• Title/Summary/Keyword: music teacher education

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A Comparative Study on Cultural Children's of Young Environment among Large and Small Cities and Rural Areas (지역별(地域別)로 본 우리나라 유아환경(幼兒環境)의 실태조사(實態調査)와 바람직한 유아환경(幼兒環境)의 조성방안(造成方案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -농어촌(農漁村)·중소도시(中小都市)·대도시(大都市)를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.1
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    • pp.40-64
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    • 1980
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the different environment among the young children of large and small cities and rural areas in Korea, in order to know how these different environment have an effect on the children's intellectual and emotional development. For this subjects, 2,700 questionares with 51 items were distributed to the infants' mothers in each area to interview and answer. About 1,800 questionaires were gathered from 3 metropolitan, 6 cities and 6 rural areas in (each 2 farming, fishing and mining villages) The results of analyzing these questionaires were like following; 1. The average number of children of each family was 2.5 in large cities, 3.0 in small cities and 3.6 in the rural areas. 2. White about 75% of infants' parents of large cities graduated college education, only 6% of the rural parents did it. Most infants' parents of the rural areas have only graduated the elementary school. 3. About 90% of the rural, small and large cities family have had radios and T.V sets, and 90% of infants watched T.V program for 2 hours a day in average. 4. While about 50% of large cities' young children were not reared by their mother's milk but by milk and other foods, about 95% of rural infants by breasting mills. 5. Young children of large cities were wearing about 5 months earlier than those of the rural. 6. While 20% children of cities were taught in the kindergarten, most children of the rural areas could not be taught in the kindergarten. 7. About 45% young children of the rural areas and cities were understood and taught reading, writing letters and numbers by their parents, brothers and sisters before entering primary school. 8. While 50% young children of large cities have had pianos and were taught music in kindergarten or piano tutor's, most of the rural areas have not had pianos and could not be taught music. 9. Most children's favorite music songs were T.V signals or C.M songs in both the rural and cities. 10. While most children of cities have had lots of children's pictures or fairy tale books. most infants of the rural areas have had nothing or a few. 11. As lots of infants could not find their pleasure resorts of sport tools outside, they used to play in side streets or publicroads with their friends. 12. While most infant's parents in cities wanted to make their infants lawyer or medicine doctor, most parents in rural areas wanted to make their children teacher or technician. 13. About a half of Korean infants have had their own rooms or have lived in it together with their brother or sister. In conclusion, as children of large cities have had more various kinds of cultural circumstances than the rural areas in aspects of cultural institutions' tools and environment of their parents' education, books, toys, pleasure resorts and their own rooms, the intellectual development of the former could be considered to surpass those of the latter. In other words, the average IQ points of urban's young children are 10 point higher than those of the rural areas, which means the better circumstance would affect the infant's intellectual development. Therefore, the government must support to make good circumstances of the children in the rural areas.

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Exploring the Meaning of Self-directed Service experienced by Preservice Teachers -Focused on the Service of Daycare Programs for Lower Grades of Elementary- (예비유아교사가 경험한 자기 주도적 봉사의 의미 탐색 -초등학교 저학년 돌봄 교실 봉사를 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Ji-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 2016
  • Six preservice teachers who participated in the "2016 service of summer vacation daycare programs by university and college students" focused on the programs for the formation of art, music and physical education and recreation culture were selected as research participants. The meaning of the experience they had through the service process was qualitatively analyzed. The subjects accepted the purpose of the self-directed service in which they should themselves solve a series of the entire process, from planning a volunteer program through drawing up the budget and purchasing materials to practice, evaluation and expressed the intention of participation. A volunteer program was conducted including visiting a daycare program for lower graders of elementary school (1st and 2nd grades) with more than 40 class hours during vacation. As research materials, research participants' journals, transcripts of individual interviews and group interviews, transcripts of phone calls, e-mail messages, and self-evaluation records of each class hour were collected. To increase the reliability and validity of the study, triangulation, member check, advice and review of the experts were conducted. In the study results, the volunteering experience-related significance for the preservice teachers who participated in the self-directed service were broadly categorized into 'Becoming a capable professional teacher', that consists of 'Increasing the power of thinking', 'Realizing the importance of communication', 'Doing together itself is important' and 'Ability to apply information and resources is needed'. 'Increase the continuity between preschool and elementary education' was subdivided into 'Get to know the necessity of the continuity between preschool and elementary education' and 'Want to learn the continuity between preschool and elementary education.'

