• 제목/요약/키워드: negative friction

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앵커의 경사(傾斜)가 널말뚝의 거동(擧動)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Influence of the Anchor Slope on Behaviour of Sheet Pile)

  • 천병식;강인성
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 1989
  • 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 앵커의 경사도(傾斜度)가 널말뚝의 거동(擧動)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 모형실험(模型實驗)의 결과(結果)로부터 분석(分析)한 것이다. 앵커 경사(傾斜)의 증가(增加)는 널말둑의 수직(垂直) 수평변위(水平變位), 앵커의 하중손실(荷重損失) 및 유지(維持)된 모래의 침하량(沈下量)에 크게 영향(影響)을 미치지만, 휨 모멘트의 크기에는 영향(影響)이 적은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 널말뚝의 수직침하(垂直沈下)에 대한 부마찰력(負摩擦力)은 말뚝 길이의 0.71~0.80배(倍)인 굴착(掘鑿) 깊이에서의 강복점(降伏點)을 가진다. 굴착(掘鑿)으로 인한 토압(土壓) 재분포(再分布)는 soil arching 현상을 고려해야 하고, 토압(土壓)이 0인 지점(支點)은 기존의 자유단지설계방법(自由端支設計方法)에 의한 위치(位置)보다 약 20% 상부(上部)에 있고, 활동면(滑動面)과 최대주응력면(最大主應力面)이 이루는 각(角) $45^{\circ}+{\phi}/2$ 보다 크다는 것을 확인하였다.

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Synthesis and Characterization of Energetic Thermoplastic Elastomers based on Carboxylated GAP Copolymers

  • Lim, Minkyung;Jang, Yoorim;Kweon, Jeong-Ohk;Seol, Yang-Ho;Rhee, Hakjune;Noh, Si-Tae
    • 공업화학
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.284-290
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    • 2020
  • Energetic thermoplastic elastomers (ETPEs) based on glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) and carboxylated GA copolymers [GAP-ETPE and poly(GA-carboxylate)-ETPEs] were synthesized using isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL), 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD), and soft segment oligomers such as GAP and poly(GA-carboxylate). The synthesized GAP-ETPE and poly(GA-carboxylate)-ETPEs were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), universal testing machine (UTM), calorimetry and sensitivity towards friction and impact. DSC and TGA results showed that the introduction of carboxylate group in GAP helped to have better thermal properties. Glass transition temperatures of poly(GA-carboxylate)-ETPEs decreased from -31 ℃ to -33 ℃ compared to that of GAP-ETPE (-29 ℃). The first thermal decomposition temperature in poly(GA0.8-octanoate0.2)-ETPE (242 ℃) increased in comparison to that of GAP-ETPE (227 ℃). Furthermore, from calorimetry data, poly(GA-carboxylate)-ETPEs exhibited negative formation enthalpies (-6.94 and -7.21 kJ/g) and higher heats of combustion (46713 and 46587 kJ/mol) compared to that of GAP-ETPE (42,262 kJ/mol). Overall, poly(GA-carboxylate)-ETPEs could be good candidates for a polymeric binder in solid propellant due to better energetic, mechanical and thermal properties in comparison to those of GAP-ETPE. Such properties are beneficial to application and processing of ETPE.

황해ㆍ동중국해의 $M_2$ 조석 잔차위 및 $M_4$ 조석 생성에 대한 비선형항의 영향 (Effect of Nonlinear Terms on the Generation of $M_2$ Tide Residual Elevation and $M_4$ Tide in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea)

  • 이종찬;정경태;최병호
    • 한국해안해양공학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 1996
  • 황해ㆍ동중국해역의 M$_2$조석 잔차위 및 M$_4$ 형성에 대한 비선형항의 영향을 2차원 수심 적분된 M$_2$조석 수치모형을 이용하여 살펴보았다. 대상 해역은 황해ㆍ동중국해 전역을 포함하는 117$^{\circ}$E-130$^{\circ}$E-41$^{\circ}$N 해역으로 수치 모형의 해상도는 경ㆍ위도 방향으로 각각 1/6$^{\circ}$, l/8$^{\circ}$이며, 방사 개방 경계 조건이 사용되었다. 이류항의 영향은 음의 잔차위를 형성하는 반면 연속 방정식의 천해항의 영향은 양의 잔차위를 형성하는 상반된 효과를 보였다. M$_4$성분의 생성에 대한 이류항과 연속방정식의 천해항의 기여도는 약 90%이상으로 나타났으며, M$_4$성분의 생성에 대한 2차의 저면마찰항의 기여도는 상대적으로 작은 것으로 나타났다.

