• Title/Summary/Keyword: family study

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Supporting child care and dynamics of family in transition (조부모전환기 조모가 인식한 손자녀 양육지원과 가족의 역동)

  • Kwon, Eun Bi;Lee, Jeong Hwa;Kim, Seon Mi
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.111-138
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the lived experiences of grandmothers and family in transition. Grandmothers in transition means grandmothers who had married children at least one even if there are no grandchildren yet. The data for this study came from 20 grandmothers in transition of 5 focus group(each 4 persons) interview. 9 of them was pre-grandmother without grandchildren yet, 11 was grandmother who had grandchildren. The result of this study revealed that the meaning of grandmotherhood. Dynamics of family in transition around supporting child care represent change of family relations. It didn't means 'empty-nest' model of foreign theory. The Absolute quantity of intergeneral exchange and conflict extended as three generational families.

A Study on Family-Friendly Culture of Workplaces and Policies (가족친화적 기업문화 조성과 정책적 제안에 대한 연구)

  • Jeong, Young-Keum
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2011
  • Korean workplaces can and should reflect the realities of the 21st century workforce. Leading companies try to plan and implement family-friendly policies for their employees, but most of them in fact do not offer family-friendly policies or offer only a few such policies. Therefore, this study seeks to suggest policies that can lead to better family-friendly cultures at workplaces. A family-friendly company culture allows for a better work-life balance, including flexible schedules and generous family-leave policies. This study suggests a family-friendly committee for work-life balance and a role for the government as a leading organization.

Family Life Issues of Middle Aged Apartment-Residents in Seoul : Focused on Case Studies (서울시 아파트 거주 중년기 가정의 생활실태와 문제(V) -부인에 대한 사례조사를 중심으로-)

  • 임정빈
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.327-343
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    • 1996
  • This study is the last part of a collaborative study on the Family Life Issues of Middle aged Apartment-Residents in Seoul. This study is focused on case studies. The data were collected from 15 fulltime housewives who are in the upper-middle and the lower-middle families having at least one child in a middle or high school from Kangbuk and Kangnam areas. In this study, the whole family life issues were divided into the following 4 subareas ; 1. housewives' own life, 2. family life, 3. economic environments, 4. housing environments. The major result of this study is : the most important factor influencing the quality of life of the middle age family was the existence of children attending junior and senior high school, which brought various problems into the family with relation to self identity, time management and leisure of middle aged housewife, educational cost, shared family activities, housing space. Therefore the whole family life would be improved through the change of the current education system.

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The Effects of Housing Poverty on Family life (주거빈곤이 가족생활에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jae-hyun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.279-304
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    • 2011
  • The housing is basic need to human life, foundation of family life and structural characteristics to control human life and action. The structural characteristics of housing have various effects on the family life such as family lifestyle, relationship of family members and child development and health by family structure. The purpose of the study is to identify how the housing poverty, defined as sub-minimum standard housing conditions, excess housing expenditure and housing instability, affects the family responsibility burden, the family relationship satisfaction and the family life satisfaction. This study used the third Korean Welfare Panel Study, the analytic method used was the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM), and the model fit had a considerable validity by inspecting the SEM. The findings of the study are as follows. Housing poverty had significant positive effect on family responsibility burden, while had significant negative effects on family conflict action method, family relationship satisfaction, family life satisfaction and health(subjective, mental, physical). The indirect effects on housing poverty had better effect by family conflict action method than effect by health, but the direct effects had the most.

Family Perception of Adolescence Through the Kinetic Family Drawing(KFD), And Relation with Family System -On the basis of Minuchin's Structural Family Therapy Theory- (동적가족화에 의한 청소년의 가족지각과 가족체계와의 관련성 연구 -Minuchin의 구조적 가족치료 이론에 기초하여-)

  • 이미옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to explore family perception of adolescence through the Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD), and to explore its relation with the family system. The Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD) and Family System Diagnosis Scale (FSDS) were administered to 356 adolescent children. Data were analyzed using the regression analysis and the discriminant analysis. The results were as follows: First, there was a significant difference among the KFD family adaptability variables of boys' KFD and the flexibility and rigidity variables of the FSDS in the family relationship. For example, That is; for sons', it means that if there is a greater the satisfaction for their family in their drawings, then the family relationship will be more flexible. Especially with the son's KFD, there was an indication that if there is a greater the activity level of the self, then he has more flexibility in his family relationship. Second, there is a significant difference in the relationship between the KFD family hierarchy variables of girls' KFD and the parent coalition·cross-generational triads variable of the FSDS. For girls 'KFD, the result of this study indicated that when there is a greater the distance between the father figure and the child figure, the cross-generational triads we greater.

Family Stress and Family Resiliency's Effects on Family Adaptation - Elderly Family care Services Targets on - (가족스트레스와 가족탄력성이 가족적응에 미치는 영향 -재가요양서비스 부양가족을 대상으로)

  • Son, Byoung-Il;Jung, Min-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2013
  • Home care services, this study dependent family resilience and family stress, family adaptation through any route in order to examine the impact the Gwangju JeonNam home care services for elderly dependents, a survey of 203 people was conducted. The study of home care services dependent family adaptation family stress family tension without affecting the direct communication of the factors affecting indirectly through was. Based on the results of these studies look more family stress, family resilience to adapt because it affects family adaptability in order to improve the existing defects to reduce family stress perspective rather than focusing on the strengths of family resilience must be done in terms of the transition is proposed.

