• Title/Summary/Keyword: regional economic

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A Study on the Status of Recognition and Intake of Saeng Shik among Urban Housewives (3, 40대 도시 기혼여성의 생식제품에 대한 인식 및 음용 실태에 관한 연구 -서울ㆍ4대 광역시 지역 거주 주부를 대상으로-)

  • 박미현;이지연;김화영
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.708-715
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of recognition and intake of Saeng shik among housewives in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Kwangju and Daejeon during February, 2002. Saeng shik is an uncooked freeze dried powdered food made from grains and vegetables. We interviewed 800 housewives, aged 30 to 49 years, living in urban areas. The survey was conducted using individual interviews on demographic characteristcs, status of recognition of Saeng shik, and the intake of Saeng shik. The data was analyzed using a SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows: Forty percentage of the subjects were well acquainted with Saeng shik. More than 60% of the subjects understood that Saeng shik is ‘the thing of grains and vegetables in the form of freeze-dried powder without heating process’. Saeng shik was taken by 16.9% of subjects. There was a significant regional and economic level difference in Saeng shik intake (p<0.05). Among the reasons given for Saeng shik intake, meal substitution ranked the highest. Other reasons were prevention of adult diseases, or it being a low calorie food. The survey questioned which the subjects considered before buying Saeng shik, taste, effect, constitution, sanitation and safety, satiety. ‘Taste’ ranked the highest. Among the subject who had experienced taking Saeng shik, 35.6% answered that they would continue taking Saeng shit. The reasons given for stopping taking Saeng shik included its high cost and taste. The subjects recognized it not only as a meal substitute, but also as a nutrient supplement. Based on these results on urban housewives' status of recognition of Saeng shik and their intake of it, more research is needed to improve Saeng shik.

Comparison of Traditional Productivity and the Environmentally-Adjusted Productivity in the Chinese Regions (중국의 지역별 전통적 생산성과 환경조정생산성의 비교)

  • Park, Hae-Ran;Kang, Sang-Mok
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.115-138
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this paper is to clarify the main components of economic growth and the effects of environmental factorson productivity by comparing traditional productivity growth and environmentally-adjusted productivity growth in 28 Chinese regions based on growth accounting analysis. To do this, we measured the shadow prices of SOx for the 28 Chinese regions. This study found that the annualized growth rate of output in the 28 Chinese regions was almost 10.07% for 1999-2005, though the growth rate was higher in the eastern region than in the middle and western regions. The average traditional productivity was 3.58%, again with the eastern region showing the highest level. The average environmentally-adjusted productivity of the three regions was about 3.56%, which is similar to the level of traditional productivity. This implies that activities regarding pollution reductions in the 28 Chinese regions have not been practiced, even though environmental regulations have been strengthened. Therefore, the regional and central governments should strengthen environmental regulations and strictly enforce them.

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An Experimental Study on the Properties of Concrete with Regional Fine Aggregate Properties and Modulation of Fine Aggregate Ratio (지역별 잔골재특성 및 잔골재율 조정에 의한 콘크리트 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yoo, Seung-Yeup;Lee, Sang-Rae;Lee, Bum-Suck;Song, Yong-Soon;Kang, Suck-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.465-468
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the best condition when mixed sand with a river and crushed sand was used though the experiment for the properties of the concrete corresponding to the control of fine aggregate ratio to apply the mixed sand and properties of the fine aggregate at the ready-mixed concrete factory on Yeongnam and Honam. The physical properties of Yeongnam and Honam is satisfied with KS F 2526 and KS F 2527 except fineness modulus and passing amount of 8mm sieve. And, the mixed sand above two types which were incongruent to use individually was being used at each factory, and it was managed in accordance with KS. The flowabillity of the mixture proportion of concrete which was estimated by method of unit volume weight according to the fine aggregate ratio at each factory on Yeongnam and Honam was higher than existing mixture proportion. It was analyzed that the residual water due to decline of the surface area caused by reducing fine aggregate ratio was increased relatively. Accordingly, it was considered that the effect on the economic mixture proportion and improvement of durability might be possible.