A Study on the International Accreditation Standard and Unit Spatial Organization of Public School in Korea (국내공립학교의 국제인증기준과 단위공간구성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eul-Gyu;Jeon, You-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2016
  • Recently, Korea has been established and operated International Schools manifesting to improve the nation's capacity of the foreign languages skill and to cultivate internationally trained professional manpower. In order to achieve the vision of a world-class educational organization, it has to be designed for the facility standards to meet the international accreditation standards. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to research about basic resources through comparison of facility conditions between public schools in Korea and international accredited schools. By comparing those two different plan drawings are found the following things. First, Schools which established with International Accreditation Standard are prepared detailed criteria for the facility, Furthermore information about the furnishings included, in addition to specific equipments for classes are stated to be prepared. Secondly, it is more effective when special classrooms such as music and science are equipped with various spatial elements, enough educational equipment storage, teacher's study rooms, practical training rooms and student's activity rooms to support various teaching programs and learning efficiently. Lastly, there was a clear tendency that not only hardware but also software standards for the audiovisual room and library have been more enhanced to enable multidisciplinary educational approaches with the recent education training trend.

The SMC Model: Identification of Artistically Gifted Students from Low Income Families (사회적 배려대상 예술영재 판별모형 개발)

  • Lee, Seon-Young
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.87-115
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    • 2012
  • This study is about the development of an identification model for artistically gifted students from low income and/or multi-cultural families. Given that parental support at early ages is crucial for talent development, students from low income families are often dismissed in recognizing their artistic giftedness. Based on a comprehensive literature review and consultations with experts in art, the SMC model was developed to identify disadvantaged gifted students in the areas of music, visual arts, and ballet. The model consists of three steps of identification, such as review of documents and teacher recommendations, evaluations of artistic giftedness, and a summative evaluation, and involves multiple criteria for identifying giftedness in both domain general and domain specific arts. SMC is promising in discovering many unrecognized disadvantaged children of artistic potential, thereby using various quantitative and qualitative measures. Yet, issues of validity and reliability of SMC need to be substantiated by subsequent theoretical and empirical studies.

A Study of Married Immigrant Women's Career Goals and the Meaning (결혼이주여성들의 진로목표와 그 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Hyekyeong;Lee, MiJung
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.10
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    • pp.425-432
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    • 2016
  • This study is focused on defining what is their career goals and the standard to set up the goals as an individual married immigrant women. Marriage immigrant women are expected to have higher difficult than Korean women do in reality, so the research will figure out what career goal marriage immigrant women have to achieve the goal. As the results, the data has been collected from seven of the married immigrant women through in-depth interview, the conclusion is as followed: First, career goal for married immigrant women turns out self-reliance and valuable life. Career is used in wide spread range including a job, and their career goal is for being a self-employed, a travel guide, an english teacher, and a regular worker. They have various goal for valuable life to feel that their living is better than monetary stuff, to have a healing tour through music, and to exchange with foreign scholars and train junior scholars. They hope they can be confident as a part of the Korean society and be able to help others and to see themselves as valued to live a life.

A Study on the Descriptive Analysis for Coordination of the School's Library-Aided Instruction With the Problem-Based Learning in Korea School Libraries: Focusing on PBL Cases (PBL교과수업과 학교도서관 LAI의 연계를 위한 기술적 분석 - PBL 사례연구를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Jong-Kee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse the cases related with PBL and to suggest the activation plan of LAI based on the derived results. The analysis objects were the PBL cases which have been performed from 2000 to 2018 in Korean schools. The PBL cases were analysed in the aspects of school levels, target grades, subject clusters, teaching patterns, information sources, cooperative teaching status, library cooperative teaching status, and educational effects. The results were like these; 1)The PBL was applied at the elementary schools the most, the next middle schools, and high schools. 2)The teaching pattern was the exclusive teaching the most, and the next pattern was team teaching with other teacher, and the lowest pattern was with librarian teacher. 3)The subject cluster was natural science cluster the most and the next was the human & social science cluster and the art, music and physical education cluster. 4)The PBL performed with school library was low. 5)The main effects of PBL were the improvements of academic achievement, learning satisfaction degree, creative ability, problem-solving ability, and self-directed learning capability. As the results, it's proposed that it's important for librarian teachers to have the aggressive attitude for the activation of LAI as well as the cooperation with PBL subject teachers from the planning step to the evaluation.

