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The Comparison of Existing Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method in Korea (국내 기존 합성단위도 방법의 비교)

  • Jeong, Seong-Won;Mun, Jang-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.659-672
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    • 2001
  • Generally, design flood for a hydraulic structure is estimated using statistical analysis of runoff data. However, due to the lack of runoff data, it is difficult that the statistical method is applied for estimation of design flood. In this case, the synthetic unit hydrograph method is used generally and the models such as NYMO method, Snyder method, SCS method, and HYMO method have been widely used in Korea. In this study, these methods and KICT method, which is developed in year 2000, are compared and analyzed in 10 study areas. Firstly, peak flow and peak time of representative unit hydrograph and synthetic unit hydrograph in study area are compared, and secondly, the shape of unit hydrograph is compared using a root mean square error(RMSE). In Nakayasu method developed in Japan, synthetic unit hydrograph is very different from peak flow, peak time, and the shape of representative unit hydrograph, and KICT method(2000) is superior to others. Also, KICT method(2000) is superior to others in the aspects of using hydrologic and topographical data. Therefore, Nakayasu method is not a proper in hydrological practice. Moreover, it is considered that KICT model is a better method for the estimation of design flood. However, if other model, i.e. SCS method, Nakayasu method, and HYMO method, is used, parameters or regression equations must be adjusted by analysis of real data in Korea.

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Seasonal Survival Characteristics of Conifer Seedlings and Their Suitable Planting Season (침엽수(針葉樹) 식재시기별(植栽時期別) 활착특성(滑着特性)과 식재적기(植栽適期)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Ma, Sang Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 1982
  • Main consideration of this trial is to know whether the planting work should be possible to do not only in the early spring but also in the summer or autumn, for giving the guide to get the work plan and to broaden the employing season of the skilled forest worker. Seedling of Pinus koraiensis, Larix leptolepsis, Pinus rigida, Pinus rigida× P. taeda(wind) and Chamaecyparia obtusa as the test species had been planted in 15 days interval from the middle of March to the end of November. The seedling survival was investigated in the spring time of coming year because the winter damage could be problems. At the same time the climate data was measured daily and the shoot growth of test species were also measured in other near plantation at 15 days interval to know the influence to survival. From these results the spring and autumn planting is showing the good survival and the summer planting seems to give the difficulties. The spring planting in the southern temperate zone could be stared earlier as the end of February or beginning of March because the soil temperature are increasing up more 5C from this time. But the summer planting from the beginning of May until the end of August in better to avoid with excluding specially the good season of rainfall distribution because of the shoot growth of green confer seedling and the leave sprouting of Larix leptolepsis are so vigorously growing up from the begining of May and its wood structure is too weak to compensate the water loss. But among the test species Pinus koraiensis and Chamaecyparis obtusa have more possibility to plant in the summer season. The autumn planting seems to be very reasonable to accept newly in the trial region. This may be the reasons of still high soil temperature to grow the seedling root and of hardened school to resist from the dry winter wind. But it will be carefully that the strongly exposured site could be to avoid for the autumn planting in case of specially Pinus rigida×P. taeda and Chamaecyparis obtusa. From these discussion the guide table 1 for planting season with the test species is proposed and can be used for planing and employing in the trial zone.

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Fabrication and Characteristics of Zinc Oxide- and Gallium doped Zinc Oxide thin film transistor using Radio Frequency Magnetron sputtering at Room Temperature (Zinc Oxide와 갈륨이 도핑 된 Zinc Oxide를 이용하여 Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering 방법에 의해 상온에서 제작된 박막 트랜지스터의 특성 평가)

  • Jeon, Hoon-Ha;Verma, Ved Prakash;Noh, Kyoung-Seok;Kim, Do-Hyun;Choi, Won-Bong;Jeon, Min-Hyon
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we present a bottom-gate type of zinc oxide (ZnO) and Gallium (Ga) doped zinc oxide (GZO) based thin film transistors (TFTs) through applying a radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering method at room temperature. The gate leakage current can be reduced up to several ph by applying SiO2 thermally grown instead of using new gate oxide materials. The root mean square (RMS) values of the ZnO and GZO film surface were measured as 1.07 nm and 1.65 nm, respectively. Also, the transmittances of the ZnO and GZO film were more than 80% and 75%, respectively, and they were changed as their film thickness. The ZnO and GZO film had a wurtzite structure that was arranged well as a (002) orientation. The ZnO TFT had a threshold voltage of 2.5 V, a field effect mobility of 0.027cm2/(Vs), a on/off ratio of 104, a gate voltage swing of 17 V/decade and it operated in a enhancement mode. In case of the GZO TFT, it operated in a depletion mode with a threshold voltage of -3.4 V, a field effect mobility of 0.023cm2/(Vs), a on/off ratio of 2×104 and a gate voltage swing of 3.3 V/decade. We successfully demonstrated that the TFTs with the enhancement and depletion mode type can be fabricated by using pure ZnO and 1wt% Ga-doped ZnO.