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도로터널 제트팬 모형 실험 (The Jet-fan Model Test for a Road Tunnel Ventilation)

  • 류재홍;유용호;김진
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.630-640
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    • 2003
  • As tunnel ventilation has recently been playing a major role in the tunnel construction and maintenance, longitudinal ventilation systems with jet fans have been utilized a great deal because they are economical and effective. However, due to the length of tunnels and heavy traffic, it is hard to take the field measurements. In this study, therefore, the computer simulation and the model experiment of producing a wind tunnel were carried out simultaneously and the results were compared. The ultimate objective of this research was to interpret the air flow pattern inside the tunnel with a jet-fan was set up, and to offer the useful data for jet-fan installation and operation. The experiment was carried out with varying the jet-fan diameters, location of installation, the discharge velocity. Result showed that as the initial static pressure came up with the negative pressure, the tunnel air flowed into the inside of tunnel from outside due to the entrainment-effect and the backflow-phenomenon by separation-effect was observed in the lower half part of the tunnel. As the jet-fan was getting closer to the tunnel wall, the entrainment-effect caused by the interaction with the wall was increased; however, the mixing distance and irregular flow section became longer, and also the air pressure loss generated by wall friction was large.

Correlations between variables related to slope during rainfall and factor of safety and displacement by coupling analysis

  • Jeong-Yeon Yu;Jong-Won Woo;Kyung-Nam Kang;Ki-Il Song
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to establish the correlations between variables related to a slope during rainfall and factor of safety (FOS) and displacement using a coupling analysis method that is designed to consider both in rainfall conditions. With the recent development of measurement technologies, the approach of using the measurement data in the field has become easier. Particularly, they have been obtained in tests to determine the real-time safety and movement of a slope; however, a specific method has not been finalized. In addition, collected measurement data for recognizing the FOS and displacement in real-time with a specific relevance is difficult, and risks of uncertainty, such as in soil parameters and time, exist. In this study, the correlations between various slope-related variables (i.e., rainfall intensity, rainfall duration, angle of the slope, and mechanical properties including strength parameters of selected three types of soil; loamy sand, silt loam, sand) and the FOS and displacement are analyzed in order of seepage analysis, slope stability analysis and slope displacement analysis. Moreover, the methodology of coupling analysis is verified and a fundamental understanding of the factors that need to be considered in real-time observations is gained. The results show that the contributions of the abovementioned variables vary according to the soil type. Thus, the tendency of the displacement also differs by the soil type and variables but not same tendency with FOS. The friction angle and cohesion are negative while the rainfall duration and rainfall intensity are positive with the displacement. This suggests that understanding their correlations is necessary to determine the safety of a slope in real-time using displacement data. Additionally, databases considering rainfall conditions and a wide range of soil characteristics, including hydraulic and mechanical parameters, should be accumulated.

Modeling and experimental verification of phase-control active tuned mass dampers applied to MDOF structures

  • Yong-An Lai;Pei-Tzu Chang;Yan-Liang Kuo
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.281-295
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to demonstrate and verify the application of phase-control absolute-acceleration-feedback active tuned mass dampers (PCA-ATMD) to multiple-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) building structures. In addition, servo speed control technique has been developed as a replacement for force control in order to mitigate the negative effects caused by friction and inertia. The essence of the proposed PCA-ATMD is to achieve a 90° phase lag for a structure by implementing the desired control force so that the PCA-ATMD can receive the maximum power flow with which to effectively mitigate the structural vibration. An MDOF building structure with a PCA-ATMD and a real-time filter forming a complete system is modeled using a state-space representation and is presented in detail. The feedback measurement for the phase control algorithm of the MDOF structure is compact, with only the absolute acceleration of one structural floor and ATMD's velocity relative to the structure required. A discrete-time direct output-feedback optimization method is introduced to the PCA-ATMD to ensure that the control system is optimized and stable. Numerical simulation and shaking table experiments are conducted on a three-story steel shear building structure to verify the performance of the PCA-ATMD. The results indicate that the absolute acceleration of the structure is well suppressed whether considering peak or root-mean-square responses. The experiment also demonstrates that the control of the PCA-ATMD can be decentralized, so that it is convenient to apply and maintain to real high-rise building structures.