Exploring the Problem and Solution in Curriculum Development of School-based Program for the Gifted in the Arts (단위학교 예술영재학급 교육과정 개발의 문제점 및 개선 방안 탐색)

  • Lee, Kyungjin;Kim, Sunghye;Kang, Byoungjik
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.299-320
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to explore the problem in curriculum development in school-based gifted program in the arts and suggest the way to solve that. For this study, we surveyed 28 teachers and guest instructors, furthermore interviewed 6 teachers (4 in music and 2 visual arts). The study results indicated that not only curriculum development of school-based program for the gifted in the arts was not systemic, but also most teacher depended excessively on guest instructors due to the lack of expertise and information for curriculum development. Also, They did not understand specific meaning of the giftedness and gifted curriculum in arts nor recognize the unique role of school-based gifted program. In addition, most teachers simply attempted to solve lack of knowledge and experience on a personal level. Their research condition were inadequate to plan curriculum. To solve these problems in curriculum development in school-based gifted program in arts, we suggested some solutions: differentiated teacher in-service program, the achievement criteria for fundamentals of curriculum, system for connecting materials, information and human resources, as well as consultative body for improving the present condition of school-based gifted program.

Analysis of Contents of Reorganization of Textbooks by Pre-Service Teachers' on 'Comparison of Distances from Solar System to Planets' in First Semester of Elementary Science 5th Grade (초등과학 5학년 1학기 '태양에서 행성까지 거리 비교'에 대한 초등예비교사들의 교재 재구성 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Hae-Ran;Lee, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain implications for the improvement direction of astronomical education methods and development of educational materials or software. In connection with the 5th grade 1st semester elementary science 'Solar System and Stars' unit, elementary pre-service teachers were given a reorganization task to compare the relative distances from the sun to the planets, and then this was analyzed. Pre-service teachers are 11 male and 19 female students in the second year of the music education department at the elementary school teacher training university in B city. The implications of the study results are as follows. First, the 'distance comparison activity using a roll of tissue paper' is suitable for simply comparing the distances from the sun to the planet, but it has limitations in allowing students to experience the vastness of the solar system or inducing student participation-centered classes. Second, it is necessary to develop software materials for elementary school students that can simultaneously reflect the size of the planet and the distance to the planet that can be applied indoors, and also experience the vastness of the solar system, as well as a wide learning space. Third, textbook materials for students have an important influence on the class design of pre-service teachers.

A Study on the Basic Investigation for the Fire Risk Assessment of Education Facilities (교육시설 화재위험성 평가를 위한 기초조사에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Il;Ham, Eun-Gu
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.351-364
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Fire load analysis was conducted to secure basic data for evaluating fire risk of educational facilities. In order to calculate the fire load through a preliminary survey, basic data related to the fire load of school facilities were collected. Method: The basic data were the definition and types of fire loads, combustion heat data for the calculation of fire loads. The fire load was evaluated by multiplying the combustion heat by the weight of the combustibles in the compartment when calculating the fire load. Result: As for the fixed combustible materials of A-elementary school, the floor was mainly made of wood, in consideration of emotion and safety in the classroom, music room, and school office, and the rest of the compartments were made of stone. The ceiling and walls were made of gypsum board and concrete, so they were not combustible. The typical inflammable items in each room were desks, chairs, and lockers in the classroom, and the laboratory equipment box and experimental tool box were the main components in the science room, and books, bookshelves, and reading equipment occupied a large proportion in the library room. Conclusion: 'The fire loads of A-elementary' schools according to the combustibles loaded were in the order of library, computer room, English learning room, teacher's office, general classroom, science hall, and music room.