Gravity Survey Around the Palgongsan Granitic Body and Its Vicinity (팔공산화강암체와 그 인근지역에서의 중력탐사 연구)

  • Hwang, Jong-Sun;Min, Kyung-Duck;Choi, Chul;Yu, Sang-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2003
  • This study was performed to delineate the subsurface geology, geologic structure, and distribution pattern of the Palgongsan granitic body, and to reveal the relationship between the Kyeongsang basin and Yongnam massif by gravity survey. The study area is located between the latitude of 3545'-3621'N and longitude of 12815'-12900'E. Total of 966 gravity data measured by Seoul National University, KlGAM(Korea Institute of Geology, Mining & Materials), Pusan National University and Yonsei University were used. The Bouguer gravity anomaly in the study area ranges from -12.88 to 26.01 mgal with a mean value of 11.27 mgal. A very low anomaly zone is located in the Yongnam massif in west of the study area. The anomaly value increases going from west to east. A low anomaly distribution in Palgongsan granite and Yongnam massif is interpreted as the effect of their lower density than that of Kyeongsang Super Group. Power spectrum analysis is applied to evaluate the average depth of basement the Kyeongsang Basin and Conrad discontinuity from gravity anomaly. The average depths of density discontinuities are calculated 10.45 km and 4.9 km, and these are interpreted as Conrad discontinuity and depth of basement of the Kyeongsang Basin, respectively. The depth of Palgongsan granite is derived by means of 2-dimensional modeling and it decreases gradually toward the east. The gravity anomaly east of the study area decreases abruptly due to Shingryeong fault and Nogosan ring fault. Two deepest and sharp roots of Palgongsan granite are recognized by 2-dimensional modeling of each profiles. The depths of those roots are 5.3 km on a profile AA' and 7 km on a profile BB' which is the maximum depth of Palgongsan granite. Small granitic bodies are also seen to be intruded around the Palgongsan granite. The root of Palgongsan granite is shown by 3-dimensional analysis based on the interpolation of 2-dimensional modeling along each profiles to exist in the southwest vicinity of Palgongsan granite. The total volume of Palgongsan granite is approximately 31.211 Km3.

The Bibiographical Investigation of effect of Clematis mandshurica Maxim (위령선(威靈仙)의 약리(藥理)에 대한 사상의학적(四象醫學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Jung, Kuk-yung;Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 1998
  • Purpose and Method : We have many difficulty of using the existing medical Hurbs based on the theory of Yin-yang and the five elements, this is why we still do not explain the Sasang Constitutional medical Hurb Classification and do not have the Sasang Constitutional Pharmacology exactly, so we easily enter into a dispute and confusion. So through literary consideration about clematis mandshurica Maxim. I try to objectify Sasang Constitutional Clasification of Clematis mandshurica Maxim and the spirit of using Clematis mandshurica Maxim and common property of Sasang Constitutional Medical Hurb and try to find out a clue that search the effect of other Sasang Constitutional Medical Hurb. Result : Qi(氣) and mi(味) of Clematis mandshurica Maxim has bitter and hot taste and have won Qi(溫氣), the color is dark, the using portion of clematis mandshurica Maxim is root as medial Hurb. So Clematis mandshurica Maxim fall down from lung and divied impurity and purity and able to remove the symptom that dryness and fever is solidified like Magnoliae cortex(厚朴). Clematis mandshurica Maxim have the effect of awakening Jin-Qi(眞氣) of lung and divide impurity and purity of Qi(氣) and ack(液) and improve the fuction and structure of Taeumin(太陰人) I think that the method of literay consideration on objectification of Sasang Constitution Pharmacology is of great value.

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A Study on Growth Condition and Management of Protected Trees in Kimpo (김포시 보호수의 생육실태와 관리방안 연구)