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A Study on the Mixed-use Educational Facilities by Private Investment - focused on the Non Benefits Public-Private Partnerships - (민간투자사업을 통한 학교시설복합화 방안에 관한 연구 - 비영리 공공민간협력(n-BPPP)방식을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Yeol;Yang, Kwan-Mok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to suggest an improvement of BTL in Educational Facilities applying the concept of n-BPPP(non-Benefits Public-Private Partnerships). The research is based on four of ninety-nine completed projects of Mixed-use Educational Facilities since 2001. Ninety-nine projects are analyzed and categorized to the typology of architectural program. The architectural programs planned are uniform in function, such as gym, swimming pool, library, info-center, parking etc. The public parking is a main program in the BTL projects, where district offices are involved as partner. The difference between BTL and n-BPPP for educational facilities is the business units. The n-BPPP concerns in regional or district units in order to expand public infrastructure facilities based on the network of schools and local community. And the fund for n-BPPP does not come from the government but from the investors. The economic interest is to reinvest on the maintenance of the facilities. The benefits of n-BPPP will be not only for the Governments in terms of social welfare budgets but also for local residents and students in terms of a variety of high-quality public services. The concept of n-BPPP can be an alternative way for the Mixed-use Educational Facilities.

Ecotourism Planning Framework for Korean Rural Communities(I) - A Case Study in Jeongdori, Wandogun, Korea - (농어촌지역의 생태관광지 육성을 위한 계획모형(I) - 전남 완도군 정도리지역에서의 사례연구 -)

  • 유기준;이경재;오구균
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.102-114
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    • 1998
  • Ecotourism has surged from conflicts between negative impacts of mass tourism and environmental issues. As an alternative tourism, ecotourism compromises extensively environmental, economic, educational, and cultural concerns. Ecotourism can be defined as environment-based tourism that ensures sustainable growth and development through conservation of natural and human environment, promotion of regional economy, and provision of tourism service in natural environment areas. Ecotourism should consider two key challenges; an effective means that may protect local economy through tourist-based income and improvement of residential circumstances, and role as leisure space that can improve tourist's experiences. The purpose of this study was to summarize ecotourism concepts through literature search and develop an ecotourism planning framework for Korean rural communities. In addition, developed planning framework in this study was applied to Jeongdori area, Wandogun, Korea as a case study in order to analyze its feasibility. A trial application in Jeongdori area demonstrated a possibility that ecotourism planning framework can be successfully adopted to a wide range of Korean rural communities. To ensure objectivity of framework, systematic case studies must be done in the future.

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A Study on the Korean Fishery Management System and TAC System Implementation on Issues of the New Ocean Regime (신해양질서의 어업관리체계와 TAC 제도 도입에 관한 연구)

  • 이상고
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 1999
  • When the international fisheries order changes following the UN Law of the Sea, the new regional fisheries order is forming among East North Asian states and era of Economic Zones is really coming. In those changes of foreign and domestic fisheries environment, to maintain sustainable growth of the industry in 21st century the North East Asian states plot adjustments to fisheries management, such as introduction of the TAC system and others. The TAC seems to be an appropriate systematic response especially because traditional functions of fisheries management have already demonstrated their limits in regards to fisheries sustainable development. Introduction of the TAC to the North East Asian fisheries not only resolves the inability of traditional fisheries management to develop the industry consequently, but also strengthens the EEZ and existing marine management systems. However, the TAC was born by thewestern industrial mentality, still contains persistent mistakes and is difficult to change. Therefore, its introduction to and implication in North East Asian region might cause numerous problems. From this point of view, introduction of the TAC system will disregard peculiarities of North East Asian fisheries, so main efforts should be concentrated on improving the functions of existing system via consecutive step-by-step approach. In addition, the TAC should be grafted into the existing fisheries system through cooperative management system, creating stable systematic ground and considering scientific and fisheries motives. Especially, TAC system, unlike the traditional fisheries' management system, is scientific, being systematically developed one, and needs to be gradually installed, considering its systematic character. Therefore, the TAC should better be introduced by systematic and scientific approaches, paying more attention to strengthening the existing fisheries system, but not immediately and in the form it is right now. Concluding, introduction of the TAC can not be made considering the outward factors deriving from the UN Law of the Sea without corrections.'h overcome limitations and ineffectiveness of traditional fisheries, most efforts should be concentrated on basic revision of 21st centuries' fisheries and strengthening the functions of traditional fisheries aimed to develop the leading business of marine industries.

