• Title/Summary/Keyword: elementary school science national textbook

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Analysis of Contents of Reorganization of Textbooks by Pre-Service Teachers' on 'Comparison of Distances from Solar System to Planets' in First Semester of Elementary Science 5th Grade (초등과학 5학년 1학기 '태양에서 행성까지 거리 비교'에 대한 초등예비교사들의 교재 재구성 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Hae-Ran;Lee, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain implications for the improvement direction of astronomical education methods and development of educational materials or software. In connection with the 5th grade 1st semester elementary science 'Solar System and Stars' unit, elementary pre-service teachers were given a reorganization task to compare the relative distances from the sun to the planets, and then this was analyzed. Pre-service teachers are 11 male and 19 female students in the second year of the music education department at the elementary school teacher training university in B city. The implications of the study results are as follows. First, the 'distance comparison activity using a roll of tissue paper' is suitable for simply comparing the distances from the sun to the planet, but it has limitations in allowing students to experience the vastness of the solar system or inducing student participation-centered classes. Second, it is necessary to develop software materials for elementary school students that can simultaneously reflect the size of the planet and the distance to the planet that can be applied indoors, and also experience the vastness of the solar system, as well as a wide learning space. Third, textbook materials for students have an important influence on the class design of pre-service teachers.

A Conception Analysis on Reproduction and Inheritance of Elementary Preservice Teachers (예비초등교사들의 생식 및 유전에 관한 개념 분석)

  • Hong Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.351-359
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    • 2005
  • The aims of this research are to analyze elementary preservice teacher's conception and causes of their misconceptions on biological reproduction and inheritance. In future, it would be also to provide useful data for the effective teaching-teaming method in the elementary school as well as opportunities to correct their misconceptions, which help elementary preservice teachers have the appropriate scientific conceptions. Thirty kinds of test questions were designed in science curriculum for elementary students and biology textbook for university students in order to develop reproduction and inheritance's concepts. The questionnaire was given to 166 junior students of university of education in a local city. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 10.0 program. The major results are as follows: Among 30 test questions, 2 questions in plants, 5 questions in animals and 2 questions in gene were appeared as misconceptions over $50\%$. The major reason to hold the misconceptions was influenced by 'learning up to now' category. The selection reasons of response were significantly different between scientific conceptions and misconceptions in 10 questions by analysis of variance. The gender also showed statistically significant differences between scientific conception and misconception in 3 questions by $\chi^2$ test. The selection reasons according to gender were significantly different between male and female students in 5 questions. For the reasons in forming misconceptions, they may cause by stereotype, conscious priority, differences of experiences, interest or attention, lack of professional Knowledge, and so on. Therefore, it was concluded that this research may help elementary preservice teachers to reconsider their conception for reproduction and inheritance and to be successful in science instructions fur elementary students.

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Effect of Internet Addiction by Using Digital Textbook in Teenager (디지털교과서 활용이 인터넷 중독에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Seonghun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2015
  • Society and science digital textbooks were developed in 2014. That have been using in some elementary and middle school. But some people worry about the internet addiction of student accelerated by using digital textbook. However I didn't agree that, because studies about that had not been performed enough. So I analyzed effect of internet addiction by using digital textbook. As a result, Internet addicted students at class to be not using digital textbook are twice as many as Internet addicted students at class to be using digital textbook. But the difference between two groups do not means according to cross analysis. Therefore, I can't conclude that using digital textbook have an adverse effect on internet addiction.

Investigation of Scientific Argumentation in the Classes for Elementary Gifted Students (초등 단위 학교 영재 수업에서 나타나는 과학적 논증 과정에 대한 탐색)

  • Lim, Hyeon-Ju;Shin, Young-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.513-531
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    • 2012
  • This study was to analyze the characteristic of scientific argumentation in the classes for the gifted of elementary school. The participants of this study were 5 fifth graders and 9 sixth graders, 14 in total, from the basic unit schools for gifted students of J elementary school in Incheon city. And it constituted small scale groups made up of 2~3 students with similar or identical ability in scientific reasoning. It had set up hypothesis for each group before the experiment, and students had a group discussion as a whole after the experiment. Classes were conducted 4 times, all courses were recorded as a sound/video. The ability in scientific reasoning of the students was inspected, making use of SRT II by means of pre-survey, and their argumentation levels were analyzed, utilizing 'Rubric for scientific argumentation course assessment.' As a result, argumentations did not incurred in every class. Analysis in argumentations of the students resulted in low level argumentation. This means argumentation cannot incur based on that with the limit in understanding the principle of experiments over the threshold of textbook no matter that he is an gifted student or not. The student both in formal operational period and transition period (2B/3A), the ability of scientific thinking in upper level, was improved of his argumentative ability in an overall aspect. However, a student of concrete operational period, the ability of scientific thinking in lower level, had argumentation with still lower level even after the experiment at the moment of discussing with the students on the upper level of scientific thinking ability.

