• 제목/요약/키워드: socioeconomic level

검색결과 587건 처리시간 0.026초

영남권역에서 가정용 인공호흡기를 사용하는 환자 가족간병인의 간병 부담과 삶의 질 (Survey on the Care Burden and Quality of Life in Family Caregivers of Patients Using Home Mechanical Ventilator in Yeongnam Region, Korea)

  • 손주현;문명훈;조미경;윤라유;허성철;민지홍;문정인;김수연
    • 대한지역사회작업치료학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2020
  • 목적 : 본 연구는 영남권역 내 가정에서 인공호흡기 사용 환자를 돌보는 가족간병인이 느끼는 간병 부담과 삶의 질을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 영남권역 내에 거주하며 가정에서 인공호흡기를 사용하는 환자를 돌보는 주간병인을 대상으로 설문조사를 시행하였고 가족간병인의 응답 내용을 분석하였다. 설문지는 환자의 정보, 간병 실태 및 추가 지원 요구 사항 등으로 구성하였다. 가족간병인의 간병 부담과 삶의 질을 평가하기 위해 각각 Korean version of Short Form Zarit Burden Interview(K-ZBI-12)과 한국형 가중치 모형에 따라 교정한 3-Level version of EuroQol-5 Dimension(KEQ-5D-3L)을 사용하였다. 통계적 유의수준은 p<0.05로 하였다. 결과 : 총 150명 중 주간병인이 가족간병인인 98명을 분석하였다. 환자의 연령은 54.10±17.94세, 성별은 남자 74명(75.5%), 여자 24명(24.5%)이었고 주 진단은 신경근육계 질환이 83명(84.7%)으로 가장 많았다. 가족간병인의 K-ZBI-12 점수는 33.08±10.34로 간병에 대한 고부담을 보였고 EQ-5D-3L 점수는 0.71±0.25로 두 항목은 음의 상관관계를 보였다(p=.038). 환자의 연령, 인공호흡기 사용기간, 의료비에 대한 가족간병인의 경제적 부담, 간병비에 대한 가족간병인의 경제적 부담 및 전문간병인의 참여 시간은 K-ZBI-12 점수와 각각 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. KEQ-5D-3L 점수는 가정용 인공호흡기의 사용기간과 음의 상관관계를 나타냈다(p=.017). 환자가 침습적 인공호흡기를 사용하는 경우 비침습적 인공호흡기를 사용하는 경우보다 가족간병인의 KEQ-5D-3L 점수가 낮았다(p=.008). 간병에 참여하는 인원이 두 명 이상인 경우가 한 명인 경우보다 K-ZBI-12 점수가 낮았다(p=.001). 가족간병인이 추가지원을 바라는 요구사항 중 경제적 지원에 대한 요구도가 가장 높게 조사되었다. 결론 : 영남권역에서 가정용 인공호흡기를 사용하는 환자들의 보호자가 느끼는 간병 부담이 크고 삶의 질이 낮다는 것을 알 수 있다. 가족간병인의 간병 부담과 삶의 질을 개선하기 위해서 지역에서 실질적으로 필요한 사회경제적 지원 및 환자와 가족들의 요구 사항을 확인하고 추가적인 지원을 위한 노력이 필요하다.

우리나라 성인의 비누로 손씻기 실천 관련요인 (Related Factors to Handwashing with Soap in Korean Adults)