Visual Media Education in Visual Arts Education (미술교육에 있어서 시각적 미디어를 통한 조형교육에 관한 연구)

  • Park Ji-Sook
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.7
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    • pp.64-104
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    • 2005
  • Visual media transmits image and information reproduced in large quantities, such as a photography, film, television, video, advertisement, or computer image. Correspondence to the students' reception and recognition of culture in the future. arrangements for the field of studies of visual culture. 'Visual Culture' implies cultural phenomena of visual images via visual media, which includes not only the categories of traditional arts like a painting, sculpture, print, or design, but the performance arts including a fashion show or parade of carnival, and the mass and electronic media like a photography, film, television, video, advertisement, cartoon, animation, or computer image. In the world of visual media, Image' functions as an essential medium of communication. Therefore, people call the culture of today fra of Image Culture', which has been converted from an alphabet convergence era to an image convergence one. Image, via visual media, has become a dominant means for communication in large part of human life, so we can designate an Image' as a typical aspect of visual culture today. Image, as an essential medium of communication, plays an important role in contemporary society. The one way is the conversion of analogue image like an actual picture, photograph, or film into digital one through the digitalization of digital camera or scanner as 'an analogue/digital commutator'. The other is a way of process with a computer drawing, or modeling of objects. It is appropriate to the production of pictorial and surreal images. Digital images, produced by the other, can be divided into the form of Pixel' and form of Vector'. Vector is a line linking the point of departure to the point of end, which organizes informations. Computer stores each line's standard location and correlative locations to one another Digital image shows for more 'Perfectness' than any other visual media. Digital image has been evolving in the diverse aspects, such as a production of geometrical or organic image compositing, interactive art, multimedia art, or web art, which has been applied a computer as an extended trot of painting. Someone often interprets digitalized copy with endless reproduction of original even as an extension of a print. Visual af is no longer a simple activity of representation by a painter or sculptor, but now is intimately associated with a matter of application of media. There is some problem in images via visual media. First, the image via media doesn't reflect a reality as it is, but reflects an artificial manipulated world, that is, a virtual reality. Second, the introduction of digital effect and the development of image processing technology have enhanced a spectacle of destructive and violent scenes. Third, a child intends to recognize the interactive images of computer game and virtual reality as a reality, or truth. Education needs not only to point out an ill effect of mass media and prevent the younger generation from being damaged by it, but also to offer a knowledge and know-how to cope actively with social, cultural circumstances. Visual media education is one of these essential methods for the contemporary and future human being in the overflowing of image informations. The fosterage of 'Visual Literacy' can be considered as a very purpose of visual media education. This is a way to lead an individual to the discerning, active consumer and producer of visual media in life as far as possible. The elements of 'Visual Literacy' can be divided into a faculty of recognition related to the visual media, a faculty of critical reception, a faculty of appropriate application, a faculty of active work and a faculty of creative modeling, which are promoted at the same time by the education of 'visual literacy'. In conclusion, the education of 'Visual Literacy' guides students to comprehend and discriminate the visual image media carefully, or receive them critically, apply them properly, or produce them creatively and voluntarily. Moreover, it leads to an artistic activity by means of new media. This education can be approached and enhanced by the connection and integration with real life. Visual arts and education of them play an important role in the digital era depended on visual communications via image information. Visual me야a of day functions as an essential element both in daily life and in arts. Students can soundly understand visual phenomena of today by means of visual media, and apply it as an expression tool of life culture as well. A new recognition and valuation visual image and media education is required to cultivate the capability of active, upright dealing with the changes of history of civilization. 1) Visual media education helps to cultivate a sensibility for images, which reacts to and deals with the circumstances. 2) It helps students to comprehend the contemporary arts and culture via new media. 3) It supplies a chance of students' experiencing a visual modeling by means of new media. 4) There are educational opportunities of images with temporality and spaciality, and therefore a discerning person becomes to increase. 5) The modeling activity via new media leads students to be continuously interested in the school and production of plastic arts. 6) It raises the ability of visual communications dealing with image information society. 7) An education of digital image is significant in respect of cultivation of man of talent for the future society of image information as well. To correspond to the changing and developing social, cultural circumstances, and the form and recognition of students' reception of them, visual arts education must arrange the field of studying on a new visual culture. Besides, a program needs to be developed, which is in more systematic and active level in relation to visual media education. Educational contents should be extended to the media for visual images, that is, photography, film, television, video, computer graphic, animation, music video, computer game and multimedia. Every media must be separately approached, because they maintain the modes and peculiarities of their own according to the conveyance form of message. The concrete and systematic method of teaching and the quality of education must be researched and developed, centering around the development of a course of study. Teacher's foundational capability of teaching should be cultivated for the visual media education. In this case, it must be paid attention to the fact that a technological level of media is considered as a secondary. Because school education doesn't intend to train expert and skillful producers, but intends to lay stress on the essential aesthetic one with visual media under the social and cultural context, in respect of a consumer including a man of culture.

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