• Title/Summary/Keyword: fire organization

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Effects of the Safety and Health Management System on the Performance of the Enterprise: Focus on the Electric Power Corporation (안전보건경영시스템의 운영방침이 기업성과에 미치는 영향: 전기공사업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang-Sig;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2020
  • This research is mainly aimed at finding out about the effects of the safety and health management system on corporate performance through systematic operation by efficiently allocating material and human resources within the company by participating all employees and stakeholders in order to prevent and maintain industrial accidents and the optimal working environment, and how to maintain and activate the safety and health management system at the center of electric contractors.The analysis results are as follows. First, management, organizational management and resource preparation will have a positive impact on the management capability of the electric power corporation. It was assessed that the more well-transmitted and understood within the organization, the better the construction plan, the better the equipment management status, the more positively the management capability of electric works was to be achieved. Second, management, organizational management and resource preparation will have a positive impact on corporate management performance.This seems to have a positive effect on a company's business performance when the standards of OHSAS are met with construction plan and construction equipment management are high as related information such as industrial safety and health laws are strengthened and companies' safety and health activities, advanced safety and culture are released to facilitate organizational management.Third, the management ability of the electric power corporation will have a mediated effect on the effect of management, organization management and resource preparation on the performance of the enterprise. This means that the direct effect of the independent variable management organization on corporate management performance is .401 The indirect effect is .168.658 shows that the direct effect of resource preparation on corporate management performance is .423, the indirect effect is .178 and the total effect.It was analyzed at 643.

A Study on the Consciousness of Fare-fighting Officers for the Establishment and Pevitalization of Integrated Disaster Management System (통합재난관리체계 구축 및 활성화를 위한 소방공무원 의식조사 연구)

  • Bae, Young-Son;Koo, Won-Hoi;Shin, Ho-Joon;Baek, Min-Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the problems in the domestic disaster management system were identified through the examination of the system, relevant implications were drawn through the present status of domestic integrated disaster management system, and the consciousness survey for the integrated disaster management system targeting fire-fighting officers in the front line of the disaster was carried out to identify the measures to improve the system. Based on the findings, the measures to establish and revitalize the integrated disaster management system was presented, and the contents of the measures are as follows. In order to establish and revitalize the integrated disaster management system, the following measures should be prepared for each item. In the organizational aspect, the coordination system between government agencies should be established properly and the relevant information should he shared and delivered smoothly. In the legal and institutional aspect, the improvement is required to prevent any miscommunications in the coordination and joint operation plan through the collaboration between government agencies should be established in consideration of characteristics of each government agency. Also, in the aspect of system, the equipment should be maintained and updated continuously in order to respond to rapidly changing disasters and the organization, laws, institutions and system should be improved systematically and harmoniously. And, the detailed measures appropriate for the characteristics of domestic disasters should be prepared through the examination of advantages and disadvantages of integrated disaster management system in advanced countries in details and the detailed plans for the establishment of integrated situation management system in relevant organizations and the unification of situation room through the establishment of efficient integrated management system should be established.

A Study on the Hazard Area of Bunkering for Ammonia Fueled Vessel (암모니아 연료추진 선박의 벙커링 누출 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ilsup Shin;Jeongmin Cheon;Jihyun Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.964-970
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    • 2023
  • As part of the International Maritime Organization ef orts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the maritime industry is exploring low-carbon fuels such as liquefied natural gas and methanol, as well as zero-carbon fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia, evaluating them as environmentally friendly alternatives. Particularly, ammonia has substantial operational experience as cargo on transport ships, and ammonia ship engines are expected to be available in the second half of 2024, making it relatively accessible for commercial use. However, overcoming the toxicity challenges associated with using ammonia as a fuel is imperative. Detection is possible at levels as low as 5 ppm through olfactory senses, and exposure to concentrations exceeding 300 ppm for more than 30 min can result in irreparable harm. Using the KORA program provided by the Chemical Safety Agency, an assessment of the potential risks arising from leaks during ammonia bunkering was conducted. A 1-min leak could lead to a 5 ppm impact within a radius of approximately 7.5 km, affecting key areas in Busan, a major city. Furthermore, the potentially lethal concentration of 300 ppm could have severe consequences in densely populated areas and schools near the bunkering site. Therefore, given the absence of regulations related to ammonia bunkering, the potential for widespread toxicity from even minor leaks highlights the requirement for the development of legislation. Establishing an integrated system involving local governments, fire departments, and environmental agencies is crucial for addressing the potential impacts and ensuring the safety of ammonia bunkering operations.