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Prospects and Management Issues on the Fisheries Resources among Korea-China-Japan (한ㆍ중ㆍ일간 어업자원 관리 문제와 전망)

  • 이광남
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.87-107
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    • 2002
  • The sea of north-east Asia is biologically interrelated and one country's mishap in the management of fisheries could have a critical effect upon the other. Accordingly under the TAC system adopted by all the countries of Korea, Japan and China, the mismanagement o( trans-boundary fish stocks under the provisional fisheries agreement prior to the delimitation of EEZ could lead to the irrevocable depletion of fisheries resources in case of absence of close cooperation among the countries concerned. To tackle the problems above, it is necessary, from a short term perspective, to promote the combined efforts to do researches on fisheries resources, find ways to improve the transparency of fisheries management, adjust the fisheries management regulations of each country, standardize fishing gears and methods, and exchange fisheries-related statistics and data for socio-economic analysis and strengthen joint research activities for the mutual benefits. From a longer term prospective, regional fisheries organization need to be set up to oversee the whole area of north-east Asian sea. The organization as such could play a role in adjusting the conflicting interests of Korea, Japan and China, and efficiently manage the fisheries resources, which is complex and challenging in nature. In addition, unlike China, the historical fisheries relationship between Korea and Japan, spirit of reciprocity and the Article 62 of the United Nations Convention On the Law Of Sea need to be taken into account when seeking for fisheries cooperation between the two countries through the international specialization. In other words, the data obtained through the joint researches on the fisheries resources for the specific ocean along with such factors as capital, labor, fisheries technology and consumption of fish products could be used to assign the specific sector of fisheries to the country who has a comparative advantage, thus achieving the mutually benefiting results Up to the present, concerted efforts by Korea, Japan and China on the fisheries cooperation have been consistently made, but the results have yet to be materialized, It is also beyond doubt that governmental consultations among the countries should be made on a consistent basis, but non-governmental organizations' exchanges and related joint researches will more likely help bring about the desired fruition in a shorter time.

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The Role of Academic Entrepreneurs and the Venture Business Supporting Model (학술적 기업가의 벤처기업 창업활동 지원 모델)

  • Kim, Jai-Myung
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.13
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    • pp.223-246
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    • 2000
  • The major entity supplying the supporting infrastructure of the venture creation is the venture capitalists, university(and research center), and government. Especially, the role of the university and academic entrepreneurs is the key factor in the process of the technology transfer. The capacity(or role) of the academic entrepreneurs to craft a vision, and then to lead, inspire, and persuade key members makes an enormous difference between success and failure. And the supporting model of academic entrepreneurial venture creation requires that the systematic supporting system as well as the institutional framework for handling the conflicts among the members of a committed venture team. Among the a variety of organization, the university needs to supply the, formal supporting program such as technology transfer, university-industry cooperation, venture development, and the perception of the mere presence of policies and programs designed to encourage entrepreneurial activities for fostering economic development. Besides, careful consideration must be given to the role universities should play in the regional economy and what policies are appropriate to allow it to play that role effectively. On the basis of the above literature review results, this article suggests the supporting model for the venture creation by the strategic alliance composed of the industry, university, and government considering both of the entities's role and the motives of academic entrepreneurs in venture creating process.

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A Study on the Process of Refining Ideas for Social Problem Solving Based on Design Thinking in Digital Convergence Era (디지털 융합시대의 디자인 사고 기반 사회문제 해결 아이디어 구체화 프로세스에 관한 연구)

  • Back, Seung-cheol;Jo, Sung-hye;Kim, Nam-hee;Noh, Kyoo-Sung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2017
  • South Korea has experienced various social problems during rapid economic development, and now attempts to address them through social economy and advanced technologies. This approach, however, requires comprehensive research on not only phenomenal issues but also their fundamental causes and regional/cultural contexts as Design Thinking Process does. This study aims to draw implications for applying Design Thinking Process into the entire process of solving social problems, from field research, idea refinement, and solution design. Limitations of Design Thinking-based social problem solving are also drawn through comparative analysis on various cases. In conclusion, the process of refining ideas and developing product/service can be utilized by social enterprises, ventures, NGOs, etc. as a guideline in addressing social problems.

A Study on Estimating Regional Water Demand and Water Management Policy (물 수요함수 추정과 지역 물 관리 정책 연구)

  • Lim, Dongsoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, water supply capacity and facility investments had been emphasized around the 1980s. The water pricing have gained focuses in water policy since the 1990s. This study analyzes a water demand and estimates the relation of water demand and other socio-economic variable, using econometric models on the city of Busan. Water price and income are two key elements to explain water demand. Modeling approach using translog function provides better results, and water demand responds positively to population and income. Energy and water prices are negative factors in deciding water demand. It is requested that water pricing needs to reflect more production costs. Alternative approaches such as water saving facilities by household and use of digital water information should be emphasized for efficient water management in a local community.