• Title/Summary/Keyword: social activities of older adults

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Text Network Analysis and Topic Modeling of News Articles on Lonely Death (고독사에 관한 언론보도기사의 텍스트네트워크 분석 및 토픽모델링)

  • Kim, Chunmi;Choi, Seungbeom;Kim, Eun Man
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The number of households vulnerable to isolation increases rapidly as social ties decrease, raising concerns about the associated increase in lonely deaths. This study aimed to identify issues related to lonely deaths by analyzing South Korean news articles; and to provide evidence for their use in preventing and managing lonely deaths via community nursing. Methods: This exploratory study analyzed the structure and trends of meaning of lonely deaths by identifying the association between keywords in news articles and lonely deaths. In this study, we searched for all news articles on lonely deaths, covering the period from January 1, 2010, to May 31, 2023. Data preprocessing and purification were conducted, followed by top-keyword extraction, keyword network analysis and topic modeling. The retrieved articles were analyzed using R and Python software. Results: Four main topics were identified: "discovering and responding to lonely death cases", "lonely deaths ending in lonely funerals", "supportive policies to prevent lonely deaths among of older adults", and "local government activities to prevent lonely deaths and support vulnerable populations." Conclusion: Based on these findings, it can be concluded that lonely death is a complex social phenomenon that can be prevented if society shows concern and care. Education related to lonely deaths should be included in nursing curricula for concrete action plans and professional development.

Factors Affecting Dental Utilization and Dental Expenses in the Economically Active Population: Based on the 2010~2014 Korea Health Panel Data

  • Lee, Jin-Ha;Ahn, Eunsuk
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2019
  • Background: The health of the economically active population contributes to increased corporate productivity by reducing the productivity loss caused by disease and increasing job efficiency, which in turn is a national benefit. Since the economically active population is a concept encompassing workers and a source of economic development for a country, that population's health should be treated with importance not only from a personal standpoint but also at a national level. Methods: In this study, data of 11,007 adults aged 20 years and older who participate in economic activities were analyzed in the five-year Korea Health Panel Study from 2010 to 2014 including the number of dental visits and dental medical expenses. Results: Factors related to "gender," "education level," "age," "duty category," "income level," "employment type," "national health insurance," and "chronic disease status" of the economically active population are affected in relation to the number of visits and dental medical expenses. The number of dental visits increased with higher education levels (p<0.001), and the number of visits to the dentist increased with older age (p <0.001). Dental medical expenses were 91,806 Korean won (KRW) more for "white-collar workers" than for "blue-collar workers" (p<0.03), and 127,674 KRW more for "regular workers" than for "atypical workers" (p<0.02). Conclusion: When it is necessary to improve policies to enhance the efficiency of the distribution of health and medical resources in the overall balance of the dental health sector, we should try to identify various factors of oral health disorder due to income inequality among the classes according to the country's employment type in order to find ways to reduce the health gap among the social classes.

A Study on the Relationship between Volunteer Experience and Subjective Self-awareness (자원봉사활동 경험과 주관적 자아인식 관계 연구)

  • Jo, Gee-yong;Lim, HyoNam;Kim, Doo-Ree;Kang, Kyung-hee;Kim, Seol-Hee;Kim, Yong-Ha;Lee, Chong-Hyung;Ahn, Sang-Yoon;Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Song, Hyeon-Dong;Hwang, Hey-Jeong;Kim, Moon-Joon;Park, A-rma;Gu, Jin-Hee;Chang, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study explained the experience of volunteering activities and the relationship of subjective self-awareness in order to examine the social meaning of volunteer activities. For adults aged 20 or older, 312 volunteering experience and social support awareness were analyzed on the level of self-identity by allocation sampling method depending on gender and age. The analysis results of this study were as follows. First, it was found that those who have experienced volunteer activitiies have a relatively simple willingness to participate in professional volunteer activities and those who have experienced volunteer activities. Second, social support and self-identification were different depending on whether they have experienced volunteer activities. Third, age, volunteer participation, willingness to participated in volunteering, and social support were analyzed as explanatory factors predicting self-identification of research participants. Based on the research results, volunteer activities to positively promote self-awareness suggested the need to practice volunteer activities according to the life cycle so that social meaning can be given. As a policy suggestion, the need for volunteer activities was closely analyzed to enable healthy self-forming for well-aging from adulthood to old age to discussed the need for policies and systems to strengthen volunteer motivation as leisure activities.