  • Doo, Chul-Eon;Lee, Jong-Bum;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2012
  • This study is determined by tree vigor of analyzing of each object's growth condition in Locational Characteristics and compare the result with impediment extent rate in crown area to provide the management Study about the influence of man-made structures in numbers of protected trees. 68 places where are in the list of Kimpo protected trees were researched in Natural environments, vital degree of trees, number of trees. Crown area was calculated surveying it around the directions of North, East, South and West branching out. Impediment in the area was analyzed after classified into artificial impediment like paved surface(ascon, concrete, block, etc.), a building and a breast wall and natural impediment like soil, stonework and gravel and conclusions are as follow. In analyzing of natural environments, he ground where protected trees have located is consist of 72.05 of manmade structure and artificial in all. There are many protected trees which have less space than crown area for growth suggested by Woo-kyung Sim and Se-kyun Shin in 1992. And it was analyzed that making growth space for protected trees and management of impediment are urgently needed because of that the proportion of impediment covering the crown area has increased as cities are becoming more urbanized results in transforming of trees and weakness of tree vigor. This research shows that under 20% of in crown area is tree vigor determination 1-2 grade 21-50% under is 2-3 grade, higher than 50% is 3-5 grade. More impediment have more difficulty for growing, with the management of root system of protected trees need to be under 20% of rate of land is necessary was improved. As follows are suggested about the standard of management in artificial impediment which influence the number of trees. Firstly, impediment in crown area must be restricted under 20%, but in case outside of the area is not artificial the rate could be higher considerable. Secondly, protected trees growth space secured as much as crown area and impediment must be installed outside the crown area. Thirdly, to move the protected trees, condition of growth space secure must be considered. Fourthly, to develope land, the area around protected trees should be utilized in a park, the area of impediment installation in crown area should be limited as well. Fifthly, As many shown in previous research, for the improvement of old big trees and protected trees, need the tax favor of landowner and purchase of around land, to manage, it needs the budget of local government and advice of expert. Also the study on how various kind of impediment nearby protected trees influence on them has to be continued.

(A Scalable Multipoint-to-Multipoint Routing Protocol in Ad-Hoc Networks) (애드-혹 네트워크에서의 확장성 있는 다중점 대 다중점 라우팅 프로토콜)

  • 강현정;이미정
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.329-342
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    • 2003
  • Most of the existing multicast routing protocols for ad-hoc networks do not take into account the efficiency of the protocol for the cases when there are large number of sources in the multicast group, resulting in either large overhead or poor data delivery ratio when the number of sources is large. In this paper, we propose a multicast routing protocol for ad-hoc networks, which particularly considers the scalability of the protocol in terms of the number of sources in the multicast groups. The proposed protocol designates a set of sources as the core sources. Each core source is a root of each tree that reaches all the destinations of the multicast group. The union of these trees constitutes the data delivery mesh, and each of the non-core sources finds the nearest core source in order to delegate its data delivery. For the efficient operation of the proposed protocol, it is important to have an appropriate number of core sources. Having too many of the core sources incurs excessive control and data packet overhead, whereas having too little of them results in a vulnerable and overloaded data delivery mesh. The data delivery mesh is optimally reconfigured through the periodic control message flooding from the core sources, whereas the connectivity of the mesh is maintained by a persistent local mesh recovery mechanism. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol achieves an efficient multicast communication with high data delivery ratio and low communication overhead compared with the other existing multicast routing protocols when there are multiple sources in the multicast group.


  • Seo, Min-Seock;Shon, Won-Jun;Lee, Woo-Cheol;Yoo, Hyun-Mi;Cho, Byeong-Hoon;Baek, Seung-Ho
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.324-332
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of rigidity of post core systems on stress distribution by the theoretical technique, finite element stress-analysis method. Three-dimensional finite element models simulating an endodontically treated maxillary central incisor restored with a zirconia ceramic crown were prepared and 1.5 mm ferrule height was provided. Each model contained cortical bone, trabecular bone, periodontal ligament, 4 mm apical root canal filling, and post-and-core. Six combinations of three parallel type post (zirconia ceramic, glass fiber, and stainless steel) and two core (Paracore and Tetric ceram) materials were evaluated, respectively. A 50 N static occlusal load was applied to the palatal surface of the crown with a 60angle to the long axis of the tooth. The differences in stress transfer characteristics of the models were analyzed. von Mises stresses were chosen for presentation of results and maximum displacement and hydrostatic pressure were also calculated. An increase of the elastic modulus of the post material increased the stress, but shifted the maximum stress location from the dentin surface to the post material. Buccal side of cervical region (junction of core and crown) of the glass fiber post restored tooth was subjected to the highest stress concentration. Maximum von Mises stress in the remaining radicular tooth structure for low elastic modulus resin core (29.21 MPa) was slightly higher than that for high elastic modulus resin core (29.14 MPa) in case of glass fiber post. Maximum displacement of glass fiber post restored tooth was higher than that of zirconia ceramic or stainless steel post restored tooth.

