• Title/Summary/Keyword: multiple-input-multiple-output

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Transmit Precoder Design for Two-User Broadcast Channel with Statistical and Delayed CSIT

  • Sun, Yanjing;Zhou, Shu;Cao, Qi;Wang, Yanfen;Liu, Wen;Zhang, Xiaoguang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.2124-2141
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    • 2018
  • Recent studies have revealed the efficacy of incorporating delayed channel state information at transmit side (CSIT) in transmission scheme design. This paper focuses on transmit precoder design to maximize the ergodic sum-rate in a two-user Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) system with delayed and statistical CSIT. A new transmit strategy which precodes signals in all transmit slots is proposed in this paper, denoted as all time-slots precoding Alternative MAT (AAMAT). There is a common procedure in conventional delayed-CSIT based schemes, which is retransmitting the overheard interferences. Since the retransmitting signal is intended to both users, all previous schemes tend to use only one antenna. We however figure out an improvement in spectral efficiency could be realized if all antennas can be utilized. In this paper, we detail the design of the procoder which enabling all antennas and also we compute a lower bound of the ergodic sum-rate in an ideal condition. In addition, simulation results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed scheme.

Assemblability Analysis of Kinematic Configurations of Front-Wheel Drive Automatic Transmissions (전륜구동 차량용 자동변속기의 기구학적 구성에 대한 조립 가능성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Hyun Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2019
  • An automotive automatic transmission is a popular power-transmitting device in passenger vehicles, as it provides various speed ratios for diverse driving conditions with easy manipulation and smooth gear shifting. The transmission is mainly composed of input and output shafts, planetary gear sets, brakes/clutches, and housing, and it yields multiple forward gears and one reverse gear by actuating the shifting devices of the brakes and clutches. In developing a new transmission, kinematic configurations of a transmission, which presents a brief structure and actuation schemes for speed ratios, need to be checked to determine if the structure can be assembled in a layout. It is impossible for a transmission concept having any interference in connecting main components to be developed further in the design process, since connection interference leads to failure of a layout design in the 2-D plane. In this research, an analysis of the assemblability of a front-wheel drive automatic transmission is carried out on an example concept design by applying the vertex addition algorithm based on graph theory.

A Single-layer Differential Codebook Design Over Pedestrian Closed-loop MISO System (보행자 채널의 폐루프 MISO 시스템에서 적응형 단일계층 차분 코드북 설계)

  • Kim, Young-Ju
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.613-622
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    • 2019
  • A differential codebook design method using wireless channel's temporal correlation is proposed over closed loop multiple-input single-output (MISO) system. The single layer codewords in a codebook are selected among a set of phase elements. In the conventional codeword selection rule, codewords are assumed to be on a spherical cap and sine formula was used. In this paper, however, a new method using Pythagoras formula is employed to simplify computational complexity. Also, an adaptive differential codebook selection is adopted to enhance performance. Monte-Carlo simulations demonstrate that the proposed codebook is superior to the conventional ones.

Additional degree of freedom in phased-MIMO radar signal design using space-time codes

  • Vahdani, Roholah;Bizaki, Hossein Khaleghi;Joshaghani, Mohsen Fallah
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.640-649
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, an additional degree of freedom in phased multi-input multi-output (phased-MIMO) radar with any arbitrary desired covariance matrix is proposed using space-time codes. By using the proposed method, any desired transmit covariance matrix in MIMO radar (phased-MIMO radars) can be realized by employing fully correlated base waveforms such as phased-array radars and simply extending them to different time slots with predesigned phases and amplitudes. In the proposed method, the transmit covariance matrix depends on the base waveform and space-time codes. For simplicity, a base waveform can be selected arbitrarily (ie, all base waveforms can be fully correlated, similar to phased-array radars). Therefore, any desired covariance matrix can be achieved by using a very simple phased-array structure and space-time code in the transmitter. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is that it does not require diverse uncorrelated waveforms. This considerably reduces transmitter hardware and software complexity and cost. One the receiver side, multiple signals can be analyzed jointly in the time and space domains to improve the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio.