The responses of battered pile to tunnelling at different depths relative to the pile length

  • Mukhtiar Ali Soomro;Naeem Mangi;Dildar Ali Mangnejo;Zongyu Zhang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.603-615
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    • 2023
  • Population growth and urbanization prompted engineers to propose more sophisticated and efficient transportation methods, such as underground transit systems. However, due to limited urban space, it is necessary to construct these tunnels in close proximity to existing infrastructure like high-rise buildings and bridges. Battered piles have been widely used for their higher stiffness and bearing capacity compared to vertical piles, making them effective in resisting lateral loads from winds, soil pressures, and impacts. Considerable prior research has been concerned with understanding the vertical pile response to tunnel excavation. However, the three-dimensional effects of tunnelling on adjacent battered piled foundations are still not investigated. This study investigates the response of a single battered pile to tunnelling at three critical depths along the pile: near the pile shaft (S), next to the pile (T), and below the pile toe (B). An advanced hypoplastic model capable of capturing small strain stiffness is used to simulate clay behaviour. The computed results reveal that settlement and load transfer mechanisms along the battered pile, resulting from tunnelling, depend significantly on the tunnel's location relative the length of the pile. The largest settlement of the battered pile occurs in the case of T. Conversely, the greatest pile head deflection is caused by tunnelling near the pile shaft. The battered pile experiences "dragload" due to negative skin friction mobilization resulting from tunnel excavation in the case of S. The battered pile is susceptible to induced bending moments when tunnelling occurs near the pile shaft S whereas the magnitude of induced bending moment is minimal in the case of B.

간척지(干拓地) 토양(土壤)의 숙성화(熟成化) 정도별(程度別) 이화학성(理化學性) 변화(變化) 연구 -II. 광활(廣活) 및 포승통(浦升統)에 관(關)하여 (Changes of Physico-Chemical Properties of Tidal soils on Their Mafurities -II. Gwanghwal and Poseung Series)

  • 유철현;김종구;이종식;강종국;소재돈;박건호
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 1990
  • 본(本) 연구는 간척지토양(干拓地土壤)의 숙성화정도(熟成化程度)에 따른 토양(土壤)의 이화학성(理化學性) 변화(變化) 양상(樣相)을 구명(究明)하여 벼 수량증대(收量增大)를 위(爲)한 토양개량(土壤改良)과 관리자료(管理資料)를 얻고져 실시하였다. 1. 광활통의 이앙전(移秧前) 토양(土壤) 및 지하수(地下水) 염농도는 간척(干拓)21년차(年次)에서 각각(各各) 0.29, 1.02%로 염해가 우려(憂慮)되나 33년차(年次)부터는 수도재배(水滔栽培)가 가능(可能)한 함량(含量)이었고, 포승통(浦升統)은 33년차(年次)까지 염해우려와 그 이후(以後)부터는 벼안전재배(安全栽培)가 가능(可能)한 함량(含量)이었다. 2. 토양(土壤)이 숙성화(熟成化) 됨에 따라 입경중(粒徑中) 점토함량(粘土含量), Atterberg limits, 점토활성도(粘土活性度)는 양토양(兩土壤) 공(共)히 부(負)의 상관(相關), 모래함량 및 N-계수(係數)는 정(正)의 상관(相關)을 보였다. 3. 토심별(土深別) 원추저항(圓錐抵抗)은 양토양(兩土壤) 공(共)히 간척(干拓)5년차(年次)까지는 원추관입지수(圓錐貫入指數) $3kg/cm^2$이하(以下)를 보인 반면(反面) 경반시생성(硬盤尸生成)은 광활통 33년차(年次), 포승통(浦升統)은 49년차(年次)부터 나타났으며 그 정도(程度)는 포승통(浦升統)에서 두껍게 생성(生成)되고 있었다. 4. 전단저항(剪斷抵抗)은 경작년수(耕作年數)가 경과(經過)할수록 양토양(兩土壤) 공(共)히 낮아지는 경향(傾向)이며, 마찰저항(摩擦抵抗)은 포승통(浦升統)보다 광활통에서 높아지는 경향(傾向)이었다. 5. 경작년수(耕作年數)가 경과(經過)할수록 양토양(兩土壤) 공(共)히 토양산도(土壤酸度), 유효규산(有效珪酸), 고토(苦土), 가리(加里), 소다, 양(陽)이온 치환용량(置換容量)은 부(負)와 상관(相關), 유기물(有機物), 유효인산(有效燐酸), 석회(石灰), 전질소함량(全窒素含量)은 정(正)의 상관(相關)을 보였다. 또 유기물(有機物) 및 석회함량(石灰含量)은 광활통에서 높았으며 양(陽)이온 치환용량(置換容量)은 포승통(浦升統)에서 매우 높았다.

