• Title/Summary/Keyword: middle school elementary mathematics

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Analysis of Research Trends on STEAM Education in Korea -Focus on From 2011 To 2016- (국내 융합인재교육(STEAM)의 연구 동향 분석 -2011~2016을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Eun-Young;Moon, Byoung-Chan;Han, Kwang-Lae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the researches published in Korea during the six years since 2011, when the STEAM started in earnest, were classified by year, content, type, subject, and center area. in 2011, when STEAM was launched, it was hard to find relevant articles, but it has been increasing rapidly since 2013. The number of articles published by the contents was development application 650(48.9%), effect analysis 394(29.6%), theory contents 179(13.5%), and actual condition recognition 107(8.0%). The number of articles published by research type were quantitative research 347(34.7%), qualitative research 274 (27.4%), mixed research 379(37.9%). The number of articles published by research subjects was 435(40.2%) for elementary school, 209(19.4%) for middle school, 151(14.0%) for high school, 150(13.9%) for literature, 88(8.1%) for teacher, 19(1.8%) for child, 11(1.0%) for preliminary teacher, 9(0.8%) for university and 9(0.8%) for Public. The percentage of research centered on science is the highest of 383(33.2%), while the research on art, technology, and mathematics is also 266(23.0%), 161(13.9%), 152(13.2%). In elementary science, the articles related to STEAM education showed a tendency to decrease in 2014, unlike overall trends, and it mainly conducted research on development and application, effect analysis, and preferred mixed research.

An Analysis on the Error According to Academic Achievement Level in the Fractional Computation Error of Elementary Sixth Graders (초등학교 6학년 학생이 분수 계산문제에서 보이는 오류의 학업성취수준별 분석)

  • Park, Miyeon;Park, Younghee
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.23-47
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of errors that may occur in the four arithmetic operations of the fractions after classified according to the level of academic achievement for sixth-grade elementary school student who Learning of the four arithmetic operations of the fountain has been completed. The study was proceed to get the information how change teaching content and method in accordance with the level of academic achievement by looking at the types of errors that can occur in the four arithmetic operations of the fractions. The test paper for checking the type of errors caused by calculation of fractional was developed and gave it to students to test. And we saw the result by error rate and correct rate of fraction that is displayed in accordance with the level of academic achievement. We investigated the characteristics of the type of error in the calculation of the arithmetic operations of fractional that is displayed in accordance with the level of academic achievement. First, in the addition of the fractions, all levels of students showing the highest error rate in the calculation error. Specially, error rate in the calculation of different denominator was higher than the error rate in the calculation of same denominator Second, in the subtraction of the fractions, the high level of students have the highest rate in the calculation error and middle and low level of students have the highest rate in the conceptual error. Third, in the multiplication of the fractions, the high and middle level of students have the highest rate in the calculation error and low level of students have the highest rate in the a reciprocal error. Fourth, in the division of the fractions, all levels of students have the highest r rate in the calculation error.

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Redesigning of STEAM Learning/Teaching Program for Robot (로봇 STEAM 교수학습 프로그램 제안)

  • Park, HyunJu;Baek, Yoon Su
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze STEAM learning/teaching program that relates robots and to develop and redesign STEAM teaching/learning program with a robot for elementary and secondary schools. 'Learning with a robot' is considered as one of the best candidates for STEAM education. This article mainly concerns a robot that can be helpful to improve students' interests in learning science and mathematics in schools. As the results of the STEAM learning/teaching program analyzing, the program for elementary schools contained more contents of liberal arts and fine arts, and the program for secondary schools contained more contents of science, technology, and math. In the middle school program, context for learning, class activities of creative design and emotional touch, evaluation, and job and career information were evenly implemented. In the elementary and high school program, there were few information about robotics career. We extracted all robot utilizable subjects and units from school curriculums, and redesigned contents which can be applicable to regular classes for schools. As the result of this study, we conclude that 'learning with a robot' can encourage students' interests in STEM area.