A Study on the Safety and Improvement of Small Theatres in Korea (소규모 공연장 안전실태 및 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Yong Gyu;Kim, Dong Kyun;Park, Jin Kyu;Kim, Kyung Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2014
  • The market of performance arts industry such as concert, musical and opera etc is now expanding in Korea. However, the inadequate safety management in theatres often causes some accidents. The guarantee of safety in theatres is very important since the accidents in theaters can lead to many casualties and serious property damages. In particular, the small theatres which have no obligation of safety inspection by law are very vulnerable to safety mattes. This study has done the research into the improvement of safety in small theaters through the inspection and analysis of their safety status. For the purpose, this study has inspected and analyzed the safety status of small theaters over 120 in the field of theater management and operation, fire protection, electrical facilities, ceiling structure and etc. Moreover, this study had investigated the law and technical standards related to theatre safety. This study shows that the essentials to make sure of the safety in small theaters are (1) the education to improve the sense of security of people who work in theaters (2) the training to strengthen the operating skills of the facilities in theaters (3) the cooperation and support of the related organization such as technical research center, central and local government.

A Study on the Dispositional Structure of Kyungsang Provincial Government Office (KamYoung) in the late 19th century (19세기말(世紀末) 경상감영건축(慶尙監營建築)의 배치구성(配置構成)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Young-Wha
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.9 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2000
  • This study aims to analyze the construction of Kyungsang KAMYOUNG in the late Chosun dynasty by restoring its constructive system and relating it with the office organization. followings are the summary of this study. 1. Government office of Daegu consists of inn(KAEGSA), Kyungsang KAMYOUNG, and Daegu city hall(BUA), and JINYOUNG. 2. The layout of virtual placement is shown in the in the text. Even though it had been newly constructed due to three times of fire, the fundamental scheme of space is found out not to have been changed since mid-eighteen century at the latest. 3. Followings are the result of analyzing the space of KAMYOUNG, after dividing its space into entry area, main business area and police military business area in the aspect of business. First, entry area consists of 2 door system with external door(UOISAMMUN) and internal door(NAESAMMUN). Second, main business area consists of facilities for inspector, public officials, and low grade employee respectively This space is divided into SUNHWADANG area and JINGCHONGKAK area, and the former consists of active business facilities, and the latter consists of passive business facilities focusing on the rest facilities. Third, business support area consists of facilities for low grade employee and minor assistant respectively, which are placed to the left and right of POJONGMUN and KWANPUNGRU. Fourth, police military business space is in middle(JUNGYOUNG) and forms separate areas to the east of SUNHWADANG. Accordingly, It is certain that the space of Kyungsang KAMYOUNG had been placed in accordance with the nature of business per position.

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A Study on the Organizational Learning of the Disaster Management Organizations: the Cases of Daegu Subway (재난관리조직의 조직학습 사례분석-대구지하철 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.211-218
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    • 2011
  • Although the disaster management of Korea such as mitigation of disasters, preparedness for them and recovery from them. It should be considered based on the failures of the disaster management and the past experimental knowledge, it is believed that the repetitive occurrence of similar disasters is caused by absence of learning of disaster management organizational. That is, non-learning of the management organs due to experimental errors indicates that the organization themselves are not able to adjust to environment and the same kinds of disasters may happen in the future. Therefore, this study identifies repetitive failures by analysing reasons of the failures in terms of organizational learning in order to prevent from repetition of similar failures, and presents suggestions on the policy of disaster management. For the purposes, it carries both bibliographical analysis and case analysis. this study targets Daegu Subway Fire in 2003.

Study on Developing Basic Program for Preventing School Safety Accidents (학교안전사고 예방을 위한 기초 프로그램 연구)

  • Kim, Taehwan;Kang, Kyoungsoo;Kim, Taebock
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to prevent some accidents from the tragedy related to school accidents in elementary, middle and high schools. However, it is necessary to establish the program of school safety and change the view of the safety because safety measures are being taken after the accident, not prevention. There are some resolution to prevent school accidents by developing manuals, educating school safety for teachers, utilizing audio-video education and private organization, it is difficult for teachers to handle a fire alarm and electric safety inspection, and check condition of health, training experts through qualifying exams.

