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Usages and Religious Takes on the Concept of Haewon (해원 개념의 용례와 종교적 전환)

  • Ko, Byoung-chul
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.39
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this article is to explain the conceptual changes that the notion of Haewon (解冤) has undergone by examining the evolution of the usages of Haewon. In order to achieve this purpose, I reviewed the conceptual connotations and denotations of Haewon contained in data from the Joseon Dynasty (Section 2), the Japanese colonial period (Section 3), and the scriptures and major preceding research of Daesoon Jinrihoe (Section 4). The research results described in this article are as follows. First, Haewon is a term with historical, social, and cultural characteristics. This means that Haewon, a term that has been used since the Joseon Dynasty, was a concept used to solve collective problems but could also be applied on the individual level. This further means that, if culture is regarded as a collective consciousness or as a collection of material products, Haewon would be a term that contained social and cultural aspirations. Second, Haewon is not a concept that has been impervious to innovation throughout its history. This can be confirmed by the fact that Haewon's scope of application has changed depending on the problem domain (legal, natural disasters, an institutional domain, etc.). Third, Haewon has converted into religious language a doctrinal system that came about after the emergence of Jeungsan. This means that previously the concept of Haewon was mainly used at the legal level in the Joseon Dynasty, but after the emergence of Jeungsan, it became a term in religious language and in doctrine. The materials of Daesoon Jinrihoe show that this concept of Haewon was expanded to be included at the doctrinal level. These research results show a historical shift in the ideological thought contained in the concept of Haewon. As a term in religious language that is included in a doctrinal system, Haewon has an extension of denotations that is applied to the world beyond individuals and societies, yet it maintains connotations of resolving grievances. This concept of Haewon mediates the transformation of the world and creates a rationale by which training and ethical practice are necessary components of that process of transformation.

Step-by-Step Growth Factors for Technology-Based Ventures: A Case Study of Advanced Nano Products Co. Ltd (기술기반 벤처기업의 단계별 성장요인: (주)나노신소재 사례 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Chanwoo;Lee, Wonil
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.85-105
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a case study was conducted on Advanced Nano Products Co.,Ltd, a company that was established in 2000 and has the core technology to produce and commercialize nano materials and ultrafine nano powders based on nano technology. Deviating from the general case study, a case study analysis frame was set based on the theory of technology management and industry-university cooperation theory, and cases were analyzed. In this case study, Advanced Nano Products Co.,Ltd. was analyzed from two analytical perspectives: the establishment of a Management Of Technology system within the company and the Industry-Academic Cooperation activity. Based on this theoretical-based analysis framework, company visit interviews and related data research and analysis were conducted. As a result of the study of the case company, it was possible to derive how the technology management and industry-university cooperation affect the growth stage of the company as follows. First, the strategic use of technology management is an important factor in strengthening the competitive advantage and core competencies of venture companies, and for survival and growth of startups in the early stages. Second, strategic use of technology management and patents and establishment of a patent management system are a part of business strategy and play a pivotal role in corporate performance. Third, the human and material infrastructure of universities affects the growth of companies in the early stage of start-up, and the high utilization of industry-university cooperation promotes the growth of companies. Fourth, continuous industry-academic cooperation activities in the growth and maturity stages of a company's growth stage are the basis for activating external exchanges and building networks. Lastly, technology management and industry-university cooperation were found to be growth factors for each growth stage of a company. In order for a company to develop continuously from the start-up to the growth and maturity stages, it is necessary to establish a technology management system from the beginning and promote strategic technology management activities. In addition, it can be said that it is important to carry out various industry-academic cooperation activities outside the company. As a result of the case analysis, it was found that Advanced Nano Products Co.,Ltd, which performed these two major activities well, overcame the crisis step by step and continued to grow until now. This study shows how the use of technology management and industry-academic cooperation creates value in each growth stage of technology-based venture companies. In addition, its active use will play a big role in the growth of other venture companies. The results of this case study can be a valid reference for growth research of technology start-up venture companies and related field application and utilization.