A Family system of Family Business: Participation within a Family in a Small Family Business (가족기업의 가족체계: 소규모 가족기업에 있어서 가족구성원의 참여유형)

  • 김혜연;김성희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2000
  • Although the term 'family business' is relatively new, this style of business is universal. An Unusual feature that must be noted, is that even though it is a common style of business is not clearly defined. The purpose of this study is to identify the different family participation patterns, and the variables that effect different types of participation. '1997 Daewoo Panel Data' was used. Some descriptive statistics and a multinomial logit model were employed for the analysis. The standard type of business focused on in this study was a family owned and operated 'ma and pa' typed business and the sample was limited to households where one or both of the partners involved in a family owned and operated business. The main resets obtained from this sample were as follows: 1. Personal characteristics such as respondents' gender, age and educational level were important variables that effected the participation of family members in the business. As can be seen in the gender analysis, family businesses owned by men showed all available patterns of family operated businesses in relatively high numbers. A large percentage of businesses owned women were of self-employed pattern. According to the analysis by age and educational level, young people with a high level of education tend to managed their small businesses by employing others rather than utilising the self-employed or family operated pattern. 2. While big families showed a high percentage of a combination pattern of a family-run, and ordinary employer/employee company, relatively small families usually opted for purely family-run businesses. Whether the family have children under 6 or not, and the number of children under 6 did net significantly effect to the patterns of the family system of small family businesses. 3. The size, location and kind of family business also effected participation patterns of the family members significantly. These results suggest that further study will be required to gain more exact and meaningful information to help Korean family businesses.

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Fathers' work-family reconciliation type and its characteristics (아버지의 일·가정양립 유형과 일·가정양립 양상)

  • Lee, Hyun Ah;Kim, Seon-Mi
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2019
  • This study focuses on changes in a father's role from one that is work-centered to a work-family balance, analyzing the type of father's work-family reconciliation and to compare the differences among the types. An online survey was conducted with 1,037 fathers of school-aged children. The survey subjects were assigned to a ratio of 1:2:1:1 for fathers who have a child in kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school. The fathers' work-family reconciliation type was a variable composed of three categories: work-centered, family-centered, and work-family centered. In the research model of this study, the fathers' work-family reconciliation type was influenced by family characteristics(the age of first child, the number of children, dual earner, and spouse support) and work characteristics(weekly working hours, work flexibility, and leaving work on time). We analyzed characteristics of work-family reconciliation through housework time, child care time, leisure time, family meals, and time spend talking with their children. The results showed that father's work-family reconciliation type was significantly different according to the characteristics such as first child age and spouse support, work characteristics such as weekly working hours and leaving work on time. The time distribution differed significantly depending on the father's work-family reconciliation type. Therefore, a fathers' work-family reconciliation can be considered typified by the interaction of family and work characteristics. This study suggests policy implications for supporting fathers' work-family reconciliation.

A Study of Family Health During the launching stage of family (진수기 단계 가족의 가족건강에 대한 연구)

  • Noh Seung-Ok;Sung Myung-Sook;Jang Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 1998
  • Nursing science is focusing increasingly on family health care. Especially during the launching stage of family the grown-up sons daughters, and middlescent parents daughters have experienced a lot of change. The purpose of this study is to investigate the family health during the launching stage of the family by utilizing the family health assessment tool based on Roy's adaptation model. The Roy adaptation model was used as it is the best practice-based framework for Family Health Nursing Care. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The structure of the questionnaire was developed from the Family Health Assessment Tool by S.O. Jang(1996). The sample of 276 subjects was a convenient sample and data was obtained from November 14, 1996 to December 4, 1996. In order to analyze the collected data, this study utilized frequency, percentile, average, ANOVA, Cronbach's, and factor analysis. The results from this research are summarized as follows : 1. The degree of family health is average $95.24{\pm}9.40$ ranged in middle. 2. The significant difference between general characteristics and family health was only revealed with the major decision making person in the family. This research thus suggests the following : 1. The legal system is needed in order to check the family members' health state regularly. 2. With family nursing care, it has to identify who is the major decision maker in that family. 3. There is a need to redefine the family health assessment tool. 4. Further research will attempt to investigate family health in each family's developmental stage.

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A Study on the Education Plan for Empowerment of Healthy Family Specialists in the Family Policy Delivery System (가족정책 전달체계 전담인력의 역량강화를 위한 교육방안 모색을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Park, Jeongyun;Jeong, Jeeyoung;Song, Hyerim;Cho, Younghee;Lee, Hyunah
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.53-70
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    • 2015
  • The number of Healthy Family Support Centers has dramatically increased and the services for healthy families such as family education, family counsel, family culture and family care have increased during the past ten years since the Framework Act on Healthy Families was enacted. This growth is largely credited to Healthy Family Specialists. At a time when the family policy delivery system is changing, it is most urgent to enhance the capability of Healthy Family Specialists. In this study, we aim to investigate the current capability of Healthy Family Specialists and suggest the education plan for their empowerment. We collected data from 151 Healthy Family Support Centers by mail and e-mail in June 2014. There were total of 1,001 subjects for analysis(781 by mail and 220 by e-mail). We analyzed the capabilities of Healthy Family Specialist by service areas according to work-related characteristics and possession of a license. Our findings revealed that the capabilities of Healthy Family Specialist varied depending on the service year and whether or not having a licence. These results suggest that the education program for empowerment will provide a differentiated content according to the service year and whether or not having a license. This study contributes to a better understanding of Healthy Family Specialists' current capability and provides insights on how to enhance their capability in order to change the family policy delivery system.