U.S. Forest Service Research : Its Administration and Management

  • Krugman, Stanley L.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.3
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 1987
  • The U.S. Forest Service administers the world's largest forestry research organization. From its modest beginning in 1876, some 30 years before the United States national forest system was established, the research branch has devoted its effort to meet current and future information needs of the forestry community of the United States, not just for the U.S. Forest Service. The research branch is one of three major administrative units of the U.S. Forest Service. The others being the National Forest System and State and Private Forestry. Currently the National Forest System comprises 155 national forests, 19 national grasslands, and 18 utilization projects located in 44 states. Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The National Forest System manages these areas for a large array of uses and benefits including timber, water, forage, wildlife, recreation, minerals, and wilderness. It is through the State and Private Forestry branch that the U.S. Forest Service cooperates and coordinates forestry activities and programs with state and local governments, forest industries, and private landowners. These activities include financial and technical assistance in disease, insect, and fire protection ; plan forestry programs ; improve harvesting and marketing practices ; and transfer forestry research results to user groups. Forestry research is carried out through eight regional Forest Experiment Stations and the Forest Product Laboratory. Studies are maintained at 70 administrative sites, and at 115 experimental forest and grasslands. All of the current sciences that composed modern forestry are included in the research program. These range from forest biology (i. e. silviculture, ecology, physiology, and genetics) to the physical, mathematical, engineering, managerial, and social sciences. The levels of research range from application, developmental, and basic research. Research planning and priority identification is an ongoing process with elements of the research program changing to meet short-term critical information needs(i. e. protection research) to long-term opportunities(i. e. biotechnology). Research planning and priority setting is done in cooperation with National Forest Systems, forest industries, universities, and individual groups such as environmental, wilderness, or wildlife organizations. There is an ongoing review process of research administration, organization, and science content to maintain quality of research. In the U.S. Forest Service the research responsibility is not completed until the new information is being applied by the various user group : I. e. technology transfer program. Research planning and development in the U.S. Forest Service is a dynamic activity. Porgrams for the year 2000 and beyond are now in the planning stage.

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A Study on Empowerment and Critical Thinking of the 1st Emergency Medical Technician (1급 응급구조사의 임파워먼트와 비판적 사고성향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Dae-Sung;Kim, Eun-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study examines the degree of empowerment recognized by the 1st paramedics and the trend of their critical thinking, analyzes correlations between empowerment and critical thinking to reveal whether there is statistically significant difference between them and then is to provide basic materials necessary for research on empowerment and critical thinking. Method: This study distributes 105 structured self-report questionnaires to the 1st emergency medical technicians working at fire fighting police boxes, general hospitals, clinics and emergency medical information centers in G Metropolitan City and J province from April 29 to May 28, 2006, collects their responses directly and analyzes results with t-test, F-test(ANOVA) and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. Result: 1. First, average score of empowerment of subjects was 4.68 out of 6 and according to scores by area, capacity 5.98 was highest, followed by significance 5.41, self- determination 4.44 and effectiveness 3.79. 2. degree of empowerment according to general characteristics of subjects showed statistically significant differences in final education(F=2.714, p= .049), level of salary (F=3.298, p= .014) and satisfaction of current job (F=5.399, p= .001). 3. average score of critical thinking of subjects was 3.28 out of 7 and according to areas, no bias 3.95 was highest, followed by maturity 3.68, structure 3.35, inquisitiveness 3.11, pursuit of truth 3.07, critical thinking and self-confidence 3.00, analyticity 2.98. 4. degree of critical thinking by general characteristics of subjects showed statistically significant differences in age(F=2.577, p= .041), final education (F=7.877, p= .000), current workplace (F=3.513, p= .018), level of salary(F=4.628, p= .002), satisfaction with current job(F=6.879, p= .000) and intention to transfer current job(t=15.21, p=.000). 5. as a result of correlations between empowerment and critical thinking of subjects, Pearson correlation coefficients between whole empowerment and critical thinking were r= .21, p=.013. Conclusion: It is considered that the 1st paramedic managers must seek how to keep and manage empowerment and development of education and training program which can enhance critical thinking is needed. Further, emergency educators must develop educational program based on the concept of empowerment to establish early awareness of a desirable organization culture and increase understanding of empowerment in the process of education.

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A Study on Safety Evaluation of Chemical Fiber Rope Manufacture (화학섬유로프 제조에 있어서 안전성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hei-Jae;Mok, Yun-Soo;Choi, Jae-Wook;Lim, Woo-Sub
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.457-461
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    • 2010
  • After the industrial revolution, quantity production system has made the life of mankind rich and to fulfill the consumer's desire competitive power of the enterprise constantly make has made effort in quality, price and engineering department not remaining simple manufactures. But in such a change production lacked safety. Consequently, the main study studied in return domestic organization which produces a chemistry fiber rope to be used fact vessel or as a athletic equipment safety countermeasure. One of the assesment method on product liability, Checklist is showed that It can be used not as an evaluation but as a development factor of company. Also, checklist that used a study could expect that assist the company of management structure as well as improvement of product safety.