A Comparative Study of Mathematics Curriculum and National Assessment Between Japan and Korea (일본과 우리나라의 수학과 교육과정과 국가수준 학업성취도 평가 비교)

  • Rim, Haemee;Kim, Bumi
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.259-283
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    • 2014
  • This research investigated the Revised mathematics curriculum and the National Achievement Test of Japan that advanced by leaps and bounds in PISA 2012. As compared with Korea, Japan shows similar trends in the affective domain and the cognitive domain of international achievement test. To put it concretely, this research compared and analyzed the mathematics contents domain of the 2009 revised mathematics curriculum of Korea and the 2008 revised mathematics curriculum of Japan being applied. The analysis was conducted in many aspects including overall of Japanese mathematics education system, the contents to be covered in each grade, and the methods of essential learning themes. We compared the mathematics contents dealt with each country based on the framework of analysis such as

    . Also, this research compared and analyzed overview of evaluation system, assessment frame, item characteristic, type of item of NAEA, NAT, and PISA. The results show the introduction time, the degree of deepening themes handled in each country, common themes and topics were very similar between Korea and Japan. But content area of Japan and Korea have been highlighted in the curriculum of middle school and elementary school in each are different. We know that Test B of NAT also emphasized the use of mathematical knowledge. Form the results, we obtained the basic data for the improvement of the next our curriculum. In addition, this results suggests the implications for the improvement of school mathematics curriculum of Korea.

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  • Influences of Expository Writing on Mathematical Communication in Elementary Mathematics Classes (초등 수학 수업에서 설명식 쓰기 활동이 수학적 의사소통에 미치는 영향)

    • Jung, Daun;Oh, Youngyoul
      • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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      • v.19 no.3
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      • pp.435-455
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      • 2015
    • This study is aimed at analyzing the level change and features of mathematical communication in elementary students' expository writing. 20 students of 5th graders of elementary school in Seoul were given expository writing activity for 14 lessons and their worksheets was analyzed through four categories; the accuracy of the mathematical language, logicality of process and results, specificity of content, achieving the reader-oriented. This study reached the following results. First, The level of expository writing about concepts and principles was gradually improved. But the level of expository writing about problem solving process is not same. Middle class level was lower than early class, and showed a high variation in end class again. Second, features of mathematical communication in expository writing were solidity of knowledge through a mathematical language, elaboration of logic based on the writing, value of the thinking process to reach a result, the clarification of the content to deliver himself and the reader. Therefore, this study has obtained the conclusion that expository writing is worth keeping the students' thinking process and can improve the mathematical communication skills.

    A Remedial Education Programs to Improve Mathematics Applying Abilities as one of Core Competencies (직업기초역량으로서의 수리 활용 능력 향상을 위한 보정 학습 프로그램 개발)

    • Choe, Seung Hyun;Ryu, Hyunah;Nam, Geum Cheon
      • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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      • v.16 no.4
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      • pp.655-674
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      • 2013
    • The MEST determined to introduce a vocational ability test for the students in vocational high schools to enhance their job competence skills from 2013 accepting the field voices that current competence test is not proper for vocational high schools whose purpose is job preparation education. The test results can be used as an official certificate in the job settlement process. The purpose of this study is to enhance the students's basic skills for mathematics in vocational high schools and in addition to that, to develop mathematics teaching materials aiming to support students in applying mathematics in real vocational world after their learning mathematics in high schools. It seems that the students in vocational high schools experiencing difficulties in mathematics because of the lack of the basic skills for mathematics demanding for the restructuring the mathematics curriculum aiming for empowering to the maximum of the potential abilities of students in vocational high schools. For this purpose, we extracted essential elements from mathematics curricula ranging from elementary schools to middle schools and vocational high schools what is necessary for students in specialized high schools to enhance the students' abilities in using mathematics in vocational area. Based on above study, we analyzed, organized, and systemized the contents and levels of mathematics. Finally, we proposed in this paper the ways to build programs to enhance the students' essential mathematics skills aiming to level up the students' vocational ability required in real vocational companies.

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    The Effects of Mathematical Communication-Centered Teaching Using Peer Feedback on Mathematics Learning (동료 피드백을 활용한 수학적 의사소통이 수학 학습에 미치는 효과)

