• Title/Summary/Keyword: stability bearing capacity

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Probabilistic bearing capacity assessment for cross-bracings with semi-rigid connections in transmission towers

  • Zhengqi Tang;Tao Wang;Zhengliang Li
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.309-321
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, the effect of semi-rigid connections on the stability bearing capacity of cross-bracings in steel tubular transmission towers is investigated. Herein, a prediction method based on the hybrid model which is a combination of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and backpropagation neural network (BPNN) is proposed to accurately predict the stability bearing capacity of cross-bracings with semi-rigid connections and to efficiently conduct its probabilistic assessment. Firstly, the establishment of the finite element (FE) model of cross-bracings with semi-rigid connections is developed on the basis of the development of the mechanical model. Then, a dataset of 7425 samples generated by the FE model is used to train and test the PSO-BPNN model, and the accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated. Finally, the probabilistic assessment for the stability bearing capacity of cross-bracings with semi-rigid connections is conducted based on the proposed method and the Monte Carlo simulation, in which the geometric and material properties including the outer diameter and thickness of cross-sections and the yield strength of steel are considered as random variables. The results indicate that the proposed method based on the PSO-BPNN model has high accuracy in predicting the stability bearing capacity of cross-bracings with semi-rigid connections. Meanwhile, the semi-rigid connections could enhance the stability bearing capacity of cross-bracings and the reliability of cross-bracings would significantly increase after considering semi-rigid connections.


  • Yi Yang-Jin;Park Chan-Jin;Cho Lee-Ra
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.248-257
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    • 2005
  • Statement of problem. Cortical bone plays an important role in the primary implant stability, which is essential to immediate/early loading. However, immediate load-bearing capacity and primary implant stability according to the change of the cortical bone thickness have not been reported. Purpose. The objectives of this study were (1) to measure the immediate load-bearing capacity of implant and primary implant stability according to the change of cortical bone thickness, and (2) to evaluate the correlation between them. Material and methods.48, screw-shaped implants (3.75 mm$\times$7 mm) were placed into bovine rib bone blocks with different upper cortical bone thickness (0-2.5 mm) and resonance frequency (RF) values were measured subsequently. After fastening of healing abutment. implants were subjected to a compressive load until tolerated micromotion threshold known for the osseointegration and load values at threshold were recorded. Thereafter, RF measurement after loading, CT taking and image analysis were performed serially to evaluate the cortical bone quality and quantity. Immediate load-bearing capacity and RF values were analyzed statistically with ANOVA and post-hoc method at 95% confidence level (P<0.05). Regression analysis and correlation test were also performed. Results. Existence and increase of cortical bone thickness increased the immediate load-bearing capacity and RF value (P<0.05) With the result of regression analysis, all parameter's of cortical bone thickness to immediate load-bearing capacity and resonance frequency showed significant positive values (P<0.0001). A significant high correlation was observed between the cortical bone thickness and immediate load-beating capacity (r=0.706, P<0.0001), between the cortical bone thickness and resonance frequency (r=0.753, P<0.0001) and between the immediate load-bearing capacity and resonance frequency (r=0.755, P<0.0001). Conclusion. In summary, cortical bone thickness change affected the immediate load-baring capacity and the RF value. Although RF analysis (RFA) is based on the measurement of implant/bone interfacial stiffness, when the implant is inserted stably, RFA is also considered to reflect implant/bone interfacial strength of immediately after placement from high correlation with the immediate load-baring capacity. RFA and measuring the cortical bone thickness with X-ray before and during surgery could be an effective diagnosis tool for the success of immediate loading of implant.

Stability Evaluation of Shallow Foundation by Plate Bearing Test (PBT에 의한 직접기초의 안정성 평가)

  • Ki Wan-Seo;Joo Seung-Wan;Kim Sun-Hak
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.4 s.42
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2005
  • For the design of spread foundation and the stability evaluation, we compared and analyzed it for theoretical, empirical bearing capacity formulas, and various settlement computation formulas, by conducting the plate bearing test at the site of A and B, which consisted of gneiss weathered soil. In addition, we considered the effective method of stability evaluation by carrying out the plate bearing test carried out on the ground consisted of weathering soil of gneiss. Consequently, it was found out that the allowablebearing capacity by the theoretical formula of Terzaghi was too excessive in comparison with the result of the plate bearing test and the Terzaghi-Peck method, which was used widely domestically in designing the spread foundation. It was more effective for a stable design. As a result of the plate bearing test carried out, on the ground consisted of weathering soil. It was found that reviewing the stability by the bearing capacity calculated with load-settlement curve. It is evaluated in a safer side than the point of view of the settlement.