Effect of Lignans Isolated from Schisandra chinensis Baillon on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Radish (오미자 (Schisandra chinensis Baillon)로부터 순수분리한 리그난이 무의 종자발아 및 유묘생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Da-Jung;Kim, Youn-Han;Park, Se-Jin;Rajasekar, Seetharaman;Park, Young-Hoon;Kang, Jum-Soon;Son, Beung-Gu;Lee, Yong-Jae;Kim, Sun-Tae;Yoon, Moo-Kyoung;Choi, Young-Whan
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study was to develop a rapid and cheap bioassay of four lignans (schisandrin, schisandrin C, the gomisin A and gomisin N) isolated from Schizandra chinensis Baill on seed germination and seedling growth of the radish. Its structure was determined by analysis of MS and NMR spectroscopic data. Radish seeds immersed for 1 hr in the solutions of 105M, 106M and 107M of schisandrin, schisandrin C, gomisin A, and gomisin N, seed germination was observed with in 60 hr after all of the treatments. Also, the seeds were germinated faster compared to untreated controls. At early germination stage, 48 hr after the treatment of the lignans, the suppression of germination was observed from all treatments; the suppression due to schisandrin and gomisin A was the highest at the concentration of 106M. The level of suppression increased as the concentration increased in the treatment of schisandrin C and gomisin N. Percent germination of seed after 184 hr was increased 90% at all treatments. For the effects of lignan treatment on seedling growth in radish, the growth of hypocotyl was promoted by gomisin A and gomisin N at all concentrations. Root elongation was significantly promoted by schisandrin and gomisin N at 105M and 106M, respectively. Fresh and dry weights of the seedlings were high at a low concentration of 107M, but significantly reduced by schisandrin C at a high concentration of 105M. The results of the germination activity and seedling growth of the lignans from S. chinensis suggest their potential use as natural growth regulators.

A Study on Forming 'Body Schema' for Role Creating (역할 창조를 위한 '몸틀(body schema)' 형성 연구)

  • Song, Hyo-sook
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.52
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    • pp.319-357
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    • 2014
  • Formation of 'body schema' is the start for actor to create role and becomes the root and the foundation of existing as a role on the stage. For this, an actor needs to form 'scheme of role' with escaping from own 'body schema.' 'Schema of role' is formed by acquiring through synthesizing daily basic actions, namely, walking, standing, sitting, hand stretching, bending, and touching. The body schema, which was made with simple and usual actions, has fundamental significance in a sense of becoming the body in which the past traces in a role are habituated while energy as a role flows. As for the process of forming body schema, an actor first needs to obtain the visualized materials like photo, magazine, picture and image available for seeing a role specifically and clearly based on what analyzed a character. An actor needs to have three-dimensional image available for always recalling it in the head during acting. To do this, image data available for fundamentally capturing routine actions along with body structure are still more useful. Next, the body schema is formed by interaction with environment. Thus, there is a need of passing through the two-time process of forming body schema. Firstly, the body schema is made on routine actions in a role as physical condition of a role in actor's own everyday life. Secondly, the body schema is made on routine actions available for moving efficiently and economically in line with the environment of performance. A theatrical stage is the temporal space of rhythm and rule different from routine space. What forms body schema immediately in the second phase without body schema in the first phase ultimately becomes what exists as actor's own body, not the body of a role. The body schema, which was formed as the second process, is what truly has identity as a role in the ontological aspect, comes to experience the oppositional force in muscle, a qualitative change in energy, and emotional agitation in the physical aspect, and experiences perception, thinking, volition, and even consciousness with the entire body in the cognitive dimension. Thus, the formation of body schema can be known to be just a method of changing even spiritual and emotional layer. Body schema cannot be made if there is no process of embodiment and habit. Embodiment and habit are not simply the repeated, empty and mechanical action in the body. But, habit itself has very important meanings for forming body schema for role creating. First, habit allows the body itself to learn and understand a meaning. Second, habit relies upon environment, thereby allowing an actor of making the habituated body schema to recognize environment. Third, habit makes the mind. The habituated body schema is just the mind and the ego of a person who possesses the body schema. Fourth, habit comes to experience the expansion in energy and the expansion in existence. It may be experienced through interrelation among actor's body, tool, and environment. Fifth, habit makes identity of the body. Hence, this just becomes what secures identity of a role. These implications of habit are the formation of body schema, which is maintained with the body of being remembered firmly through being closely connected with the process of neural adaptation. Finally, it sought for possibility of practice as one method of forming body schema for role creating through Deleuze's '-becoming' theory. As 'actual animal-becoming' is real '-becoming' of forming structural transformation in the physical dimension, it meets with what the formation of body schema pursues actuality and reality. This was explained with a concept as saying of 'all '-becoming' molecular' by Deleuze/Guattari. 'Animal of having imitated animal's characteristic- becoming' is formed by which the body schema relies upon environment. In this way, relationship among the body, tool and environment has influence even upon a change in consciousness, thinking, and emotion, thereby being able to be useful for forming body schema in a sense of possibly experiencing ultimately expansion in role, namely, expansion in existence.