Selection of Main Factors by Experimental Analysis for Profile Blast Machining Based on Microparticle Blasting Equipment with a Two-Axis Sequence Control Stage (2축 시퀀스 제어 스테이지와 미세입자 분사장치에 의한 형상 분사가공시 실험계획법에 의한 주요인자 검출)

  • Hwang, Chul-Woong;Lee, Sea-Han;Wang, Duck Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2020
  • To determine the effective factors for microparticle blasting with precise sequence position control in the x-axis and y-axis directions, we conducted a statistical experimental analysis of blasted square shapes by considering five condition factors. The control input and output were operated simultaneously by rotation-linear motion conversion and fine particles were blasted onto the aluminum specimen by precise position control driving using multiple execution codes. The micro-driving device used for processing was capable of microparticle blasting and of controlling the system through contact with a limit sensor at high speed and a two-degree-of-freedom driving mechanism. Our experiments were conducted on 1,050 specimens of pure aluminum (containing <1% of other elements). The effects of several factors (e.g., particle and nozzle diameters, blasting pressure, and federate and blasting cycle numbers) on the surface roughness and blasted surface's depth were verified through a statistical experimental analysis by applying the dispersion analysis method. This statistical analysis revealed that the nozzle diameter, the blasting pressure, and the blasting cycle number were the dominant factors.

Data anomaly detection for structural health monitoring using a combination network of GANomaly and CNN

  • Liu, Gaoyang;Niu, Yanbo;Zhao, Weijian;Duan, Yuanfeng;Shu, Jiangpeng
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2022
  • The deployment of advanced structural health monitoring (SHM) systems in large-scale civil structures collects large amounts of data. Note that these data may contain multiple types of anomalies (e.g., missing, minor, outlier, etc.) caused by harsh environment, sensor faults, transfer omission and other factors. These anomalies seriously affect the evaluation of structural performance. Therefore, the effective analysis and mining of SHM data is an extremely important task. Inspired by the deep learning paradigm, this study develops a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) and convolutional neural network (CNN)-based data anomaly detection approach for SHM. The framework of the proposed approach includes three modules : (a) A three-channel input is established based on fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Gramian angular field (GAF) method; (b) A GANomaly is introduced and trained to extract features from normal samples alone for class-imbalanced problems; (c) Based on the output of GANomaly, a CNN is employed to distinguish the types of anomalies. In addition, a dataset-oriented method (i.e., multistage sampling) is adopted to obtain the optimal sampling ratios between all different samples. The proposed approach is tested with acceleration data from an SHM system of a long-span bridge. The results show that the proposed approach has a higher accuracy in detecting the multi-pattern anomalies of SHM data.

Design of STM32-based Quadrotor UAV Control System

  • Haocong, Cai;Zhigang, Wu;Min, Chen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.353-368
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    • 2023
  • The four wing unmanned aerial vehicle owns the characteristics of small size, light weight, convenient operation and well stability. But it is easily disturbed by external environmental factors during flight with these disadvantages of short endurance and poor attitude solving ability. For solving these problems, a microprocessor based on STM32 chip is designed and the overall development is completed by the resources such as built-in timer and multi-function mode general-purpose input/output provided by the master micro controller unit, together with radio receiver, attitude meter, barometer, electronic speed control and other devices. The unmanned aerial vehicle can be remotely controlled and send radio waves to its corresponding receiver, control the analog level change of its corresponding channel pins. The master control chip can analyze and process the data to send multiple sets pulse signals of pulse width modulation to each electronic speed control. Then the electronic speed control will transform different pulse signals into different sizes of current value to drive the motor located in each direction of the frame to generate different rotational speed and generate lift force. To control the body of the unmanned aerial vehicle, so as to achieve the operator's requirements for attitude control, the PID controller based on Kalman filter is used to achieve quick response time and control accuracy. Test results show that the design is feasible.