  • 이윤희;이무식;홍수진;양남영;황혜정;김병희;김현수;김은영;박윤진;임고운;김영택
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This cross-sectional study aims to investigate the prevalence and factors relating to handwashing with soap among Korean adults. Methods: Study subjects consist of 755 adults who have been contacted in September 2013 via telephone surveys. The data collected has been analyzed using descriptive statistics, a chi-square test and a logistic regression analysis. A primary purpose is to understand the prevalence of handwashing with soap more than 8 times daily and for 30 seconds per wash among adults. Independent variables include socioeconomic levels, the participants' perception and knowledge of handwashing and their educational experiences relating to handwashing. Results: The overall percentile of people who wash their hands with soap 8 time per day for 30 seconds or more per wash was 16.0%, which is 121 people out of 755 study subjects. In univariate analysis, age, education levels, monthly average income, handwashing habits, perceptions relate to the importance of handwashing, self-assessment of handwashing, environment of public toilet, and the completion of handwashing education shows significant result. Significant differences also appear (p<0.05) in logistic regression analysis on binary variables. There is a strong correlation between daily frequency of handwashing and willingness to wash hands while outside. For example, people who wash their hands very often while outside are 2.24 times (95% C.I. 1.29-3.87) more likely to practice handwashing with soap 8 times per day for 30 seconds or more per wash than those people who only intermittently wash their hands while outside. Furthermore, people with general unwillingness to wash their hands while outside are 4.61 times (95% C.I. 1.22-3.28) less likely to practice handwashing with soap 8 times per day for 30 seconds or more per wash than those with general willingness. Conclusions: This study has been carried out to identify the decision factors in practicing handwashing with soap for Korean adults. In univariate analysis, age, education level, monthly average income, handwashing habits, handwashing self-assessment, public toilet environment, completion of handwashing education and so forth have been identified to be the decision factors. This study result shows that the overall level of cleanliness of public toilet perceives to be poor and it suggests that the environment of public toilet needs to be enhanced. As the handwashing habits and handwashing-self assessment have been identified to be the significant decision factors for handwashing, there search and approach in these factors need to be developed further.

식량(食糧)의 안정적(安定的) 공급(供給)을 위한 산지개발이용의 필요성(必要性)과 전망(展望) (The Impact of the Reclamation and Utilization of Idle Hillside Lands on Future Food Production in Korea)

  • 박종문
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.213-233
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    • 1979
  • 장기적(長期的)으로 2000년대(年代)를 전망(展望)할 때 인구(人口)의 증가에 따른 우리나라 국민의 주곡(主穀) 수요량(需要量)은 계속 크게 증가 될 것이고 특히(特) 경제성장이 지속되고 국민의 소득(所得)이 향상(向上)됨에 따라 육류(肉類), 우유, 계란 등(等) 축산물(畜産物) 수요량(需要量)이 급증할 것이며 이와 상응하여 옥수수, 밀, 콩, 과수(果樹), 채소(菜蔬) 등(等)의 수요량(需要量)이 점진적(漸進的)으로 증가할 것이다. 이와같이 수요량(需要量)은 크게 증가할 전망(展望)에 있는 반면(反面) 작물(作物)의 재배기지(栽培基地)인 농경지(農耕地)는 공업화(工業化) 과정(過程)에 따른 기존(旣存) 농경지(農耕地)의 잠식 및 전용은 점차 심화할 것이므로 현재와 같은 추세(趨勢)로 큰 전환없는 실정이 그대로 1991년(年)까지 이어진다면 식량(食糧)의 자급도(自給度)는 현재(現在)의 79%에서 62% 정도(程度)의 수준(水準)으로 감소(減少)될 것으로 예상된다. 이에 대처 국내식량, 축산물(畜産物), 채소(菜蔬), 과수(果樹) 등(等)의 자급도(自給度)를 높이는 길은 기존 농경지(農耕地)의 전용억제와 경지이용도제고(耕地利用度提高) 등(等) 시책(施策)을 계속 강력히 추진(推進)해야 할 것이며 특(特)히 무엇보다도 주요(主要)한 것은 산지(山地)의 대대적(大大的) 개간이용(開墾利用)과 간척지(干拓地)의 개발 등(等) 농경지(農耕地)의 외연적(外延的) 확대를 서둘러 농경지(農耕地) 신규소요면적(新規所要面積)을 확대 확보(確保)해야 할 것이다. 산지(山地)의 개간이용(開墾利用)에 있어서는 합리적(合理的) 개간공법(開墾工法)의 도입(導入), 토양(土壤)의 유실방지(流失防止), 토양(土壤)의 물리화학적 특성(特性)에 바탕을 둔 이화학적 개량(改良), 농업지대(農業地帶)의 구분설정, 입지적(立地的) 조건을 감안한 적지적작(適地適作) 지정(指定), 개간지(開墾地)의 경제성 조사(調査) 등(等)이 긴요(緊要)하며 또한 산지개간(山地開墾)에 있어서 농로관개(農路灌漑), 토양보전처리, 배수(排水) 등(等) 기간시설(基幹施設)의 정부지원(政府支援)으로 농민(農民)의 산지개발의욕을 고취(鼓吹)시키고 안전영농을 도모하여 개발된 땅이 단수제고(段收提高)와 소득증대로 연결(連結)될 수 있도록 뒷받침하여 우리나라 국민의 식량(食糧) 수요량(需要量)을 안정적(安定的)으로 생산공급(生産供給)할 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다.

