• Title/Summary/Keyword: intention

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A study on the change in the perception of funeral culture among the elderly (노인의 장례문화 인식변화에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Hyeon-Dong;Kim, Seol-Hee;Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Ku, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.671-680
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of the funeral culture industry suitable for the age of longevity and well-aging through a study on changes in the perception of funeral culture among the elderly. The survey of this paper was conducted by Gallup Korea, and the survey method was a 1:1 individual interview using a structured questionnaire. The survey was conducted from October 1 to October 25, 2021, targeting 127 elderly people over the age of 65 living in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi-do. The number of valid subjects was 110, and the sampling method used was allocation by sex/age/income level/religion. As a result of the study, as for the change in the perception of funeral culture among the elderly, women preferred cremation to men (p=0.034). It was investigated that the level of income (p=0.004) and religious status (p=0.020) had an effect on funerals while alive. According to the presence or absence of thoughts about death, there was a significant difference in the membership of the mutual aid product (p=0.008) and the intention to return to a religious organization (p=0.004) when a memorial service was held. The results of this study are expected to be usefully utilized in presenting the direction and policy of the funeral culture industry suitable for the age of well-aging in the future.

A Comparative Study on Willingness to Manage Urban Parks by Age - Focusing on the Case of Incheon City Park - (연령별 시민참여형 도시공원 관리의지 비교 연구 -인천광역시 도시공원을 대상으로-)

  • Yoo, Jae Seop;Lee, Jae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2021
  • For urban parks' rational and efficient management, research on creating green spaces in living area through citizen participation is continuously being conducted. However, in existing studies, citizens are recognized as a homogeneous group, and research on the intention to participate in park management according to user characteristics has not been conducted. A few studies have attempted to show differences through conceptual variables, such as user satisfaction and attachment to parks, but studies on sociodemographic factors, such as the users' age, have not been conducted. This study was conducted to ascertain the differences in preferred parks and park management participation methods by age, targeting various parks located in ten districts of Incheon Metropolitan City. Regression analysis was performed after collecting 1,226 questionnaires, applying a population-proportional allocation in the ten districts. As a result of the study, it was found that the difference according to the age of users has the most influence on the willingness to manage the park rather than the satisfaction or other factors. Also, a chi-square analysis was conducted to find the differences in preferred urban parks and management methods by age. The results showed that the choice to manage parks was statistically higher for those in their 50s or older, and the differences in preferred park types and desired park greening methods suggested implications for park management plans by age.

Development and validation of a Korean Affective Voice Database (한국형 감정 음성 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 타당도 연구)

  • Kim, Yeji;Song, Hyesun;Jeon, Yesol;Oh, Yoorim;Lee, Youngmee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we reported the validation results of the Korean Affective Voice Database (KAV DB), an affective voice database available for scientific and clinical use, comprising a total of 113 validated affective voice stimuli. The KAV DB includes audio-recordings of two actors (one male and one female), each uttering 10 semantically neutral sentences with the intention to convey six different affective states (happiness, anger, fear, sadness, surprise, and neutral). The database was organized into three separate voice stimulus sets in order to validate the KAV DB. Participants rated the stimuli on six rating scales corresponding to the six targeted affective states by using a 100 horizontal visual analog scale. The KAV DB showed high internal consistency for voice stimuli (Cronbach's α=.847). The database had high sensitivity (mean=82.8%) and specificity (mean=83.8%). The KAV DB is expected to be useful for both academic research and clinical purposes in the field of communication disorders. The KAV DB is available for download at https://kav-db.notion.site/KAV-DB-75 39a36abe2e414ebf4a50d80436b41a.

South Korean Demand for Tourism in North Korea and the Impact of their Expenses on the North Korean Regional Economy (한국인의 북한 관광의사와 북한 지역경제 효과)

