• Title/Summary/Keyword: problem solving procedure

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Solving Facility Rearrangement Problem Using a Genetic Algorithm and a Heuristic Local Search

  • Suzuki, Atsushi;Yamamoto, Hisashi
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a procedure using a genetic algorithm (GA) and a heuristic local search (HLS) is proposed for solving facility rearrangement problem (FRP). FRP is a decision problem for stopping/running of facilities and integration of stopped facilities to running facilities to maximize the production capacity of running facilities under the cost constraint. FRP is formulated as an integer programming model for maximizing the total production capacity under the constraint of the total facility operating cost. In the cases of 90 percent of cost constraint and more than 20 facilities, the previous solving method was not effective. To find effective alternatives, this solving procedure using a GA and a HLS is developed. Stopping/running of facilities are searched by GA. The shifting the production operation of stopped facilities into running facilities is searched by HLS, and this local search is executed for one individual in this GA procedure. The effectiveness of the proposed procedure using a GA and HLS is demonstrated by numerical experiment.

A Study on Problem-Solving Ability and Classification of Mathematical Problems. (문제 해결력과 수학문제의 분류 관점에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Cheol Hwan;Park Bae Hun;Jung Chang Hyun
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 1988
  • Mathematics education is generally to cultivate mathematical thought. Most meaningful thought is to solve a certain given situation, that is, a problem. The aim of mathematies education could be identified with the cultivation of mathematical problem-solving ability. To cultivate mathematical problem-solving ability, it is necessary to study the nature of mathematical ability and its aspects pertaining to problem-solving ability. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between problem-solving ability and classficational viewpoint of mathematical verbal problems, and bet ween the detailed abilities of problem-solving procedure and classificational viewpoint of mathematical verbal problems. With the intention of doing this work, two tests were given to the third-year students of middle school, one is problem-solving test and the other classificational viewpoint test. The results of these two tests are follow ing. 1. The detailed abilities of problem-solving procedure are correlated with each other: such as ability of understanding, execution and looking-back. 2. From the viewpoint of structure and context, students classified mathematical verbal problems. 3. The students who are proficient at problem-solving, understanding, execution, and looking-back have a tendency to classify mathematical verbal problems from a structural viewpoint, while the students who are not proficient at the above four abilities have a tendency to classify mathematical verbal problems from a contextual viewpoint. As the above results, following conclusions can be made. 1. The students have recognized at least two fundamental dimensions of structure and context when they classified mathematical verbal problems. 2. The abilities of understanding, execution, and looking- back effect problem-solving ability correlating with each other. 3. The instruction emphasizing the importance of the structure of mathematical problems could be one of the methods cultivating student's problem-solving ability.

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The development of critical node method based heuristic procedure for Solving fuzzy assembly-line balancing problem (퍼지 조립라인밸런싱 문제 해결을 위한 주노드법에 기초한 휴리스틱 절차 개발)

  • 이상완;박병주
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.22 no.51
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 1999
  • Assembly line balancing problem is known as one of difficult combinatorial optimization problems. This problem has been solved with linear programming, dynamic programming approaches. but unfortunately these approaches do not lead to efficient algorithms. Recently, genetic algorithm has been recognized as an efficient procedure for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, but has a defect that requires long-run time and computational complexties to find the solution. For this reason, we adapt a new method called the Critical Node Method that is intuitive, easy to understand, simple for implementation. Fuzzy set theory is frequently used to represent uncertainty of information. In this paper, to treat the data of real world problems we use a fuzzy number to represent the duration and Critical Node Method based heuristic procedure is developed for solving fuzzy assembly line balancing problem.

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Roles of Analysis In Problem Solving (문제해결에서 분석의 역할)

  • Yoo, Yoon-Jae
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2009
  • The article discusses roles of analysis in problem solving, especially the problem posing. The author shows the procedure of analysis like the presentation of the hypothesis, the reasoning for the necessary conditions and the sufficient condition. Finally the author suggests that the analysis should be reviewed in the school mathematics.

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A Study on Implementing the QC Tools for Systematic Problem-Solving (문제해결을 위한 QC 도구의 체계적 활용방안에 대한 연구)

  • Yun, Tae-Hong;Kim, Chang-Yeol;Byun, Jai-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2009
  • There are many quality control(QC) tools useful for solving quality problems. In this paper, QC 7 tools, new QC 7 tools, and other quality tools are first compared with respect to their frequency of use. We suggest an integrated problem-solving procedure to systematically deal with various quality problems. For each step a streamlined flow chart is presented to help the practitioners to adopt relevant tools depending on certain situations they face. The procedure will help quality practitioners solve field quality problems.