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독림가(篤林家)의 임목벌채의식(林木伐採意識)과 연관변수(聯關變數) (Model Forest Owner's Attitudes toward Tree Felling and Related Variables)

  • 조응혁
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제60권1호
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1983
  • 독림가(篤林家) 83명(名)을 대상으로 종속변수(從屬變數)로서의 벌채의식수준(伐採意識水準)을 수량화(數量化)하는 동시에, 이에 영향(影響)을 미칠 것으로 생각되는 6가지 독립변수(獨立變數)와의 관계를 개별적(個別的), 종합적(綜合的)으로 분석(分析)하고, 각(各) 독립변수(獨立變數)가 종속변수(從屬變數)의 변량(變量)에 미치는 영향력(影響力)의 상대적(相對的) 중요도(重要度)를 구명(究明)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1) 독림가(篤林家)의 벌채성향(伐採性向)은 매우 높게 나타났으며, 연령(年齡), 전달매개변수(傳達媒介變數) 및 사회심리변수(社會心理變數)가 낮을수록, 그리고 교육수준(敎育水準)과 사회경제적(社會經濟的) 지위(地位)가 높을수록 벌채욕망(伐採慾望)은 더욱 커지는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 2) 종속변수(從屬變數)와 6개(個) 독립변수(獨立變數) 사이의 중상관계수(重相關係數)는 0.5322로서 매우 유의적(有意的)이었으며, 이들 독립변수(獨立變數)는 종합적(綜合的)으로 종속변수(從屬變數)의 변량(變量)을 28.3% 설명(說明)할 수 있다. 종속변수(從屬變數)에 대한 각(各) 독립변수(獨立變數)의 상대적(相對的) 영향력(影響力)은 전달매개변수(傳達媒介變數)가 13.1%, 사회심리변수(社會心理變數)가 6.3%, 연령변수(年齡變數)가 6.1%이다. 3) 전달매개수단(傳達媒介手段)을 상면적(相面的), 정보원(情報源) 및 사회참여(社會參與) 및 대량전달매개수단(大量傳達媒介手段)과의 접촉(接觸)으로 세분(細分)하여, 이들 독립변수(獨立變數)와 종속변수(從屬變數)와의 단순상관계수(單純相關係數)를 계산(計算)하였더니 모두 매우 유의적(有意的)인 정(正)의 상관(相關)을 나타냈다. 이러한 3개(個) 독립변수(獨立變數)는 종속변수(從屬變數)의 변량(變量)을 16.4% 설명(說明)할 수 있으며, 이것은 상면적(相面的) 정보원(情報源)에 의하여 8.8%, 사회참여(社會參與)에 의하여 4.7%, 대량전달매개수단(大量傳達媒介手段)에 의하여 2.9% 설명(說明)하는 것으로 나타났다. 4) 사회심리변수(社會心理變數)를 7가지 성격변수(性格變數)로 나누어 종속변수(從屬變數)와의 관계를 분석(分析)한 결과(結果) 독림가(篤林家)의 벌채성향(伐採性向)은 운명적(運命的), 불신적(不信的), 무의욕적(無意慾的) 성격(性格)을 지니고 있을수록 크고, 보수적(保守的) 성격(性格)일수록 작게 나타났다. 종속변수(從屬變數)와 7개(個) 성격변수간(性格變數間)의 중상관계수(重相關係數)는 0.5461 로서 매우 유의적(有意的)이었다. 7개(個) 성격변수(性格變數)는 통합적(統合的)으로 종속변수(從屬變數)의 변량(變量)을 29.8% 설명(說明)할 수 있으며, 상대적(相對的) 영향력(影響力)이 큰 성격변수(性格變數)는 불신적(不信的) 성격(性格)이 11.1%, 무의욕적(無意慾的) 성격(性格)이 10.8%로 나타났다.

