• Title/Summary/Keyword: impression tray

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The Accuracy of Master Cast for Implant Prosthesis According to the Types of Impression Tray and Splinting Methods of Impression Copings (인상용 트레이의 종류와 인상용 코핑의 연결고정이 임플랜트 주모형의 정확성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jee-Hyuk;Choi, Yu-Sung;Cho, In-Ho
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the fixation effect by connecting impression copings and to compare the three types of impression trays which were used in open tray impression technique. Experimental groups used 3 types of impression trays which are custom tray, plastic metal combination tray and polycarbonate stock tray. These three groups were subdivided into splinted and non-splinted impression copings group. The total number of experimental groups was six. 10 specimens were made for each group. We used 1-screw test, observing the specimen on which only one side abutment of reference framework was fixated with 20 Ncm. The gap between implant analogue and abutment of the other side was observed by stereo microscope. It was measured at 6 points in each specimen. Measuring value was selected when same result was revealed 3 times. Recorded data were statistically analyzed. Whether impression copings were splinted or not, there was no significant difference among custom tray group, plastic metal combination tray group, and polycarbonate stock tray group. Significant statistical difference in vertical fit discrepancy was found between splinted and non-splinted impression copings group with custom tray, plastic metal combination tray and polycarbonate stock tray (p<0.05).

A Preliminary Study on the Fitness of Adjustable Dental Impression Trays (가변형 치과 인상용 트레이의 적합도에 관한 예비연구)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Oh, Sang-Chun;Dong, Jin-Keun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2005
  • This study was designed to investigate the fitness of adjustable dental impression trays. The size and shape of these trays were designed from the results of the dental arch size of Korean adults. Tray samples were made by CAD-CAM working. A hundred dental students(male:50, female:50) were selected for taking irreversible hydrocolloid impression using these trays. The author measured the width and length of impression material on the several measuring points. The results obtained were as follows : 1. Uniform impression material thickness was achieved by controlling the width of the tray using stops and beveled guides. 2. In the upper tray, the impression material thickness was measured to be rather great showing thickness of the labial vestibule 8.3 mm and the midpalatal part 8.6 mm. 3. In the lower tray, length of the impression material of the labial vestibule of first, second premolar contact point was 7.8 mm, and thickness of the lingual part of premolars(1.8 mm) and molars(1.9 mm) showed small values. 4. In the lower tray, the impression material thickness of the buccal shelf area(0.2 mm) and the retromolar pad area(0.6 mm) was measured to be too small.


  • Kim Jin-Hyung;Chung Moon-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.492-501
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    • 2001
  • The use of alginate impression materials today is prevalent because of its efficiency and simplicity in clinical settings. Unfortunately, the simplicity of the procedure tends to lull the dentist into a sense of well-being, and lead him into using careless or sloppy technique. Alginate impression materials are used to fabricate diagnostic and preliminary casts, and the final cast. Incorrect use of this material is known to affect the accuracy of the final prosthesis. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of different mixing methods of alginate impression material and tray adhesive on the accuracy of the stone cast produced by each method. A total of 30 stone casts were produced by using 3 different types of mixing methods (10 stone cast for each mixing method, respectively). The first method utilized an automatic-mixing machine to mix alginate while the second method was carried out manually, strictly following manufacturer's instructions. The third method also involved manual mixing, but did not follow the manufacturer's instructions and was done in a random fashion. Also, 20 additional stone casts were produced by using alginate with or without tray adhesives were included in the study to evaluate effects of tray adhesives on the accuracy of alginate impression. 10 stone casts were produced by adding tray adhesives to the interior surface of the impression tray prior to taking the impression. The other 10 excluded this step. A total of 50 stone casts were analyzed by the three-dimensional measuring machine to measure and compare the dimensional changes of the impression material of each group. The results are as follows. 1. No significant difference was found between the automatic mixing group and the manually-mixing group(p>0.05). 2. For the group that followed manufacturer's instructions, less dimensional changes were record ed than the group that didn't in measuring distanced 4(p<0.05). 3. The group that used tray adhesives showed less dimensional changes(p<0.05). The findings revealed that mechanical methods of mixing alginate impression materials had little influence on dimensional changes. However, it is proven that following manufacturers instructions in alginate impression taking is an important step in acquiring accurate impressions and tray adhesives may play an important role in enhancing the results.

