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Stability Evaluation of Shallow Foundation by Plate Bearing Test  

Ki Wan-Seo (Dept. of Civil engineering, Chosun College of Science & Technology)
Joo Seung-Wan (Dept. of Construction Environment, Seokang College)
Kim Sun-Hak (Dept. of Civil engineering, Chosun University)
Publication Information
The Journal of Engineering Geology / v.15, no.4, 2005 , pp. 423-433 More about this Journal
For the design of spread foundation and the stability evaluation, we compared and analyzed it for theoretical, empirical bearing capacity formulas, and various settlement computation formulas, by conducting the plate bearing test at the site of A and B, which consisted of gneiss weathered soil. In addition, we considered the effective method of stability evaluation by carrying out the plate bearing test carried out on the ground consisted of weathering soil of gneiss. Consequently, it was found out that the allowablebearing capacity by the theoretical formula of Terzaghi was too excessive in comparison with the result of the plate bearing test and the Terzaghi-Peck method, which was used widely domestically in designing the spread foundation. It was more effective for a stable design. As a result of the plate bearing test carried out, on the ground consisted of weathering soil. It was found that reviewing the stability by the bearing capacity calculated with load-settlement curve. It is evaluated in a safer side than the point of view of the settlement.
plate bearing test; shallow foundation; bearing capacity; settlement; finite element method;
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