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A Study on Growth Condition and Management of Protected Trees in Kimpo  

Doo, Chul-Eon (Graduate School of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
Lee, Jong-Bum (Graduate School of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
Lee, Jae-Keun (Dept. of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture / v.30, no.1, 2012 , pp. 125-134 More about this Journal
This study is determined by tree vigor of analyzing of each object's growth condition in Locational Characteristics and compare the result with impediment extent rate in crown area to provide the management Study about the influence of man-made structures in numbers of protected trees. 68 places where are in the list of Kimpo protected trees were researched in Natural environments, vital degree of trees, number of trees. Crown area was calculated surveying it around the directions of North, East, South and West branching out. Impediment in the area was analyzed after classified into artificial impediment like paved surface(ascon, concrete, block, etc.), a building and a breast wall and natural impediment like soil, stonework and gravel and conclusions are as follow. In analyzing of natural environments, he ground where protected trees have located is consist of 72.05 of manmade structure and artificial in all. There are many protected trees which have less space than crown area for growth suggested by Woo-kyung Sim and Se-kyun Shin in 1992. And it was analyzed that making growth space for protected trees and management of impediment are urgently needed because of that the proportion of impediment covering the crown area has increased as cities are becoming more urbanized results in transforming of trees and weakness of tree vigor. This research shows that under 20% of in crown area is tree vigor determination 1-2 grade 21-50% under is 2-3 grade, higher than 50% is 3-5 grade. More impediment have more difficulty for growing, with the management of root system of protected trees need to be under 20% of rate of land is necessary was improved. As follows are suggested about the standard of management in artificial impediment which influence the number of trees. Firstly, impediment in crown area must be restricted under 20%, but in case outside of the area is not artificial the rate could be higher considerable. Secondly, protected trees growth space secured as much as crown area and impediment must be installed outside the crown area. Thirdly, to move the protected trees, condition of growth space secure must be considered. Fourthly, to develope land, the area around protected trees should be utilized in a park, the area of impediment installation in crown area should be limited as well. Fifthly, As many shown in previous research, for the improvement of old big trees and protected trees, need the tax favor of landowner and purchase of around land, to manage, it needs the budget of local government and advice of expert. Also the study on how various kind of impediment nearby protected trees influence on them has to be continued.
Protected Trees; Tree Vigor of Analyzing; Molding; Vital Degree of Trees; Crown Area; Impediment Area Rate; Growth Space;
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