A Study on Social Welfare Field Practice in With COVID-19 Era: Focusing on Universities, Trainees, Training Institutions, and Practical Performance (위드 코로나(With COVID-19)시대 사회복지 현장실습에 대한 연구: 대학, 실습생, 실습기관, 실습성과를 중심으로)

  • Son, Hee Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.405-419
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the progress of social welfare field practice at students, universities, and training institutions in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province during the With COVID-19 era, and to suggest effective social welfare field practice operation plans. To this end, a survey was conducted on 181 people who completed social welfare field practice courses, and the final research results are as follows. First, the operation situation of practice institutions in the era of With COVID-19 was the highest when they were conducted together with 'face-to-face, non-face-to-face', and student satisfaction was positive when partial non-face-to-face practice education was conducted. Despite repeated shutdowns due to COVID-19, the degree of participation in face-to-face services was more than 9 times and the number of supervision was more than 6 times, and many responded that the quality of supervision, a social welfare field training institution, was "generally high." Second, as a result of examining the level of practice performance, trainees, and training institutions, there was a significant relationship between training institution factors and practice performance, and third, as a result of examining how the university, trainees, training institution factors, and practice performance. Therefore, in order to derive the results of social welfare field practice in the era of With Corona, programs to promote and strengthen non-face-to-face exchanges at the university level are necessary, and an education system that also provides non-face-to-face practice guidance suitable for the With Corona era. In addition, various support for the practice system of government ministries and related institutions, including universities and practice institutions, is needed.

Relationship between Compulsory Employment System for persons with Disabilities and Health Status (장애인 의무고용제도와 건강상태 간의 연관성)

  • You, Jin Ha;Kim, Ye Won;Yang, Jeong Min;Kim, Jae Hyun
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2022
  • Aim : The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the awareness level of the mandatory employment system for the disabled and the help of the employment increase on the health status of the disabled. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to raise awareness of the compulsory employment system for the disabled and to suggest a way to improve the health of the disabled. Methods : In this study, the first data of the second wave of the 2016-2018 Employment Panel Survey for the Disabled was used to analyze the participation of the disabled in economic activities. a total of 1,648 subjects were analyzed using the chi-square test and generalized estimating equation (GEE). Results : Compared to the group knowing about the compulsory employment system for the disabled, in the group who did not know about the compulsory employment system, the cognitive level was significantly higher for subjective health status (Odds Ratio [OR]: 1.573, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.252-1.977) and chronic diseases (OR: 1.407, 95% CI: 1.091-1.816), Compared to the group that the compulsory employment system for the disabled is helpful in increasing employment, the group that said it was not helpful at all had depression feel (OR: 2.330, 95% CI: 1.219-4.452) and subjective health status (OR: 2.052, 95% CI: 1.232. -3.416) significantly affected. Conclusion : It was found that the lower the level of awareness and help of the compulsory employment system for the disabled, the negative impact on their health status. Therefore, it is necessary to promote employment growth by raising awareness of the employment system for the disabled. Furthermore, in order to improve the health of the disabled, public relations plans to increase the understanding of the disabled on the system and policies to protect the disabled people who lose their will to work due to difficulties in accessing employment were enacted, and Changes to a disability-friendly working environment should be activated so that participants can participate.

A Study on the Value of Dance Education through the Quality of Culture and Arts Education Service (문화예술교육 서비스 품질을 통한 무용교육의 가치에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sook-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to verify whether the quality of service provided by culture and arts education has a bearing on the service value of dance education, and to verify the role of the intention of reuse of culture and arts education participants in this relationship. The survey was conducted from October 1, 2019 to December 30, 2019, and a sample was collected from stratified sampling methods for the general public participating in culture and arts education. In order to verify the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, multiple regression analysis was performed, and the role of the parameter in the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable was examined using the three-step intermediary regression analysis. The research results are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the relationship between the sub-factors of service quality and emotional value, it was found that facilities and environmental services had the greatest impact. Second, the results of analyzing the relationship between the sub-factors of service quality and functional value showed that the most significant impact was on facilities and environmental services. Third, as a result of analyzing the relationship between the sub-factors of service quality and social values, it was found that facilities and environmental services had the greatest impact. Fourth, In the relationship between contents and instructor service and service value, the intention to reuse was found to have a full mediating effect. In addition, in the relationship between facility and environmental services and service value, the intention to reuse was found to have a partial mediating effect. Based on the quality of service of culture and arts education, this study suggested a way for dance education to work with the region.