The Effects of Using Cartoon at Finishing Stage of Class on Scientific Attitude and Academic Achievement (학습정리 단계에서 만화자료를 활용한 수업이 과학적 태도 및 학업성취도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Cheol;Lee, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2010
  • This study is to verify the effects of classes at a finishing stage using cartoons depicting certain science textbook units on scientific attitudes and academic achievements of students, compared to those of classes using experiment and observation oriented textbooks. Participants of this study were 56 fifth graders at B Elementary School in Busan, and cartoon textbooks were developed based on 'Unit 1. Mirror & Lens' and 'Unit 3. Temperature & Wind' from a science textbook for the 1st semester, the year 5 to conduct cartoon led lessons just before ending a class till the 10th lesson, for the period of 4 weeks. The result of this study can be summarized as follows: Firstly, scientific attitudes improved better from the cartoon based lesson of a final stage than from the experiment and observation method, and especially more effective in lower groups among all other academic achievement levels as well as in male students. Secondly, academic achievements scored higher when cartoons were used in lessons than when the experiment and observation type was used, with higher groups of academic achievement levels working better, despite no significant gap existing between two genders. Thirdly, the memory transfer and sustenance of lessons were more effective in finishing class stage with cartoon studies than with experiment and observation one, and among all levels and both sexes, higher academic groups and male pupils exceeded. Fourthly, when questioned about their opinions on a cartoon led lesson for a final stage, 65% of those participants responded positively, while higher groups preferred more than lower groups. responded positively, while higher groups preferred more than lower groups.

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The Analysis on Patterns of Questions in Elementary School Science Textbooks under the 2007 Revised Curriculum (2007년 개정교육과정에 따른 초등 과학교과서에 제시된 발문의 유형 분석)

  • Choi, Yoon-mi;Lee, Hyeong Cheol
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to provide informations for developing next elementary school science textbooks and educational implications for a spot of science class through analyzing patterns of questions in the elementary school science textbooks under the 2007 revised curriculum. To get a meaningful results, the 2,446 questions extracted by operation definition from 3~6 grade science text books were analyzed by modified analysis frame work based on Blosser's classified system. The findings of this study were as follows: First, among 2,446 questions, the propositional pattern element had the highest rate, 49.2%, the appreciable pattern element had the lowest rate, 1.4%, of all pattern elements. Second, from the results of comparing patterns of questions in each grade's science textbook, as the grade went higher, the rate of the applicable and the divergent pattern element tended to increase, and that of the other elements tended to decrease. Third, as the results of comparing patterns of questions of 4 each field in elementary science textbooks, the energy field questions were the largest in number, followed by the substance field. The rate of the propositional pattern element was the highest of all question elements in common in each field. In the reproductive and the propositional pattern element, the energy and the substance field had a little higher rate than the other fields. On the other hand, in the applicable and the divergent pattern element, the earth and the life field had a little higher rate than the other fields.

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Effectiveness of Environmental Play Teaching Program using the Plant in Neighborhood Learning Gardens (교재원 식물을 활용한 환경놀이 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Choi, Don-Hyung;Yim, Eun-Young;Cho, Seong-Hoa
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.35-53
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is placed on the development and application of environmental play programs for elementary school students their utilizing the neighborhood learning gardens in their districts to find its effectiveness. The research questions drawn to attain the purpose of the research are as follows. Initially, analyze the contents related to the plant appearing in the textbooks of wise life, science and practical arts of the 7th elementary school curriculum. Secondly, develop a plant utilizing environmental play program targeted towards the 4th grade elementary school students with the results of the textbook analysis as the foundation. Third, apply the plant utilizing environmental play program into the classroom to verify its effectiveness. Based on the conclusion of this research, the following is to be proposed. First, the revitalization of regional environmental education utilizing the various surroundings of the region is essential. Also, the current method of education, which is focused on theoretical knowledge, and being operated in most of the schools need to be changed over to diverse environmental education programs that are linked with the region. For this, an internet based database, information sharing and exchange program centralized around the regional environmental education center needs to be prepared. Moreover, since this research had developed an environmental play program utilizing plants that focused on the 4th grade elementary school students to verify its effectiveness, the development for environmental play programs dealing with various themes for each grades is required. Lastly, although this research has verified the effectiveness in the variables of ecological knowledge, environmental susceptibility, environmental attitude, environmental concern, environmental function and responsible environmental behavior amongst the variables of environmental literacy but there requires a succeeding research considering the variables that haven't been included in this research.