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SnO2 마찰층을 이용한 마찰 대전 소자의 에너지 생산성 향상 (Improvement of Triboelectric Efficiency using SnO2 Friction Layer for Triboelectric Generator)

  • 이노호;신재록;유지은;유동훈;구본율;이성우;안효진;최병준
    • 한국분말재료학회지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.321-325
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    • 2015
  • The triboelectric property of a material is important to improve an efficiency of triboelectric generator (TEG) in energy harvesting from an ambient energy. In this study, we have studied the TEG property of a semiconducting $SnO_2$ which has yet to be explored so far. As a counter triboelectric material, PET and glass are used. Vertical contact mode is utilized to evaluate the TEG efficiency. $SnO_2$ thin film is deposited by atomic layer deposition on bare Si wafer for various thicknesses from 5.2 nm to 34.6 nm, where the TEG output is increased from 13.9V to 73.5V. Triboelectric series are determined by comparing the polarity of output voltage of 2 samples among $SnO_2$, PET, and glass. In conclusion, $SnO_2$, as an intrinsic n-type material, has the most strong tendency to be positive side to lose the electron and PET has the most strong tendency to be negative side to get the electron, and glass to be between them. Therefore, the $SnO_2$-PET combination shows the highest TEG efficiency.

Open face 터널시공으로 인한 단독말뚝의 거동 (The response of a single pile to open face tunnelling)

  • 이철주
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.529-545
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 3차원 유한요소해석을 실시하여 견고한 점토에 기시공되어 있는 단독말뚝의 하부에서 실시된 open face 터널굴착에 의한 말뚝의 거동을 분석하였다. 수치해석에서는 터널굴착으로 인한 말뚝의 거동을 규명하기 위하여 지반, 말뚝의 침하 및 전단응력전이 메커니즘을 심도 있게 분석하였다. 터널굴착으로 인해 Greenfield 조건의 지표면의 침하를 크게 초과하는 말뚝침하가 발생하였으며, 말뚝과 인접지반 사이 경계면에서의 전단응력전이현상으로 인해 말뚝에 작용하는 축력의 분포가 매우 크게 변화하였다. 말뚝침하의 증가로 인하여 말뚝의 겉보기지지력(apparent pile capacity)이 약 30% 감소하는 것으로 분석되었다. 터널굴착에 따른 지중응력 및 변형에 의해 말뚝의 마찰력이 증가하는 현상이 발생하고 이에 따라 말뚝의 축력이 터널의 굴착에 따라 지속적으로 감소하였다. 순수하게 터널굴착에 의하여 단독말뚝에는 설계하중의 최대 21%에 상응하는 인장력이 유발되는 것으로 분석되었다. 말뚝은 터널의 시공이 말뚝의 중심에서 종방향으로 ${\pm}1$-2D (D: 터널직경)에서 실시될 때 가장 큰 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 말뚝선단 인근에서는 (-)의 과잉간극수압이 발생하였으며, 말뚝상부 부근에서는 (+)의 과잉간극수압이 발현하였다. 터널굴착에 의한 말뚝의 사용성은 축력변화에 비해서는 말뚝의 침하에 의해 큰 영향을 받는 것으로 분석되었다.