A Study on Promotion and Improvement of YouTube Music Contents Through the User Evaluation of Card Live ('명함라이브' 사용자 평가를 통한 유튜브 음악 콘텐츠 홍보 및 개선방안 연구)

  • You, Jae-Sun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2020
  • This study explores the process of the actual content production and distribution, by creating a YouTube channel to promote the popular music contents produced by the researcher, which thus reflects the reality where the production of video contents rapidly increases. A YouTube channel titled "Alida Music", of which the focus was to promote indie musicians, was created on February 2019. The contents of 10 indie musicians were produced in one-take live format. The information of the indie musicians was displayed in the form of a screen business card, with their e-mail address and SNS account at the top. Therefore, this promotional design was named "Card Live". Promotional video contents marked with the QR code in the lower right on the screen were produced, along with the promotional phrase "Communicate directly with the artist through the QR code", which allows viewers to watch other contents of the indie musician when they scan the QR code. This research conducted a study on how to improve and promote "Card Live" contents of "Alida Music", which were produced through this process. A group interview targeting five indie musicians, among whom one participant deemed significant was selected to conduct a one-to-one in-depth interview. As a result of the study, the following three conclusions were drawn. First, YouTube was found to be the medium with the greatest influence and highest efficiency at the lowest cost. Second, the evaluation of the participants on "Card Live" were divided into the three categories: need for one-take live, the design elements of "Card Live", and scanning issues of the QR code. Third, there is a need for promotional methods that can effectively utilize the media aspects of YouTube: the channel management issues such as raising public awareness as well as the number of subscribers of "Alida Music" should be resolved and measures to effectively use various media including other SNS should be developed. In terms of its content, it is imperative to recruit diverse performers to make various contents, as well as to come up with ways to link "Card Live" contents with offline. Based on these results, "Card Live" contents should be further revised and complemented in order to provide interesting contents to consumers, which will further develop "Alida Music" as a platform where various musicians and companies meet, thereby inducing contracts with popular music agencies and generating advertising revenues. However, since this study was carried out only with the limited number of participants, future studies should include more participants to bring forth a variety of promotional plans and improvement measures. Also, in the era of consuming contents through smart devices, the fact that some features of "Card Live" were available only on PC, did not fully reflect the characteristics of the times. In the future research, various contents that smartphone users can access and view freely without PC should be produced.

3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Technique from 2D Image Using Efficient Feature Map Extraction Network (효율적인 feature map 추출 네트워크를 이용한 2D 이미지에서의 3D 포인트 클라우드 재구축 기법)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yoon;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.408-415
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose a 3D point cloud reconstruction technique from 2D images using efficient feature map extraction network. The originality of the method proposed in this paper is as follows. First, we use a new feature map extraction network that is about 27% efficient than existing techniques in terms of memory. The proposed network does not reduce the size to the middle of the deep learning network, so important information required for 3D point cloud reconstruction is not lost. We solved the memory increase problem caused by the non-reduced image size by reducing the number of channels and by efficiently configuring the deep learning network to be shallow. Second, by preserving the high-resolution features of the 2D image, the accuracy can be further improved than that of the conventional technique. The feature map extracted from the non-reduced image contains more detailed information than the existing method, which can further improve the reconstruction accuracy of the 3D point cloud. Third, we use a divergence loss that does not require shooting information. The fact that not only the 2D image but also the shooting angle is required for learning, the dataset must contain detailed information and it is a disadvantage that makes it difficult to construct the dataset. In this paper, the accuracy of the reconstruction of the 3D point cloud can be increased by increasing the diversity of information through randomness without additional shooting information. In order to objectively evaluate the performance of the proposed method, using the ShapeNet dataset and using the same method as in the comparative papers, the CD value of the method proposed in this paper is 5.87, the EMD value is 5.81, and the FLOPs value is 2.9G. It was calculated. On the other hand, the lower the CD and EMD values, the better the accuracy of the reconstructed 3D point cloud approaches the original. In addition, the lower the number of FLOPs, the less memory is required for the deep learning network. Therefore, the CD, EMD, and FLOPs performance evaluation results of the proposed method showed about 27% improvement in memory and 6.3% in terms of accuracy compared to the methods in other papers, demonstrating objective performance.

Perceived Social Support Among the Elderly People Living Alone and Their Preference for Institutional Care: Analysis of the Mediator Effect in the Perception of the Probability of Lonely Death (독거노인의 지각된 사회적 지지와 시설 돌봄 선호: 고독사 가능성 인식의 매개 효과 분석)