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The Comparative Study of Questioning Type on the Grade 3 and 4 Science Textbook in Elementary School between the 2009 Curriculum and the Revised 2015 Curriculum (2009와 2015 개정 교육과정의 초등학교 3, 4학년 과학 교과서 발문유형 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-A;Kim, Yong-Gwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data that can be appropriately used for teaching and learning activities by comparing questions presented in the 2009 curriculum elementary science textbooks and questions presented in the elementary science textbooks of the 2015 revised curriculum, I would like to suggest some implications that may help. Therefore, questioning types of elementary science textbooks in 2009 curriculum and 2015 revised curriculum were compared and analyzed. First, in the present curriculum, it is necessary to increase the percentage of applied question as it aims to cultivate creative and convergent talent. Second, the increase in the percentage of open-ended questions that provide an opportunity for learners to think freely is a desirable change. Finally, it is necessary to increase importance of the question that can be applied to content learned and can be thought of as diffusive and evaluative.

Development of Elementary School Science Instructional Program for Nurturing Creativity - 1. Survey of the Status in Creativity Education - (창의력 계발을 위한 자연과 교수.학습 자료 개발 -1. 창의력 교육의 실태조사-)

  • Kang, Ho-Kam;Noh, Suk-Goo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Hong, Seok-In;Choi, Sun-Young;Won, Wyong-Jun;Ha, Jung-Won;Kim, Ji-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.542-559
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the teaching-learning materials for students' creativity in elementary school science class. For this, we asked some questions to both teachers and students: 25-item- questionnaires were given to 122 teachers in charge of 5th graders and 6th graders in elementary schools located in Seoul, Inchon and Kyonggi province, and 20-item-questionnaires to 825 students of 5th grade and 6th grade in the same schools. The results of this study are as follows: most of teachers admitted the need of creativity education, but they taught class mostly with textbook only. The lack of students' divergent thinking and creative scientific activities in science class made it difficult to develop students' creativity. Besides, teaching-learning materials for whole brain learning were not enough. In case that the students did not make experiment in class, they liked VCR tapes or TP materials Students thought that the most effective materials for class are VCR tapes and next were worksheets. Not a few students answer they do hard only interesting experiments. Most of students wanted worksheets including various interesting activities like games, quiz, experiments, drawing, etc.

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Development and Effects of Instruction Model for Using Digital Textbook in Elementary Science Classes (초등 과학 수업에서 디지털 교과서 활용 수업모형 개발 및 효과)

  • Song, Jin-Yeo;Son, Jun-Ho;Jeong, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.262-277
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    • 2017
  • Digital textbooks enable learning that is appropriate to the characteristics and level of learners through various interactions. The purpose of this study was to develop an instruction model that can more effectively use digital textbooks in elementary science classes and to verify its effectiveness. The results were as follows. The instruction model for helping learners complete their learning by using digital textbooks needs to receive diagnostic assessment and feedback on entry behavior, to build a self-directed learning environment, and to interact with teachers, students, and digital textbooks as scaffolding. In this study, we developed an instruction model using digital textbooks reflecting these characteristic. The instructional model consists of preparation, practice and solidity step. In the preparation step, the learner performs a diagnostic evaluation using digital textbooks. Based on the results, feedback provided at each level can complement the entry behavior and maintain interest in learning activities. In the practice step, self-directed learning is implemented using diverse functions of digital textbooks and various types of data. In the solidity step, learners can internalize the learning contents by reviewing video clips which are provided by teachers, performing problem-solving activities, and accessing outcomes accumulated by learners in the community online. In order to verify the effectiveness of this model, we selected the "Weather and our Life" unit. This experiment was conducted using 101 students in the 5th grade in B Elementary School in Gwangju Metropolitan City. In the experimental group, 50 students learned using a smart device that embodies digital textbooks applied with the instruction model. In the comparative group, 51 students were taught using the paper textbooks. The results were as follows. First, there was a significant effect on the improvement of the learning achievement in the experimental group with low academic ability compared with the comparative group with low academic ability. Second, there was a significant effect on self-directed learning attitude in the experimental group. Third, in the experimental group, the number of interactions with the learner, teacher, and digital textbook was higher than the comparative group. In conclusion, the digital textbooks based on the instruction model in elementary science classes developed in this study helped to improve learners' learning achievement and self-directed learning attitudes.