  • Kim, Misuk;Seong, Taeyoung;Choi, Eunhee;Choi, Daesik
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2022
  • This study analyses how much Korean visits to North Korea have an impact on the North Korean regional economy. It estimates the demand for North Korean tourism via the borders of North Korea, China, and Russia and South Korean expenses to be spent in North Korea. When asked if they are willing to visit North Korea within the next five years in case the pre-conditions of the visit to North Korea are satisfied, approximately 64.1% of the survey respondents indicated 'yes'. To estimate the demand, this research employed the analysis of purchase intention, popular in marketing, based on their willingness to visit. The annual demand for tourism was 4,136,361 persons. The average estimated expense per person is KRW 1,532,000 and the total annual expense is KRW 6,336.9 billion. Assuming that airfare is excluded from the total expense and the expense is made evenly in each tourist destination, the estimated amount to be spent in North Korea is KRW 2,838.7 billion per annum. The backward linkage effect of this expense on the North Korean regional economy is KRW 7,972.1 billion in total production inducement, KRW 2,619.4 billion in value-added inducement, and approximately 2,890,443 persons in employment inducement. The value-added inducement effect is estimated to be approximately 7.6% of the North Korean nominal GDP in 2020. South Korean tourism is expected to have a significant impact on the North Korean economy. As the demand for North Korean tourism is likely to increase steadily due to the expected increase in overseas travel demand by Koreans, inter-Korean cooperation is needed for the development of North Korean tourism infrastructure if conditions improve.

A Study on Punitive Damages System in Technology Protection Related Laws: Focusing on Patent Act, TSPA, ITPA, FTSA, MBCA (기술보호 관련 법률에서의 징벌적 손해배상제도에 대한 고찰: 특허법, 영업비밀보호법, 산업기술보호법, 하도급법, 상생협력법을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yongsun
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2020
  • In Korea, punitive damages were introduced in the 2011 Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act(FTSA), and in 2019 the Patent Act, Trade Secret Protection Act(TSPA), Industrial Technology Protection Act(ITPA), and Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Act(MBCA). In punitive damages, the judgment of 'intentional' is especially important, and it is necessary to refer to US precedents since there is no accumulated case. Major Company can avoid intentional counseling through the advice of lawyers, but SMEs may have to punish punitive damages due to a lack of awareness of the system. In the case of TSPA, ITPA, FTSA, and MBCA, except for Patent Act, the provisions related to proof of damage have not been well maintained yet. Therefore, the data submission order system of these laws needs to be revised to the level of patent Act need to be. TSPA needs to be amended in the future to estimate the amount of the royalties in estimating the amount of damages so that it can receive the 'reasonably' estimated amount rather than the usual amount. On the other hand, ITPA, FTSA, and MBCA do not have any provisions for the estimation of damages. Besides, it is difficult to evaluate the technology value in the case of leakage or deodorization of new technologies. Therefore, valuation needs to be carried out by a credible institution along with the development of a model for calculating damages.

Exploratory Research on the Success Factors of YouTube Music Cover Channel Based on the Post Acceptance Model(PAM) and Flow Theory (후기기술수용모형(PAM)과 플로우(Flow)이론을 기반으로 한 유튜브 커버음악 채널의 성공 요인에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyung;Chae, Myung-Sin;Jang, Jun-Geun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore quantitatively the success factors of YouTube's music cover channel. Along the process, constructing and testing the measurement for music cover channel's characteristics. The research constructed the measurement items based on results of qualitative studies. To perform the purposes the study suggest a research model which integrated the Post Acceptance Model with five music cover channel's characteristics based on the recent case studies. The five characteristics were contents, video, creator, interactivity, and publicity. The characteristics were integrated with Post Acceptance Model. After testing reliability and validity the research model was revised then, the research hypothesis was tested. The research results show: first, it was found that the content characteristics did not meet the expected value of users. Second, among the five factors of channel characteristics presented in creator's characteristics have the largest effect on user's value perception Third, in the factor analysis process, the content factor and the video were loaded on the same factor thus integrated as one factor. Fourth, satisfaction and intention for continual usage were also loaded on the same factor thus integrated as one factor. The research results suggest that music cover channel operators need to enhance the creator's attraction, communication with user, and publicity in various ways.

The Influence of Relationship Marketing in Design Companies on the Trust and Intent of Relationship Maintenance (디자인기업에서의 관계마케팅이 신뢰와 관계지속의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Eun, Chang-Ik
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to analyze the effect on the adherence intention of enterprise image, trust, and relationship maintenance by the relation marketing in companies, especially in design companies, to examine the relationship establishment in the operation and communication between customers (users) on using the company's service and the member working for the company, and to suggest its substantiation of the mutual satisfaction effect. The research method was, first, analyzed based on the data collected after examining the published domestic and foreign papers, academic journals, publications, books, and internet in order to conduct the theoretic consideration. Also, for objective validity and empirical proof, the empirical analysis was conducted on the survey conducted and collected over two months for the employees of design companies living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, and the results are as follows. First, the result of verifying the relationship between relationship marketing and trust showed that the company's expertise does not significantly affect its trust while the company's communication and reputation affect significantly on trust. Second, the relationship between relationship marketing and sustainability has been verified that all variables, such as expertise, communication and reputation does not significantly effect the relationship maintenance. Third, the company's trust has significant effect on relationship maintenance. In addition, the implication and limitation of the study related to this were suggested in the conclusion.