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제왕절개 분만율의 지역간 변이와 관련요인에 대한 연구 (Regional Variations in the Cesarean Section Rate and It's Determinants in Korea)

  • 김혜경;이정운;박강원;문옥륜
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.312-329
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate cesarean section rate in Korea and analyze the socioeconomic variables and health resources which affect regional variation in the rate. Samples were drawn from the record of vaginal and cesarean section deliveries based upon insurance claim bills which have been submitted to the National Federation of Medical Insurance for the first three months, January through March, 1991. The results are obtained as follows : It was found that. cesarean section rate was increasing rapidly up to 23.1% in 1991. Cesarean section per 10 thousand insured people was 4.8 and the number of cesarean section per 10 thousand insured eligible($15{\sim}49$ years old) female was 7.6. The fee for normal delivery was 109,489 won and that for cesarean section was 390,024 won. The average days of hospitalization in normal delivery was 2.3 days, and those in cesarean section was 7.6 days. On the average cesarean section has a longer of stay as much as by 4.3 days and cost 3.6 times more than normal deliveries. Cesarean section rates vary among medical facilities 19.8% at clinics 37.6% in small-scale hospitals, and 29.1% in general hospitals. The regional variation of cesarean section rates was also fairly prominent. The South Cheju Gun has the highest rate of cesarean section, 56.2%. Meanwhile no cesarean section cases has been reported in Sunchang Gun during the period of this study. The variation is noted among provinces. The rate for Cheju province has been 3.4 times higher than that for Chunnam. The number of cesarean section per 10 thousand insured people vary greatly among regions, too. This study has found that there exists significant regional variations among various geographic units in terms of average length of stay, average cost, number of obsretricians and number of beds. Multiple regression analysis was done to identify factors explaining the regional variance of various cesarean section rates : In the urban areas, no significant explaining variables were noted except the number of beds for the dependent variable of cesarean section cases per 10 thousand insured eligible females. The smaller the number of bed, the more cases of cesarean section was noted for an urban area. The is mostly because the rate of cesarean section is higher in medium-size hospitals than in large general hospitals. In the rural areas, the factor of education has been found significant for all three deplendent variables. The higher the educational level, the rate of cesarean section is most likely to rise. An income variable measured by the amount of monthly insurance contribution has been identified a powerful predictor in explaining the valiance of cesarean section rates. The same has been noted for the number of obstetricians. Similar findings are observed for the country as a whole. The income level has veen found as the most powerful explaining factor in the regional variance of cesarean section rates. In general the rate is higher in the urban areas, and lower in the area with more small hospitals. As this is the initial attempt to identify the factors relevant to the regional difference in the rates of cesarean section, more elaborated study is urgently required.

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대학전공별(大學專攻別) 전문직학생(專門職學生)들의 인구관련문제(人口關聯問題)에 대한 연차적(年次的) 변화(變化) 연구(硏究) (A Prospective Study on Attitude of Professional Student toward Population Related Issues in Korea)