Evaluation of the Structural Stability of Rammed Earth Construction :The Case Restoration Project of the Stone Pagoda at Mireuksa Temple Site in Iksan

  • Min, Hwang-Sik;Choen, Deuk-Youm
    • Architectural research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2018
  • The restoration of foundations supporting the immense load of the stone pagoda at Mireuksa Temple Site prioritizes securing its structural stability. But so far, rammed earth construction is still not easy to determine the structural stability. This paper aims to emphasize that a scientific experimental study was conducted on a rammed earth construction, to identify its methodology and obtain objective data about structural stability of the foundation work. An experimental study fabricated specimens from the soil that had been removed during the excavation survey, determined the allowable bearing capacity through plate load tests, and compared the results with the predicted stress after reassembly of the stone pagoda to estimate the structural stability. Then, the repair method was selected based on the experimental study result. The evaluation method of the restoration of foundations consisted of an examination of the allowable bearing capacity and settlement. The allowable bearing of the reinforced foundation was more than twice the contact pressure under the stacked stones of the pagoda. The possibility of settlement of the rammed earth foundation soil layer during the pagoda assembly is expected to be very low because the settlement amount of the reformed soil layer is less than half of the settlement of the stabilized existing soil layer.

Analyzing the bearing capacity of shallow foundations on two-layered soil using two novel cosmology-based optimization techniques

  • Gor, Mesut
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.513-522
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    • 2022
  • Due to the importance of accurate analysis of bearing capacity in civil engineering projects, this paper studies the efficiency of two novel metaheuristic-based models for this objective. To this end, black hole algorithm (BHA) and multi-verse optimizer (MVO) are synthesized with an artificial neural network (ANN) to build the proposed hybrid models. Based on the settlement of a two-layered soil (and a shallow footing) system, the stability values (SV) of 0 and 1 (indicating the stability and failure, respectively) are set as the targets. Each model predicted the SV for 901 stages. The results indicated that the BHA and MVO can increase the accuracy (i.e., the area under the receiving operating characteristic curve) of the ANN from 94.0% to 96.3 and 97.2% in analyzing the SV pattern. Moreover, the prediction accuracy rose from 93.1% to 94.4 and 95.0%. Also, a comparison between the ANN's error decreased by the BHA and MVO (7.92% vs. 18.08% in the training phase and 6.28% vs. 13.62% in the testing phase) showed that the MVO is a more efficient optimizer. Hence, the suggested MVO-ANN can be used as a reliable approach for the practical estimation of bearing capacity.

The influence of fluid inertia and heat dissipation in fluid films (유체막에서 관성과 열 소산의 영향)

  • Kim, Eun-Pil
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.224-234
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    • 1997
  • It was demonstrated earlier that for laminar, isothermal flow of the lubricant in long journal bearings, inertia has negligible effect on the load carrying capacity and influences only the stability characteristics of the bearing. The question in the present paper is: 'will these conclusions of the isothermal theory remain valid in the presence of significant dissipation, or will lubricant inertia and dissipation interact non-linearly to bring about qualitative changes in bearing performance\ulcorner' The results obtained here assert that the effect of lubricant inertia on load carrying capacity remains negligible, irrespective of the rate of dissipation. The stability of the bearing is, however, affected by lubricant inertia. These results, although obtained here for long bearings with Sommerfeld and Gumbel boundary conditions, are believed to be applicable to practical bearing operations and affirm that bearing load may be calculated from classical, i. e., non-inertial theory.

Research on bearing characteristics of socket-spigot template supporting system

  • Guo, Yan;Hu, Chang-Ming;Lian, Ming
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.869-887
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    • 2016
  • The socket-spigot template supporting system is widely used in engineering applications in China. As a newer type of support structure, there has been growing research interest in its bearing capacity. In this paper, four vertical bearing capacity tests were carried out on the basic mechanical unit frame of a socket-spigot template supporting system. The first goal was to explore the influence of the node semi-rigid degree and the longitudinal spacing of the upright tube on the vertical bearing capacity. The second objective was to analyze the displacement trend and the failure mode during the loading process. This paper presents numerical analysis of the vertical bearing capacity of the unit frames using the finite element software ANSYS. It revealed the relationship between the node semi-rigid degree and the vertical bearing capacity, that the two-linear reinforcement model of elastic-plastic material can be used to analyze the socket-spigot template supporting system, and, through node entity model analysis, that the load transfer direction greatly influences the node bearing area. Finally, this paper indicates the results of on-site application performance experiments, shows that the supporting system has adequate bearing capacity and stability, and comments on the common work performance of a socket and fastener scaffold.