Development of an Input File Preparation Tool for Offline Coupling of DNDC and DSSAT Models (DNDC 지역별 구동을 위한 입력자료 생성 도구 개발)

  • Hyun, Shinwoo;Hwang, Woosung;You, Heejin;Kim, Kwang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2021
  • The agricultural ecosystem is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to search for climate change adaptation options which mitigate GHG emissions while maintaining crop yield, it is advantageous to integrate multiple models at a high spatial resolution. The objective of this study was to develop a tool to support integrated assessment of climate change impact b y coupling the DSSAT model and the DNDC model. DNDC Regional Input File Tool(DRIFT) was developed to prepare input data for the regional mode of DNDC model using input data and output data of the DSSAT model. In a case study, GHG emissions under the climate change conditions were simulated using the input data prepared b y the DRIFT. The time to prepare the input data was increased b y increasing the number of grid points. Most of the process took a relatively short time, while it took most of the time to convert the daily flood depth data of the DSSAT model to the flood period of the DNDC model. Still, processing a large amount of data would require a long time, which could be reduced by parallelizing some calculation processes. Expanding the DRIFT to other models would help reduce the time required to prepare input data for the models.

A Dual Charge Pump PLL-based Clock Generator with Power Down Schemes for Low Power Systems (저 전력 시스템을 위한 파워다운 구조를 가지는 이중 전하 펌프 PLL 기반 클록 발생기)

  • Ha, Jong-Chan;Hwang, Tae-Jin;Wee, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.42 no.11
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a programmable PLL (phase locked loop) based clock generator supporting a wide-range-frequency input and output for high performance and low power SoC with multiple clock frequencies domains. The propose system reduces the locking time and obtains a wide range operation frequency by using a dual-charge pumps scheme. For low power operation of a chip, the locking processing circuits of the proposed PLL doesn't be working in the standby mode but the locking data are retained by the DAC. Also, a tracking ADC is designed for the fast relocking operation after stand-by mode exit. The programmable output frequency selection's circuit are designed for supporting a optimized DFS operation according to job tasks. The proposed PLL-based clock system has a relock time range of $0.85{\mu}sec{\sim}1.3{\mu}sec$($24\~26$cycle) with 2.3V power supply, which is fabricated on $0.35{\mu}m$ CMOS Process. At power-down mode, PLL power saves more than $95\%$ of locking mode. Also, the PLL using programmable divider has a wide locking range ($81MHz\~556MHz$) for various clock domains on a multiple IPs system.

Model Identification for Control System Design of a Commercial 12-inch Rapid Thermal Processor (상업용 12인치 급속가열장치의 제어계 설계를 위한 모델인식)

  • Yun, Woohyun;Ji, Sang Hyun;Na, Byung-Cheol;Won, Wangyun;Lee, Kwang Soon
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.486-491
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    • 2008
  • This paper describes a model identification method that has been applied to a commercial 12-inch RTP (rapid thermal processing) equipment with an ultimate aim to develop a high-performance advanced controller. Seven thermocouples are attached on the wafer surface and twelve tungsten-halogen lamp groups are used to heat up the wafer. To obtain a MIMO balanced state space model, multiple SIMO (single-input multiple-output) identification with highorder ARX models have been conducted and the resulting models have been combined, transformed and reduced to a MIMO balanced state space model through a balanced truncation technique. The identification experiments were designed to minimize the wafer warpage and an output linearization block has been proposed for compensation of the nonlinearity from the radiation-dominant heat transfer. As a result from the identification at around 600, 700, and $800^{\circ}C$, respectively, it was found that $y=T(K)^2$ and the state dimension of 80-100 are most desirable. With this choice the root-mean-square value of the one-step-ahead temperature prediction error was found to be in the range of 0.125-0.135 K.