  • 이경식;김화중
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 1976
  • This study was a part of large scale of a prospective study on attitudes of professional students in medicine, nursing and teaching toward population related issues in Korea. The study was first conducted in May 1974 and then in May 1975 for the 1974 class cohot using a questionaire consisted of attitude scales and other items developed by Lee. The purpose of stuay was twohold, namely, to determine the difference in students among specializations on one hand and between the first and second years in the 1974 class cohot regarding tile subject matter. A one-way analysis of variance was used for attitude scale, and absolute and relative frequency were computed for the analysis of non-attitude scale items by employing Fishers' Ratio and Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level and chi square test at 5% level as significance tests. The hypothesis 'students in health profession are more likely to have positive attitudes toward population related issues progressively as class year advances than students in teaching profession' was tested and the following results were obtained: 1) Nursing students were more likely to display favarable attitudes toward family planning than medical or teaching students although the class cohot showed slightly negative improvement in the second year. Medical and teaching students apperaed to have slightly improved attitudes in the second year. 2) Respondents in general perceived national family planning program as a means of population control and this tendency was more true among nursing students as the class year advances than two other professional groups of students. Students in teaching profession appeared to perceive it more as a means to improve individual family welfare while health students were likely to see as to improve maternal and child health. This tendency was progressively improved as the class year advanced. 3) The majority of students regardless of their respective specializations believed that family planning program should be directed toward the improvement of individual family welfare. No progressive changes in the class cohot were observed. 4) About the plan to use contraceptives in future, no singnificant differences were observes among different specializations nor in different class years. However, the majority was confirmed to have a plan to use contracepives in future. An increasing proportion of the undecided category was observed, as class year advanced among health students. 5) Students in health profession were found to be more favorable about 'more leisure opportunities' as motive for limiting number of children whereas education students indicated the reasons as 'facilitate ambitions' and 'economic base' The progressive changes toward positive direction in both groups were observed as the class years advanced. 6) Attitudes toward induced abortions of the health students were observed to be positively related to class years while an inverse relationship was found in teaching students who showed much less favor in the subject matter than health students. This phenomenon may be due to the different exposure to learning environments unique to respective specializations. 7) Health students were found to have more favorable attitudes toward population education in general than the teaching students. The teaching students appeared to have changed more to the negative direction when they became the second year while no such development was observed in health students. The teaching students seemed to hold a very conservative position with regard to sex education in schools. 8) About the equality of sexes, the nursing group was found to be most favorable while the reverse was true in the teaching group. A change in the negative direction as the class year advanced was found in the teaching group. 9) About questions related to fertility values-the 10 percent of respondents regardless of specialization indicated that they would maintain their single status in future, however no change was observed in the second year. The desired number of children was found to be two by the majority of students in nursing, medicine and teaching in order of high proportion. No changes in a different class year were observed. The childless marriage was seen by nursing students as a problem more than other students, but a slight change in positive direction was found when the nursing students became the second year. In summing, as data supported in the above, students in health profession demonstrated more favorable attitudes toward population related issues than the teaching students and this tendency became more apparent in the second year. It was noticed that health students were more conscious about the health aspect of population and family planning program while the teaching students gave more attention to the socioeconomic aspect. The sex variable seemed to have operated in the item related to the equality of sexes. In conclusion, as data presented in the above, the hypothesis of this study was accepted except in the few items. It should be noted that the limitation of this study is the short duration of the observation in measuring the possible attitude changes. It should include curriculum analysis for the respective specializations in order to indentify the area of curriculum impact on students in future study.

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장애인 건강주치의 시범사업 수요자의 등록 및 이용수준 영향 요인 분석 (Factors Affecting the Registration and Access Levels of the Pilot Project for the General Physician System among People with Disabilities)

  • 최은희;구여정;임승지
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2024
  • 연구배경: 장애인의 일상적 건강관리 미흡과 낮은 의료접근성으로 인해 다양한 건강문제 발생 및 과다한 의료비 지출 부담이 발생하고 있다. 이에 "장애인건강권법"에 근거하여 2018년 장애인 건강주치의제도 시범사업을 시행하였으나 2021년 기준 전체 중증장애인 중 시범사업 참여자는 0.2%에 불과하다. 이에 본 연구는 수요자의 장애인 건강주치의 참여 활성화를 위한 시사점을 얻고자, 시범사업 등록 여부와 시범사업 이용수준의 영향요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 방법: 2018년 5월 30일부터 2021년 12월 31일까지 시범사업 정보와 국민건강보험 데이터를 연계하여 이분형 로지스틱 회귀분석과 위계적 다중회귀분석을 통해, 장애인건강주치의 참여 장애인의 시범사업 등록 및 서비스 이용횟수에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하였다. 독립변수는 장애유형, 인구사회경제학적 특성과 건강상태(만성질환의 개수, 찰슨동반상병지수(Charlson comorbidity index [CCI]), 외래민감질환 및 복약불순응과 다제약제관리 필요의 해당 여부), 시범사업 서비스 이용 관련 변수를 포함하였다. 결과: 시범사업의 등록 여부에 영향을 주는 요인 분석결과, 주장애관리 가입 대상에 해당하는 장애유형(지체, 뇌병변, 시각, 지적, 정신, 자폐성 장애인)이 그 외 장애유형(odds ratio [OR], 4.157)보다, 군 지역 거주자보다 특별광역시 거주자(OR, 4.330)와 시 지역 거주자(OR, 3.332)가 시범사업에 등록할 확률이 높았으며, CCI와 만성질환 개수와 같은 건강수준의 영향도 있었다. 그러나 주치의 서비스 이용수준의 결정요인으로 참여자의 인구사회학적 특성(장애유형, 연령, 의료보장 형태, 거주지역)과 건강수준(만성질환 개수, CCI) 등 개인적 요인보다 시범사업 서비스 가입 형태에 해당하는 변수군(수요자가 등록한 주치의의 소속 및 서비스 유형)이 더 높은 설명력(20.4%)을 보였다. 결론: 수요자의 장애유형과 지역과 건강수준에 따른 시범사업의 참여 편차를 고려하여 향후 서비스 개발이 필요하며, 수요자의 서비스 이용수준에 공급자의 요양기관 형태나 서비스 유형의 영향력이 큰 바 향후 공급자의 참여 양상과 수요자의 참여수준과의 관계를 분석하는 연구가 필요할 것이다.