Changes in the Performance Industry Due to Social Distancing : Case Analysis of Online Performance Platforms (사회적 거리두기로 인한 공연산업의 변화 : 온라인공연 플랫폼 사례분석)

  • Kim, Jae-Sung;Han, Kyung-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2021
  • Social distancing caused a sharp industrial stagnation in the performance industry. Due to the continuous industrial downturn, as well as the livelihoods of many related workers, the outlook for the performance industry has reached a point where it is impossible to foresee the future. As a result of seeking various ways to recover from the continuing industrial stagnation, online concerts drew attention as the most effective alternative. Its development potential was highly evaluated as it could provide a performance culture to consumers while complying with social distancing. This study has value in terms of academic contribution as it slightly suggests a direction for the sustainable development of online performances presented as a breakthrough amid the social and industrial stagnation caused by the pandemic. therefore, this thesis describes the changes in the performance industry due to social distancing, and collects and analyzes examples of online performances by type to illuminate the value of online performances as an industry in the pandemic era and develops them. The possibility was reconsidered and the direction to be taken in the future was suggested. In each type of case, the cases focused on social value did not satisfy the economic value of profit creatiom, and even in the opposite case, if the profit creation was satisfied, the analysis result showed that the social value was not satisfied, and the planning intention of each performance was not satisfied. Accordingly, cases such as satisfying both profit creation and social value were also confirmed. Therefore, the direction for online performances was presented through the improvement of technologies and systems and the commercialization of existing platforms.

A Study on the Will of Self-reliance Project Participants: Centering on the Area of G-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City, District (자활사업 참여자의 자활 의지에 관한 연구: 광주광역시 G구 지역을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Chun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.553-564
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to understand the effects of participation perception, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and empowerment on self-support intention of self-support work project participants. For this study, a survey was conducted on participants in the self-support work project within the G-gu area. As a result of the study, it was found that the participation perception, self-efficacy, and empowerment of participants in the self-support project had a positive (+) effect on the self-support will. Also, in the process where participants' perceptions of participation, self-efficacy, and self-esteem affect the will to self-support, it was found that empowerment partially mediated participation perception and self-efficacy and fully mediated self-esteem. Based on these results, the following are practical suggestions for improving self-support project participants' will to self-support as follows. First, systematic training courses are needed in the application and selection of recipients, establishment of self-support plans, and gateway training courses so that participants in self-support projects can correctly recognize self-support projects. Second, it is necessary to systematize the case management system provided by the self-help center and re-establish the role in order to strengthen the participants' hope for self-reliance. Third, it is necessary to identify the strengths of the participants in the self-support project, create results for self-support, and operate a program that strengthens the latent motivation to solve their own problems and change their behavior. Fourth, the empowerment of participants and professional ability of practitioners should be strengthened so that participants can solve the alienation and social exclusion experienced in the process of participating in the project.

A Survey About Awareness and Necessity of Community Based Dysphagia Therapy of Community Dwelling Older Adults (지역사회 거주 노인들의 연하장애 인식과 중재 필요성)

  • Min, Kyoung Chul;Kim, Eun Hee;Woo, Hee-Soon
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2022
  • Objective : This study aimed to investigate the awareness and experience of community-based dysphagia therapy and related education in community-dwelling older adults. Methods : A total of 89 older adults were recruited from a public health center in Gyeonggi-do. Awareness, experience, and related education regarding community-based dysphagia therapy were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results : We analyzed 89 questionnaires. Awareness, treatment experience, and education regarding dysphagia were low; however, the importance and intention to participate were high. Respondents wanted education about proper chewing and safe swallowing, oral health, oral motor exercise, and participation in community-based dysphagia programs in public health centers. The reason for the lack of experience in dysphagia education and therapy is insufficient information and opportunities. The respondents had a good understanding of dysphagia symptoms. Conclusion : Dysphagia therapy maintains swallowing and eating functions as a life-long Activity of Daily Living, and is a very important area in community rehabilitation. Based on the results of this survey, the necessity and importance of community-based dysphagia were identified. It is time to provide correct information and develop a systematic education program for community-based dysphagia therapy. Occupational therapists need to play an active role in improving quality of life by early detection and providing proper intervention.