The Impact of Retirement on Psychological Well-Being of the Elderly (은퇴가 노인의 심리적 안녕에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Hyunsook;Lee, Mi Jin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.393-408
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the impact of retirement on psychological well-being of the elderly and identifies whether associative factors of psychological well-being differ between retired and non-retired persons. Psychological well-being is measured by the PGCMS developed by Lawton. The sample includes 1,625 older adults aged 60 and over, which derived from the cross-sectional data of the "Aging and the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Korea: A Longitudinal Study" living in Seoul and Chuncheon in 2003. Multivariate OLS regression results show that retirement is not associated with psychological well-being after controlling socio-demographic characteristics, economic status, health status, family and social relations, participation in social activities, and satisfaction with hobbies and learning needs. Also, associative factors of psychological well-being differ between retired and non-retired persons. For retired persons, greater social activities and higher satisfaction with hobbies are associated with the higher level of psychological well-being whereas higher satisfaction with learning needs has a positive relationship with the higher level of psychological well-being for non-retired persons. Discussion and implications of the findings are presented, and limitations of this study are acknowledged.

Meta-analysis of the Factors Related to Self-rated Health among Elderly -Focused on Psychological Dispositions, Social-Economic Status- (노인의 주관적 건강상태 관련 요인에 대한 메타분석 -사회경제적 지위, 심리사회적 요인 중심으로-)

  • Rhee, Ok-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.424-433
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to meta-analyze and compare the effect sizes of socioeconomic status and psychosocial factors on self-rated health among older adults. Also, to examine whether those effect sizes had been affected by certain moderator like gender through meta-regression analysis was attempted. A total of 487 effect sizes computed from 80 studies published in Korea before 2013 were analysed. The results of this research were as follows. Firstly, spousal support had the largest effects, followed by income, educational level, occupation, support of children, assets, non-family support, family support and social activities. Secondly, while the positive effect of non-family support on self-rated health increased for women than men, the positive effect of income decreased. The findings suggest the following; The importance of spousal support should be recognized for later life's health and the health support for those who had been bereaved must come first. Income security policies and non-family support for elderly women must be strengthened.

Effect of motivation to participate in horseback riding on emotional style and subjective well-being

  • Qimeng Zhang;Sunmun Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.233-243
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of horseback riding participation motivation on emotional style and subjective well-being. In order to achieve this research objective, adults aged 20 or older participating in equestrian clubs in Seoul, Jeolla-do, and Gyeonggi regions in 2022 were selected as the population. The sampling method used cluster random sampling, and a total of 250 people, 180 males and 120 females, were sampled. The survey tool was modified and supplemented for this study based on a questionnaire whose reliability and validity were verified in previous studies, and all questionnaire questions were structured on a 5-point scale. For data analysis, SPSS Windows 21.0 Version was used to perform statistical processing according to the purpose of analysis. The conclusions obtained in this study through data analysis according to these methods and procedures are as follows. First, the motivation to participate in horseback riding was found to partially affect emotional style. Second, the motivation to participate in horseback riding was found to partially affect subjective well-being. Third, the emotional style of horseback riding participants was found to partially affect subjective well-being. Considering these results, it is possible to satisfy various desires in modern people's lives through leisure sports activities such as horseback riding, which allows them to communicate with nature and living things. In other words, internal motivation factors such as social relationships, satisfaction of needs, and professional development through leisure sports activities are positively or negatively related to emotional regulation, and this has a close impact on satisfaction with one's life and happiness.

A Study on the Effects of Discrimination Experience on Self-image and Self-esteem among the Korean elderly: Moderating Effects of Social and Economic Activity Participation (노인의 차별경험이 자아이미지와 자아존중감에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 사회·경제적 참여의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Ahn, Joonhee;Kim, Seongyong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1645-1663
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the study is to analyze the mediating effects of self-image on the relationship between experience of discrimination and self-esteem among the elderly in Korea. Furthermore, it is to explore whether these effects are moderated by social and economic activity participation. Data were collected from a cross-sectional survey of 543 community-dwelling Korean older adults (age≥65) drawn from community and senior centers in the mid-size city in Korea. The statistical analysis was performed by a structural equation modeling using LISREL statistical program. The results are fourfold. First, experiences of discrimination exerted the negative effects on physical, dispositional, and competent self-images of the elderly. Second, dispositional and competent self-image brought down by discriminative experiences lowered the levels of self-esteem. Third, social activity participation moderated the negative effects of discrimination experiences on physical and dispositional self-images. It also moderated the effects of dispositional self-image on self-esteem. Fourth, economic activity participation did not show moderating effects on the relationship between experience of discrimination and self-images. Meanwhile, it moderated the effect of competent self-image on self-esteem. These results demonstrate that to improve self-esteem of the elderly population, social welfare policies should make effort to reduce discrimination toward the elderly. Furthermore, social welfare organizations should also try to implement diverse community based programs geared for enhancing social and economic activities for elderly. Limitations and directions for future research are also discussed.