대구시 도시근린공원의 접근성에 따른 환경적 형평성 분석 (Environmental Equity Analysis of the Accessibility of Urban Neighborhood Parks in Daegu City)

  • 서현진;전병운
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.221-237
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 환경정의 관점에서 도시근린공원의 접근성에 따른 형평성을 대구시를 사례로 분석하였다. 이를 위해 근린공원의 공간통계학적 분포 특성을 살펴 본 후, 최소거리 및 커버리지 접근 방법을 이용하여 접근성을 측정하였다. 여기에서 도출된 접근성에 따른 사회 경제적 특성을 비교하기 위해 근접비율, 맨 휘트니 U 검정, 로지스틱 회귀분석 등과 같은 기술적 추론적 통계를 이용하여 분석하였다. 최소거리 분석에서는 자치구 중 달서구가 근린공원에 대한 접근성이 가장 양호하며, 동구가 가장 불량한 것으로 나타났다. 커버리지 분석에서는 500m와 1,000m 모두 접근성이 가장 양호한 자치구는 달서구, 가장 불량한 자치구는 동구와 남구로 분석되었다. 환경적 형평성 분석 결과 구시가지는 대부분 고령자비율에서 환경적 형평성이 있는 것으로 나타났고, 인구밀도 및 미성년자 비율에서 불형평성이 나타났다. 신시가지는 대부분 인구밀도 및 미성년자 비율에서 환경적 형평성이 있는 것으로 나타났고, 고령자비율과 기초생활수급자비율 및 무상주택비율에서 불형평성이 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 정량적인 도시공원정책에 의한 대구시 도시공원의 조성과정 및 도시개발과정과 영구임대주택의 입지패턴과 밀접한 연관성을 가지고 있었다. 본 연구는 기존의 유해시설과 관련된 환경정의 연구의 주제를 확장하였으며, 도출된 분석결과는 대구시에서 사회 경제적 특성을 반영한 도시공원정책을 수립할 때 기초자료로 활용될 수 있다.

순회진료사업(巡回診療事業)의 문제점(問題点)과 개선방향(改善方向) (일부(一部) 무의지역에 대(對)한 지역사진단(地域社診斷)을 중심(中心)으로) (A Study on the Mobile Medical Service Program -Based on the Community Diagnosis of a Remote Farm Area-)

  • 박항배;최동욱
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.86-97
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    • 1978
  • The mobile medical service has been operated for many years by a number of medical schools and hospitals as a most convenient means of medical service delivery to the people residing in such area where the geographical and socioeconomic conditions are not good enough to enjoy modern medical care. Despite of official appraisal showing off simply with numbers of outpatients treated and medical persons participated, however, as well recognized, the capability (in respect of budget, equipment and time) of those mobile medical teams is so limitted that it often discourages the recipients as well as medical participants themselves. In the midst of rising need to secure medical service of good quality to all parts of the country, and of developing concept of primary health care system, authors evaluated the effectiveness of and problems associated with mobile medical servies program through the community diagnosis of a village (Opo-myun, Kwangju-gun) to obtain the information which may be halpful for future improvement. 1. Owing to the nationwide Sae-Maul movement powerfully practiced during last several years, living environment of farm villages generally and remarkably improved including houses, water supply and wastes disposal etc. Neverthless, due to limitations in budget time and lack of knowledge (probably the most important), these improvements tend to keep up appearances only and are far from the goal which may being practical benefit in promoting the health of the community. 2. As a result of intensive population policy led by the government since 1962, there has been considerable advances in understanding and the rate of practicing family planning through out the villages and yet, one should see many things, especially education, to be done. Fifty eight per cent of mothers have not received prenatal check and the care for most (72%) delivery was offered by laymen at home. 3. Approximately seven per cent of the population was reported to have chronic illness but since only a few (practically none) of the people has had physical check up by doctors, the actual prevalence of chronic diseases may reach many times of the reported. The same fact was observed also in prevalence of tuberculosis; the patients registered at local health center totaled 31 comprising only 0.51% while the numbers in two neighboring villages (designated as demonstration area of tuberculosis control and mass examination was done recently) were 3.5 and 4.0% respectively. Prevalence rate of all dieseses and injuries expereinced during one month (July, 1977) was 15.8%. Only one tenth of those patients received treatment by physicians and one fifth was not treated at all. The situation was worse as for the chronic patients; 84% of all cases either have never been treated or discontinued therapy, and the main reasons were known to be financial difficulty and ignorance or indifference. 4. Among the patients treated by our mobile clinic, one third was chronic cases and 45% of all patients, by the opinion of doctors attended, were those who may be treated by specially trained nurses or other paramedics (objects of primary care). Besides, 20% of the cases required professional managements of level beyond the mobile team's capability and in this sense one may conclude that the effectiveness (performance) of present mobile medical team is quite limitted. According to above findings, the authors would like to suggest following for mobile medical service and overall medicare program for the people living in remote country side. 1. Establishment of primary health care system secured with effective communication and evacuation (between villages and local medical center) measures. 2. Nationwide enforcement of medical insurance system. 3. Simple outpatient care which now constitutes the main part of the most mobile medical services should largely be yielded up to primary health care unit of the village and the mobile team itself should be assigned on new and more urgent missions such as mass screening health examination of the villagers, health education with modern and effective audiovisual aids, professional training and consultant services for the primary health care organization.