  • Cho, Hye Jin;Lee, Jun Young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.707-727
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to empirically analyze the role that perception of the probability of lonely death among the elderly people living alone plays in the relationship between perceived social support and preference for institutional care based on Andersen's expanded Behavioral Model (2002). The subjects (n=676) of this study were the elderly people living alone, extracted from the "2018 Seoul Aging Survey." With "perceived social support" as an independent variable, "preference for institutional care" as a dependent variable, and "perception of the probability of lonely death" as a mediator variable, we conducted a Binary Logistic Regression to follow the three steps of analyzing mediation effect, as suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986). The results showed that perceived social support has a negative effect on the preference for institutional care and perception of the probability of lonely death among the elderly people living alone; at the same time, perception of the probability of lonely death was found to have a positive effect on their preference for institutional care. Lastly, perception of the probability of lonely death was found to partially mediate the effect of perceived social support among the elderly people living alone in terms of their preference for institutional care. Based on these findings, the practical implications of this study can be summarized as follows. First, various programs and support should be provided to the elderly people living alone in order to enhance the level of perceived social support, a factor that has been confirmed to increase preference for institutional care among the elderly people living alone. Second, as the perception of the probability of lonely death was confirmed to be a psychosocial factor of the preference for institutional care, we need to promote education and support for older people living alone to prepare them for lonely death. These efforts are expected to form a foundations for implementing a community-based integrated care system, "Aging in Place," which is the policy direction required for older people care.

The Impact of Care Workers' Employment Characteristics and Perception of Facility Directors' Transformational Leadership on Quality of Service (요양보호사의 고용특성과 시설장에 대한 변혁적 리더십 인식이 서비스 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Ji;Park, Sang Hee;Kim, Bum Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.217-240
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of care workers' employment characteristics and perception of facility directors' transformational leadership on quality of service through a hierarchical linear model. For this aim, survey data were collected amongst 240 older adults and 200 care workers who are affiliated within 45 long-term care facilities in Seoul, and analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and HLM 8.0. As a result, one's perception of transformational leadership had a positive effect, whereas, among employment characteristics, employment type and working hours had negative effects on quality of service. Regular workers with fewer working hours and higher awareness of transformational leadership toward the director provided higher quality of service. But wage, total experience and tenure didn't meaningfully affect it. Therefore, the following suggestions were presented. First, it is necessary to reorganize incentive, salary systems and budgets, changing the status of temporary workers' hourly wage system into that of regular workers' monthly one in order to strengthen employment security with acknowledging fundamental professional values through reinforcement of expertise. Reinforcement of long-term care's publicness and establishment of base facilities are also suggested. Second, maintaining appropriate hours of work and rest including annual leave under the Labor Standards Act is needed. Also, increasing the salary of and decreasing working hours for night shift workers are required. Third, education and intervention for inspiring transformational leadership of directors and strengthening qualification standards of them are required.

A Study on the Gwon Ji (權智) of Jeon-gyeong (『전경(典經)』 「권지(權智)」편 연구)

  • Ko, Nam-sik
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.37
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    • pp.53-105
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the meaning of Gwonji (權智, Authority and Foreknowledge) through the phrases contained in the section, Gwonji of the Jeon-gyeong (known in English as The Canonical Scripture), and to compare the changes that each verse from Gwonji underwent by juxtaposing it against the sixth edition of Daesoon Jeong-gyeong (which was published prior to the Jeon-gyeong) to explore the term's literary meaning. In order to save the world, Sangje descended to human world and performed the Cheonjigongsa (Reordering Works of the Universe) for nine years with the power he exercises over the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity. Based on the plan set by the Cheonjigongsa, Sangje's teachings were spread to humanity and provided as the basis for building the earthly paradise. From this perspective, this study demonstrates its significance by providing a comprehensive approach to the Jeon-gyeong by highlighting the subject of Sangje's authority and wisdom as recorded in the section titled Gwonji. There is also value in the variant verses from Gwonji that the study discovered by comparing and analyzing the phrases from chapters one and two of Gwonji as they appear in the Jeon-gyeong with their equivalents from the sixth edition of Daesoon Jeong-gyeong, which was published in 1965, nearly a decade before Daesoon Jinrihoe's publication of the Jeon-gyeong in 1974. The results of this comparative study of parallel passages related to Gwonji are as follows: First, Gwonji can be understood as the authority and wisdom of Sangje, and this is the core element in realizing the Earthly Paradise through His Cheonjigongsa. Second, phrases related to Sangje's authority and wisdom are spread out in the seven sections of the Jeon-gyeong, and they were written to emphasize the main purpose suggested in each section or chapter. Third, in sections other than Gwonji, the great power of Sangje is exercised to treat matters related to deities and social problems, whereas in Gwonji part, it is dedicated to the performance of Cheonjigongsa. Fourth, there are five sections of the Jeon-gyeong which are organized into chapters. All of these sections and their chapters indicate the year when key events transpired. Fifth, when passages from chapter one of Gwonji is compared to parallel passages from Daesoon Jeon-gyeong, there are several verses that vary in terms of their wording and also sentences that indicate a different dates or times for certain events.