Bearing capacity of strip footings on a stone masonry trench in clay

  • Mohebkhah, Amin
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 2017
  • Soft clay strata can suffer significant settlement or stability problems under building loads. Among the methods proposed to strengthen weak soils is the application of a stone masonry trench (SMT) beneath RC strip foundations (as a masonry pad-stone). Although, SMTs are frequently employed in engineering practice; however, the effectiveness of SMTs on the ultimate bearing capacity improvement of a strip footing rested on a weak clay stratum has not been investigated quantitatively, yet. Therefore, the expected increase of bearing capacity of strip footings reinforced with SMTs is of interest and needs to be evaluated. This study presents a two-dimensional numerical model using the discrete element method (DEM) to capture the ultimate load-bearing capacity of a strip footing on a soft clay reinforced with a SMT. The developed DEM model was then used to perform a parametric study to investigate the effects of SMT geometry and properties on the footing bearing capacity with and without the presence of surcharge. The dimensions of the SMTs were varied to determine the optimum trench relative depth. The study showed that inclusion of a SMT of optimum dimension in a soft clay can improve the bearing capacity of a strip footing up to a factor of 3.5.

A Study on the Vibration Control Using Magnetic Bearings of the Flexible Shaft Supported by Hydrodynamic Bearings (동수압 베어링으로 지지되는 연성축의 자기 베어링을 이용한 진동제어에 관한 연구)

  • 정성천;장인배;한동철
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 1994
  • The hydrodynamic bearing is accepted in many rotating systems because it has a large load carrying capacity. But the anisotropic pressure distribution of the bearing can arise the unstable vibration phenomenon over a certain speed. The magnetic bearing is an active element so that the unstable phenomenon of the hydrodynamic bearing, which is induced by the anisotropic support pressure of the oil film, can be controlled if the control algorithm and the controller gains are chosen appropriately. In this study, we investigate the stabilization method of the hydrodynamic bearing system composing the hybrid bearing which is the single unit of hydrodynamic bearing and magnetic bearing. The load carrying conditions of the hybrid bearing is modelled by the sum of the stiffness and damping coefficients of the hydrodynamic and the magnetic bearings in each direction. The dynamics of the rotor is analyzed by the Finite Element Method and the stability limit is determined by the eigenvalues of the hybrid bearings and shaft system. The eigenvalue study of the system shows that the stability limit of the hybrid bearing is increased compared to that of the hydrodynamic bearing. A Small increment of the stiffness and damping coefficient of the hybrid bearings by the magnetic actuators can increase the stability limit of the system. In this paper we tried to show the design references of the hybrid bearings by using the nondimensional bearing parameters. The analysis results show the possibilities of the stability limit increment of the hydrodynamic bearing system by combining the magnetic bearing.

A study on the static and stability characteristics of the oil-lubricated herringbone groove journal bearing (오일윤활 빗살무늬 저널 베어링에 대한 정특성 및 안정성 해석)

  • Kang, Kyung-Phil;Rhim, Yoon-Chul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.859-867
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    • 1998
  • An oil lubricated Herringbone aroove jounal bearing(HGJB) with eight-circular-profile grooves on the non-rotating bearing surface is analyzed numerically and experimentally. The load carrying capacity, attitude angle, stiffness and damping coefficients are obtained numerically for the various bearing configurations. The onset speed of instability is also examined for the various eccentricity ratios. The configuration parameters of HGJB, such as groove depth ratio, groove width ratio, and groove angle, are dependent on each other because the grooves are generated by using eight small balls rolling over the inner surface of the sleeve with press fit. Therefore, it is not allowed to suggest a set of optimal design parameters such as the one for the rectangular profile HGJB. The overall results from numerical and experimental analysis prove that the circular profile HGJB has an excellent stability characteristics and the higher load carrying capacity than the plain journal bearing.