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한국 지역사회영양의 현황과 전망 (Current Status and Prospects of Community Nutrition in Korea)

  • 채범석;한정호
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.9-27
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    • 1996
  • The nutritional status is strictly related with flood production, flood processing, and distribution along with habits, education and technological achievement, adapted and adjusted to socio-economic conditions. All these factors are independently affecting the nutritional status of populations. In addition to the above mentioned factors launch of it is useful to consider two points ; unification of the South and the North Korea and WTO. The present study gives and overview of basic knowledge about nutritional status of Korean by using availab1e data in relation to nutrition. The basic characteristics of Korean diet with proportions high in carbohydrate and low in fat, have been relatively constant for the past two decades. The average daily flood intake in terms of weight of flood per person is relatively constant throughout the years. Although the proportion of animal food intake tends to increase recently, the Korean diet is still insufficient in meat, eggs, milk, and fish. Moreover because milk has not been accustomed flood with the general population and not much used in traditional flood preparation in Korea, milk consumption was especially low in comparison with western countries. The total energy intake was relatively constant throughout the years from 1969 to 1993. However, changes in the composition have occurred in the past two decades. The amount and proportions of fat have been s1ightly increasing while the total amount of carbohydrate has been decreasing. The nutrition preblems of Korea have changed over the past severa1 decades. The general adequacy of protein and energy existing after Korean War(1950) was resolved now. Since then the average diet appears to be nearly desirable in terms of rapid rates of growth during childhood and attainment of progressively stature and body weight at maturity. The dietary habits of some young people in these days seem to be taking a more western style diets. This trends if established by habit may lead to a marked change in the traditional diet and health. I think Korean nutritional experiences have potential values for tole other countries in Asia and in western countries. Korean diet illustrates a high level of nutritional status and health attainable will a largely vegetable diet : high in complex carbohydrates, and dietary fibre, and low in tat, and reasonable amount of total protein. This is significant for developing and developed countries that must select specific goals fir adequate nutrition for the people. Compared to the western countries, Koreas different incidence of coronary heart disease and malignancy demonstrates the significance of environment and probably the prominent role of diet in the development of these diseases. The changes occurring in the Korean diet of fir the unusual opportunity to assess the effect of diet upon chronic degenerative disease. In the future, the Korean diet might be continue to change significantly These changes are being influenced by socioeconomic factors that have been emerging and growing stronger since mid-l980 and that probably continue to be potent. The expanded purchasing power of the consumer results in increased discretionary purchases. In the case of foodstuffs, the consumer demands appear to be directed toward items of higher protein content, which, being primarily animal products, are inevitably accompanied by an increased consumption of fat. The continued availability of these more expensive flood items depends upon the balance of foreign trade favouring their importation and domestic production. A regression of foreign trade could result in a decreased supply for the consumer, whereas continued growth of trade iou]d provide freedom for increasing availability to the consumer. In this latter situation the exact choice of foodstuffs is depending upon comsumer tastes and the pressures that may influence it.

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