pacific was first, understanding of the corporation, and second, vision to present new direction for a typeface and its appropriate supervision, and third, ability in designing. Therefore, under the leading of Hong-ik University's meta design research institute, the typeface 'Arita' was created by in collaboration with Seoul women's university's modeling research institute and the typeface design specialty company, type space and the design company, Ahn-graphics. There are two kinds of weight in 'Arita' typeface, one is normal 'AritaM' and the other is semibold 'AritaSB'. 'Arita' is produced into TrueTypeFont(TTF) for Windows Operating System and OpenTypeFont(OTF) for Macintosh Operating System.

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Radiation Safety Consideration Regarding the Treatment which uses the Radioactive Substance (방사성물질을 이용한 치료의 안전관리 고찰)

  • Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Kim, Seung-Chul;Lee, Gui-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2008
  • Is trend that treatment that use isotope of radioactive substance increases from 1964 to now steadily. Bursting tube state solidified accordingly. But, do not establish treatment ward in presence at a sickbed by means that present regulation and system escape this as well as possession that exert negative impact in treatment action preferably is and is treating by radioactivity of small quantity, treatment air by that do not detain many sickers without equaling the institution although there is treatment ward keeps fair death anniversary and is in reservation stand-by status. To possess about 10 therapy rooms including existing sickroom in the institute of nuclear energy recently is looked but is waiting for an opportunity for treatment during suitableness time yet indeed even as that operate 57 radiation isotope therapy rooms all in about 28 hospitals in present domestic state is solveded. Therefore, radiation safety supervision by medical treatment action that treat as radioactive substance may need more active effort. Make mandatory to equipment that hospital which correspond to present the third medical examination and treatment must equip, or effort about more active system improvement may have to be about equipment that enforce this.

Work Characteristics and Health Status of Shift Workers based on the Results of the Fifth Korean Working Conditions Survey (교대근로자의 업무특성과 건강상태에 대한 연구: 제5차 근로환경조사를 중심으로)

  • Baek, Kyunghee;Ha, Kwonchul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.550-561
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the improvement of the working environment for health prevention and related countermeasures for shift workers. This study was conducted based on the Fifth Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS), which analyzed the health effects of shift work forces and compared them with preceding studies. Methods: By analyzing secondary rates using raw data from the 5th KWCS, 4,870 (9.7%) of the 50,184 total study subjects were divided into shift work and 45,314 (90.3%) non-shift work groups based on the response to shift status. Variables that could affect work health issues were identified and corrected. A cross-analysis was conducted to examine demographic characteristics (gender, age, and education level) of the workers and occupation characteristics (monthly net earnings, employment type, occupation, working period up to now, workplace scale, type of work system, and weekly working hours). In order to find the work health issue ratio between the shift and non-shift work groups, logistic regression was analyzed and the association with health problems according to shift type by gender was looked at through cross-analysis. Results: According to the surveys conducted from the 1st KWCS (2006) to the 5th KWCS (2017), the proportion of shift workers continued to increase. Also, muscular pains in the lower limbs (hips, legs, knees, feet, etc.) (OR=1.135, 95%CI 1.031-1.251), headaches, eyestrain (OR=1.580, 95% CI 1.428-1.748), anxiety (OR=1.715, 95% CI 1.402-2.099), difficulty falling asleep (OR=1.391), and other problems (OR=7.392) were reported. In addition, back pain, muscular pains in shoulders, neck and/or upper limbs, muscular pains in lower limbs (hips, legs, knees, feet, etc.), headaches, eyestrain, depression, anxiety, overall fatigue resulted in significant results for both male and female shift workers. Depression and anxiety were higher in female shift/circulation compared to males. Conclusions: The social nets for the health and safety of shift workers should be explored in a variety of ways, including management and supervision of shift sites, attempts to reorganize and improve the shift system, development of workers' health recovery programs, promotion, systematic treatment, and compensation systems.