Needs Assessment of Nurses and Educators toward Gerontological Nursing Curriculum Development (노인간호학 교과개발을 위한 요구 사정 연구)

  • Bae Young-Sook;Lee Kap-Soon
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.163-192
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    • 1997
  • As the population over the age of 65 increases, the demand for nurses who care for this group also continues to grow. Well-prepared nurses who are knowledgeable and skilled for the elderly can be prepared through systematic gerontological nursing curricula. This study was carried out to identify the needs for gerontological nursing curricular contents. The subjects for this study were two participant groups the educators who teach gerontological nursing in three-year and four-year baccalaureate nursing programs, and the nurses who are working with the elderly in hospitals, community health centers, social welfare agencies, and community health practioner's posts. The major findings of the study are as follows : 1. The differences between actual contents and essential contents of the educators : Concerning the actual contents that is actually taught, the educators showed the highest scores on the demographics of older adults and the lowest scores on the cultural variations affecting health care. Regarding the essential contents, the educators showed the highest scores on the demographics and the lowest scores on the economics of aging. Aside from the demographics, all of the items were found to have significant differences between essential and actual contents. This implies that all the content areas except demographics should be emphasized. 2. The differences between actual knowledge and essential knowledge of the nurses : Concerning the nurses' actual knowledge, the nurses showed the highest scores on the common health problems and their treatment and the lowest scores on the politics of aging. Regarding the essential knowledge, nurses showed the highest scores on the chronic illness and common health problems and the lowest scores on their roles and functions. However, they thought all the items to be essential. All of the items were found to have significant differences between actual and essential knowledge. The nurses who studied gerontological nursing in their school years and after graduating had more knowledge. However, they felt more knowledge was needed. This implies that the nurses need more education in all content areas of gerontological nursing. 3. The differences between educators and nurses : Concerning the essential contents, the educators showed higher scores on the demographics and growth and development than the nurses. Whereas, the nurses showed higher scores on the cultural variations, long-term care, economics of aging, politics of aging, legal and ethical issues, and common health problems than the educators. 4. Activities of nursing care for the elderly : Most common activities were related to direct nursing care such as giving physical care, counseling/teaching clients, and assessing and planning care for the clients. Nurses thought that all the items were critical, but they showed relatively low scores on the following :'serve on multidisciplinary committee', 'preparing reports', 'evaluation of outcomes of care', 'determine policy for nursing service', 'set patient care standards', and 'participate in nursing research' The constraints in providing better nursing service were time constraints, administrative restraints, social restraints, and inadequate knowledge.

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Gender, Residential Areas, Retirement Transitions, and Psychological Well-Being of the Elderly (은퇴가 심리적 안녕에 미치는 영향에 관한 종단적 연구: 노인의 성과 거주지역을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Hyun-Sook;Lee, Mi-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.197-217
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    • 2006
  • This study examined whether a relationship between retirement transitions and psychological well-being of the elderly may differ by gender and residential areas, and whether associative factors of psychological well-being may vary by gender and residential areas. The sample included 1,124 older adults aged 60 and over, which derived from the first wave and the third wave data of the "Aging and the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Korea: A Longitudinal Study" living in Seoul and Chuncheon. The total sample was divided into four sub-samples(urban male elders, rural male elders, urban female elders, and rural female elders) to answer research questions. Psychological well-being was measured by measured by the PGCMS developed by Lawton, and a retirement variable had four categories: being continuously non-retired, newly retired, newly non-retired, and being continuously retired with a reference group of being continuously non-retired. Multivariate OLS regression was run separately for the four groups. For urban male elders, retirement transition was associated with worse psychological well-being whereas no relationship between retirement transitions and psychological well-being was found for rural male elders, urban female elders, and rural female elders. Associative factors of psychological well-being varied by gender and residential areas. The findings implies that a relationship between retirement transitions and psychological well-being of the elderly may differ by gender and residential areas, and these differential effects of retirement transitions may be attributable to different life experiences and economic activities through a life course and different roles after retirement. Also, different associative factors of psychological well-being for the four sub-samples reflect variations in their different life course.

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