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A Study on the Will of Self-reliance Project Participants: Centering on the Area of G-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City, District  

Kim, Young-Chun (남부대학교 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
This study was conducted to understand the effects of participation perception, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and empowerment on self-support intention of self-support work project participants. For this study, a survey was conducted on participants in the self-support work project within the G-gu area. As a result of the study, it was found that the participation perception, self-efficacy, and empowerment of participants in the self-support project had a positive (+) effect on the self-support will. Also, in the process where participants' perceptions of participation, self-efficacy, and self-esteem affect the will to self-support, it was found that empowerment partially mediated participation perception and self-efficacy and fully mediated self-esteem. Based on these results, the following are practical suggestions for improving self-support project participants' will to self-support as follows. First, systematic training courses are needed in the application and selection of recipients, establishment of self-support plans, and gateway training courses so that participants in self-support projects can correctly recognize self-support projects. Second, it is necessary to systematize the case management system provided by the self-help center and re-establish the role in order to strengthen the participants' hope for self-reliance. Third, it is necessary to identify the strengths of the participants in the self-support project, create results for self-support, and operate a program that strengthens the latent motivation to solve their own problems and change their behavior. Fourth, the empowerment of participants and professional ability of practitioners should be strengthened so that participants can solve the alienation and social exclusion experienced in the process of participating in the project.
Will to Self-support; Participation Perception; Self-efficacy; Self-esteem; Empowerment;
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  • Reference
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