A Study on the Effects of Criminal Investigators' Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment (수사경찰의 직무만족과 조직몰입에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Joo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.15
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    • pp.147-171
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    • 2008
  • This study examines the degrees of criminal investigators' job satisfaction and organizational commitment and investigates which factors determine the variations in them. In the first step of analysis, independent variables of criminal investigators' job satisfaction consist of work itself, achievement, responsibility, safety, stability, interpersonal relations, recognition, supervision, and opportunity of growth. In the second step, job satisfaction is a mediating variable and organizational commitment is a defendant variable. Organizational commitment is classified into three types - "affective", "continuance" and "normative". According to the structural equation model analysis, responsibility has a great influence on job satisfaction, and job satisfaction affects affective commitment and continuance commitment. This study suggests that job satisfaction should be increased to improve criminal investigators' organizational commitment. And responsibility is necessary for the improvement of job satisfaction. Despite the professional detective system operating in Korea since January 1, 2005, the level of criminal investigators' recognitions of safety, stability and opportunity of growth turn out to be low. Based on these findings, this study presents four ways to reform measures which are listed below. First, to improve a! n economical circumstance of criminal investigators, any expense associated with criminal investigation should be paid by organizations. Second, to improve safety of criminal investigators, it is necessary to develop and supply enough police equipments. Third, criminal investigators' working hours should be shorten. Fourth, to improve criminal investigators' responsibilities, criminal investigators should be allowed to conduct criminal investigation independently from the prosecution.

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Study on the improvements for Managerial Efficiency of the Designated Lane Law (지정차로제의 합리적 운영방안에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Jun;Lee, Choul-Ki;Lee, Yong-Ju;Kim, Yong-Man
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2016
  • Lane Designation is defined as reasonable road management to ensure the road safety and enhance road efficiency. While the lane designation system was abolished in 1999, it was redefined because of the increasing number of large vehicles in the passing lane, violent on driving and traffic accidents in 2000. The needs of improvement on operating the lane designation has been increasing more in recent due to the low ratio of compliance with the system and difficulties to keep the right lane due to need of turning and demand of widening of designates lane for two-wheeled vehicles and truck. In this study, we presented the improvement plan through the question survey, simulation analysis, safety evaluation. It found a problem that the low-speed vehicle is to use the upper level roadway, difficulties of supervision, the imbalance in the lane use, imbalance traffic and does not match the international standards. This study suggested five different alternatives through the survey. micro simulation has used in order to examine each alternative by management effectiveness and feasibility. It analyzed the traffic speed, efficiency, traffic balance of alternatives. Also, safety evaluation conducted in terms of the range of field-of-view to ensure the easiness of field of view by various configurational difference between the vehicles. By the analysis results of such indicators, This study presents proposals for improvement in operating designated lane that low-speed-big-sized vehicles keep to the right lane, and high-speed-small sized vehicles keep to the left lane.

A Study on Improving Architect Property Insurance for Safety Accidents of Building (건축물 안전사고에 대비한 건축사 손해보험 개선 연구)

  • Kim, Myeongsoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzed operating condition and the problems of damage compensation insunace (property insurance) for qualified architect and derived some suggsetions for improvement. The Certified Architects Act requires all building design and construction supervision to buy property insurance. This study proposes following suggestions to solve problems of current architect property insurance. Firstly, we need to increase the insurance purchasing rate of damage compensation insurance for qualified architect. It is necessary to clearly specify the matters concerning the submission of insurance policies by the architects, which is currently carried out by the Minister's official letter, in the form of official announcement. Secondly, proper insured amount should be adjusted. In order to insured substantial compensation capacity, total amount of insurance should be enlarged. Thirdly, the insurance period should be extended to one year after completion of building to allow compensation for accidents due to design negligence. Generally, the design defect can mostly be identified within one year after completion. Fourthly, insurance coverage should be extended. In the long run, it is essential to enlarge the scope of the security not only to property damage but also to human losses. Finally, an accident record sharing system should be established among insurance companies, so that proper insurance premiums or discounts can be made based on the system.