The Sociodynamical Function of Meta-affect in Mathematical Problem-Solving Procedure (수학 문제해결 과정에 작용하는 메타정의의 사회역학적 기능)

  • Do, Joowon;Paik, Suckyoon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2017
  • In order to improve mathematical problem-solving ability, there has been a need for research on practical application of meta-affect which is found to play an important role in problem-solving procedure. In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of the sociodynamical aspects of the meta-affective factor of the successful problem-solving procedure of small groups in the context of collaboration, which is known that it overcomes difficulties in research methods for meta-affect and activates positive meta-affect, and works effectively in actual problem-solving activities. For this purpose, meta-functional type of meta-affect and transact elements of collaboration were identified as the criterion for analysis. This study grasps the characteristics about sociodynamical function of meta-affect that results in successful problem solving by observing and analyzing the case of the transact structure associated with the meta-functional type of meta-affect appearing in actual episode unit of the collaborative mathematical problem-solving activity of elementary school students. The results of this study suggest that it provides practical implications for the implementation of teaching and learning methods of successful mathematical problem solving in the aspect of affective-sociodynamics.

Postsolving in interior-point methods (내부점 선형계획법에서의 사후처리)

  • 이상욱;임성묵;성명기;박순달
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2003
  • It is often that a large-scale linear programming(LP) problem may contain many constraints which are redundant or cause infeasibility on account of inefficient formulation or some errors in data input. Presolving or preprocessing is a series of operations which removes the underlying redundancy or detects infeasibility in the given LP problem. It is essential for the speedup of an LP system solving large-scale problems to implement presolving techniques. For the recovery of an optimal solution for the original problem from an optimal solution for the presolved problem, a special procedure, so called postsolving, must be applied. In this paper, we present how a postsolving procedure is constructed and implemented in LPABO, a interior-point based LP system. Briefly, all presolving processes are logged in a data structure in LPABO, and after the end of the solution method an optimal solution for the original problem is obtained by tracing the logs. In each stage of the postsolving procedure, the optimality of intermediate solutions is maintained. We tested our postsolving procedure on Netlib, Gondzio and Kennington LP data sets, and concluded that the computational burden of the procedure is relatively negligible compared with the total solving time.

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A Curriculum Analysis with respect to Computer programming (컴퓨터프로그래밍과 관련된 교과목 내용분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Woo
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2009
  • The computer programming is a useful tool to cultivate the logical thinking and encourage the problem solving competence. With the purpose of specifying the computer programming, this study mainly concerns with what the computer programming is in the Math/Stat education, and the role of the computer programming when it regards the problem solving procedure. This provides the possibility of Math/Stat major to be specified with the connection of IT related courses, and eventually the specified Math/Stat major enables more qualified graduates to be educated.

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Development of Nonlinear Programming Approaches to Large Scale Linear Programming Problems (비선형계획법을 이용한 대규모 선형계획해법의 개발)

  • Chang, Soo-Y.
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 1991
  • The concept of criterion function is proposed as a framework for comparing the geometric and computational characteristics of various nonlinear programming approaches to linear programming such as the method of centers, Karmakar's algorithm and the gravitational method. Also, we discuss various computational issues involved in obtaining an efficient parallel implementation of these methods. Clearly, the most time consuming part in solving a linear programming problem is the direction finding procedure, where we obtain an improving direction. In most cases, finding an improving direction is equivalent to solving a simple optimization problem defined at the current feasible solution. Again, this simple optimization problem can be seen as a least squares problem, and the computational effort in solving the least squares problem is, in fact, same as the effort as in solving a system of linear equations. Hence, getting a solution to a system of linear equations fast is very important in solving a linear programming problem efficiently. For solving system of linear equations on parallel computing machines, an iterative method seems more adequate than direct methods. Therefore, we propose one possible strategy for getting an efficient parallel implementation of an iterative method for solving a system of equations and present the summary of computational experiment performed on transputer based parallel computing board installed on IBM PC.

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Quadratic Complementary Programming

  • Gupta, A.K.;Sharma, J.K.
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 1982
  • The present paper provides a method for solving a complementary programming problem with quadratic objective function subject to linear constraints. The procedure developed is based on the simplex method for quadratic programming problem. An example is added to illustrate the procedure.

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