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Implant impression using closed mouth impression technique: a case report (폐구인상채득법을 이용한 임플란트 인상채득 증례)

  • Kim, So-Yeun;Kim, Joo-Hyeun;Jung, Kyoung-Hwa;Jeon, Hye-Mi;Kang, Eun-Sook;Yun, Mi-Jung
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2017
  • Closed mouth impression technique by using bite tray is preferred for single tooth impression taking. However, for implant impression taking, open mouth impression technique by using single arch tray is generally used whether it is for single implant or multiple implant. Closed mouth impression technique by using bite tray can save time and materials. It also decreases the chance of error occurrence when a model is mounted on an articulator. In this case report, we tried to show a satisfying result of fabricating single implant fixed prosthodontics after bite tray impression taking by using two different copings for closed mouth impression.

Clinical considerations of impression making for edentulous patients (성공적인 총의치 제작을 위한 단계별 포인트 - 무치악인상채득, 이것이 핵심이다.)

  • Park, Chan-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2017
  • Regardless of the type of impression being made, the tray is the most important part of the impression-making procedure for completely edentulous patients. Dentists have to make use of a combination of rigid, thermoplastic, and resilient materials and control step-by-step procedure from irreversible hydrocolloid impression to definitive cast fabrication. For successful edentulous impression, some considerable clinical tips were guided.

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A simple technique for impression taking of teeth and functionally generated paths

  • Yamamoto, Takatsugu;Sato, Yohei;Watanabe, Hidehiko;Punj, Amit;Abe, Minoru;Momoi, Yasuko;Ohkubo, Chikahiro
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.9.1-9.6
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this case report is to introduce a simple technique for simultaneously taking a closed-mouth impression and functionally generated path (FGP) for a full coverage crown restoration. A monolithic zirconia crown was the restoration of choice. An alginate impression of the abutment tooth was taken to fabricate a custom-made closed-mouth impression tray covering the abutment tooth and the adjacent teeth. The tray had an FGP table and an abutment tray in cameo and intaglio surfaces, respectively. The impression was taken with silicone impression material after adjusting the abutment tray and inscribing the FGP using self-curing acrylic resins. Plaster casts were made from the impression, and a zirconia crown was fabricated. The crown was cemented to the abutment tooth with minimal adjustments. This simple technique resulted in a well-fitting crown that accounted for mandibular movements. Using the custom closed-mouth impression tray incorporating an FGP table simultaneously aids in fabricating an accurately fitting restoration that incorporates harmonious mandibular movements using a single impression capture.


  • Ryu, Duck-Woo;Lim, Ju-Hwan;Cho, In-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.242-254
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    • 2000
  • Accurate impression is very important to achieve desirable prosthesis and there are many factors in taking a good impression. For example, types of impression material, types of impression tray, impression taking methods and so on. Recently individual tooth tray technique is accepted as obtaining good impression that can be applied to multiple abutment impression, heavy salivated patient, to minimize the effect of natural teeth s undercuts and to reduce pain during cord packing procedures. The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy according to materials and forms of the individual tooth tray which is clinically applied nowadays. Used materials in experiment were divided into 3 types (acrylic resin. $Futar^{(R)}$ occlusion. $Blu-mousse^{(R)}$) and forms were divided into 2 types (forming occlusal vent hole or not and forming marginal vent space or not). Stone master model from impression body and metal master model were measured by $X-PLAN360d^{(R)}$ to compare occlusal surface discrepancy and marginal discrepancy. The results were as follows: 1. In comparison of occlusal surface discrepancy and marginal discrepancy according to materials, groups with three materials showed no statistical difference 2. In comparison of occlusal surface discrepancy and marginal discrepancy according to occlusal vent hole, groups with occlusal vent hole showed significantly less marginal discrepancy than groups with no occlusal vent hole(p<0.05). 3. In comparison of occlusal surface discrepancy and marginal discrepancy according to 0.5mm-marginal-vent-space, groups with no 0.5mm-marginal-vent-space showed significantly less marginal discrepancy than groups with 0.5mm-marginal-vent-space (p<0.05). In summary these results suggest that individual tooth tray made of 3 types of materials with occlusal vent hole and individual tooth tray made of acrylic resin with no marginal vent space showed good accuracy of impression. In addition, individual tooth tray which is made of bite registration materials may be more useful because of advantage in facility and timesaving aspect of fabrication.