    • Oh, Young-Youl;Oh, Tae-Wook
      • Communications of Mathematical Education
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      • v.23 no.2
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      • pp.327-347
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      • 2009
    • The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of mathematical communication-centered teaching using peer feedbacks on students' mathematics achievement and mathematical dispositions toward mathematics, and then this study examined the characteristics of feedbacks used by students. To do this study, two sixth grade classes selected from an elementary school in Seoul participated in the current study; one class for a treatment group applying mathematical communication-centered teaching using peer feedback, and the other for a comparison group applying traditional teaching using teacher-centered communication. The results of this study showed the fact that a treatment group of mathematical communication-centered teaching applying peer feedback scored statistically higher than a comparison group applying teacher-centered communication with respect to both students' mathematical achievement and disposition. Especially, this communication-centered teaching program focused on peer feedback was more effective to middle or lower level students than higher level students. In addition, mathematical communication-centered teaching applying peer feedbacks helps students reflect their own thinking process about problem solving, and students experienced the improvement of their confidence about mathematics from opportunities to provide peers with feedbacks. Finally, the present study suggests the important role of communication in mathematics learning, particularly student-to-student feedbacks rather than teacher-to-students feedbacks. That is to say, students need to have many opportunities to represent their own mathematical thinking processes using mathematical language.

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    Analysis of Error Types in the Differential Problem Solving Progress (미분 문제해결 과정에서의 오류 분석)

    • Jun, Young-Bae;Roh, Eun-Hwan;Choi, Jung-Sook;Kim, Dae-Eui;Jeong, Eui-Chang;Jung, Chan-Sik;Kim, Chang-Su
      • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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      • v.12 no.4
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      • pp.545-562
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      • 2009
    • Calculus is used in various parts of human life and the basis of social science such as economics and public administration. Yet that is still considered important in the field of science and technology only, and there have been a lot of disputes on that phenomenon. Fortunately, calculus is going to be taught as part of the academic high school second-year mathematics curriculum in and after 2010. Students who face calculus for the first time should be helped not to lose interest in differentiation learning, not to be apprehensive of it nor to avoid it. The purpose of this study was to examine the types of errors made by students in the course of solving differentiation problems in an effort to lay the foundation for differentiation education. A pilot test was conducted after generalized differentiation problems to which students were usually exposed were selected, and experts were asked to review the pilot test. And then a finalized test was implemented to make an error analysis according to an error type analysis framework to serve the purpose.

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    Many-sided Analysis on Korean Students' Affective Characteristics in Mathematical Learning (수학 학습에서 초.중.고 학생들의 정의적 특성에 대한 다각적 분석)

    • Kim, Sun Hee
      • School Mathematics
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      • v.15 no.1
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      • pp.61-75
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      • 2013
    • This study analyzed Korean students' affective characteristics in mathematical learning according to school and sex by Factor Analysis and Cognitive Diagnosis Theory. In numerical affective achievements by Factor Analysis, there are mean differences between schools, i.e. elementary school and secondary school. And there are sexual differences within schools and boys show more positive achievement than girls. By Cognitive Diagnosis Theory, I investigated 6 affective attributes' proportions that students achieved according to school and sex. Middle school students' proportion is highest in self-control and anxiety and the attribute that students achieved most in all school is cognizing mathematical value. Boys show higher proportion in self directivity, interest and confidence than girls, but girls show higher proportion in anxiety than boys. In personal profiles, the proportion of students who achieved 5 attributes except anxiety is highest.

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    A study of students' perceptions of mathematics learning situations (수학 학습 상황에 대한 학생들의 인식에 관한 연구)

    • Somin Kim;Boeuk Suh;Ho Kyoung Ko;Nan Huh
      • The Mathematical Education
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      • v.63 no.3
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      • pp.411-436
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      • 2024
    • This study investigated how Korean elementary, middle, and high school students perceive mathematics learning situations to determine whether the mathematics classes provided in schools met the standards of a highquality educational experience. Using a comprehensive survey that considers both formal and implementation aspects of mathematics classes, responses from 15,418 students were analyzed to gain insights into their views on the classroom environment, instructional methods, and overall learning experience. The results indicate that as students advance in grade level, their perceptions of mathematics learning situations become increasingly negative, and mathematics classes are still perceived as being teacher-centered. Additionally, it was found that mathematical manipulatives and technological tools are not being effectively utilized, and that students' learning experiences are influenced by class size and the availability of mathematics subject-exclusive classrooms. Based on these findings, several recommendations were made to improve the quality of mathematics education and enhance students' perceptions: implementing teaching methods that increase student engagement in learnercentered classes, providing opportunities for active and diverse use of teaching aids and technological tools beyond simple calculations, maintaining appropriate class sizes, and expanding the use of mathematics subject-exclusive classrooms. These considerations are crucial for creating a more engaging and effective mathematics learning environment that aligns with evolving educational standards and meets students' needs. The findings of this study provide actionable insights for educators and policymakers aiming to improve the quality of mathematics education in Korea.

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