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  • Lee Kyu-Young;Jeong Seung-Mi;Shim June-Sung;Choi Byung-Gap;Lee Keun-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.622-632
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    • 2005
  • Statement of problem: Silicone Index Tooth Tray impression system which does not use gingicord has a shortcoming. It takes time to remove internal wall of Silicone Index Tooth Tray for space of wash impression material. Purpose: This study was to evaluate whether providing certain space to impression body can prevent from doing complicated laboratory work. Material and methods: After mounting metal dies with shoulder and chamfer margins arbiturarily, SITT was produced using $Blu-mousse^(R)$. In one experimental group, wash impression was taken using $Fit-tester^(R)$ without removing interior surface of SITT and in the other group, wash impression was taken using $Fit-tester^(R)$ providing 0.5mm space in the SITT and then compared the differences in two groups. Results: 1. There was no significant difference between a group which did not allow space and a group which granted equal 0.5mm space. 2. There was no significant difference between gingival diameter, occlusal diameter of metal die that has shoulder margin and gingival diameter, occlusal diameter of metal die that has chamfer margin. 3. There was no significant difference between a group which did not take pick-up impression and a group which took pick-up impression through relining method using SITT 4. There was no significant difference between a group that poured immediately after taking primary impression and a group that poured after removing poured stone die. Conclusions: When taking an impression of an abutment using SITT impression system, it is considered to obtain clinically identical results between a group that did not grant a 0.5mm space within SITT for wash impression and a group which invest a space. Furthermore, it is considered possible to produce an individual die through secondary pouring.


  • Ryu Su-In;Chang Ik-Tae;Kim Kwang-Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of reproduction of stone casts made from complete-arch impressions using different trays. The trays used were : 1) nonperforated custom tray, 2) perforated custom tray, 3) nonperforated Rim-Lock tray, 4) perforated stock tray. Impressions were made from an dentulous acrylic resin model with metal inserts in first premolars and second molars. Transverse distance, sagittal distance and diagonal distance were measured using 4 landmarks. Measurements were made by using 3 dimensional measuring machine. The impression material used was an addition silicone. Impressions were poured at once with a Type IV dental stone. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and student t-test with a sample size of five. The results were as follows : 1. There were statistical differences in amount of dimensional change in according to the tray types. In amount of mean dimensional change, perforated custom tray was the first smallest, nonperforated custom tray was the second, nonperforated Rim-Lock tray and perforated stock tray were the largest. 2. There were statistical differences in amount of dimensional change between nonperforated custom tray and nonperforated Rim-Lock tray, and between perforated custom tray perforated stock tray. 3. There were satistical differences in amount of dimensional change between nonperforated custom tray and perforated custom tray, but there was not a statistical difference between nonperforated Rim-Lock tray and perforated stock tray. 4. There was not a statistical difference in amount of dimensional change between upper and lower arch in all tray types.

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  • Song Kie-Bum;Kim Sung-Rok;Park Kwang-Soo;Kim Yu-Lee;Dong Jin-Keun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2005
  • Statement of problem. The adjustable dental impression trays were made for being adjusted their width automatically along the width of dental arch. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the best retentive form of adjustable dental impression tray, and so to make it a more satisfactory product. Material and methods. The eight pairs of adjustable trays were made of ABS(acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) with different distribution of holes and with or without the rim on the border area of them. The experiment was done with the horse-shoe shaped metal plate to pull out the set impression body from the tray, and the tray jig which was made for holding the tray on a lower part of Universal Testing Machine(UTM, Zwick Z020, Zwick Co., Germany). After the impression in the tray was allowed to set four minutes, a tensile force was applied at right angles to the tray which had been previously seated on the jig. The force was applied to measure a maximum retentive force by use of a UTM at a constant strain rate of 100mm per minute. A 2-factor analysis of variance (p<.05) was used to determine whether differences existed among distribution of retentive holes and between rim existing and not. Results. 1 The retentive force of the upper and lower resin tray with 2mm holes on the tray border was highest(25.83/24.98kg). (p<.05) 2. As the tray had more retentive holes, it was less retentive. 3. There was no significant difference in the retentive force of the varied hole intervals in the case of distributing all the area. (p>.05) 4. The rimless trays were more retentive generally, than the rimmed trays except 2 case: upper tray group-all area / 2 mm, intervals and lower tray group-margin only / 2 mm, intervals.(p<.05) 5. Most of the adjustable trays were showed higher retentive force than perforated metal tray except the lower group that perforated on the all area at intervals of 2 mm.